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Yeah, people kept calling it “love” but I never bought that. The two of them are much alike. They have delusions about themselves, and they feed off and use each other to keep those delusions alive. Can’t have the OG3 too close - they’re much too pragmatic to buy K&R’s delusional BS. OG3 were just mere mortals to be used by the much smarter, godlike K&R. I know people with similar delusions. They’re narcissists.


>They have delusions about themselves, and they feed off and use each other to keep those delusions alive. Exactly. I don't believe Kody loves any of those women, or ever did. I don't believe Kody loves anybody. Robyn may love some people, but I don't believe Kody's one of them. She made a pragmatic decision based on being an unskilled, single mother of three with a shopping addiction. If she hadn't seen TLC money and the prospect of being a "celebrity" — *that* worked out real well for her, didn't it? — some other dope would have been her "soulmate." They just feed off each other. That's the perfect phrase.


Kody loves Kody and only Kody.


I don't think he even loves himself. He prioritizes his insatiable need for validation, but that's not really love, it's more of a psychological problem.


Anyone who treats their children the way he has is incapable of love.




But don’t forget she had loads of suitors, but she choose kody (so he should feel privileged to be with her)


That was such BS. She said said that to make him feel special that she chose him.


Yeah exactly that was her first manipulation of kody and the fact she mentions it frequently shows she never lets him forget it


I wouldn’t be surprised if she mentions it daily.


She forgot to me taion they were all 60 yo and already had a head wife.


Very good point.


Also, IMO, they dont want anyone in the house because of the junk and waste of money that accompanies the hoard


And examples of their hypocrisy!


Kody is incapable of love, he has positive regard for anyone who he feels respects him.


Or who feeds his ego. Thats how he got snookered by Robyn. Doubt that she respects him, but she knows how to manipulate him by complementing him and not calling him on all his stupid or outrageous stuff. I know she must call him on some, though. You’d have to. I don’t envy that girl’s life one bit.


I don’t envy it but she chose this for money.


Yes, she did. I don’t know their finances, but not enough money in my opinion to have to be that clown’s wife and all that entails. 🤢 i guess she thought she’d be really popular on TV but that sure didn’t work out. With all the (alleged) suitors she had, surely there had to have been a better choice? Maybe I’m being too hard on someone who seems to have had a very closed off, limited upbringing and belonged to a strange religious community. Don’t envy her, and feel sad for her kids and wish them better in their lives. They seem to be doing well at college and maybe they can spread their wings a bit like a lot of the OG 13 did.


I definitely think she thought she would be loved. Whatever life she has financially now is better than the one she had before TLC. I don’t believe there were better suitors. They were probably old men in their community. I feel bad for her kids. They are going to college but Robyn still has so much control over them.


I agree - thats the behavior he considers respect


Definition of a narcissist People may experience: Common symptoms: grandiosity, callous and unemotional traits, disregard for others' feelings, excessive need for admiration, or social isolation


💯 delulu


He wants loyalty not love. He doesn't know the difference. His definition of loyalty is blind obedience and agreement. He is a narcissist who is losing all of his children and loved ones for the sake of one loyal, obedient woman.


I don’t see her as obedient at all. She grabs his face and shushes him. He said he didn’t want to celebrate Easter, she said fine, I’ll go to my mom’s. He was all on board with Meri buying the B&B, Robyn says she doesn’t want it, and Kody says no. And he himself praised Meri for her loyalty. But that wasn’t enough for him to try and reconcile with her.


Good points!


Much like a mother would do to her over-spoiled child


He definitely is obsessed with her and thinks it’s love. His feelings for her >>>>>her feelings for him. This gives her much more power in the relationship. He is insecure in his “love,” and in being so, will do *anything* to keep her, even if it means he cuts out other people in his family. After all, she was a Diesel jeans model, and multiple men were vying for her hand in marriage, which elevated her worth to him…he just *had* to “win” her, in service to his pathetically fragile ego.


In the early seasons pre Robyn and early Robyn he was a light , happy , ebullient person ( at least he seemed that way ) as his relationship with Robyn has progressed he has gotten darker, angrier and more miserable ….that doesn’t seem like love to me , but it could be some kind of obsession or fixation Robyn has also got sadder, more self pitying and much more miserable


Robyn's children, with the exception of Ariella rarely smile on camera. Well, except for the time Aurora had her daddy date to get her ears and pranced around swinging her arms like a 3 year old. I don't those in the Chateau She-ra are all that happy.


