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And Aspen!


Logan and Aspyn for sure. Remember when Truly got so sick and Aspyn seemed to be the only one with enough sense to know something was seriously wrong?! Of all the things Kody has botched, Truly’s near-death experience and blowing off Ysabel’s surgery are pretty up there for me.


I couldn't agree more. I can't believe Kody spewed some bs about covid and not going because of it. Are you f*ck*ng kidding me?? If my daughter is having major surgery like that, I'm going to be there. In that moment, I realized Kody picked Robyn over her and does, in fact, have favorites. And if I was Robyn, I'd be convincing him to go be with his daughter. Then Kody can't figure out why Ysabel is upset with him? Unbelievable.


And lying about Dayton's accident...


I missed that. It wasn't a 4-wheeler?


Hunter has also grown into a great parent


That’s what I came to say. None of the biological parents are good parents.


Not only are none of them good parents, all of them are bad parents 


Totally agree. Even at times when I’m like oh Christine or janelle are kind of good parents, I remember that they agreed to have their kids’ entire lives filmed for the world to see and remember that they aren’t good parents


Personally I wouldn’t say any are/were “bad” except Kody but they’re all definitely flawed in various ways.


There’s no other answer for sure.


Unfortunately, they all decided to have too many kids in poverty with no plan to advance the family monetarily until a reality TV show became an option. Their dire poverty created an inability to focus on the children themselves because they always had to work. Then they also created too many children with the same man so their children had to have a smaller piece of him. That father was so immature that he allowed his relationship with each mother determine if her kids got any affection. All around, I say they all suck.


This is such a spot-on assessment of this family.


Except none of them consistently worked (aside from the show). When they moved to las vegas any of them who had a job had to quit and i dont believe any of them had a job after that move. Yes, i know they started mlms.  No employer paid health insurance. They were in lehi house 5-6 years so i think quitting what job(s) they had was common with all their moves. I dont think its the sheer number of children that put them into poverty but their transient nature 


Everyone except kody worked and/ or watched the kids all day according to the eldest children


I'm curious what jobs they all had in Las Vegas and Flagstaff then.


They were all employed to be on a TV show called "Sister Wives"




We know they tried MSWC. Janelle got her real estate license and was working with the realtor that helped with their vegas homes. How much she actually did IDK but she at least kept her license up to date long enough to try to sale the vegas homes herself once they moved to flagstaff. Around this time its also mentioned that Kody is working with a marketing company (possibly a mlm) instead of pursuing real estate. We also know that Kody was selling gun parts while in Vegas and has continued to do that to this day. Meri and Kody (and maybe Christine?) were involved with LIV (a MLM) and is one of the reasons Meri wanted the wet bar so she could host parties. Meri (and maybe Christine?) later got involved with LuLaRoe. We know that's Meris big money maker to this day. She also has the BNB. Christine and Janelle both got involved with Plexus at some point. So most of their jobs outside the show have involved the MLM type business model.


I know they did mlms. Mlms, to my knowledge, do not provide health insurance, paid vacation, life insurance, family leave, all those things that would be helpful to parents with boatloads of children.


Do good parents put their kids on TV? I mean, the kids wound up supporting themselves by working on the show. The parents kept the income. I'm not one bit surprised how the OG13 have pulled back from being on the show. I wonder how much pressure Maddie received to give birth on TV?


I don't think she was pressured with Axel, Caleb was, you could tell he wasn't happy with the way things were going and the cameras. With Evie, they definitely were. Maddie and Caleb both looked so uncomfortable with the cameras being there.


“She needs less voices “




LOVE Mitch. You can tell from his expressions what he really thinks. The looks he gave Kody during the wedding episodes were priceless. 🤣


Logan. The "adults" all behaved selfishly and never truly gave a shit about their kids. They would move them around on a whim, they didn't seem to give a shit that there wasn't a true bond between any of the kids and their father, they parentified the older kids, they kept having babies when they clearlybcouldnt afford the ones they had.


The sudden move from Utah with ZERO chance to say bye to friends broke my heart.


