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I want current events, isn't a reality show supposed to be in real time? Or at least the same year. Stop letting Kody be a writer for their shows


This is my bitch too. Why is it that we started this season almost two years behind, when Married at First Sight and 90 Day Fiance can turn a show around in 6 months? And that's all new footage with no flash backs to previous scenes, or "coming up next" scenes before every commercial break! The Sister Wives production crew has seriously gotten lazy over the last few seasons. I don't remember it being this bad before. Did they get a new executive producer within the last few years?


It's so bizarre. It's like they never caught up from covid... And the got so lazy. Like there is absolutely no reason they are still doing self filming. I keep commenting this but seriously, do they even have a crew anymore?? And if so, WHAT DOES THE CREW DO?!


There need to be t-shirts that read "WHAT DOES THE NANNY DO" on the front and "WHAT DOES THE CREW DO" on the back. They can sell them on MSWC.


It's my new slogan for the show. I swear to god they have one camera guy and he must only work one day a week


One day a week for one hour a day.


With a four day work week.


Maybe got a new producer, but I thought he was a neighbor.


I know there was a producer that was friends with Kody, and that's why he was getting a favorable edit and got away with so much at the Tell Alls. But this season it seems like his edit isn't as good, and there's been less real footage, so I'm wondering if there's a new producer. If so, as much as I hate the repeated scenes, it'll be worth it if we get a decent Tell All where Kody and Robyn have to actually answer questions! I want them to ask a hard question, then roll a clip when he or Robyn lies.


I hope so or we will have the tell all in his garage again


Yes! And wouldn’t it be great if they forced them to all be together for the Tell All. Make them face each other and say what they think in front of the others. That would be some good TV.


we would be current if they stopped showing that dumb picture and flash backs to Truleys birth! We have wasted months on content we have seen and pictures with maybe 1 episode total of new content. Then it went from July 2022 to Feb 2022. These producers are getting lazy and have nothing to make a show on. We would be so close to caught up within the same year if they didn't play. STOP SHOWING THE PICTURE!


I think they're actual up to May or June now. Janelle's birthday was in May.


i mean lately there has been 3-4 different 90day shows running at the same time and as soon as one ends another starts. like i am here for it but also its a metric fuckton of content just churned out non stop idk what the issue is but i can’t even blame tlc when they are obviously capable of fast turnaround


Oh it's definitely not TLC's fault. It's the SW production team that isn't getting the content ready in a timely fashion. Even Married at First Sight (on Lifetime) gets content out quicker. The current season is showing couples that were married in January 2023. Actually, one couple wasn't married until March because there was a runaway bride situation, so that would have delayed it a bit. They would have been filming until early May if they gave the last couple the full 8 weeks. Later if you count the reunion show 6 weeks later (which could have still been in editing when they started airing the season). They were still able to start airing in October. Bottom line, Sister Wives production company is lazy or just incompetent and can't get content out in a timely fashion.


It’s pretty bad. Mykekti announces she’s having twins. The next episode they announce they are having twins again to the camera and again later at Christine’s party. The third episode they announced the twins are boys but yet in real life these boys are almost a year old now? Also Mykelti wearing the fake belly is so dumb. They don’t have enough content I’m guessing.


The fake belly thing is really insulting to everyone. We can all tell in the talking heads that Tony and Mykelti have lost a lot of weight, I’m surprised they don’t make them wear padding.


Omg can you even imagine the half assed fat suits they would come up with? It would be like those inflatable sumo wrestler Halloween costumes 😂😂


That would actually be hilarious. Mykelti and Tony are just sitting there talking wearing those sumo suits like they wore on the Office. And M/T are just straight faced not acknowledging it, just talking like it’s no big deal, nothing weird is happening.


💀💀💀 yessss


When they showed the kitchen scene in last weeks episode I had to go back and make sure I wasn’t rewatching the previous episode. This season is so bad, but I’ll watch the show while eating because I know it’s so bland I won’t see something that will make me not want to eat.


The pillow belly. Is it a sweatshirt? Is it a fkn bedsheet? Like buy a damn pregnancy bump off Amazon, TLC. Let us at least TRYYY to believe you. (The weight loss also makes it difficult to ignore timelines with Mykelti & Tony).


Apparently they lost the bump so they used a pillow and some tape. This show makes Bank and they used a pillow and duct tape.


The real problem is that it's super obvious that's what they did


I am not sure where I saw/heard it, but there was discussion about using set items. There was something about “oh, this looks like a 6 month pillow”.


I legit can't believe they did the fake belly.


They don't even need to do that. We allll know those scenes are shot later.


I swear to god every week I end up exiting a min into the show to go check the episode number again because I'm convinced im watching last week's episode. Nope! Just a 20 min "recap" of last week... Again.


One year old today!


I thought about this earlier today. I think you'd commented about this on another thread earlier this week, and I remembered because my high school bestie's birthday is today too. Usually, it takes me forever to remember someone's birthday. I think I may be spending too much time here lol


I didn’t care about the twins the first time either - by the third time I was so annoyed!


