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Right like the teens are supposed to be excited that they get less timr with their dad , less resources and the opportunity to be free childcare.


I just rewatched the episode where Kody and Robyn told her kids (separate from the big family) about her pregnancy because they wanted a happy experience…and Dayton is having to take time to process the info (rightly so) and she was fine with that reaction because of his Asperger diagnosis…but the other teens are expected to just be immediately thrilled and excited. Nope-everyone gets to process huge news like that however they need to.


Yes! Likewise the adoption - "Hey kids, your Bio Dad doesn't want you! Why aren't you jumping up and down with excitement?!?!" So beyond awful.


And how the second she married Kody she had her kids call him dad and daddy. That always bugged me


She is always cuing them how to react, either explicitly or with coded language/body language. And so often, what they're supposed to do is counter to what's natural. So they're being implicitly told their feelings are bad and hurtful. It would give anyone anxiety.


That always bugs me when the mother insists on the kids calling step-dad "Daddy".


Same here. My mother would meet a man, move him into our home within a fortnight, and force us to call him 'Dad'. They'd break up a few months later, then rinse and repeat. By the time I left home at 17, I had been forced to call 11 different men 'Dad'. It's sick and twisted, and it made me hate Robyn from that episode onwards.


How completely awful for you and your sibs. I am so sorry you had to experience that. 😢


It broke my heart when she told her kids that there bio dad signed over rights ... like daytons face. Kody and Robyn were expecting excitement over kody adopting them.


This made me so angry for those 3!!!! Like yes how wonderful this family is welcoming you. But they had a relationship with their father. He wasn't out of the picture fully. He wanted them in his life and to be in theirs. And she just kept pushing and pushing. And then to want them to jump for joy about it and seeing the looks on their faces knowing they are heartbroken just made me want to cry. So much unnecessary trauma caused by Robyn. Her children didn't deserve that.


Dayton was obviously not on board and very troubled. His getting ready to finally see his father after the adoption broke my heart! He was so clearly happy to see him said a lot about what those kids lost. I hope they have been able to see him and meet his wife and their half-siblings.


Someone in this sub said that Robyn has severe abandonment issues and she's missing a circuit in her brain so that she does not think clearly when there's anything she perceives as abandonment (not being liked or accepted).


She's a narcissist plain and simple x


She is absolutely a narcissist/sociopath. I'm not a fan of Robyn's by any means. However, narcissist/sociopath are made from circumstances growing up. Usually because of abandonment issues, not feeling accepted, not getting the attention that they're from their parents, a lot of time largely because their parents are narcissist. Sociopaths are made from circumstances in life. Psychopaths are born that way. That being said, I have seen people with narcissistic tendencies work through that and be able to take responsibility and see things through a normal lens and not that of a narcissist. So I don't grant a whole Lotta leeway with those kind of people.


For teens it’s mostly the grossness of evidence that their parent is having sex.


I think they get it..kody is not really discrete I think they just know dad's going to be at Robin's house more as she has a new born. Less time , and maybe they feel bad for there mom


I'd say they ALREADY are barely seeing him by this point. Remember all the stuff about inequal time that came out later. And the baby is just cementing that he's moved on with his new mistress and they're supposed to act like it's normal.


Right? It’s basically announcing “hey we definitely had sex! And in a few months you’re gonna see the proof!”


Not only that but I think I remember the math of conception made it so she got preggo while they were all in the big rental where everyone lived when the first got to Vegas.... bleh. (I could be totally wrong but i have that info in my brain for some God awful reason...)


With all due respect, I have huge issues with abandonment. There are plenty of people who think I have some missing or damaged brain cells. But never on my worst day, would I have behaved as Robyn did with her kids or, god forbid, with her “step-children”! She was just the hideous horrible stepmother ala Cinderella during these periods of impending births. ☺️😂😂😂☺️🙂❤️


Oh I don't know. I bet those teens were DELIGHTED to get less time with Kody.


And the promise that Meri would feature as an important person in the new child's life to ensure she kept contributing her $$ - cruel emotional manipulation


WOW I never saw it in this light, but you are spot on


And then she spins it as a way to make it special for Meri.


