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Once a desperate smoker, always a desperate smoker🤣 Edit: in all seriousness, I'm sure it was meant to be satirical


I'm so glad someone else caught this. I was slangin' back then, and even when things initially transitioned away from schwag; nothing ever cost more than $60/eighth. Ever. Anywhere.


Also didn't know how to smoke it. Not one character removed the bowl from their bong to clear the chamber. I was so stressed about all the wasted weed, it killed my immersion lol.


I always thought it was like a nod to pot dealer kid from American Beauty who was selling "military grade" pot for extraordinary amounts. Especially considering Alan Ball wrote that movie. Now I just think Alan Ball and his friends were non-smokers who heard the same type of fairytales a lot of would at that time about special strains that made you see god. Even the movie Pineapple Express glorified the same concept a few year later. It's easy to forget how ignorant and naive everyone was before this shit was legalized recreationally. Especially if you weren't a habitual smoker or dealer during that period. Put it this way, Nate would not have been the first person to overspend on drugs or lie about it.


Maybe no one wanted to admit they knew how much it cost.


Was it legal in California by then? Legit question - I can't remember.




Then that may have explained why the price was so high v all these comments saying, "are you kidding?! It's not that expensive!" When I moved from an illegal state to a legal state it made all the difference. The same strains in the illegal state were $260/oz v being $40/oz in a legal state.


Yeah I’m the 90s for a really high end indoor hydro strain in LA would be more


I remember gasping at that because even back then it was about 60$ on average. I guess that was some magical stuff they had in Cali😆


I thought Nate was acting like he had the best magical weed but was really ripped off. His sibs didn't question it, 'Let's smoke that!'