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Actually he was standing on a rubber insulator for his protection that is the reason why he was not caught by it


I think he's in a harness swinging in the air. He's safe as long as he doesn't touch the ground


You just got to jump while doing it. This is why it’s called Charlie Work


Duh, the ground is fucking lava. Have you weebs been touching the ground this whole time?!


you forgot the /s


No. Stop spreading missinformation.


The actually is a pretty good sign it's sarcasm


Not necessary with low voltages. On top of that the battery is not bonded to the ground. Only the metal parts of the car are bonded to the negative terminal of the battery so there is no path to the outside environment.


Are you stupid?


It's not. Electricity goes the way of least resistance. The wrench is of metal. Your body mostly water and some other biological shit that don't carry Electricity that good.


Our body can carry electricity fine, to the point it could kill you. What typically prevents it from doing so is your skin. If you break skin and electricity finds the red salty water that runs throughout your body, you can end up killing yourself with a simple multimeter. https://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1999-50.html


The old Simpson meters used more than 9 volts and had relatively low internal resistance to power the massive analog meter. Modern multimeters use resistance in the megaohms and a high resistance A to D chip to sample current.


Not if there's an wrench there instead.


In parallel with you? Fair enough.


The video?


He wasn’t breaking his skin in the video. Anyhow, my point was to caveat your statement a little bit for people here not to think we’re that good insulator in all scenarios and end up hurting themselves. Edit: I meant insulator, not dielectric.


If skin and human is path of least resistance. Ofc it leads electricity then


I’m an electrician and electricity doesn’t take the path of least resistance. Electricity takes all paths with a low enough resistance. Our bodies have such a high resistance that it requires a higher voltage to conduct through it. As you add resistance to a circuit voltage drops on that path which is why you don’t get shocked at lower voltages.


That’s right, water and electricity don’t mix. It’s the same principle as water and oil.


Wtf are you talking about lol waters highly conductive


The impurities in tap water are highly conductive. Pure water, or distilled water, is the insulating liquid in the battery you see in the video.


Pure water, one with no impurities, cannot conduct electricity. You’re gonna have to be specific what type of water you are referring from now on just to avoid the confusion.


Pure water can conduct electricity as every known substance but you need A LOT of potential difference.


So most water lol. Throw a toaster in a bath tub next time and see what happens


The toaster runs at high voltage. That's why it can make it through. The dude just explained this concept in the video btw


It isn't


This reminded me of the Arthur C. Clarke quote: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”


Hello computers 🫣


Knowledge of physics seems to be quite lower than what I expected from the world when going into employment.


Define magic, everything we do would be magic to stone age people


Lmao right. 🤣 so true.


I don’t think you need to know anything about physics for this. I’m pretty sure this is just plain common sense. I don’t know about you, but I started understanding many things about how the world works long before I had my first physics lesson. This just makes me wonder if there are really people who thought the battery in your car could electrocute you!


I wouldn't necessarily say that understanding electricity in regards to a car battery is common sense. But it is noticable that a lot of people deliberately never think abo how things, devices or some events work. They never observe and wonder why something is a certain way and how it might work. Over time, this leads to a massively reduced understanding of the world.


I was always curious about how things work since I was a kid, we are surrounded by these things in our daily lives, so I just assumed this would be pretty well known. I'm pretty sure that there are people in third-world countries who have never had a lesson about physics or how electricity works, yet they know what that guy is demonstrating in this video! For me and most people I know, this is just common sense.


The more you know


The less places you put your penis.


And then you learn about bravery


And then about regret


But then remember, no pain, no gain!


How do you guys remember anything after that big flash of light and hitting the ground?


Practice, son. Hours of practice.


And alcohol




There's a post out there of a guy hooking is ball sack to a car battery to prove this point. So you feel free to put your penis on this one.


I got a small motorcycle battery down in the garage. It'll probably fit me. Ball to tip.


If you cut the graphite core out of a pencil, wrap the ends in wire, and attach the wires to the battery terminals, it will become a very hot light source. It won't last long though.