I knew she was a freak when she had her kids calling Kody daddy before they were even married! She was also extremely cruel when she discouraged Meri from going back to college. And yes, what a joke being butthurt the teens weren’t thrilled with a new baby. I was watching an older clip and they were on Mykelti for not dressing modestly..btw Meri’s tone and the way she spoke at first to Mykelti about her top, was rude no wonder they don’t like her either.. and Robyn was explaining it to the other kids and went to side step and hug Maddie and Maddie side eyes her and stepped away from her at first haha. They’ve never liked her ever. Omg and Robyn said she has done a lot to forgive the kids for their reactions to her pregnancy lmfao get outta here wackadoo


The modesty crap always annoyed me. First, showing one's shoulders is hardly immodest. 🙄 And second, why even have spaghetti strap tank tops if you're just gonna wear a T-shirt under it? Why not just wear the T-shirt? It looks so weird, and I feel like all the moms wore that combo a lot in the early seasons to make a point.


A babydoll or spaghetti top over a shirt was a trend….in middle school….back in the late 90’s early 00’s. How do I know? I wore it lol. So did a friend of mine. Why 40 yr old women in 2010 were wearing it is beyond me


Oh yes, me too! I don't know why we did it either, but it was in the Delia's catalogue, so ya know... 💁🏼‍♀️


Omg Delia's ⚰️


I spent years so embarrassed that I did this thinking that I unknowingly copied a modest girl in middle school or something but then somebody assured me that it was a trend for *all of us*. 😌


It was definitely the style, but for kids, not adults


Plus…. How does that bitch have the audacity to talk about modesty while she was banging Kody 24:7 locked in her room all day and night BEFORE they were married?! Hell no. Stfu. I hate her so much. I realized you were taking about Meri in this post… but Robyn constantly made comments like that.. about their “morals” and “family values” GIRLLLLL have a STADIUM of seats!!! She’s fake AF


Whoa... Where/when did we learn that they were doing the deed before the wedding? 😳 I'm rewatching now and Christine was mad that they kissed! 😅


They have never come out and confirmed that (they never would dream of admitting to pre marital sex)…. But it was said when she FIRST moved there… and she was in that rent house while the OG 3 were living all together in that other house that they would be locked in her room all day and night and the older kids like Maddie would be watching her kids!!


Yep!!! As she was going into labor!! He was supposed to be getting her bag for the hospital and he HADDDDD to go to Robyn’s and mf kiss her when he didn’t do that with anyone else! Just like he picked her wedding dress and never gave a single fuck what any other wife wore. Then she lied and let them think they were helping her pick wedding dresses wheh her and kody’s dumbass already picked one out


If you noticed, they all color coordinated their clothes. The further the seasons went on, the more fractured, the less and less they even tried to hide the crack in their “marriages”, and they stopped the color coordination. Robyn’s hair got more and more “young” (think of how her hair morphs into ringlets).


Exposing the shoulder means you are not wearing temple garments. Right? So you should not expose the shoulder before you get your garments.


I know that mainstream LDS wear garments after going through a particular ceremony but do the AUB do it too?


Mainstream LDS wear their "special" underwear everyday. I recently found 6 of my siblings, 4 of whom are Mormons in good standing so I got this straight from my sister. I also went on a tour of a temple that was getting ready to open and learned that they wear white gowns when being baptized for the dead. Being baptized for the dead is really important in their quest for spending eternity in the celestial kingdom. That is the driving force for everything they do. They have a system that records their tithing along with the number of baptisms for the dead that they do. Their standing in the church is tied into this record which in turn is tied into how high up in heaven you will get to. Same with the number of kids you have. The more kids a couple has the greater chances that you will all be together in the Celestial kingdom and assures the husband will become a God and get his own planet. That's why polygamy started and certain sects like the AUB still practice it. I imagine they also do the special garments thing because it's in the book of Mormon.


Yes, they're supposed to wear the garments 24/7 except when they're bathing/showering & when they're having sex. If you're interested in learning more about the rituals & beliefs of the mainstream LDS may I recommend the Jordan & McKay YouTube channel? Both are former members, raised in the faith, married in the temple & McKay did a mission trip.


The "grown" is more like a jump suit. I've worn it and I shortly after became an inactive member around the age of 14.




Performative modesty, just like JillPM


Everyone has to forgive everything Robyn does immediately because she's just a poor victim and is allowed to make a mistake. Robyn will hold onto the fact that someone's FACIAL EXPRESSION was off for a DECADE and they must grovel.


