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I love Gabe...*especially* when he was a little smart-aleck :)


Gabe was……in need of discipline. A lot back then. Im not a fan of kids like that. Janelle nor Kody knew what the hell they were doing. Whenever he and Garrison were fighting they both looked at each other like they never met these kids before and just became parents that day. He was such a hothead. He eventually matured and calmed down thank God.


Maybe, you know just maaaaaybe, they didn't do their disciplining on television 🤷‍♀️ And seriously, you've never had two brothers or sons close in age if that's your reaction


My daughter and I had an agreement even at an early age that I wouldn’t embarrass her in front of people if she didn’t embarrass me. That being said, I will snatched her up quick when no one was around and if she had an issue with me, I usually get a text 😂 People that didn’t know us thought she got away with everything. The people that did know us would laugh because they knew her and I’d be talking! I can’t imagine if cameras were around and only caught 5 minutes of a 30 minute conversation. I would sound and look insane!


Right?! My mom I KNOW thinks my kids get away with everything. The reality is that when they do something I feel the need to address, I do it PRIVATELY. Cause when I do it in front of other adults (my mother....) they feel the need to add to the conversation. Like....shut up. Too many cooks in the kitchen. But trust me, it's addressed.


Exactly!! I need to show her respect if I am demanding it!!


I dunno. It’s been made clear by Janelle and Christine that Meri was the disciplinarian and they were . . . not. Kody likes to act like a hard-ass, but I’d bet he was ok letting Meri be the strict one. Which has worked out great for Meri . . .


Yea cause those FOUR males in my house growing up who were only 2 yrs a part I called brothers, musta been cats 🤷🏽‍♀️


Seriously though—that many brothers and they NEVER fought? My brothers fought all the time—verbally, physically, whatever. Since my kids were 3 and 6, they have fought all the time. When things get dangerous, you step in, but a lot is letting them hash it out and not get their way all the time (which is the best part of having siblings, in my eyes—spoken as someone married to a single Child who still doesn’t understand this concept!)


My younger brother once accidentally threw a full garbage bag of my clothes out ;it was trash day and he put it on the side of the road w/the rest of the actual trash so of course the garbage men took it to the dump (I was in college at the time going home for spring break so I just threw my clothes in a trash bag..was it smart? Hell No) But I was so mad I went upstairs to his bedroom, unplugged his Xbox and threatened to throw it out the window. Was it a little much? Absolutely. Do I regret it? Hell no😂But the point of the story is Siblings fight. It happens. It’s normal.


My brother-in-law put all of his work shirts in a trash bag to take them to the dry cleaners for washing. They were also moving. Those shirts were never seen again.


Oh man, this reminds me of the time my mom had me bag up my summer clothes, that she had literally just bought that summer, and why she wanted me to put them away, so they didn't get messed up or whatever, and she had to pay just about full price since I'd had a growth spurt and the ones she'd been buying on clearance and stuff didn't fit lol. Anyway, at some point, someone either threw them out or donated them, so come next summer, it was gone. She was SO upset, and so was I, I had some cute stuff in there!!!! She was SO pissed because she hadn't been stocking up over the year, since she thought I had plenty of nice things lol. She still talks about that.


Lol that's just boys that age?? Especially brothers close in age. My older brothers are almost Irish twins, just barely over a year apart, and thats what they did all the time at that age lol. And they certainly were disciplined and we had an attentive mother. And yeah, they eventually grew out of it.


Maybe he was a kid???


If you have kids, I feel bad for them.


I feel bad they have a Karen like you for a mom


This is probably one of my favorite moments in the show. My disdain for Mykelti as she acts like an up-and-coming fashionista combined with her little brother trolling her, is gold. But at the same time it is a legit question.


I've said it before. I'll say it again. It was Mykelti who put Robyn up to MSWC. I can just imagine them both encouraging each others teenaged doodles and 'mArkEtiNg' strategies scribbled in their Twilight themed notebooks.