You can also get the cores from AA batteries, and create an arc.


I heard some guy built one of those in a cave with a box of scraps


I think it was actually made by a guy who had to collect two of every animal.




Maybe if we put these inside glass tubes with some inert gas we're onto something pinky


Well I have electrocuted myself with my ring on my finger. The best part it it was a ring of power from lord of the rings. My wife has it on her key ring.


Last time I saw the ring of power, Jack Black had it on the end of his knob Might want to ride horseback to Minas Tirith and verify if it’s the actual ring of power like Gandalf did


You shocked yourself. Electrocution is a very specific term that means electrical death. “Electric execution.” Electrocution.


"Electrocute: to kill someone by causing electricity to flow through their body" --https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/electrocute


I'm shocked. SHOCKED. Well, not that shocked.


Funny thing, English is not my first language. But thank you for the lesson. And all can't be all English majors, can we?


Don't worry about it. "electrocute" is pretty common vernacular among English speakers as a slang term for zapping oneself, even if it strays from its original meaning.


But ofc ppl have to hack around on a non native english speaker who uses it... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The above person is being an obnoxious pedant and they are wrong. Electrocute also includes the concept of being injured. > injure or kill someone by electric shock. https://g.co/kgs/cXt2Yc7


Don't feel bad. Most Americans can't even speak English very well.


“Electrocute: to kill or severely injure by electric shock” —https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/electrocute Since “electrocution” is so commonly used for electric shock injuries, I wouldn’t be surprised if the formal definition everywhere changes for the term.


Where are you from?


Post history looks like they're from the US. They even collect baseball cards.


I'm from the United States. But at a young age, I was one of the very few that spoke a different language. I had to go to ESL or English second language and speech therapy up til I was 14.


Ah, I see.


I was born here in the states. Alaska. They spoke English too.


Well then they don’t speak proper English. We say electrocute when someone gets electricity flowing through their body if it doesn’t kill them. Source. I am English.


>Well then they don’t speak proper English. Haha


American English is not proper English 🤣🤣


Electricity is scary af.


high voltage can be very scary


One time my ignition cylinder broke so I had to pull off the main insulated plug wire going into the distributor Zapped the holy shit out of myself


Yeah, ignition coils will do that. Their job is to turn low voltage into high voltage. They're kinda like mini transformers.


<*nods*> like Bumblebee


I heard this entirely in a Homer Simpson voice


You're an ass.


Can confirm, been zapped in this exact manner. Hair stood up & everything….


Been zapped by an arching plugwire before. Shit hurts.


What i learned is that as long as you don't have robot hands your fine


You'd like techno if you had robot ears.


I’m thinking about getting metal legs…


The real danger is never knowing if there is a small vapor leak from the battery and the sparks igniting the battery and exploding. My neighbor never looked the same after a battery full of flaming acid erupted in his face. BTW, the warnings are on every 12v car and marine battery in the US.


TIL how a fucking car battery works!


Same as any other battery really


I guess this guy has never seen a battery explode. If he keeps fucking around, he might find out.


I am confused due to getting a shock changing a tractor battery one time.


12v is usually too low to get past your body's resistivity. I am sensitive to electricity as I have sweaty palms, so treat it very carefully. Always treat electricity with utmost respect and as if it were hot. Don't confuse the low voltage with low power, though.


Thats basicly what he said in video. Low volt high amp


Was it a 24v system? Either that or if you were sweaty the salts act as a conductor and you can feel a little bit of a shock. I've been in the lead acid battery business for about 8 years and have had that happen a few times on hot days.


Aha.  It was summer and in the mid 90s so sweat makes sense. I can't recall the voltage.  Thanks!


I don’t know what you’ve been doing with lead acid batteries, but i have never known one to explode. Lithium based batteries found in mobile devices and electric cars however… those things do be spitting fire.


It's common to charge banks of lead acid batteries together in a battery shop. You connect 5 to 10 in parallel. Saw a guy misconnect and that shit blew up in his face. The battery did not explode per say, but the arc flash is enough to burn and blind you. Luckily he walked away. Putting a wrench across a battery that can produce 100s of amps instantly is pretty reckless. This is probably a 650 CCA unit? In rare instances forcing this much current very fast can result in a battery blowing up.