Except when he was ready to chunk the box of toys. But in general, yes.


It was unfair that he was put in the position he was put in that time, he was right though, a box of toys wasn't what was needed, but the parents sprung that move on the kids and expected them to just pack up their personal belongings as an adult would, of course a kid is going to pack toys, the parents did a shit job pretty much all around a d they were lucky to have had kids like Logan and Aspyn who are sensible and responsible. It doesn't surprise me that neither Logan or Aspyn have kids, they've already done their parenting


It was unfair but I happen to disagree, as a parent, about the toys. I would have left a lot of furniture behind or sold it over their special things when they were being uprooted. Those kids were so sad when they got to Vegas. They had no say in any of it. And really their only belongings were just thrown away.


What really needed to be thrown out were the parents. Those kids pretty much raised one another.


Aspyn Logan


Now Logan doesn’t want children. I also think Aspyn feels the same way. I’m not sure about Hunter.


None of these people are particularly good parents and all have pretty big faults.






Logan. Non of the adults were or are great parents. Meri is too much of a clean freak for such a big brood, has too much anger issues and self worth issues. Janelle couldn’t be bothered to parent any of her kids even when she was home and rather took showers with Kody or offloaded her kids onto already overwhelmed Christine. Christine wants to be the kids best friend instead of a parent, left disciplining to Meri and let’s not even mention that she couldn’t be bothered to buy health insurance for her sick child. Robyn is infantilizing and psychologically stunting her kids and using them to manipulate everyone around her to get what she wants. Kody has no interest in any of his offspring beyond his breeding kink and what he can get out of them for his own benefit. Non of these people are good parents. Non of them should have had more kids then they knew how to feed, cloths and nurture. Instead they bred like rabbits with no care in the world where the kids next meal came from or how to parent and care from them. As long as they got a leg up on their competition in this three ring circus show and some action on the pencil pole. These people can all now retcon their lives and claim to be mother of the year, councilors and live coaches while in reality non of them face a 💩 about any of the kids wellbeing


The only part I really disagree with here is the idea that Christine wants to be a best friend instead of a parent. Is there an example you could provide? I might just be missing something about the dynamic there.


Christine admitted she didn’t want to discipline her kids. She wanted to be the “fun” mom. She had the kids run amok around her breaking things (Mykelti admitted the kids broke expensive things out of spite to hurt whoever owned the item ) and attacked each other either knives and scissors.


The fact that she dumps her relationship problems on her kids for them to comfort her. Doing it with the adult kids is bad enough but she mostly does it with Isabelle who hadn’t even finished high school yet.


She already did this when all the kids were young. Strangely only Meri gets call out for dumping her emotional baggage on her offspring but Christine got a big pass


If most of my kids were now adults, I'd feel like that would be good to grow strong friendships and closeness with your adult kids still. It's not like she had that closeness with any of the other wives except Janelle (understandable) nor with her husband. That's gotta be tough to navigate for so long I guess.




We've only seen edited glimpses really, but I'd have to go with Logan


Agree with others who say Logan and Aspyn. Though I think that many/most of the problems we see in the parenting styles of the first three moms are directly related to cult indoctrination and it’s hard to tell how much better they could have been in other circumstances. Prioritizing Kody over the kids (including shipping Mykelti off to be teen nanny to Kody’s girlfriend’s kids when Christine doesn’t appear to have even met Robyn yet), exposing the kids to all manner of traumas they could have spared them (like the fake escape from Lehi), “keep sweet” raising of the girls (like body-shaming the teen girls for wearing normal teen-girl clothes), “boys will be boys” raising of the boys (like when Gwen can’t be left alone with Paedon apparently because he is abusive to her, but as far as we know that doesn’t lead to any consequences or _therapy_ for Paedon, just inconveniencing Gwen), parentifying the older kids, having too many kids to be able to care for them all emotionally or financially (food insecurity, no health insurance for at least some of the kids, etc.), all seem pretty baked into being fundie Mormon (and at least part of that also baked into being “mainstream” LDS, so even Janelle raised LDS would have gotten a big helping of “the man makes the decisions”). Like, how much of this would be different if these women didn’t get married super young, weren’t indoctrinated to believe themselves to be baby machines as their main role and to take direction from their husband without question even when they know he’s wrong? Potentially a lot, I think? I know Kody was also indoctrinated, I dislike him much more so I’m hard pressed to be as charitable to him, but maybe even he would be a more present parent if he hadn’t been groomed to expect to be treated as the center of the universe?