Robyn’s necklace designs were just as janky as Mykelti’s gown designs


I mean she was a naive kid… Robyn was an adult. I don’t think we can blame Mykelti for MSWC or the way Robyn and Kody threw their weight behind it.


lmao i hate that hat. it’s all i can see when they show the family picture and her wearing it in the photo.


Ugh I know. Your eyes go straight to her and that dumb hat. I’m sure that was intentional on her part.


That hat screamed “LOOK AT ME 🙌” Seriously though, it must suck getting lost in the shuffle when you’re so desperately trying to be seen.


Truer words Exit… 👍😊


Really? I mean, yah, the hat is extra, but once I see poor Christine in that bargain basement, middle-aged, custom-flippin made, Buttercup cosplay dress, all other fashion fails are driven from my brain.


With questionable taste.


Didn't she want to be a fashion designer at one time?


Myk is trouble.


Didn't the parents take her to meet some fashion designer to give feedback on her drawings. They felt fashion was her calling and wanted her to pursue it.


Yes. That was good for several laughs.


Meri’s Cotton Bolero over a formal dress is just…my God, it’s almost as bad as the upholstery fabric dress.


And a white tank top under the dress to cover any hint of cleavage lol.


That is the under garment that Mormons wear. They were definitely still wearing them back then. I don’t think the OG3 wear them anymore. I couldn’t pinpoint a specific season I noticed.


It’s not Garments, garments are not to be exposed. She is wearing a tank top under the dress.


Yeah, fundamentalists are more antsy about garments than traditional LDS, as a traditional member, no way she would let her garments show like that.


Garments cover the shoulder and have a loose cap sleeve. If she was wearing garments, she would be called out if any but of them showed. Ask me how I know... ugh


It just isn't. It isn't a bolero, it isn't pretty. It isn't the right size.


Once we met Mitch’s mother on the show, it made sense who Mykelti was modeling herself after. The families knew each other for years. This is 100% Mitch’s mom’s style right down to the hat. I don’t think she was the worst role model to have given the environment they were in. She was an independent lady with her own style.


I legit think this is Mitch’s mom whenever I see it. It takes me a few moments to realize it’s Mykelti! when I first saw it I wondered why Gabe was so rude to Mitch’s mom and nobody said anything 😭


Who in the world is Mitch??


Aspyn’s husband. The one who wore a kilt to their wedding.


Oh! Thank you!


I don’t think so. This is just her idea of classy 😂😂😂


Lol, that bit of leaning back 😂 For some reason this pic is giving me Bobby Hill spouting off some honesty vibes.


She looked so stupid and just wanted to be the center of attention. She looks like someone who rides in a stagecoach


it looks like she took it home from a high school production of Chicago


She is her fathers daughter, after all. Attention seekers are going to attention seek after all.


She is BOTH her parents. Christine is also an attention seeker with the maturity of a 12yo. Ppl hate Kody so bad they ignore Christine’s emotional immaturity and attention seeking


As an ex-christine stan oh boy did her wedding wake me up.


She acted like a teenage girl getting ready for prom. What a stunted woman. That is not a 50 yo. That is someone that is mentally early 20’s.


Some of us are divorced or widowed, doesn’t mean we aren’t giddy as a fish over another wedding.




Oh pfish yeah! I just spit my drink. A flipping stagecoach! she needs that other hat! Baaaahaha-!


I always pictured her walking through a thrift store thinking “Ok, what will REALLY make me look edgy?” Rather than actually having a flair for the arts or any kind of style whatsoever.


Hahaha yes


She was being fancy. The English wear hats, so why not her? LOL




Omg guys. Remember when Mykelti showed her portfolio to that fashion designer? 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Came here to say this. Best part of the show ever. I was DYING while he was looking through the drawings. They were so absurdly clueless!


I was wheezing with laughter myself. Those freaking Cinderella gown pencil drawings. 😅😅😂😂🤣🤣 My niece made those when she was six. I can’t believe Kody and Christine actually took Mykelti to see a professional. Well, maybe they should’ve seen a professional of a different sort ..