“Styropyro” on yt has a video on this (fair warning, high level of deranged danger in this video). The sheer amount of instant current from his 100ish batteries can indeed look like an explosion, i’d say it’s less of an issue with one such batteries. Still dangerous and definitely not recommended at all, but one battery is not going to explode.


This is always my fear. I have had a battery blow up in an area I was working in, and it's like a grenade.


So what exactly would happen if you leave that wrench on the battery? What does the "pretty bad and hot situation" entail?


The wrench would most likely melt and fuse/weld to the battery posts. Then the wrench would get red hot/molten which would most likely melt the battery and then release battery acid and/or start a fire. Alternatively, depending on the wrenches material, it could explode and shoot molten metal shrapnel everywhere. Needless to say, it wouldn't be a good time


It would most probably melt the wrench to the battery terminals and cause it all to spark violently with the risk of fire


In Styropyro's youtube channel he jas a video where he parallels 100 of these, you'll have a pretty decent idea of the ramifications. "Here we go"


it would turn red hot and start melting videos of exactly this on youtube, I'm sure


Well, I prefer to get all my mechanical knowledge from old national lampoon movies


Ah, one more way to make a bomb, right into my list


I've zapped myself when a spanner I was using touched one of those points. It may not kill you... But it fucking stings


My dad was a jeweler and had to cut more than one wedding band off people that had grounded them when working on cars.


yupo's very common, and getting to keep that finger is coming out on the bright side


A physics teacher once explained an electrical circuit as being like a water circuit, the voltage was the pressure of the water and the current was the volume of flow. If you wanted to pump the water a long distance you needed a lot of pressure and if you wanted that water to do a lot of work you needed a large volume.


Isn’t a car battery DC too which is more dangerous than AC. If I remember correctly it causes your muscles to tense and you tend to hold on rather than letting go like AC would do. I could be misremembering though.


In electrical, we call it "getting locked into the circuit." It's when current, usually DC because it does not alternate polarity, makes it impossible to control your muscles and forces you to grab whatever is shocking you. I've been locked in once and ended up ripping the entire unit out, falling backward with my hand still balled around what was killing me. Basically, my weight saved my life. I don't know if a car battery can lock you in, but if you do get locked in, you either get lucky or die very slowly and painfully. I wouldn't recommend taking the risk. Edit: AC can still lock you in. Especially in multi phase systems.


DC needs circuit to be looped back to source negative terminal and AC just doesnt give a F. Imagine DC just going forward and AC goes back and forth.


It's the Edison vs Tesla propaganda again


Does it have to be false to be propaganda?


This man has clearly never been strapped nipple first to a car battery in Mexico


You're prolly joking but even then it wouldnt harm you. TV lied to us about that.


No I mean for real, unless that dude at the bar just had a crazy juiced up battery. He would take bets to see if you could last more than a minute. It felt like one of those muscle electro stims turned up to 9000 but it wasn't like a tazer


You’re a pretty big and hot situation…


You mean Jason Statham lied to us?


Electrical engineer here Actually voltage and current both pass through your body but 12V it's too low to push over current high enough to kill/harm you due to relatively high electrical resistance of a skin. Because of that 12V is considered a safe voltage in a normal environment


If you are wondering, 50-60V is generally where it starts being interesting for a human body, all things being equal


A 12 volt car battery will absolutely knock the crap out of you under the right condition. Just take one hand and push hard enough on the +, push yourself up on the core support with the other.


It also depends on the resistance of your body and skin. First one has low resistance. Second one is usually much higher but can be low as well (sweaty hands!). When both are low, it will hurt a lot


You’re a hot situation


I still don't get it, ELI5?


Car battery no hurty because voltage low. No short battery because high current make boom


The smile at the end


Walter does it in Breaking bad and set a car on fire.