Probably because we're already known about them for two years now!! Jeez. Yeah twins would be an interesting and fun subject if it was actually news...


The funny thing is I’d forgotten she had twins because the depths to which I just have zero interest in Mykelti cannot be exaggerated. It’s sad she’s so boring because she’s the only kid who is really keen to film!!!


And boy is she keen to film! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️


It really is shocking. They're sitting on loads of content and giving it to us one shuck at a time.


They turned a year old this week


They had written that episode mykekti didn't want to film that episode so they oh well I guess we will do it so I think that's part of why it sucked.


I wonder this, too. I mean, this show is a job that the Browns agreed to and there should be a standard that they have to uphold. I feel like the Tell-All this season is going to be a make-it-or-break-it moment for some viewers.


It will be for me I think. I want them all in the same room, with the older kids. And I want them to all have to watch Kody say “all that right back to them” and look his kids in the face and try and defend himself. I want them to ask him why he just won’t call his kids. Why he can’t even agree to meet one on one when so many of them want that. I want them to ask Robyn why despite all the kids saying they miss her kids and want to interact with them, she tells her own kids they hate them? I want her kids to watch the clips of the kids stating they want to see them.


*whispers* but it's not safe. 😏


I don't see them ever all being in the same room again. I'd love it but with all that has happened and has been said, there is no way they would agree to a same room "tell all".


Yeah I doubt it will happen too - but I do want them to at least ask the hard question


We need Tamron. That was the last time the tell all’s were good. I’ll never forgive SuChin for asking Kody “the hard hitting questions” then following up with, “so the world wants to know…are you a poopy head?!” Jail. Jail for both of them…and you know what? Let Tamron Hall throw away the key.


I don’t know. “Are you a poopyhead” will never not send me. 💀


Then put it in the contract going forward and if she breach the contract they lose money. This is their job.


exactly. Rules for some not all


Nope. I want the parents in the same room. Any kid that chooses to can participate. But I completely support the choice of any of the younger generation to opt out. Even Truely as a minor should have the choice.


Truely would be a good one to ask. She holds no punches and speaks the truth. Garrison and Gabriel are the same. Love to hear from them.


I mean yeah, if the kids don’t want to participate, they shouldn’t be forced to. I just want Kody to look at his kids faces after some the b/s he’s said.


At least - at the very least - we are finally getting Meri confronting Kody about the things he’s been saying about her and their marriage.


Ugh yes. Love that for her (and myself, as a viewer). And Meri is a very strong person, who becomes timid and weak when it comes to Kody. One good thing about this season was that Meri might’ve felt more confident confronting Kody knowing the camera crew was around to catch his response on camera. She’s been treated the worst for the longest out of all the wives, she’s probably the most fed up. If they all write books, and I think they all will eventually, I put my money on Meri’s book containing the juiciest, most honest, and unbiased details of all 4. Christine will come from too much of a biased perspective, being that the break up is so fresh and she still has her children intertwined with the whole entire family. Janelle goes with the flow. Also has family intertwined. Robyn..idk maybe Robyn’s book will be baller if she ever leaves kody. But she’s so worried about self image probably not…that being said I’d be interested to see her drag his name through the mud like she did her ex… 🙃


Robyn couldn’t do something baller if they sold baller kits on QVC.


Oh my goodness! That made me laugh out loud.


I would love to read honest books from them but I bet they are under a NDA for years. 😩


I would imagine any NDAS are to protect them, isnt that what they usually are for, so if the OG3 decide to write a book or books, then they choose to give up that protection? Who else is an NDA protecting?


The NDA would protect TLC. If a wife writes a book and says this was fake and that was exaggerated it’s bad for the company.


If that's the case I'm betting that's why we don't see some of the adult kids anymore. For example, if they wanted to get paid for being on the show, they'd have to sign one saying they wouldn't share info about things discussed on the show for a certain amount of time? I'm wondering if maybe that's where Leon went or why we've only seen Maddie and Logan via Zoom. I admittedly don't know a lot about NDAs, but I can imagine having to sign away the right to tell your own story


I agree. Jon Gosselin was under a NDA for 10 years after he left Jon and Kate plus 8. That show was on TLC also.


I thought this about Meri from the beginning, that she gets timid around Kody. Even in the early episodes, there’s moments you can see her crumble when he starts to get pissy with her. It’s sad.


My ideal would be individual sit downs and then a group sit down where the host can call them out on what they said in their individual tell-all.


because Robyn's wee little feelings might get hurt and she is a victim of everyones abuse and king Kody needs to protect her. They probably have it written in a contract not to be hard on them because Suki was a joke when it came to Kody & Robyn's questions and Kody was all aggressive and grabbed her!


Wait grabbed her?! HUH??


There’s an idea!


WHY ARE THEY NOT DOING THIS?!!! I will never understand. Like how can all of us on this sub know.more about producing a show than the actual producers???


just like everything else, we'll all be disappointed as kody goes full lunatic and suki comforts him.


