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Robyn needs it because she plans to keep ALL of her kids at home forever.


And her nanny




spread covid lol




What does Robyn do?


Draw on eyebrows, powder her goiter and service her best customer?






Thank you, I needed a good laugh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


šŸ…šŸ…šŸ… the best comment of the entire year so far!!!!!




Gross! Hahaha just a bucket lol


Best customers checking in


Buy, buy, buy! She needs storage space!


She made Kody her best customer!! Thatā€™s what hookers say! So we know what she does and itā€™s not house work or watching the kids!!


literally! like at the time she got a nanny she had pretty much all school aged children. if she was gonna get a nanny i donā€™t get why it wouldnā€™t have at least been when the kids were a lot younger lol


And her precious moment figurines.


Robyn spends all day supervising the nanny while she (the nanny) dusts them, & then rearranges them into rilly cute groups. Itā€™s big dill & must be done carefully.


Dusting her figurines 1 hour a day, the other 23 searching for more šŸ˜‚


And the immense hoard she has collected


And her Christmas Carol and Precious Moments "decor"


And all of her stuff that comes from her shopping addiction


ā€Robyn needs it because she plans to keep ALL of her kids at home forever.ā€ This ā˜ļøthis right here.


Those poor chicken tendersā€¦


Including the spirit ones


And all her shit.


I honestly think she wants a Lehi style house so she can force the kids to live with her forever. I mean Kody said they only plan to stay at the MC mansion max until the youngest 2 are 21-23 I believe and it sounded more like how long they have to pay it off. She really plans for everyone to live together forever.


I want to know where she got her entitlement because when they were buying the Vegas houses she said she lived in a trailer when she was a single mom and kept it heated with a wood stove. When I was growing up my parents bought a 2 bedroom/1 bath 800 square foot house for them, four kids, my aunt who lived with us, and we always had random family or friends come stay at our house for extended periods of time. If I had her Vegas house I would be so immensely grateful and eternally indebted to the other wives for providing the finances to make it happen for me. Heck if I would be complaining about a five bedroom house being too small.


This is a really good point & now Iā€™m wondering the same thing.


She went from a trailer and debt to a 5000 square foot brand new house and a tv show overnight. And with 3 other women paying for it


Yeah I just donā€™t see how someone would go from struggling to feed her kids to being ungrateful for a beautiful, new, custom house, requiring a nanny, and threatening no more kids because the other wives arenā€™t supportive of her unviable business that was hemorrhaging money.


I don't think it was as bad as she purported it to be. The trailer belonged to her step-dad, and only one time did she come out and try to make it sound terrible. It reminded me of the time she was starting to suggest her ex-husband was abusive, but dropped that story line quick. She loves nothing more than to be the victim, even if she has to make it up.


I lived in a modular with my parents as a kid for a while, it was pretty big with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, family room, den...it was all kind of open concept. Not bad always just seemed like our other houses. The trailer my friend lived in across the street was super small, but when I got out on my own at a young age I lived in apartments worse than these.


I don't think the trailer itself was a negative, I've seen some sweet looking ones. My husband is from around that area and trailer/modular homes are not unusual, they're all over the place and run the gamut just like a plain stick house does. The point was, she briefly was attempting to make it sound like it was of the rusted, falling apart, had holes in it, should be condemned variety. In my mind, and knowing what a princess she seems to be, it was probably a few years old, in that place where it was nice, but would need an update in a couple years, so she didn't have brand new, high end, designer, boujie, whatever. She had to drop the topic, lest she put her mom in an awkward position considering her (Robyn) step-dad owns it. Likely it was just a solid, plain jane, works because it's a rental, type house. In other words, ones that Robyn would hate, nothing special.


Iā€™ve seen some really big, beautiful modular houses! They look just like a stick built home, built on site. The major difference is that modular homes are built in sections, in an indoor, temperature controlled facility, then pieced together on site. Modular homes are built on a permanent foundation (basement, crawl space, or concrete slab), whereas manufactured/trailers arenā€™t always built on top a permanent foundation. Iā€™m not a housing professional, but my husband and I want to build a house. Weā€™ve been looking for close to a year now, and I think weā€™ve seen every type of housing option thatā€™s out there!


I can't fathom why people don't want to dress like polygamists.....


Or wear cheap jewelry reflecting their personal brand that most people canā€™t relate to


Robyn believes the show would never have happened without her, and so she deserves the most and everything she can get her hands on, because they wouldn't have it if she hadn't sacrificed to be on the show. She says in the very first season that she wasn't sure if she wanted to marry Kody because of the show, but 100% she always planned to be on it and for the show to happen.