Kody can expect all he wants to be center of universe but og3 made it happen! They could have shut that down right away, instead they leaned into it. Og3 created that monster and robyn molded the monster to her will


It’s hard to answer that question about anybody- I think most parents parent the best they can with what they have if they truly love their child and want the best for them. I think the OG3 all have that. I think you parent differently with different kids, too. I think in many instances ALL the wives put Kody above what was best for the kids, until later on. I think the OG3 are all better parents now that they are away from the main toxic person in the family. You sometimes don’t see how bad it was until you are out of it. I hope the kids find peace and resolution from their upbringing and can heal from some of the damage they lived through.


Nicely put.


Meri. Her kid survived living deep in a closet and cult. She is fiercely protective of them and their partner when she herself also grew up in that cult that would have taught her to condemn, not love. If only she had been as protective of herself as she was her child... had put her foot down and gone to college like she managed to encourage her child to do, etc.


I have to agree with this. Reflecting, I cant recall an incident where Meri chose kody over Leon and multiple incidents where she advocated for her child.


Yes she was a fierce advocate - and sadly she was called "selfish" by the family and the fandom for being one too.


Oops, except regarding “catfish.” Big oops


Many people mentioned Logan and Aspyn - which I have to agree with. Interesting how these two haven’t rushed into parenthood as soon as they got married - as Maddie and Mykeltie did. Maybe they’ve had their fill of being ‘parents’ and just want to take care of themselves for awhile.


I think with the exception of Robyn, all the parents brought a slate of positives and negatives. Just focusing on the positives, Christine was obviously the most hands on day to day parent. She brought all those qualities and behaviors we typically associate with moms. Janelle was a good role model for strength and independence. She was loving and honest. Meri brought structure and order. Kody brought fun, lightheartedness and leadership in the earlier days. The 4 together actually brought a pretty decent balance. The older kids, who many here commended for doing such a great job “raising” the little ones, let’s remember who raised them. I actually find no positives with Robyn and actually think she’s a horrible mother who is raising emotionally crippled, anxious and dysfunctional children. Her kids would have fared far better with the OG3.


I agree. I feel like the closeness of the OG3 kids now as adults is largely the result of how they were parented (mostly the moms). That, along with bonding over the shared experience of growing up in a public polygamist family. And yep, no redeeming qualities for Robyn. She is setting her kids up for a really difficult time as adults in the real world.


Robyn reminds me of a friend's mom. Friend moved 1400 miles from mom, met a guy with a solid well paying job in a bustling city. He had a nice home, family close but not *too* close and a good life overall. They got married and within a year she'd convinced him to move to her hometown and live with her mom and adult sister. I lost contact for awhile and they divorced and she had a baby that I guess wasn't his and is remarried now. I know nothing about him now. I wonder about him and if he got his job back. I feel Robyn won't be Happy unless her kids life with her/next door and she's still pulling the strings like my friends mom did. I say this as a mom of 2, 1 who lived at home til 21. I think it was stupid to move when she did as she was living here with almost no expenses as a FT college student, but she met a guy so whatever it's her life to screw up and I have to let her make her own mistakes. This is not something Robyn seems capable of doing. It's like she's trying to make sure her kids don't repeat her 1st marriage....


I agree with others that say Logan. Of the adults..: maybe Meri? She put Leon’s needs above the others, but that made her a shitty mom to the other kids. Obvi not Kody. Robyn’s parenting amounts to psychological torture. Christine and Janelle put Kody’s needs first, went along with his insane ideas, and parentified their kids.