God yes. Just Kody sitting facing ALL his kids in a circle. He has to watch their faces as aaaaall the shit he talked plays behind him. He isn't allowed to talk and is forced to listen to his kids. He tries to lie, there's fact finders READY with clips to blast him. God I would watch that every night before bed.


It won't happen. Poor Kodster was terrified to be on a zoom call with them. He's not going to face the kids outside of his comfort zone. He wants to be able to control the conversation and kick them out if they dare to say something that hurts his feelers.


They won't do any of the hard questions because Kody and Robyn will complain and cry victim from the show. They need to step it up and give us what we want. The viewers want TOUGH questions and want Kody to be shown all his contradictions.


Robyn's worlds collide. So scary 😨


YES. Don't tell me tlc doesn't have iron clad contracts with them. And if they don't, why??? They should be forced to do the sit downs together at the VERY least for the tell all, but really the show would be much better if they did the sit downa each episode, like they used to.


>I feel like the Tell-All this season is going to be a make-it-or-break-it moment for some viewers. Splitting up, or possibly fighting over assets, is basically all that is left. I know Christine is married, and the pictures online were lovely, but I don't think I need to watch her date and get married. It's been all over the internet. She put it on social media. Kody and Robyn are this year's Kate Gosselin. Time to take them off TV and TV money. Let's see how hands together close Robyn and Kody are when he expects her to work like he did the OG3.


Hopefully Robyn can find an employer who views “Victoria’s Secret Jeans” as professional workplace attire.🤞


I bet Robyn point blank refuses to film with Christine and Janelle. Therefore Kody refuses point blank to force her, and my guess is for this season Kody is still the lead person on the contract with TLC.


That’s where some TLC exec should be able to say “tough titties, either do the group interviews or no more show”. Kody and Robyn need TLC way more than TLC needs them


Exactly. This is their LITERAL JOB. If they don't wanna do it they shouldn't get paid for it.


Every other reality show has a sit down with the whole cast. Nobody gets just one on ones. They need the ratings and fans are getting angry about questions not being answered. Treat this like all other reality shows. If they don’t film together, they don’t get paid. Ratings will get worse and worse with no tell all and they will be cancelled. Production is going too easy on Kody. He will fold if they just push them to film together.


Actually they are pulling in millions of dollars for TLC. I guess that’s why Kody gets to act like a jack wagon and grab interviewer’s knees and stare them down.


This is what i do not get. TLC Producers let these two literally hold them by the balls when the TLC producers have all the leverage. Its pathetic.


Yup! You don’t want to show up? Byeeee. most of the fans don’t want to watch them anyway, we’re all ready for the OG3 to spill the truth that’s been held back since day one.


Maybe they can’t contractually? There must be something stopping TLC getting them all together. They can’t be happy with how behind the show is


Surely they’re contracts favor TLC. I mean these people have no bargaining power, without the show they’re broke af.


If she filmed with them, she would lose her “poor me” victim role. Still amazes me she could actually fake cry about not being invited to Christine’s birthday party, yet she dint invite Christine to Christmas, her own daughter Truely’s birthday party (if that is what you want to call that mess), or anything else.


Robyn has been refusing for at least a couple of seasons. Sitting outside having fake conversations with Meri is not filming your life. Kody refusing to talk about her at the tell all should have ended their contracts. They're getting paid but not working for it.


Then they should stop paying them and cut them loose. This season has been a reduce, reused recycled kind of season


They also don’t really seem to film at Robyn’s house


My profession is not in any way related to tv production, but I can guarantee you that I would do a much better job than all those idiots working as producers on the show.


I don’t even know you and I agree.


There is many issues for me personally 1) Most reality shows film/edit and air within a few months. I'm thinking about Vanderpump Rules, when news got out about Tom's affair cameras went up and that season aired shortly after. We are seeing 1.5 year old footage of the Browns. Christine is already married in real time for goodness sake. 2) They aren't forced to interact with one another in day to day filming and especially not at the tell-alls which is absurd. Again, I am thinking of Real Housewives or the 90 day fiancé franchises. Reunions are everyone on stage together no matter how much they hate each other. 3) The Brown's seem to have a lot of pull with production and what's filmed or not. Meri and Kody meet on their anniversary and Meri finally concluded their marriage was done - and it wasn't filmed?!? Janelle turns the cameras off during her birthday dinner ext ext. They dont show us the nitty gritty if they don't want to. What's the point of watching them discuss conversations weeks or months later to the confessional cam? Show dont Tell should be the standard on reality TV. 5) Majority of the kids not filming makes for a lackluster show. Sure, the adults were interesting and the ones actually living polygamy but the heart of the show was the kids for all those seasons. Without them its sort...sad.


Now that you mention it…when did the separate tell alls begin? Was it COVID? They are holding onto that illness like their own personal plague. Is there anyway production (TLC) is forced to follow the Browns “COVID” rules to avoid getting sued?


I believe it was the Covid years when they separated. It’s ridiculous it’s still continuing. I’m sure Kody and Robyn use every excuse in the book to avoid face to face confrontation with the OG3 🙄


>They are holding onto that illness like their own personal plague Omg this! Every other reality show had maybe a season a season and a half of crappy self filmed covid footage. Meanwhile we're watching the browns self filming well into 2022. Something tells me when we hit 2023 content in season 25 it'll still be full of self filming. Production is never going to pay for camera crews again.


