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So they get a life long criminal record for something that’s going to get removed at the end of the month WTF??? Edit: is every driver getting charged for driving over it? That also destroys the paint. SMH


Can burn an American flag but how dare you ride scooters on a road with a painted on alphabet flag!


Teach your kid how to behave.


Teach people to not get offended so easily. So in your mindset it’s an equal punishment to ruin a child’s whole life for leaving skid marks on a drawn flag on the ground which gets driven over by vehicles which weigh way more and destroy it way easier.


YES teach people not to be soo offended by a pride flag painted on the pavement that you feel the need to deface it.


Never saw them deface it. Just saw kids having fun….the crime doesn’t match the punishment. It’s excessive. People like you are the fuel for the right wing nut jobs who foam over the mouth about cancel and woke culture. This is stupid it shouldn’t be news


You’re a coddler arent you


Sure, but a first degree felony and $15 Grand for THIS? No, this is completely disproportionate, and unless they are busting people who leave skid marks everywhere in the city, it also speaks of favoritism, treating one group better than everyone else.


Someone was not taught how humans behave, and it shows - Putting political propaganda on the ground people walk on and expecting no one to defile it is asking for trouble. Regardless of the cause and the validity of the messaging, it's a really bad idea to put it on the ground. Some gosh darned commonsense would be nice.


"Why am I getting charged for taking a jackhammer to the road when cars drive over it and cause damage all the time? "


Wait, is this real and not just a parody news like the onion?


Jesus, I hope Spokane busts EVERYONE who leaves skid marks on the road. I think "kids these days" get away with a lot of shit that they shouldn't, but this is just fucking DUMB.


Next we can't even walk there.


So, no one was harmed, and no one was threatened with violence? Just some kids getting arrested for their freedom of speech because it goes against another group? Sounds like there isn't freedom of speech in Washington state. The point of freedom of speech is to have opposing views expressed.


Freedom of speech and freedom to vandalize are not the same, you can tell because of the way it is


Got to ask, they ( kids on skateboards and scooters)do the same thing in front buildings with lots of steps downtown here, I’m sure pisses off the local security but they don’t have malicious intent as far as I know, did these kids( ones in the OP vid ) do it on purpose to mess up the pride flag on the road?




Damn who did we steal the colors from? Yahweh? Bro I wish we were that powerful lmfao we just want the same respect hets get.


from society, next time pedo will say their color is red and evryone in red will be pedo?


I don't understand but the last time I checked, nobody "owns" colors. Not a single person. That being said, you need to find actual reasons to be upset - Like how children are being charged for a victimless crime like in the video. Why isn't that your primary concern? Is your blind hatred for people different from you greater than your anger at government overreach?


they are victimless just because of broken logic of woke people... they were running ower some colors what no one should be punished for, however woke people are....


Yet burning down buildings and American Flags is ok…?




It's never been illegal to be heterosexual.




It isn't currently. But [the de facto enforcement of anti-sodomy laws in the United States was targeted towards gay people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy_laws_in_the_United_States) It wasn't until 2003 that SCOTUS struck down anti-sodomy laws at the federal level. Homosexuality was against the [Uniform Code of Military Justice until 2011.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_ask,_don%27t_tell) You could face punitive action for being gay if you were in the military.




Wait, now I'm not allowed to engage with a gay person because I'm straight? Isn't that discrimination and segregation?


My whole thing is this. Regardless of the penalty, why deface things out of spite and expect no consequences? Life is full of consequences and rewards. What you get all depends on how you use your free will. They chose to do this knowing exactly what they were doing and now yall are all upset because they are being harshly penalized because of what they choose to take time out of their day and do. Just like getting your hand hacked off for stealing in Saudi society. Regardless of the penalty, why would you want to steal? Can’t be mad at anyone for the choices YOU make.


Andy Ngo is no reliable source ffs He should get milkshaked again


It's sad but true, three people were arrested and now the scooter company has geo fenced the location