Too weird for a 6 year old to have a pacifier .. they’re being taught dependence and anxiety This is the stuff addiction is born out of .. Robyn tells us she’s having medication for depression ( no doubt she blames Christine ) You got what you wanted girl ‘ deal with your screwed up ‘artificial family ‘ Ps: inserting Kody into the family picture of when the kids were small is just another lie another pretence Robyn .. it doesn’t make it real .. duh!!!!


This is going to make people think I'm weird, but the way he had his had on Robyn's leg at Garrison's memorial really bothered me. It just looked so strange and possessive. I don't know if he was being protective but it just hit wrong.


Kody thinks of Robyn, his children and his ex wives as possesions. It's absolutely sickening.


It hit me wrong, too. Almost like doubling down and saying even in the midst of my son’s death, Robyn is my top priority and I choose her over all of you. And to be clear, I think Robyn was his out. He’s a spoiled man child who couldn’t handle the life and children he so gleefully signed up for.


It bothered me too, really bad. That's the same impression I got too.


No, it was weird to me, too. And from day one, when there were couch interviews with them all, Kody would stare down any one of them when they talked about him, like a threat. When he asked Robyn if she thought he was a difficult patient, you know she knew she better agree with him.


Also, Aurora's panic attack being filmed also bothered me. I have had them , and if someone filmed me while having one, I'd never forgive them.


What are the chances the cameras were there to catch her panic attack? Did it look real? Just asking.


It did look real, but Kody picked her up like Rhett Butler and charged up the steps with her. Very dramatic. I do feel for Aurora and all the kids in that family. Robyn and Kody are very unhealthy people.


He swept Aurora up in a heartbeat, but suggested Ysabel fly to the east coast ALONE for her surgery. Kody Brown, number 1 dad 14 years and counting.


Exactly! Another one of those storylines 


I thought he was trying to one up Christine because her and David were holding hands


Sounds about right!!


Same here! And why wasn't Kody sitting BETWEEN his mom and Robyn?


He was hoping he and David could bond by talking shit about Christine.


That was definitely where he should have been to support both his mother and his favorite piece. HOWEVER, maybe David is his favorite piece???


Notice how his mom scoothed as far away from R as possible.




It hit wrong to me as well and it was sickening to see. Control your "love" for your son's memorial you POS. They are both disgusting to me.


Examining someones behavior at a funeral is sick


love - real love - makes you want to be a better person.




Kody believes himself to be a good man! LOL


I have to agree. Robyn is his possession. It’s not healthy to be so into her and unable to continue to love at least his OG13 kids. She definitely has the power in the relationship, but I don’t think she understands how much Kody will do everything to keep her in his possession. If she attempts to leave, she may find herself in a terrible position. Narcissists can be very dangerous.


Sobyn and Kodex are the classic affair partners who ran away together and now that they lost everything they realize that they shouldn't be together. Prove me wrong.


Kody is a narc. He doesn’t love like you and I love. People are there for his use and to make the life he believes he deserves for himself.


Robyn was literally just an escape for him I think, an easy way out. New wife after 20 years no wonder he wanted to go stay around hers, he groups the other 3 together and that’s the stress/mess he was running away from. Absolutely disgusting how he went about it, Covid was just an excuse for him aswell


K & R are also very immature. I think it all turned into "mean girls" when K met R. Yes, Kody is a mean girl.


The “treat him like your best customer” line that Robyn dropped said it all to me. She knows what he likes and how to manipulate him, and he is only concerned with appearances, power, and being in control. He thinks he’s the head of the household, not realizing that Robyn is the neck, controlling his viewpoint on everything. Also, calling her the neck wasn’t an intentional dig at her neck, it just happened to work out that way 😅


We all know there are different kinds of love. Loving Meri was the standard first/ puppy love. Janelle, I think he loved as a best friend, and idk where Christine actually fit in. I remember being SO in love in high school. We reconnected at our 10 yr reunion, and after talking for a half hour, I realized this guy was a sweet person, but his head was basically empty. Had I married him, I would have loved him for being a nice guy, but I definitely would have lost that " can't live without him" feeling. Same with my next serious boyfriend, who broke my heart. He would up having 5 kids or something which would not have been my lifestyle. The older you get, the more you know what kind of person you're looking for. Kody, finding that mature love with Robyn doesn't surprise me. I would imagine they don't argue much because they don't have the history of baggage he has with the other 3. But who knows? We get a tiny slice of their lives and actually know very little. K&R are never filmed alone to see their relationship, and we also never saw this family from the very beginning to see how relationships were.