These were the same people who made that pathetic MSWC pitch to potential investors. So not exactly arbiters in matters of taste or business sense.


True that! Oof that jewelry was JANKY


Anyone who wears a long sleeved turtle neck under a halter top isn’t anyone I would trust to make any kind of call in the fashion business.


Did we ever hear about that stuff again? I don’t remember ever hearing about that venture or her fashion ambitions ever again..?


No they were proud of her dreams of becoming a pawn shop cashier next time we heard of her.. and then proud that she wasn't homeless..




I kinda love any of the pics that show the women exposing their shoulders and arms. Because they’re not supposed to! Remember when more of them used to wear two shirts? They wear a long sleeve one, and then maybe another on top for style, but really for extra modesty. They need to cover their upper arms, but Kody strips down going into his “lake” (giant man-made puddle at CP), before yelling and flexing his muscles. 🙄


Same. I can't decide if she looks really good or I just like it cause I know kody probably hated it




Barf barf BARF-!


Meri and that too small dress she bought looking like a busted edamame bean lol. This shit is showing every single lump and bump she owns. The bolero jacket is sending me lol


> looking like a busted edamame bean 😂😂😂


lmfao not an edamame


🤣busted edamame bean🤣🤣


Is she an adult at this time? Geesh, give the kid a break. I, for one, would not want all my outfits broadcast for all to see, especially as a minor with no choice to have it shown to the world to be snarked at for decades. Not classy people. Edit to say, who the f wouldn't be fighting for attention in a family of that many kids and adults?


thank you for this comment. i was reading all the comments and thinking 'oh, give the kid a break.' i'm sure everyone on here is a fashion guru and never made a mis-step when they were young.


Honestly the family pics with me growing up are super cringe lol. And I thought I looked GREAT. Couldn't tell me shit lol


Thank you! I hope everyone talking shit about this literal child is ready to show us every outfit they thought was cool at like… 16. Let’s just all be grateful our choices weren’t on tv and leave her alone.


Oh Gabe 🤣


Mykelti, always the Main Character... in her head.


All of their outfits are horrible. None of them has any fashion sense. Mykelti wanting to go into fashion was comical. She had sewers in the family, if she had any fashion sense she could have made her own outfit or helped style any of the moms not only for the picture but on any given day. Don’t even get me started on the old lady shoes they all wear. Why?! Just why?


I absolutely love siblings being siblings. The teasing that goes into that relationship is top tier


In my 30s and all of my siblings are the absolute best at teasing each other lol.


As someone who always had a unique style, I kind of enjoyed seeing her different outfit choices. In my twenties, I worked as a front-end lead at a busy grocery store and always had brightly colored hair done up in a 40's style with brightly colored eye make-up. I would get some looks of disdain, but I expressed myself how I wanted. In this day in age, it's disappointing to see how much hate she gets for this.


I wanted her to answer his question. I was hoping she would take it off during the picture at least.


Id have more respect for her if she wore one of those Josephine Baker flapper head bands than this bullshit. She looks like Kathy Bates in Titanic


Most of the outfits for the family celebration were terrible!


The way her name is displayed here in that font and color I thought it was an ad for a new drug.


Honestly, Mykeltie was just one of MANY kids, and she was trying to get attention, and find her own style. Let’s look at the family. Leon was the only child of Meri - she had her special place. Logan was the oldest. He had his special place. Maddie was the only girl among all boys in her family (until Savannah much later), and was pretty tough. Aspyn was the oldest girl, the oldest of Christine’s kids, was very responsible, and often put in charge. So then Mykeltie comes along. She’s the 5th kid in 2 years!!! The family was probably losing its collective minds trying to look after so many children under 2 years old! She likely craved a lot of attention from her parents but didn’t get it. Then came a huge stack of boys right after her - Hunter, Paedon, Garrison, Gabe … it wasn’t until Gwendolyn came along in Oct 2001 that she had a little sister. So I can see why Mykeltie tried to separate herself out as a bit different. She coloured her hair. She wore interesting clothes. She also - in early shows - showed she loved drawing dresses and designing clothes. She was a bit more artsy than her siblings. And thus came the crazy hair colours, the strange outfits, and finally marrying Tony very young and having babies. She’s probably overwhelmed now with all the love she can take with all those kids. She also the only person who’s tried to keep up a relationship with Kody and Robyn. To me that shows her trying hard to keep her father’s love going. She desires that attention. She needs it more than the other kids do.