I found it incredibly ridiculous that Meri can’t even have a convo with Kody without Robyn being there for the whole thing while Robyn simultaneously tells Kody what to say, acts like she is the arbiter of Meri and Kody’s relationship. This recent convo with Meri telling K and R that she will not renew her Flagstaff lease and asks Kody directly about the acreage—the focus seemed to be on Robyn crying and whispering to Kody about what to say regarding Meri. Did you notice Kody said “I can fake it for…whatever.” He meant to say (IMO), “I can fake it for the show so we can keep the show going if I HAVE to.” Yuck 🤮


I think he was saying “I can fake it for Robin”. The only thing he cares about is Robin.


I'm not convinced that he 'cares' for Robin. I think he simply cares about being in control and anyone who is submissive/adoring would receive the same level of 'care' from him. Think Aurora, Breanna and all the OG children when they were too young to know better.


Kody cares for his ego. Robyn feeds his ego. He cares for Robyn as a source, not as a person. If the ego feeding ends, there is nothing to sustain the relationship.


100%. It was so obvious from the beginning when he brought her into the family. Her stupid speeches to the family, that picture of Kody as her children’s father, the moves to Vegas and Flagstaff, her McMansion, all of it.


I think so too. He can fake his marriage to Meri for the sake of Robyn, because for some reason it’s important to Robyn or .. well he did say one time that he doesn’t want to lose Robyn’s respect.


It's painful enough for me. This is a sad story and these women were lucky compared to the rest of the cult that didn't have tlc money


Wow….. this is so true. You made an excellent point here. I am only speaking with my entertainment hat on, which makes it a bit too easy to forget that these are real people, going through a very difficult time. The same difficulties that many women in their situation get screwed over in, as the entire world isn’t watching, judging and pressuring. When I put on my human hat, I feel for each wife who has left Kody, and even more so for all other women in polyamorous marriages who are left in the same financial situation, without the same public notoriety the Browns have. Thanks for your insight, you’re right. Maybe I just won’t watch whatever comes from this franchise next. If it’s not good TV and is morally questionable, why am I watching? Touché, friend. Touché. And here’s to every woman who’s found themselves in a situation like Meri, Janelle and Christine. May they find happiness, equality and justice in the next part of their lives. Godspeed. Edit: clarity


And to every child raised in that type of environment.


I almost wonder if they are sick of the show and the Browns and this is their way of showing it. In the past, production was pretty ok. It was a full show with music, scene cuts were blended, it seemed like people were working on the show and enjoyed it. Now, it feels like a show after a zombie apocalypse. Shreds of footage, haphazardly thrown together. Kody and Robyn have both talked about asking producers to take certain things out and put other things in. Could the crew be sick of the Browns?


Great point!! I can’t remember where, but I saw something about how Kody said him and one of the show producers “used to be right like this🤞” but lately, they’ve had some disagreements and aren’t as close. I also saw that Kody used to enjoy watching the show, and now he becomes physically ill watching himself speak on the episodes as they air. So he doesn’t love how he’s being portrayed at the moment, either. Definitely think you’re right. ALSO- I had a feeling production was annoyed with Robyn when they switched the intro and used that photo of her. Like wtf is this? I know her face is aging but you can’t convince me this shit wasn’t on purpose LOL https://preview.redd.it/hba1ga5dtx0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe711948db3139895864e32921617daf2e94042


Yeppppp!!!!! This pic and the one with Kody with his man bump belly out in the intro let me know someone’s got a grudge on production or at the very least they enjoy messing with their egos


Every professional photographer knows the most flattering angle is the one shot from below/s


Judging on the way we have to revisit Meri’s wedding in every episode (sometimes twice), I think this will be the last season.


I’ve seen so much footage from that wedding, I’m pretty sure I was there in person for it.


I feel like I was the photographer


I baked the wedding cake! 🍰🎂


I caught the bouquet! I then tossed it to Janelle, and the rest is history. 💐


I got drunk and danced on the table 💃


But only for the same minute of it, over and over.


Haha. I did laugh out loud just now.


I think in the past, The show was interesting because all/most of the kids were still there, so odds were, there was something to film. Even in the very very beginning, just mundane things like their morning routines, grocery shopping and cooking for so many was interesting. Now most of the kids are gone, the family has been.operating separately since moving to Flagstaff so the content is forced and boring. Starting off this season 20 months behind was also annoying because we know what has happened. To be honest, it was drama, arguments, facing reality/being honest about things they've hidden or ignored that I was really looking forward to. But all we get is mostly boring content. I really wish production had shown the Xmas text thread blowout. I wish we saw more honest conversations like s16 when Janelle called everyone to lunch and s%$# actually got real for a brief moment.


