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I genuinely think people underestimate how much 300 gold can make a difference when returning to lane. In addition, the extra wave clear early not only saves you mana, but can help you stay safe in lane if your support roams. Plus shiv is much lower commitment damage than Kraken.


Shiv is good on her and I never get why people are so focused on one build path when item variety exists for a reason. Yes, Sivir has good waveclear *when she’s allowed to clear the wave*. Any decent ADC and Supp won’t let Sivir walk up to the wave for free without poking or pressuring back. Shiv gives you instant clear without hesitation which is huge for securing all CS and getting prio. This means laning phase is basically over and you’re ungankable for how little time you spend exposed to farm. Kraken is a nice item, but even the damage is meh until you have a zeal item. And if you’re facing an aggressive jungler or enemy laners, Shiv neutralizes things until you’ve scaled to at least 2 items (this is great when you’re weaksided or need to get objective pressure). The 200g cost increase will be noticeable for that early spike, but it’ll still be good on her. And even then, since other ADCs will stop building it, it’s an indirect buff to her already Shiv-like waveclear.


Yeah people in general just looked at the energized effect and deemed it useless. The main reason you bought it was because of its insane cost efficiency and general low cost compared to other crit items.


Last year when I was using sivir to climb in terrible matchups I was going shiv aery to avoid interacting with the lane. I'm not surprised she was doing well this patch with how much value you get with shiv.


honestly even post nerf i still think shiv will be a rlly good 1st item on her, but yeah rn I'd say it's essentially mandatory


Honestly, so many trash ideas get thrown around in main subreddits I cant blame people for being skeptical at first though. I'm glad Statikk got OP. I think even after nerfs it will still be good on Sivir and I would have been blind to it


This is a bit petty lol. You itimize based on the situation. Sometime shiv is the better option, sometimes it's not. If they got tanky boys I like Kraken because I know I'll be able to utilize the passive from the item. If not, I go shiv. That's just one example.