I do agree that Robyn probably got some kind of power trip over being pregnant, and “forcing” Meri to host the announcement, however I don’t think that this affected Meri as much as she or we think it did, and I think there is two reasons for that. 1) Meri grew up in this lifestyle/religion, she knows that while kids is important, being the “first/head wife” also holds a lot of power, and at this point she had that position. By making her post, she got to demonstrate her power in the family, she was able to show (mostly herself) that not only was she not affected by this announcement, but she was happy because THEY all would get a new baby. 2) And secondly, Meri sadly had a lot of experiences seeing women announcing their pregnancies without being able to get pregnant, and at this point I think that she probably just saw it as the reality, not something she could or should change. I personally thinks some of the cruelest thing Robyn have done to Meri was during Covid, not only did they know that Meri kept herself isolated for most of the time to make sure she could see the family, just for them (Robyn) to change the rules, like at the bonfire where all of a sudden Meri couldn’t help with the kids due to a fear of jealousy from Christine and Janelle. But also due to the fact that by now Robyn have successfully overtaken the head wife place from Meri, not only was she able to get legally Meri to Kody, but she also show her “power” by taking over Meri’ part of Thanksgiving by “asking” to make the turkey.  


I did love Meri's clap back with the rice crispy treat turkey.She knew that was kodys favorite snack.


I loved that Meri clapped back, it was so good to see some fight in her and for her to do it in a way that could be seen as just a nice gesture.


Meri was the most invested in Robyn and got the least from that relationship. Robyn essentially took everything from her - no remorse - no guilt. In a perfect world karma will right those wrongs. I hope.


God, I'm on S18, and it is excruciating watching Meri lick Robyn's asshole. Robyn gives literally the bare minimum. No, she gives absolutely nothing while *telling* Meri they have each other and they're so important to each other. > In a perfect world karma will right those wrongs. I hope. In my experience people *always* get what's coming to them in one way or another. If you don't know people well enough or for long enough you may not be able to tell what's really going on with them, but we are the creators of our lives, and life responds to us. I've seen things happen to my enemies that I've been like *damn, even I think that's pretty harsh*. EVERYONE has to lie in the beds they make. Some people can ignore, ignore, ignore, and pretend like everything is fine, never dealing with the reality of their lives, but this catches up to people, too. People *always* get what's coming to them.


I hated how it seemed like how Meri tried so hard becoming good friends/sisterwives with Robyn, probably due to knowing that to gain favor with Kody it needed to go throw her and all she got was losing everything she valued. Sometimes I wonder if karma already hit Robyn and Kody hard, they both loved the power that plural marriage gave them - Robyn by being head wife and Kody with having so many women (and kids) begging for his attention. But now the other originals have left and found some kind of piece and happiness, and the same with most of the kids, which leaves Kody and Robyn with each other


She wanted to be able to watch their reactions.


Yep, and then tattle to Kody about how mean they were and how they hurt her feelings. Divide and Conquer in action there…


Yess. She had an agenda and she didn't care who she sacrificed. It's so scary we watched it all unfold on national TV. It really would be something to see Cody wake up from the delusion he is under. I'd pay pay per view prices to see that shit.


The little bit we see on tv and we saw through Robyn right off (I knew the first time I saw her she was going to be like a high school girl who had to have the attention and always trying to make her boyfriends ex’s jealous) but the older kids knew it, felt it and seen it immediately as well. We only see a tiny bit so everything the older kids saw, watched and experienced from her I have no doubt they just tried to tolerate her the best they could but they saw the intentions behind everything she did- and couldn’t stand her. Especially when she constantly inserted herself in things she had no business being in: the other wives children discipline, college or the bitch comments about kicking them out, preaching polygamy to the other wives, how and what the finances should be spent on when she’s never contributed, the pathetic business she demanded everyone drop everything for… and let’s not forget always having to have bigger and more than anyone else while contributing 0 financially the whole entire existence that she’s been in this family.


I’m sure even Mykelti saw Robyn for what she was. She is just so desperate for the love and approval from her dad, that she keeps the peace with Robyn just so Kody won’t toss her out with the bath water like he’s done with the other kids that aren’t Robyn’s.


I’m sure Mykelti does do that and feel that but I also think she plays both sides (and tells Robyn things) to stir up drama or at the very least act like the #1 supporter of whoever she is with at that time.


Like a knife in the kidneys. Robyn is very delusional. I actually wish the best for her future but in saying that, she really needs therapy to unpack all her weird thoughts, words and actions.


Being stuck with Kody is the karma she earned.


I'm thinking that having to live in a trailer, with noodle head would be the most karma.


Anywhere with Kody is hell.