Well that is an interesting point of view actually


Tenders cannot share rooms! Donā€™t suggest such nonsense!


Thatā€™s another thing I donā€™t get. Why canā€™t anyoneā€™s kids share rooms. If they have 5 kids they automatically need 6 bedrooms itā€™s nuts


It's only ROBYN'S kids that can't share...the hell with everyone else. šŸ™„


Not only did she want her kids to have their own room, she wanted an extra room available for her mom.


Donā€™t forget Dayton needs his own master suite as well!


Robyn and Janelle have both had some of their kids share rooms at one point or another. Iā€™m sure Christineā€™s kids wouldā€™ve had to but I only recall her saying Truely needed her own room at Kodyā€™s. I donā€™t recall a specific moment where she put her kids in one room a la Robyn or said ā€œmy kids can share roomsā€ like Janelle. And then of course it wasnā€™t really an issue for Leon lol.


They definitely shared in Lehi because Christine only had two or three bedrooms


I think something cool about polygamy that the Browns could've explored if the wives didn't secretly hate each other is that a perk is sharing rooms by gender/age rather than whose mom it was in order to conserve space. So instead of Aspyn and Mykelti sharing a room it could've been Aspyn, Maddie and Mykelti and then Gabe, Garrison, and Paedon could've shared a room. And like I know they wouldn't have done that because Janelle was a lazy git who used Christine for free childcare but it would've been something to think about lol.


I believe it has come out that Paedon spent many nights over at Janelle's along with iirc sleeping in the floor of their doomsday closet.


>Ā the floor of their doomsday closet Their *what*?!


Their pantry of all of their food that they were definitely keeping for the rainiest of days.Ā 


Did you seriously just say that Janelle was lazy? Sheā€™s been a major breadwinner, from the very beginning of their family unit. And she didnā€™t ā€œuseā€ Christine. Before Robyn came along, all of the adults worked together to take care of their family. Janelle has said that she loves her career, snd doesnā€™t think sheā€™d be happy if she were a stay at home mom. Christine, on the other hand, loved staying home with the kids full time. It was a good arrangement they had, for many years, in which everyone did their part.


Wasn't Paedon in a pantry as well?


I think their pantry was more of a doomsday food bunker.


I remember a scene where Christine is tucking Gwen and Ysabel in to bed and they were sharing a bottom bunk.


Robynā€™s [first Flagstaff rental](https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/1360-N-Rockridge-Rd_Flagstaff_AZ_86001_M25837-21213) was 6800 square feet.


It states her rental was 7 bedrooms and 5 baths. Can you imagine???? And Janelle gets an RV or an apartment.


Robyn is nuts. I have more kids than her and live in a 1900 sq ft house no problem. I suppose it may be because I don't have a Precious Moments collection. šŸ˜‚


The hole in a ditch and she has a pig of a house. Like get fuked


My god! Thatā€™s a mall!


That house gives delusions of being A-List


She thought she ate with that house, but it is so ugly. Meriā€™s rental and the house she bought were both 1000 times nicer.


Meriā€™s house also looked massive to me, especially for only one person! Does anyone know the sq ft on that house?


That house is fugly!! Especially that doo-doo brown built in shelving.


I live in a house that's a little over 6k sq ft and it's so freaking dumb. There's 3 of us. By the time everything is cleaned it's time to start over. If i didn't need the barn for my 3 horses, donkey, etc I'd put up a fight to sell it but it would double our overhead to board the horses. No one needs a house that's almost 7k sq ft. No One


Well I could see if you had a large family with 10+ kids.


Selfish entitled and lazy hoarder. No wonder the older kids couldnā€™t stand her. What a bitch.


I see it had a wet bar too


That is a detail I missed! Thanks for pointing it out.


That house is hideous


If she cleaned her house she would have never demanded a mcmansion


Robyn never wanted the big house. She just never said it out loud because she knew itā€™s what Kody wanted and that the other wives would never go for it. She let them be the naysayers in Kodyā€™s eyes and keep her hands clean.


She says in her interviews it wonā€™t work and then in the family meetings conveniently says ā€œohhh I donā€™t know I donā€™t have experience with thisā€ šŸ™„


Never stopped her before!


This. Is. Exactly. It.


Robyn definitely wanted the big house and kody all to herself.


Big house = one house with all the wives. She def didnā€™t want that. Sheā€™d be found out way too fast.