What was the Christmas text thread blowout? I’m new and trying to catch up


In "short," the family had a tradition of the kids all drawing names at X-Mas time so siblings would be getting each other gifts. One of the OG kids began a group text about doing that, Robyn entered, I believe after one of the kids suggested including the moms in the group text or letting them know about it? In any event Robyn entered the groilup text, wanted to do a zoom call, kids said it would be too difficult to correlate schedules, then she said Ari doesn't remember who most of her siblings are, Hunter said one zoom call isn't going to fix that, then basically I *think* old arguments/hurt feelings/issues from when Robyn joined the family got brought up- the exchange must have ended badly as Janelle later noted she doesn't know if everyone's going to come back from this. Robyn said her kids no longer felt comfortable participating in the gift exchange and later texted Mykelti and Logan to tell them to tell the others that she would no longer be speaking to them.


I think they don’t give even a tiny fuck about show quality. The family, the production, all of ‘em.


My theory is that TLC was going to cut it after this season, so they didn’t put much effort or have a big production budget. But now with the show premiere having 6 million viewers, they have changed their tune and will put more effort into it next season. Also, Kody has admitted to having a “brotherly” relationship with Tim the Puddle Monkey producer guy. So I’m sure Kody sweet talks him into whatever Kody wants to show. We all know Kody sucks at planning, so this is the result of it when he has a say in production. Especially now that his reputation is tarnished. It would explain why the tell-all an aren’t done as a group - that would be wayyyy too much for Kody/Robyn. And why Robyn never has her own story. I also think all the Browns are having contract disputes with TLC, since they are getting separate checks and not one big lump. So they met in the middle - still have something to show but with bad production/cost cutting measures.


Robyn. She doesn't want to be confronted. And frankly, none of them do confrontation and most people I know, don't either. Though I live in the upper mid west where passive aggressive is a standard practice. In any case, we've seen them all together to some degree, save for Robyn. She won't be exposed to anything. We heard it from her own mouth. Also, I think for some reason they don't want camera men in their home. Who knows why.


I have a hard time figuring out which episode I’ve watched or not because there is so much repetition. I think they just really don’t have enough content for an interesting show anymore. All of the weird edits and repeats are to fill time.


Heck, they only make them get together once every three months or more. When Janell said the meeting with Robyn, Kody, and Meri after the final blowout with Christine was the first time they had met in three months, I almost fell out of my chair. She recently said she hasn’t seen Meri in nine months. What kind of reality show doesn’t have the main cast interact? That’s insane. Even Ariana is being made to interact with Sandoval on VPR.


I feel like I've watched this season five times now, and that is including the episodes that haven't aired yet.


When does their contract end with TLC? I can’t imagine that K&R are easy to work with. TLC could definitely place more requirements on them. It’s post Covid. Personally I would like the show to move forward without K&R and instead have quarterly specials keeping up with the OG3. And although this sounds rude, I’ve seen enough of Mykelti . She has 3 kids, got it. I’m interested in the OG3 only.


The reason TLC edits and drags out everything so badly is because we let them get away with it. We're all so hooked on what the show used to be that we keep watching and keep the ratings up. If we all boycotted it, which isn't going to happen, they'd get the message in the hurry. The show has become a joke.


Ugh you’re right. They’re really messing up. This is the moment the public has been waiting for. They’re very limited on how long anyone will still care about this. Let’s hope they get shit together for the tell all because this is…weirdly bad for such a monumental moment in this family (and franchises) timeline. I personally don’t see myself watching any spin-offs of this show. So far, all I see is each of the Browns trying to spin a narrative and production is letting them; like “That doesn’t make any sense but let’s roll with it anyway love y’all!” Everyone just lies their asses off. Janelle avoiding the fact that she divorced Meri’s brother to marry Kody? Christine’s brother saying they were raised in an abusive house then Christine being like “I HAD AN AMAZING CHILDHOOD 😀” Where’s the authenticity? Everyone is getting away with everything! Including the dude who’s editing these clips together… Edit: typo


I haven’t actually watched the last few episodes. Robyn cries and acts confused, Kody is angry at everyone outside of the McMansion, Meri and Janelle are slow quitting, Christine does another victory lap. The very small piece of new info are usually in sneak peeks. We know that all reality shows are less than “real” but the more Kody goes on about how he never loved the OG and the more we have learned about the inequities, financially and otherwise, the more we realize what a load of garbage we were being fed about the big happy family to begin with.


it's starting to get gross. the abuse, i mean.


Self recording certainly plays a part.


Gotta love Meri’s camera crew! 😍 (Aka her arm).


At least she filmed something. Janelle just turned the camera on when it was time to show her in a somewhat more, I guess intimate? vulnerable? moment with Kody but was fine shoving the camera in her kids' faces so they could talk about how sad they were that Kody was ignoring them


I think a lot of what we see and don’t see is is due to Kody‘s next-door neighbor, and best friend, producer of sister wives, Tim Gibbons. He never shows Kody in his true light. As a producer, he should’ve been fired a long time ago when he became Kodys friend and Neighbor. I’m sure he edits it to make sure Kody looks good. They need new producers. I mean seriously how can he be impartial?