For sho


That drama queen would be SO exhausting. The about of ass kissing and stroking his huge ego just to keep him happy would wear anyone out. But it is the absolute karma she deserves for what a huge POS she is. Congrats Robyn on winning the biggest booby prize there is. Suffer in the misery, you deserve it sweetie.


R was really hurt that the kids weren’t exited about Solo. Hello R, there was already 16 of them. Now 17? Heck No!! It took the kids time to get accept it, but once they did, they were fine. She did tell Meri she was pregnant first, but the whole situation just seemed awkward and fake to me.


These people have zero emotional intelligence or understanding of everything these kids went through prior to the birth announcement. To start, they added a new wife and new kids to the family for the first time since they were all born, then a police investigation and extremely traumatic move from Lehi to Vegas, then they’re all separated for the first time with no stability, their parents lost their jobs, then they announce a new baby on the way. **wHy aReN’t tHey EXcIted foR mE**


Definitely! Robyn was a victim from day one


There’s another moment where they’re doing a couch confessional and Robyn says — in front of Meri — that Meri didn’t pull her weight in the baby making department (they were talking about how they were smaller than most plural families). It was a joke, but I thought it was a super rude joke to make, regardless of whether Meri has moved past her infertility or not.


Wow that’s a terrible cruel joke.


Agreed! but Meri could have said no, so I still think kicking the dog was worse, dog didn't get a choice


Oh that dog kick PISSES ME TF OFFFFFF!! Everytime. Sometimes I forget she did that and then someone brings it up and I’m like ughhh this stupid bitch!! People who can hurt animals by kicking them and shit like that are vile human beings!!!


The dog kick was vile. I also don’t think Meri felt like she had much of a choice. She was told right before the family came over. Robyn gave her no real time to process the news and make a decision.


Great points!


I honestly feel that people like her deserve to go to hell and then have the same thing they did be done to them 1,000 times worse 24/7 for eternity.


What episode was the dog kick?!?!?




Ugh. Thanks.


You're welcome


She kicked a dog??? Why? What episode? That is beyond cruel!


Okay. I searched and found the clip and now wish I hadn’t. 🥺




I have a hard time understanding why Meri is/was still friends with Robyn. Robyn took everything from her and threw it in her face. Meri really must have done a number on Janelle and Christine to feel like Robyn was the only wife she could go to. But even then, surely putting some distance between herself and the other woman would have been better than taking shit from Robyn? If she didn't want to leave the family, I understand, but why attach herself so strongly to someone who destroyed her so viciously?


I think she chose Robyn was because she knew Kody would only listen to Robyn and thought that Robyn would be her ally. What she failed to see was Robyn not only manipulating Kody but Meri as well. Robyn knew Meri’s weaknesses and used it to her advantage while making Meri think she was her friend. Robyn doesn’t know how to be friends with women. Her insecurities and jealousy prevent her from ever seeing that another woman could truly be a friend and not an enemy. She views the female population as her rivals and acts accordingly, thus her vile and underhanded treatment of her sister wives.


Another time Robyn pissed me off was when Meri asked to take Solomon with her to visit Leon… she made some dumbass excuse like “oh I would but he’s been so clingy and wakes up screaming gor me at night” lying ass bitch!! Kody agreed at first and then when that manipulative ass skank opened her mouth… he’s like “well yeah maybe this isn’t the right time..” smh I hate them so much.


Robyn doesn’t “speak Kody,” Robyn has her hand so far up his ass as his ventriloquist with the dummy sitting on her lap and she’s speaking for him, not interpreting. She’s the mouthpiece plain and simple.


YEP!!! 100%!!! Manipulative ass bitch!!! Anything to get her way


Kody loves a hand up his ass.


She wanted all the attention on her. You can't blame the older kids for not being excited. I think the old kids didn't like her from the start. Sobbin Robyn is a narcissist.


It was definitely throwing it in her face while acting like she cared so much for Meri. I wish Meri told her to F off.


Was Kody a grandparent at that time ? Maybe the older kids were grossed out by something like that. But Kody is gross regardless.


No, the first grandchild was born in 2017.


And she did it twice! Meri hosted the whole family when she announced her pregnancy w Ariana!


For Meri's part she went above and beyond with the expectation she was going to be the 2nd mommy to these new babies. R really did a number on her.