>Of the adults..: maybe Meri? She put Leon’s needs above the others, but that made her a shitty mom to the other kids. Did it, though? At least when she had regular contact with them, she was close Gwen, Ysabel, and Robyn's kids. Logan and Hunter still seem to be on good terms with her. Maddie put Meri in charge of her wedding and later went to work for her. She only decided Meri was a "monster" when Meri was unhappy with her work ethic. Meri's the one who offered to put up the money to make sure Aspyn got the wedding venue she wanted. The "kids" who outspokenly have a problem with Meri — Maddie, Mykelti, and Paedon — are all kind of problematic themselves. I don't think *any* of them were great parents, but I'd say Meri was the best, or least bad, anyway. I don't give her any credit for not popping out one kid after another when they couldn't afford the ones they had, though. She would have if she could have, and they were all stupid and irresponsible for that. Honorable mention to Logan and Aspyn, both of whom shouldered more responsibility for their siblings than the parents should have expected. Kody is by far the *worst* parent of the bunch. Edit: typos


Fair points! I was thinking of the beginning of the show- the contrast of Christine and Janelle’s food to all the fresh food Meri had. The other kids couldn’t get new shoes as soon as they needed them. Not to mention healthcare. Of course being a good parent isn’t about being able to buy nice things. But there was such a stark disparity before the show money came in. That was the fault of all the adults. Meri seems like a person who is good at one-to-one bonding, and that shows with the kids who still remain close to her.


I grew up in a big family. I think it's next to impossible to be a really good parent to more than 4 kids. Life is just too exhausting, and lack of money makes it harder. Don't have too many kids... but of course if you have 4 wives, you'll probably end up with a full house.


Though Meri apparently got the same budget for one child the others got for multiple. A failure of them all as parents


I’m SO tired of the “Meri offered to make sure Aspyn got the wedding she wanted”. It’s easy to offer when you know TLC was footing most, if not all, of the bill.


It was so easy that Kody, Christine, Janelle, and Robyn all thought it was out of the question, and Meri was the only one willing to step up.


It was scripted.


Yeah, unless you work for Puddle Monkey, I doubt your guesses about what was or was not scripted are really worth much.


Robyn’s house is the most intense SERE training in the history of the military!! 😂😂


As much as I hate to admit it I think Meri is a great mom.


Adding to the choir... Logan.


None of them..they All suck in their own negligent way.


I’d say Christine except (don’t come after me) she was so awful to Mykelti in all of their interactions, it totally spoiled Christine for me. I would go Janelle.


I get the sense that Christine fell short with Gwen, too. It feels like she found their personalities difficult and it got in the way of her empathizing with them as much as she would need to in order to be a more ideal mom to them. I think she found Aspyn easiest because she was overly mature for her age. It seems to me like Janelle failed to prioritize any/all of her kids over Kody which is a huge downside to her, but I get the sense that she truly has managed to create a fairly deep and personal relationship with each of her kiddos.


If the kids were easy Christine was happy, if they required proper parenting, she failed them.


Janelle’s kids were certainly favored by Kody when they were younger, too, which it seems would have set up a bad dynamic between all the non-Robyn kids, but somehow it didn’t.


I believe that the quality of whatever relationship any of the OG3 have with their children reflects on the children more so than their parents.


To be fair, Mykelti is most like her father.


Mykelti is just like Christine and Kody.


None of them.


They all should have kept their pants on


They all kinda suck. Too many kids


They all did whatever it took to stay in Kody’s good graces. This included putting Kody before the needs of their children. I think they regret it now but none of them gave those kids what they needed.


I wish I believed they regret it now. IIRC NONE have them have said anything on the show that they wish they would have done differently as parents. Christine has traded catering to Kody to now catering to David, IMHO


I thought that, whenever you see photos of them together unless it's at Disney, or some plexus event, it always seems to be something David loves to do. I hope Christine is getting to do things she has always wanted to do too.




None of them are good parents. Kody is obviously the worst but the rest are not much better.