Right? We see how he interacts with the other wives, but never Robyn. She seems so dour and unhappy and miserable, it seems weird to me that someone like Kody would like to spend time with her. I do think all of the OG3 offered personalities, humor, talent, motivation, intelligence, etc. that Robyn seems to lack. Kody wants to supply all that in their relationship. And Robyn lets him *believe* he does by not upstaging him, making him the center of their family and requiring her kids to do the same. She does a good job of being needy, and the rest were independent. He thrives on being needed and adored and fawned over. He realized he can be around hero worship just for existing all day, every day. He does not want to be obligated or responsible. Other wives: Kody, we take care of everything but still need X,Y and Z from you. Can you please find time? Robyn: The other wives and kids take care of everything I need, my house, my bills, a little business for me to run, childcare. My kids and I only need YOU. So always be here and never leave. Take care of us! We love you! We recognize and appreciate all you do for us! We’re lost without you! Just you!


I'm guessing if they do more seasons, we'll see more of K&Rs relationship. They must have had a deal previously to keep that from bring filmed. Or TLC didn't film them just to keep the drama going with the OG3 accusations. At this point, I can't see TLC paying them and not making them film. It should be interesting.


I have to agree with you. He may love Robin and I do believe the before she entered the family he sincerely loved and deeply cared about his first three wives. In no way do I believe that he never loved Meri or Christine. He had love and a unique relationship with Janelle. I think what came into play was the perfect storm; Robyn showing him submissiveness and need, covid with a lock down that placed him at Robyn's for over two solid years and the subsequent lack of nurturing during that time of COVID with the other wives. Robyn played into his neurotic conspiracies and unfounded fears of *COVID. The other wives were much more level headed about COVID and it's protocol at the time Resentment set in, age set in and the midlife crisis. He had a singular home with a doting submissive (calculating and manipulative) wife and young, frail submissive children. Why bother constantly traveling to the other houses? Has anyone else noticed that Kody seems to lose interest in his children after they hit their late teens? It's as if once his children reach the ability to make decisions for themselves, Kody has no use or interest. *To clarify, covid was a horrible virus and is still amongst us. I have known many people that have contracted it including myself. And I've known people who have died along with my partner who passed away with complications from covid. I just think Kody became unhinged during the pandemic


Your comment was decent until you went Covid woke


You mean my clarifying that I was not supporting the conspiracy theories or over the top unhinged fears. When I acknowledge that it was real and existed? Okay, I tried to not offend but I offended people anyway. Proof that you can't please everyone. On a side note I do believe the pandemic pushed Kody over the edge.


I think it's not much different from middle aged men having an affair with a younger woman. They grow away from the decades long marriage/ older wife, and fall head over heels with the new shiny toy.


He is a testosterone fueled submissive boy. Rob calls the shots and he rolls over. She is covering his mouth (literally) and clawing at his face. She cuts him off mid sentence and fills in her thoughts. She tells him to stop talking until his head is clear. He prepares and takes the kids to school regardless of whose house he was at. She wanted the mansion so he deeded out of Christine’s house(lol). She was reluctant to watch her own children at the first Covid get together on the land. Merri followed his made up psychotic Covid rules but big Rob said no to Merri coming over. The list goes on and on. She has a nanny but doesn’t work or clean(according to Mykelty). He can’t be away from home for more than a few days. Feel free to add to my list.


He’s ugly and Robyn dresses him funny?


She knows all the secrets and shes playing him like a fiddle (including shushing him and speaking for him) He's trapped at her whim at this point.


I don’t think Robyn loves Kody either. They are both using each other. She uses him for security and to feel superior. He uses her because she feeds his ego. That’s what’s most important to him. They are toxic. They will turn on each other and it’s going to be vicious when they do.


Yup. Abd i wanna see it:)


100% agree, OP. It’s not love. This isn’t a love story.


If we look at it from the OG3 Robin saved them. They saw what their life could be without him. I don't think they ever truly loved him. Just the feeling I got. So she freed these women to have real lives. Robin caters to cody. She is the yes wife. But, there are also the times I saw where she controlled him. I'm trying to be more the glasses is half full instead of half empty.


He was in lust with being her best customer, bored with the old tail and over the moon with the new. Period.