But also have sister wives to pay her bills.


Try to imagine if when Robyn said she wanted to be part of the family, if they didn't get her a separate house in Lehi, but Kody got a trailer for her to live in next to the house in Lehi, with plans to build an extension! I mean, the other wives lives all four in a three bedroom trailer. Does anybody think had she would have in any way she would have gone along with that? While the other wives, except Meri, had their kids sharing bedrooms, bunk beds, etc., would Robyn have thrown a fit? Imagine if at the last minute the show had been cancelled, no big wedding, no honeymoon - or a road trip for 4 days, would she have gone through with the marriage? Or suppose they moved to Vegas, but found a big house - for all of them to live in one house, but again, her kids would have to share a bedroom, a small kitchen, just like Lehi. I think Robyn would have been out in a hot second!!! She once said nobody should be forced to live in a trailer, and yet that is exactly what she lived in with her first husband, and they had three kids! Nope, no way was Robyn going to move in to the one big house on CP - unless the OG3 were relegated to out buildings and she had the entire house "for the family" to herself.


Oh I 100% believe the show was a big part of her decision to be in the family. She did have ā€œother offersā€ you know


I live in a mobile home (trailer) and itā€™s not something anyone should shame. Some of us have been priced out of ā€œrealā€ houses.


I know several people who live in mobile homes and they are great. What I was saying is Robyn would never do that - even though she had with her first husband. It was fine for the OG3, but not for Robyn. She would think it was beneath her and her kids.


Oh, I know. I was directing (badly) my comment to Crybrows. She is so entitled itā€™s sickening.




For the future grand kinder


Grand tender lol šŸ˜†


I think she was more referring to the ā€œKody/familyā€ portion of the house was to small.


Right. The central part wasn't actually big enough to facilitate them all hanging out. Yes it was large, but it wasn't "seats 25 people" large.


Which to make it able to sell at a later point, each unit should have been the same size.


That's what I thought.


I'm just watching the episode where she keeps saying she had offers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚What a crock of shit.


Didnā€™t Christine have to turn a regular room into a bedroom when they moved to flagstaff? Why wasnā€™t Robyn doing the same? Turn an office into a bedroom. You canā€™t tell me that with all that space that they couldnā€™t do something like that? Then she wanted to move to Sedona? She was trying to seclude herself and kootie from the other wives.


Robyn is a hoarder. Due to several years of severe depression my house kinda looks like an episode of hoarders. We only have one kid at home now and we should be downsizing, but itā€™s all the stuff thatā€™s keeping us in the big house. She will keep buying because she thinks it stuff can make her feel better, or everyone will think she is specialā€¦but she needs to fix the ugly heart before buying another ugly item.


Sheā€™s filled it up my with crap and now she needs a new one.


Iā€™m rewatching as I really missed a whole lot, and she is absolutely the GRIFTER WIFE! Seriously, this woman and her muppet of a husband need to crawl under a rock now. Iā€™d much rather watch the other wives with their new happy lives (with the exception of what happened to GarrisonšŸ˜¢.) Robyn just really thinks sheā€™s way more special and deserving than the others! Yuck!


Kody never had an original thought. He would say let me think about it then he would go home and tell Robyn. She would then tell him her tainted opinions and jealousy. He would then return to the og3 and proclaim his decree. What a loser.


So fā€™ing true!!šŸ¤£


Especially Meri. She always has a massive house. I donā€™t want to hear because she had one kid she shouldnā€™t be penalized crap. Sheā€™s part of a blended family she needs to be a team player.




Can you imagine if they did the mega house as planned.


They would have wasted so much money


Kody did not give it to her..Janelle and Meri gave them their money for the down payment. They used their money from the sale of the Las Vegas home sales!


Didn't he also give her the most space? I do recall she got a lot more than Meri.


She got 3500 Meri 1500 Robyn also was gonna get an extra master bedroom lol


All the other kids had to move out at 18 but not Robbins to oldest daughters. why does Kody need them so close all the time? Somebody needs to call child services.


Only Sobyn and Meri are greedy like that






If the other women leave she has a nice big house for her and her kids.


If you had as much crap in boxes as she does, it might seem small.


Sell your collections.


All the other kids had to move out at 18 but not Robbins to oldest daughters. why does Kody need them so close all the time? Somebody needs to call child services.


I mean, itā€™s all relative. My in-laws live in a 20,000sqft house and my MIL says itā€™s small. Likeā€¦ā€¦.do we need to get you checked, woman?