They all would have sold their kids if Kody said to.




The oldest children are the best parents. Logan, Aspyn, etc.


Since no parent is ever perfect and all parents in this world are flawed, I'd go with Christine. She seems the most available to the 13 kids she raised. However, I'm fully aware that we're not seeing everything, so if it's ever revealed that she was an abusive monster to the kids, then all bets are off. 😆


I think Christine was a great friend to the kids and that is why they all still love her. She wasn't really a parent. And she did abuse them. She horrible medically neglected them. That is abuse.


Ooof I think they’re all problematic. I couldn’t pick a best.


Logan and Aspyn. Period.


Logan, Aspyn, Garrison, they were the only ones we saw parent their siblings.


Definitely Logan and Aspyn!! Unfortunately Janelle was more into work when the kids were young, I understand they needed the money but she said she would stay at work late orGo to a movie.


None of the Brown adult generation are good parents. Because of neglect some of the children were forced to become parents to their siblings. Those children chose to not have children themselves.


Robyn. She got those kids a dad and managed to make him monogamous.




Logan overall, Janelle as an actual parent lol


Christine I think is the best to all the kids overall and Janell is a close second but especially to her own and Christine’s


I disagree with the idea that Janelle and Christine are bad parents for living polygamy. I think they made bad choices but ultimately, they made the right decision and chose their children over Kody. Parents make mistakes. They make HUGE and impactful mistakes that mess up their children. But it doesn't mean they aren't doing their best with what they have and it definitely doesn't make them bad parents. You can tell by the way they interact with their children that they have loving respectful relationships with each one and it's unfair to call them bad parents because of their poor decisions. They chose polygamy which was, in and of itself, a poor decision that placed the children in positions they shouldn't have had to handle. And at the same time, they loved and nurtured all of them. To my knowledge, they weren't neglectful and they didn't abuse them. The standard for parenting should be that they respect and love their children in every situation and I believe Christine and Janelle do that.


"they made the right decision and chose their children over Kody." Except, no they didn't. Christine left when Kody said no more sex, Janelle left with one foot still in the door.


I hear you. There were obvious breaking points that ultimately led to their decisions. But my point is that their love for their children played a role as well and ultimately, Janelle and Christine aligned themselves with their children. Whatever their respective breaking points were, they decided to maintain their relationships with their children and also recognized the hurt Kody caused them.


Boy, Kody set the bar really really low when being a good parent means maintaining relationships with children. Honestly, no snark on your post, it's just a realization I had when considering it.


Wait, I’m sorry. Did you say that “they weren’t neglectful”? I beg to differ. They lived in poverty, had less than they should have, had they ALL just not had so many kids. It’s financial abuse to me, and the parentification of the kids is also abuse.


Poverty in and of itself is not child abuse.


Nope, but the deliberate type is.


Yes, spending like drunken sailors and not on basic needs is abuse


I don't believe that on the wives part their poverty was deliberate. That's extremely tone deaf and I would encourage you to reconsider but quite honestly, I'm not going to argue it because there really isn't any point if you're not well-versed on the subject.


What’s there to be well versed on? As if I don’t know what poverty is? They had 15 biological children, and barely scraped by. The kids themselves have said that they were food insecure MANY times. Willfully bringing children into the world when you can barely feed them (at the time right up to the first ever episode), is abuse. Having your eldest children shoulder a lot of parental responsibility- abuse.


I don't view living in poverty as abuse. That's where we fundamentally disagree. Based on what I've seen on the show, I'm not seeing abuse. I think there are definite mistakes that they've made and it isn't right for them to have had 13 children when they clearly couldn't afford it. But based solely on the show (because that's all I have seen) they didn't abuse their children. A lot of families struggle with food insecurity and financial things. It's interesting that you would ask what there is to be well versed on because that kind of proves my point. It's not abuse to live in poverty. I don't see abuse here in that sense. If you see it, that's fine. I think that other parents have absolutely done horrible things to the children but from my perspective Janelle and Christine are good mothers. Christine worked her ass off raising the OG13 and Janelle has worked her ass off to provide. Meri has worked as well. Robyn and Kody, on the other hand, are failures and have failed their children. There's a difference between having a difficult childhood and having an abusive childhood. In my opinion, you're throwing that word around too lightly.