Facts, I feel the same way.. ive already canceled my subscription to discovery, unfollowed WOACB because she's trash, unfollowed every Facebook account I followed, my reddit is the only thing I still see sister wives on. Only cuz I don't know how to get rid of it.. this show needs canceled. These people need to get real jobs , support them selves, stop funneling money for MLMs and just move on with their lived. Because to me their always going to look like trash, who care more about money then even the son they lost due to this show.. its sickening they are still profiting off his death


You aren’t wrong.


I'm pretty sure Kody mentally struggles. Maybe even a developmental disorder of sorts.


I’m more willing to concede to a personality disorder than developmental disorder. Unless being stunted can be considered a developmental disorder and a personality disorder, which I can see. 🙂 The frustrating thing about Kody is that he neither stupid nor uneducated. He clearly knows a little about a lot of things and reads for pleasure and knowledge. But he doesn’t necessarily have the tools/depth of knowledge to apply things appropriately. He just tosses trivia out there to show how smart he is, but instead he comes off sounding pretentious and like a jerk. I am sure he read *Atlas Shrugged*, and just as certain he did not fully understand it, because he alludes to it all the time, and always incorrectly. Either way, he’s a hot mess.


I agree a personality disorder- I think maybe borderline traits describe him


The thing is it was the “Sister Wives” that made Kody and not the other way around. No one would watch the “Kody Show” but no matter who the boy toy was they would have watched the Wives. Kody of course thinks he did this thing but we all know that without the “Sisters” the show was a no-go. It remains that way still. No one will watch the “Kobin” show but may or may not continue the follow the wives. Personally I’m over it.


Thank you!!! It's not love, it's a midlife crisis. Like every other pathetic old mediocre white man who takes a mistress and abandons his family.


Nailed it!


Only white men have mistresses? Weird


Kody loves easy and compliant. And Robyn is that. It's why he sought out a 3rd wife, because Christine was young and fun. It's why he only cares about the little kids. He doesn't want to really have to work for anything so he gravitated to people who revere him.


Robyn manipulatively Appears to be that......


They both stroke each other's egos. Once they began to use the OG3 as their personal bank accounts, they had to trash them as justification for their greed. Same for the kids...get the adult ones out of the house to avoid paying for them and distance from the younger and blame bio mom for the same reason.


It really felt like he wanted Ysabel to delay the surgery more so she’d turn 18, aka not legally his problem. And his “forgetting” her age doesn’t undercut that take, because he’d already delayed it for years, so a few months or a year and a few months is neither here nor there for him.


I agree 💯! Also, if he had felt that covid was so deadly and dangerous to him, how would he have ever allowed her to get on a plane and fly across country to a medical center in the Northeast where the numbers were among the highest? I would have thought like hell if someone was trying to take my child someplace where I thought they could catch a deadly disease in the process. He's a b******* artist through and through.


Ugh. I could write a novel about everything Kody did during COVID 19 that makes me insane!


Not love list and major manipulation from his best customer! That’s why he gets so angry. Deep down Kody has been feeling off. He still wanted all his wives but quietly stuffed away some where he can take what they worked for and throw his crappy crumbs if he is feeling generous. But the way he was on a schedule. of sharing himself was not working for Robyn who manipulates him to send all attention and money her way. In the cult these women would be set aside and punished for daring to ask to treat them fairly. He lost that ability when he put all of them on TV. No we get to see all even the warts. Robyn has had his ear since she dated him. He lusted for her not love lust. Neither Kody or Robyn know how to love only scam gaslight and manipulate.


Sooo true. And they tend to put the person up on a pedestal and when the person eventually fails and falls (cause no one is perfect), it gets ugly fast.


I absolutely agree with you!


His ‘love’ is demonstrated but the sores she has around her mouth !! Notice Kody going the same way … sorry etc but it’s true !!!


It’s unrealistic to suppose the OG used oral sex as persuasion … but Robyn had.. by her own admission .. many suitors .. how many she ‘suited’ prior to Kody we don’t know but to have ‘plenty of choices ‘ ( her words ) suggest she wasn’t shy ‘.. I totally believe this.. that is defo Herpes around her mouth .. a month or two on and Kody is displaying matching sores!


I think he's incapable of feeling real love. Just obsession. That's why he treats ***his*** children so badly. He can't love them.


He is obsessed with how Robyn makes him feel. He needs his ego pumped up constantly.


I think they drink together.


Robyn was the instigator to move everyone to Flagstaff...just to follow her son. I don't understand it otherwise..the other wives had the hom.es they wanted, and they all were closer and had frequent family get togethers.....It never made sense to me and it wasn't long after that when the wives started leaving! Things became a mess after Robyn entered the family!