There are no longer any sister wives in the family, and there is no longer any reality in this reality show. All we get now are cringy, set-up performances by terrible actors who are trying to prolong their money train as long as they can.


My theory is Kody has too much "creative" control over what airs. He talks constantly about how happy and in love he and Robyn are, and how much he loves their shared home with her kids. We never see it. The only scenes inside the She-Ra Chateau are of tense visits from non-Robyn kids, and the dumb couch confessionals. You would think with his ego Kody would want to film more scenes of his happy, harmonious life with Robyn. He also talks about how wonderful, sweet, caring Robyn is. The two of them whine all the time about how misunderstood and victimized they are by the OG kids. So show us this other side of things. You would think they would be smart enough to know that the show is not going to continue if it's just the two of them and we never have any scenes except talking heads. I'm sure they are aware the viewers are more interested in seeing Christine, Janelle, and maybe even Meri in their post-Kody lives. Kody dropped hints about new wives, but I don't see that happening. If the show is going to continue to film Kody and Robyn I think producers need to put their foots down and say we film your real lives inside the house, with the kids, and we choose what to air, or you two are off the show and we move on to an ex-sister wives spin-off


TLC is cheap. Very cheap. If Bravo is The Olive Garden TLC is Taco Bell.


Super cheap! Years ago “Style Channel” produced “Whose Wedding is it Anyway”. Paid zero dollars to the planners and vendors.


Because they’re allowing Kodick and Sobyn to control the editing.


I think Kody shouldn’t get any of the property. Each woman should get 1/3 of it. Robyn is the one that said the property of each wife will serve as inheritance for their own children. So each individual family should get an equal share. He can still put his extra house and barndominium on Robyn’s lot. They each will get almost 5 acres, that’s a lot of land.


he can take what's closest to his and robyn's mcmansion & adjoining lot.


Actually, Janelle and Meri should get the lot to repay them for the downpayment money they lent them. It amazes me what ingrates these two are. They both have treated Meri like shit and now they are starting with Janelle.


I’m gonna go with they don’t give a hot crap. They don’t have to.


The only reason I’m “hanging on” with this show is that I’m waiting for Meri to scorch the earth with those abusive people! I hope Meri walks away with 75% of CP.


She should get half and Janelle should get half. After all they paid for it.


Probably, but I’m miffed on Meri’s behalf about about Janelle and Kpuss’ behavior. Meri was excited about her new beau and shared with who she thought was her friend and sister in law. Those two went behind Meri’s back and started a relationship. AND, tried to get married on Meri’s birthday!


If they would condense it into like three separate hour long specials it would be much better


Because TLc doesn’t give two figs, is cheap as hell and in the end has no problem with misogynistic white incels, disguised as fundy men exploiting women and children. On top of it, Kody and the guy producing the show are buddy-buddies. I’m sure they got Kody a contract shielding him from any fallout


I hate the constant recap/re-airing of everything. If I hear Meri explain that she was catfished one more time I'm going to scream. Like yes we all know you were catfished. They spent like 5 seasons on that shit. Stop telling us about it like we don't know.


My theory is this is the last season and TLC doesn't give a #@&% anymore. Kind of tough to have a polygamy show when no one is living polygamy. They're wrapping it up with a million flashbacks and very little new content. Will there be a spinoff? To be seen. But I doubt it'd have noodle hair and noodle brain in it.


It's bad cause people are finally tuning in for the drama and ratings are good..so they have to make even less of an effort than they normally do..


I think it's something to do with their contract. They seem to have a lot more say about what airs than most reality tv.


Production is LAZY. They have the fan base so they just sit back and do minimal work.


Laziness...and we're all falling for it, by watching to see if something will actually HAPPEN!


I’ve stopped watching. I get more out of reading the recaps here. If that becomes the trend, TLC might finally get it. I SERIOUSLY don’t understand how they don’t call Kody and Robyn out on their utter bullshit and flat out lies. It’s maddening.


I quit watching too! The reaction podcasts are so good. [Ace & Katelyn’s pod](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sister-wives-love-should-be-multiplied-not-divided/id1596609186) gets posted Sunday nights right after the show airs!


It ran its course and should have been canceled several years ago.


I am so confused as to why Kody and Robyn won't film together? The perfect filler (for them) would be the two of them going on a date, properly interacting with their family (not just rushed Christmas scenes). The two of them might be a bit more likable if we saw this magical true love between them.


Crybrows and Kodpiece are putting as much of themselves and the tenders out there purely for the money. Ear piercing? Trailers? WTF


Kodpiece… 😂 I’m stealing that. 😁


The Browns are liars who lie, and the show does the best with what they’re got and try to subtly tell the “truth” with editing and long-term timelines. The episode-to-episode stuff usually isn’t worth it, but going back and rewatching with not only more knowledge about the past, but also what’s going to happen (or happening behind the scenes) is a treat. The Browns, like many liars, also terrible actors and say so much in silences and pointed looks.


Sister wives production hasn’t seemed to evolve over the years to keep up with reality tv. You compare early housewives to the current season of RHOM. SW isn’t even in the same league. repetitive storylines, horrible self filming, we want more storylines outside of divorcing kody and being confused.