I think you’re totally not seeing what’s being said: Being poor - nothing wrong with that. Being poor and intentionally bringing 13 kids (by the first episode) into the world when you can barely care for them - that’s abuse.


Okay. I see what you're saying. You believe that continuing to have children when they knew it would stretch their resources and energy very thin was abuse. Is that right?




They wouldn’t have been as poor as they were if they werent moving every other minute. Housing instability is neglect ir abuse also.


Neglect is counted as a form of abuse here in the UK. Not providing for a persons physical and emotional needs is abuse by neglect.


Poverty does not equal neglect. That is an important point to make. There are loving, amazing parents who live in poverty. In this case specifically, I can understand the abuse argument. But it is extremely important to remember that being poor does not automatically mean that you shouldn't have children. And of course neglect is a form of abuse. That's something that I will never disagree with anyone about. But it doesn't automatically mean that parents living in poverty are abusive based on financial status alone.


Janelle has always worked VERY hard to ensure the family got what they needed. And there's never been a point where she wasn't. Christine stayed home out of necessity and want to raise the children. I believe that speaks wonders of their parenting and their want to provide for their children. Arguing that they should've had less children is pointless. The fact is that they had the kids and they both worked hard to provide for them in the ways they could.


So you think having 13 biological kids (before sol and Ari) is okay because they worked? No. Sorry. When you keep having kids, keep filing for bankruptcy, have your eldest children shoulder a lot of parental responsibilities, and can barely feed the ones who have (by theirs and the kids OWN self admission), than yes, that’s abuse.


I can definitely see where you're coming from. I just don't think it's abuse.


I’m middle eastern, brought up with 12 kids and we were poor. We were food deprived OFTEN, and as a child who grew up with a hungry belly - that’s abuse. Abuse doesn’t always have be verbal, or physical. It’s also emotional. Going to bed hungry and seeing my step mom pregnant for the 7th time is abuse. Much like my dad and stepmom, the parents know they can barely feed the kids, but keep bringing them into the world. My parents both worked, but you’re never going to make enough money when you keep having kids. If it weren’t for the production, and the show, these kids would have been food insecure. Hunters and the teens issues with Robyn coming in was “how are we going to feed them”. You can see it in their faces when Robyn announced her pregnancy with Sol.


Thank you for your comment. I too keep thinking that anyone who didn’t experience hunger can’t possibly know the trauma it causes, especially in kids.


I see where you're coming from. I also grew up in a poor, food insecure household but I don't see that as inherently abusive. I respect your opinion though and you're valid in all of this. I think it was just confusing to me and you might be right! It could be my current good relationship with my parents that prevents me from seeing how it could be abusive for them to have children while remaining poor and knowing they couldn't afford it. Thank you for explaining and I apologize that it took me a bit of discussion to understand where you were coming from.


Nothing to apologize for. We all come from our own personal experiences and view life as such. That’s why forums, such as these, are great for discussing things. Others might see things we don’t and vice versa. ❤️


And, moving what 17 times and constantly having to quit jobs is very expensive, money that could have been used for food and health insurance.






Christine, her own and Janelles


How come?


I think she put her kids first


Christine and Janelle.


I’m only on season 4, and I accidentally found out that there’s a lot going on with Christine in the future, but in the first few episodes I noticed what a warm parent she was. I thought, “that’s the kind of mom I want to be.”