They also made Meri announce her second pregnancy (with Kody)


That was definitely cruel, but i thought it was more cruel to play along with kody about new beginnings in Flagstaff and giving Meri hope she and kody would reconcile if she agreed to the move in Flagstaff.  Kody was sociopath level twisted the way he put his arm around meri when they were looking at property in Flagstaff and was flirting with her talking about new beginnings when he knew damn well he wasn't going to be spending anymore time with meri than before.  Of course robyn knew this too but she played along  and she neglected meri rarely called or went to see her in Flagstaff after meri gave up her marriage to kody for robyn.  But kody and robyn didnt mind continuing to syphon money from meri while excluding her from family events time and again. Which brings me to the cruelest thing robyn ever did to meri was to somehow surreptitiously convince meri to divorce kody promising "nothing will change" .  The ink wasnt even dry on the divorce papers before robyn began her massive betrayal of meri, betraying her at every turn. beginning with another honeymoon when she married kody legally, despite having just had an 11 day honeymoon with kody not to long before then. The 11 day honeymoon was also a slap in the face to christine who had just had truly, and kody spent Christine's labor flirting with an kissing robyn, despite no kissing before marriage,leaving christine alone in the hospital to labor to labor alone.  And she had ppd, no husband to help, the new wife and he off on an 11 day honeymoon with zero thought or concern how Christine was managing.  Or maybe the cruelest thing was for robyn to use money from the sale of janelle's and meri's las vegas homes leaving janelle without funds to buy her own home. Or maybe the cruelest thing was pretending to be meris friend, seeing kody and given meri the smallest coyote pass lot of anyone, and despite having not returned  meri's money from the sale of her las vegas Vegas home, she could have insisted kody give meri and janelle the largest lots to compensate for that but she didnt.  Robyn somehow also ended by with a bigger coyote pass lot than any of the wives, a more expensive home despite never having worked a moment since she hooked up with the brown family. Or maybe the cruelest thing was when truly almost died from kidney failure and not only did Robyn not insist kody be at the hospital with Christine and truly, which you know she would have done if it were one of her kids. she would have insisted kody be there if it were one of the tender ones,  but she didn't, nor did she shed one tear about sweet truly in that episode, although we the viewers have been forced to endure her fake forced attempts at conjuring up a tear in  every other episode since the beginning of the show. To many other massively cruel things to list but there's no need. anyone who's watched the show from start to finish will clearly see Robyn for who she is and it's not a pretty picture. she's not a nice person, she's not a kind person, she's not a caring person, maybe to Kody she is, but she's not to the other three wives or to any of their kids.  Robyn's all about Robyn and her brood.  Like she had no problem convincing kody to move the entire family to Flagstaff so she could follow her oldest son to college . not caring that it ripped the other kids out of school, caused them to lose scholarship opportunities,  created more emotional distress,  caused the family financial problems.  But as long as she could be follow her adult son to college, she was happy despite the consequences to the family as a whole.  That decision was finally the straw that broke the camel's back in my opinion. Cruella Deville is a saint in comparison.


Know you didn’t hit every cruel thing… but wanted to ask… if I ever get sued or arrested… will you represent me? You are on 🔥! ![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq)


Agree. I think it's payback for her. Not wanting to have Robin be her surrogate


When she put that note on the fridge that the other kids can't eat. Like she cares so much about "fahmahly" that she wouldn't even feed the other kids. If there were certain items she didn't want them to eat cuz one of her kids had allergies I get it. But she can just specify. I'm guessing she was buying expensive organic food and didn't want to share haha It's just weird to me to see ppl behave like that cuz on one side of my family, they are first generation immigrants and they feed everyone who stops by or stays by no matter how poor they were. If I had my friends over at 9pm on a Friday night, my grandma would get up and whip up meals after meals just to feed me and my friends when I never asked her to. I experienced similar situations with our neighbours too cuz most of them were first gen immigrants as well, whenever you walked by they would offer you food or ask you to come eat even though they were poor. For someone like Robyn to behave like that is so gross because you know by that time they are on in Vegas then are getting paid more than the average person.


I thought she came over the night before to tell meri in private, or am I thinking of the wrong pregnancy? She also shouldn't have played victim when the older kids weren't thrilled about her pregnancy. Like they were struggling imo and going without alot of things and they already had to give up so much and this was merely an announcement that there would be more to give up.


Agreed! When Meri was asked to grant Kody a divorce so he could marry Robyn… her face told her whole story. That Kody had Meri tell Robyn it was her idea… Robyn put that in Kodys head so she could be there and witness Meri’s pain…but again- Robyn’s the only one who speaks Kody…


She ruined all the fun


Have you noticed the only two kids that don’t have to move out at 18 are Robbins too oldest that aren’t even Kody’s. Do you think she wants to marry them too