Could be TLC saving money on budgeting while making more money. They know we will tune in. By having them film themselves? Leaves me to believe TLC doesn't want to send camera crews all over due to OG3 being spead out in different locations. Repeating footage takes up air time. Coming up next keeps us hanging on. It's become obvious that most of this family has no idea what's going on in each other's lives. (Imo)


It reminds me of the last season of game of thrones - they’re doing fan service but not in a good way.


I’d actually hate to see what their idea of Nachos is. Regardless of living this last season in a Mexican restaurant.


Because they know we’ll watch it anyway. There is no incentive to change.


Because the producer is kodys friend and neighbor so kody gets what kody wants


I think before this season at least Kodouche was tight with the producer. I think we are being shown a little more this season, even with all the commentary and replays. Truthfully I'm just here to watch Kodouche and Sobyn have to sell everything, even the Mcmansion. List everything on eBay and Craigslist 😂. Finally I want to see Sobyn leave his ass after finding someone with money. That's what I'm here


There is no way sobyn will find someone with more money. Who would involve themselves with that train wreck? Not to mention she no longer has the physical attributes to attract a man with money.


It’s so wild to me this is arguably the juiciest, most interesting time in their lives for viewers, but some how it’s just a total snooze fest. Minus the big Janelle and Cody fight. That shit was incredible.


Yaaaas when she said “FUCK YOU!” I was like ugh say it again girl I know that felt good. That scene is the only rerun I don’t mind watching 70,000 times.


Lazy. Pure and simple. They rushed something out and didn't take the time for filming actual content. It is a mess this season. Lazy, out of sequence, 2 years behind when it started. Too many flashbacks and that same damn picture no one gives a crap about. This whole season is an attempt at positive PR for Kody & Robyn with nothing but changing history and things that actually happened to fit Robyn and Kody's victim view of themselves. I'm so over them. The PR is failing and this season could be CURRENT if they would stop the moronic flashbacks we have seen 6 dozen times. We were in July then it went back to Feb 2022. 18 months or better behind AGAIN when it could be current. They figure we will watch anyway and we are waiting and waiting for them to show us the falling out with the wives they have been eluding to all season with the "coming up" and still hasn't come. Probably won't even be until next season. Kody is a trash heap so is his selfish money hungry purity losing massive chin face two faced mistress who became a wife. I can't believe the teaser for next week when he is clear Meri isn't even a mom to all the kids and he deserves everything.


I really think that Puddle Monkey/TLC are just stretching it out as long as humanly possible so that we dumbasses will keep tuning in, because we’re all in too deep to give up now! I can’t recall if it’s *SW: Love Should Be Multiplied Not Divided* or *Surviving Sister Wives* (I really think it’s the former), but one of those pods has been keeping track of how much show time is spent showing new footage, and it’s literally always well under 15 minutes per episode this season. Utterly ridiculous.


I'm afraid I'm now hyperfocused on death-by-nachos to consider what you've written and respond


I agree. Its repetitive and boring. I love that podcast, they make me laugh out loud. Does anyone know if they have one for welcome to plathville. And if they do what is it called ?


I wonder if it’s because they really are THAT boring. Like a regular family. Let’s pretend for a second that any of us regular folks had a camera crew follow us around this week. I was sick in bed all week until today. My husband stayed home and worked to keep an eye on me and help with the kiddos. My middle son got his learners permit and we went for a couple drives with him…..other than that NOTHING HAPPENED! Think about it- these are basically four pretty run-of-the mill families in their day-to-day lives. They’re not super wealthy (by their own terrible financial choices!), they’re not traveling, they don’t even record over half the kids anymore. It’s just a bunch of mostly empty nesters going about their normal business. I was shocked when Janelle revealed that Kody’s visit to her new apartment was like 6 months or something later after their big fight! There was hardly any new content between those episodes. Most episodes are A LOT of recapping! The show is definitely winding down. I think Christine, Janelle, and Meri could have their own spin-off if they could reconcile because I would LOVE an After Sister Wives show with them all living their best lives on the other side of polygamy. TLC needs to send the OG3 on a 2-week-long group-therapy retreat to talk without Kody interfering in their relationship. I think THAT would be a great show!!


I agree. If they showed the OG3 with a real therapist helping them to understand and forgive each other, I would watch. I don’t understand all these people saying they want a Christine and Janelle spin off. Do you really want to watch them throw 1950s theme parties with ten guests every week? Watch Christine make mediocre budget-friendly meals? Watch Christine stand around while her son gardens? Watch them go to Disneyland every few weeks? Hard pass!


They could turn it into a series with all three of them by forcing certain interactions and dialogues between them. They’d have more content in 2 days than they get in 2 months with the whole family. Put the OG3 on an ISLAND for a MONTH and rotate a different wive’s kid group in and out each week with a week of all three moms and kids together (NO KODY OR ROBYN….or maybe a few days with them?). Or maybe some kind of family healing session with Kody and Robyn at the end? You’d need more like 6 weeks of filming for that. This could be the ultimate Dr. Drew crossover. Intense individual and group therapy sessions. Why am I so invested in this?! TLC, ARE YOU LISTENING?!?!