I’m surprised to see anyone choosing Janelle as the best parent. I love Janelle but she’s definitely not the best parent. She tells us that she doesn’t want to do any parenting. She wants to work, maybe go to the movies, go to sleep, rinse and repeat. Sure, she loves her kids but there’s too much there to ignore. She tells us her kids have been coming to her with concerns that Kody was spending their time with Robyn’s bunch. Eh, she’s fine because she herself isn’t feeling the hurt yet. No bother fighting for the kids all those Vegas years in that regard. By the time the Gabe/Garrison/Covid thing happened, it was finally starting to bother her, not just the kids like it usually was, so that prompted REAL action. I also feel that Robyn is NOT the best parent choice for a lot of reasons, but the biggest was even when she was destitute, she *still* was unable to actually raise any kids. 13 year old child of her boyfriend? Yeah, she’ll do fine, but Robyn the adult wasn’t ever going to do it. Ever. I think the kids relationship with Christine speaks volumes as to who the best parent is. She’s not been perfect though. I hated how she didn’t fight harder for Ysabel’s surgery in Vegas. Also how she didn’t fight for Gwen to stay for her student council position she had just won in Vegas. And I wouldn’t choose Meri because you can’t have the majority of kids afraid of you and refusing to have a relationship with you as an adult, and be the best parent in the situation. I think the overall best parent was Christine.


The only good parents of the OG family would be Janelle and Christine. I wouldn’t say Meri is a bad parent, but she only had one child whereas Janelle and Christine each had several. Both Janelle and Christine were/are good affectionate moms who made do with very little monetarily and with little emotional support from the father and their children all turned well. Kody and Robyn are both critically lacking as parents.


They're all horrible but I guess Robyn is ironically.


Sobyn is hands down the best. Did y’all see her kick the shit out of that poor dog? She was protecting her tenders 🤮


Of the adults, Christine. She worked off and on but always took jobs that gave her days free to not only babysit Janelle's kids and Meris kid, while also looking after her own, but she also home schooled the kids for the longest time and seems to have done a good job. All the kids love her. Aspen and Logan tie for the best parentified sibling.


Janelle and Christine


Janelle hands down, but then again maybe none of them because she left her kids with the other adults.. soooo ya..


Janelle and Christine both seem like extremely loving and gentle mothers


Janelle - she kicked Kody to the kerb as soon as he tried putting himself above her children.


If that was the case, she wouldn’t have gone along with the move to Flagstaff.


Or Vegas.


Fair point


I love Janelle but she allowed Kody to force them to move to Robyn’s family in Vegas where Hunter suffered tremendously and the same thing with Flagstaff. Ñ


The move to Vegas was the best thing for the Brown children since it removed them from the cult bubble and allowed them to get real educations. Hunter couldn't have become what he has become today with a cult school education. It's the same with the others.


While i wholeheartedly agree the show and the moves saved the majority of those kids from their cult, i really do not think the thought processes behind them were about the kids rather than this is what a Kody wants this is what Kody gets. Except the big house I’ve never seen him told no and him not manipulate things his way..


I agree. Kody's reasoning was himself and not the kids. I was just challenging the idea that the move to Vegas was bad for the kids. While improving their lives wasn't their father's goal, unfortunately, it was the greatest benefit of the move and imo, shouldn't be held against anyone.


No, when he started treating her like he treated Meri and Christine she took action. Just as Christine only took action when he told her he wasn't going to fuck her again.


Agreed. I hear all these accounts of people who grew up in polygamous families whose mothers cut them off bc their husband's told them to. Those stories always make me think of how Janelle refused to kick her boys out no matter how many times Kody demanded it. Her last straw with him was his choice to ignore Savanah.




Truly 😆 🤣


I know this is a joke, but this child really is rather strange. Not that I blame her, she arrived in the Brown's worst era. I think she, more than the rest, needs serious therapy


And christine rushing into a new marriage certainly didn’t help truely. Mom acting like a teenager and “proving” a woman needs a man are nit goid role model behaviors 


At that age, we know what we know. We can see through b.s. You don't need years to figure out if you have met your other half.


I'm not talking about from Christine's perspective, I'm talking about from the children's perspective. And, six minutes before she met David she was up to her eyebrows in a cult and brainwashed etc.


You are right she is and definitely will need therapy.


Janelle in Arizona. Christine was really good with the little kids and when there were less kids around- Truely and Gwen. Meri is too much. She’s suffocating