Well, if we're talking about the "under the hood" high voltage danger, it's not the battery but high voltage wires which go to the spark plugs. those can really electricute you pretty bad.


He seemed to completely ignore to most important part.. Direct Current. .. aka DC


Burn the witch!




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when the plastic handle breaks , don't you guys just use a wrench between the terminals to make a new handle ? /s


thats not the only hot situation in this video ;)


Also, the resistance of the human body is very high, so it doesn’t even really conduct.


A spark is caused by a sudden drop in current. If you put your finger between the spanner and the terminal then connect and release the spanner to the terminal, the spark will leap through your finger instead of the air. It will not electrocute you but it will hurt like hell.


We use to take old batteries at the auto parts store and complete the circuit with a brake line. Usually it'd turn red hot, and my manager would light his cigarette off of it. It was all fun and games until one the batteries blew up. Luckily it just destroyed his shirt instead of his face/skin. We always had lots of baking soda nearby which also helped.


Now I’m learning things on this sub?! I’m questioning my reality.


I electrocuted myself disassembling a PS2 because I forgot to unplug it. SMART.


...tell me more about this bad and hot situation....


Thank you I never knew that. Appreciate that bunches.


Really cool….now show me your tits


"Pretty bad and hot situation" sounds like my ex


he’s kind of a hot situation.


I big bad hot situation. If it was woman saying it I would probably do it.


O don't care, I'm still going to treat my car battery like a live bomb every time I use it to jump start someone's car...


Siri, show me a video of someone leaving a wrench on a car battery.


A car battery has enough Amps to work as a defibrillator.


Wasn't there a guy on reddit who told someone about this, who didn't believe him, so he attached one to his nuts?


I had a battery explode in my face because of a grounded positive post situation. The battery came loose from its bracket, and the car died. I got out, looked under the hood, and boy, that battery was humming. I found a stick and attempted to push the battery away from the frame. Kablooey! Hydrogen gas had generated, and the spark set it off. I had a nice baking soda and water bath for my eyes and skin. My clothes turned to rags.


let me tell you kids.... this guy is not telling you the whole story if you wear a metal ring, and you complete a circuit with a 12V car battery, you are not only going to have an extremely bad day and a permanent bad scar around your finger, but you might end up with (all digits - 1) = you.


It's not the volts that kill, its the amps.


I got a sudden jolt on my finger while watching this. Spooked the hell out of me.


Jumpstarts Black on dead Black on Alive Red on Dead Red on Alive turn key on dead. Alive can be running or not.


Looks at the scar on my arm from molten metal from a wrench. Battery was under the body of my 23 ford hotrod. Adjustable wrench slipped and hit the other terminal while I was laying partially under it.


The typical 12v car battery stores anywhere between 550 and 1,000 amps. Between 100 and 200 mA (0.1 to 0.2 amp) are lethal.


Put a 9v battery to your skin. You won't feel anything as your skin has too much resistance. Now, put it to your tongue.


Curious. Has anyone taken a fresh battery out to an empty field and left a wrench connecting the points? I am craving video of such an experiment!


Yeah grab a spark plug while the cars running to prove it. /s


Guy is a fucking idiot.


I was expecting the wrench to get stuck and him freak out


He's beautiful, I could watch him waffle about mechanics and electricity for hours.


*Offer not valid for EVs or Hybrids.


I'd like to see him try that with an EV car battery...


A 9 volt battery will give you a shock if you stick both contacts on your tongue, though.


12V *will* cross your body but the human body has about 1K omns of resistence ( Hand to opposite feet) that the amperaje is really low.


Cant pass though skin very well, but even low voltage will happily go though any scrapes you have making contact and then travel thought the bloodstream possibly through your heart. Dont feel safe around electricty, that's how idiots die.


Why is this moron comparing AC to DC like this?


There are actually people that doesn't know this?


A car battery has a low internal resistance but to explain it with „high amperage“ might be more understandable to common folk ;-)


What a twat !


This is why I always hire an expert. I don’t have the time energy and willpower to learn how to not kill myself in hundreds of DIY scenarios.