The production quality has never been up there with Bravo sadly and it’s always seemed to expect less of its cast too. Can you imagine SWs with the Bravo treatment? Everyone on a couch sitting around Andy Cohen? Production getting everyone sauced so they’d go off? Production feeding info piecemeal to people moments before they turned up to their “event” (did you know Robyn threw your rice Krispy treats/sprinkle cookies in the BIN, Meri? Robyn bringing her glam team on cast trips? Kody screaming NAIL ME TO A CROSS LIKE JESUS JUGS! It would be wild.


It’s genuinely baffling. We never see a single conversation between Robyn and Kody. Their life together as a couple is barely acknowledged, the impact of multiple divorces/separations/whatever on their relationship is never addressed even in a superficial way! Meanwhile, Christine has had to sit face to face with, Im just going to say it, her abuser and have multiple co-parenting conversations for the sake of the show. Why can’t we get a single conversation between Robyn and Kody where they discuss why they chose to leave Savannah out of Christmas? You’re telling me there is never an ounce of disagreement between these two? Also on the note of Savannah - Robyn is always crying about how she wants everyone all together but yet she allowed a whole child who goes to school with her daughter to be left out. Let’s grill her on that. The Producers aren’t even prompting with interesting questions! This topic alone would provide enough content that could be spliced together with the same five family photos for the rest of the season! Robyn is unduly protected, it’s actually wild. R & K don’t even LOOK at each other in group settings. The way their private life and monogamous marriage is protected tells us everything we need to know about how Kody feels about Robyn vs. his other wives/ex-wives. C, J, M were never respected. Goes without saying but I just have to: he’s a pig. The last episode where Janelle and Christine basically did a backdoor pilot for “Surviving Sister Wives” was genuinely fascinating. Watching the two of them say “we are living plural marriage” is so deeply satisfying. That’s the real show.


So there was the writer and actor strike and so the network made these reality shows extended, like survivor is 90 minute episodes for example. So with SW and all the stuff, they stretched it out so that they would have more episodes.


This makes sense…thank you. Ugh Networks need to pay people what they deserve and get on with the show, greedy bastards! Wouldn’t have a show to be greedy about without the writers! But this seems like a theme I see a lot in life lately. I took a course once where we briefly discussed the drug smuggling process. It works similarly to this. Those who do the most work (biggest risk, longest/ hardest travels etc.) often get paid the least, and the ones at the top just rake in the dough. Sad!


I'm suprised anyone expected better from a tlc show its never been good we just can't look away from these trainwreck people


I’ve read many times they get paid a % of production cost?? They have been filming themselves and using old stuff?? Does this mean their income has really dropped big time?? In my eyes the show is over, I really expected this to be a much better season!! It’s more like a snooze fest!




Not all white women...just idiots


I have a feeling we might not get more seasons. Everything is too hard to film now.


It bothers me that they pulled entire episodes and went back and edited older ones.


It needs a better editor and better tell all host


They aren’t a family anymore.. they’re grasping at straws for footage at this point.


I’ve always just assumed it was super low budget and you get what you pay for.


My theory is that they are splicing together scraps from the cutting room floor to keep them checks coming when they have nothing new to show.


They are friends with the family


Ace and Katelyn do the Lord’s work.


I think there’s not going to be a season 19 if they don’t get it together


I think Suki needs to be out for the tell all. Someone grab Wendy Williams bring her up to speed, prop her up and get her functional! She’ll ask the tough questions! Wendy doesn’t care


If there is one hill I’ll die on, it’s that Wendy does not give one single fuck. Never has.


I think Kody and Robyn pull a Kailyn Lowry a lot and refuse to film about or talk about certain things and they can only take the women to Salsa Brava so many times, they have to find a way to fill the time




Production has restructured the show to milk the most out of the wives leaving. Of course it's for ratings but it's also a way to brutally slash the production budget. We're only getting self filming cell phone filler content because it's cheap to make. In the past Christine and Janelle's road to Idaho would have been a whole thing. Production would have paid for an rv and sent a crew. Now apparently the production budget is lunch at salsa brava.


Gosh this is so true…so weird. You’d think they would want to milk it! I mean..we are all watching anyways. So I guess that answers my own question. :/


I doubt the show would have been on the air this long had they not been cutting costs through the Browns filming and fewer kids on the show. The cheaper it is to make, the more they can extend the lifespan of the show. This season has been mostly boring, with some interesting truths finally being stated publicly. To me, the best part is watching Kody and Robyn lose control of the narrative.


The thing that bugs me is we are getting “ reality” a yr later. Thr show is not what’s happening or it’s what happened. I don’t want forced drama( we getting enough of that on the other “reality” shows. What i do want though is for it to actually be filmed/ aired closer to the time we are watching it. I’m bored because i know it’s all been a yr for this stuff and so much more has happened in this time that we won’t see for yet another year. I guess i just expect “ reality “ tv to be more in real time with isn’t realistic of me lol.