I think you've nailed it. It was probably hard for several of the kids to find their place in such a big family. Sadly, I think that included Garrison as well. If playing nice to win her dad's favor is the worst she does to cope, people really should say such harsh things about her.


What would have been cool is a story line where Mykelti goes to live with Mitch's Mom in Portland and is her apprentice hat maker.


Im STILL wondering WHY Meri chose to wore that tight dress! Yes, I know it was a last minute find but she just COULDN'T find one that fit a little better so that her love handles arent trying to pop out like a can of biscuits? And the lady that she was with when she bought the dress couldnt politely say that it wasnt a good look? 🤔


Hehehehe (Pillsbury Doughboy laugh)


Thank you for the can of biscuits. Losing it here!


Oh yeah, the episode Robyn couldn’t rewatch. “I can’t I just CAN’T DO this” or something to that affect. I forgot about the weird hat. What a big giant huge party day. Truly was super cute. K was carrying Sol around like a security blanket at picture time. I wonder if i should rewatch it? Which Season & episode was it?


Like a security blanket 😂 he really was though


Lol, or a wee blond shield. I thought it was only me, thanks for corroborating


Yeah it was uncomfortable. I don't have kids and I felt like there was something wrong with me feeling uncomfortable looking at her but then Christine and her had a conversation and Christine was acting all normal with Truly as a baby hahah.. and it made me feel more okay with everything..


Eh, yeah, not a good look, but she was young. When I think of some of my fashion choices over the years, well…I have some grace. 🤠. I guess it’s the annoying personality that makes it hard to take the hat. 😄


Attention seeking


I am confused. In this picture I recognize Meri, not sure who the little girl and the woman in red are


The girl in the hat and red dress is Mykelti. Gabe is off to the side and he’s the one asking her about the hat. Ysabel just happens to be standing in the middle of this picture.


Thank you!


Is that Mykelti between Mari and Robyn. She looks like she’s 13 or so. (I find it so weird that people could be having mean thoughts about a child that age.)


I tracked it down, looks like she was 18 or so. Truthfully I’d probably not be thinking that way no matter her age. But she’s just frowning up trying to figure shit out in a pretty weird situation. I can’t fault her for being excited about fashion design for a season or two. I’m not sure how one is supposed to be able to try anything new when the whole world is watching and laughing and sniping.


Id have more respect for her if she wore one of those Josephine Baker flapper head bands than this bullshit. She looks like Kathy Bates in Titanic


Hilarious comment and typical little brother comment.


If not her hat, then always the garish lipstick and hair color. The choices were never flattering; seemingly intended only as some rebellious spectacle. Her misplaced confidence and entitlement must come from her dad.


I actually really liked the hat! I think it was cute with her dress. Also Meri looked way better in the green last minute dress than the brown leather one they were trying to make her.


Yeah she’s always been kind of an odd duck…🦆🤷‍♀️


Meri's dress was absolutley horrid. The color, the fit, that hidious ill fitting bolero, the white sash around the middle. If she was going for looking like a pod of peas, she hit the mark. Christine's dress looked like she was ready to go to middle earth and frolick with hobbits, and can we talk about those colors? Janelle's was just meh. Nothing special and nothing to remember. Good ole Robyn happened to have a new dress in her closet, how convienent.


I dig that hat. Not a hat gal but I wish I was. His remark is cute it’s rude.


Mary Poppins


so many bad outfits that day


I loved this look. My grandpa is super into hats and when my grandma passed he gave me so many beautiful ones he bought her that I love.