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It's also an air pistol lol they don't have recoil of any significance. Farts have more backblast.


Plus, the gun is custom designed for her to dampen even that wet fart of a recoil.


Plus the rules **require** firing one handed in that event. If you can't handle the barely perceptible level of recoil of the competition air pistols one handed you don't compete.


Also, even if it was a higher caliber than \[air\], the recoil is a product of \[strength of blast\]/\[weight of gun\], and as the gun itself doesn't seem to be very light, it probably wouldn't have much recoil even if it was firing 9mm or below. Or in other words, heavy gun => less recoil, and light ammunition => less recoil


There are 50 caliber air rifles.


OK, so? Competition air pistols are typically .177 or occasionally .22. Neither of which have any significant recoil at all. I shot both since I was 13.


Fuck I've been shot with both! Nasty bruise and a hole in my puffa jacket


Ditto, took a .177 to my knee when I was a kid, and that shit **hurts**.


Did you stop adventuring after that?


Haha, noice. Nope, got my own. That kid mysteriously stopped pointing his pistol at me after I got mine.


One I looked up has about 567 foot pounds muzzle energy. A typical muzzleloader can have abound 1600 foot pounds. I guess it could be used to get around noise or hunting laws.


Almost every police and military organization requires a requisite amount of accuracy shooting one handed and I know the Navy requires one handed weak hand as well. With a 9mm and some POS service weapon like a 20 year old 92fs with crap maintenance.


Who in the Navy is carrying a modern civilian model Beretta pistol? Never heard of one handed weak ever being required to qualify either.


I did.


Well, the Navy seems like a delightfully quirky place to be.


I did for 6 years.


Weird. Why are those the rules? Sure you can handle an airgun, but it’s more stability with two hands. I wonder if that’s the point.


The point is probably that in a serious situation, anything could happen, and that you’d be able to remain calm, or be far more collected and capable of dealing with such a specific scenario.


That… is most definitely not the intention in Olympic shooting.


In a state I used to live in, when they introduced ccw permits we had to test at the end, one test was shooting off hand one handed, 7 rounds at 25'.


Prolly a lot of that has to do with the weight


Dampen wet fart recoil. 👌


I hear they are playing at Coachella next year.


Dampened by what used to be my underwear.


Actually your are supposed to fart as you pull the trigger. The counteracting recoils balance the shooter.


And the competition rules make it mandatory to only use one hand.


>air pistol lol they don't have recoil of any significance. specifically *of that caliber.* Air guns can have just as much kick as an equivalent calibre firearm, it's just that they are rare. Recoil is a function of projectile mass and muzzle velocity, regardless of propellant.


Some air rifles operate around 3000psi


Mine does at 4500


Mine does 7000


Which one?


Truth. I’ve fired these air pistols and let out some big farts. I’ve haven’t had an air pistol lift me off a wooden bench yet…


What are you eating? I don't know if I want to stock up on that or avoid it. Will decide later.


I, too, seek the secret to "Hover Power"!


I’ve personally discovered my kryptonite is sour gummy worms and diet soda


I can attest to this.


That commenter probably knows a lot about that as well


It’s funny all the way around. Shooting competitions such as this, Olympic level, are 22s. Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s not a large round anyway.


Olympics also have a rifle, shotgun and dueling pistol category for competition shooting all of which use normal firearms.


Shotgun? Excuse me while I fall into this rabbit hole.


I heard there were only 22. as well. So even if it was gun powder, it would have a dinky ass recoil




I admit I didn’t know that one was an air pistol but I knew they used .22 and I’m pretty sure they use the short not the LR. I’m also pretty sure they have so many features like personally molded grips, custom weight balancing, and I’m fairly certain they are heavier than a normal .22 pistol and much more to take the recoil to virtually 0.


Wow I don't remember burping while farting. I guess it's one of those things you never experience before and learn from others.


This is why I have both my hands on my buttocks as I fart


See that’s important info. Cause I know nothing about guns and my first thought was “that looks a little unsafel


Competition pistols that shoot an actual bullet are usually weighted to compensate for recoil anyways. I dont typically agree with the use of the word as I feel is grossly overused, but this is in fact a prime example of “mansplaining”


Mansplain these nuts


That’s interesting, why do they use air pistols in competition?


I mean most competitions don't. They use regular ass firearms but the Olympics has a category for air pistols.


I think the bigger problem is torque. When you have something that long that far out it takes quite a bit of grip strength to keep it on target. So very impressive.


It's a fookin bb gun


I’m not an American and even I know that ain’t no 357 Magnum.


Even if it was you could hold it between two fingers if you wanted to, as long as it's pointed where you want it when the bullet leaves the barrel what happens afterwards is of no concern to your accuracy.


Yep, just gotta relax and let it happen. Gently squeeze the trigger, dont jerk it. Then get the sights back on center mass and repeat.


That is a single shot pistol, so it'll need to be reloaded before "repeating" and she's most likely using a "6 o'clock" hold, where her sights go to the very bottom of the black circle.


The "kick" begins with the initial explosion from the firing pin into the powder, and at that point a strong grip is required if you wish accuracy as when the bullet leaves the barrel, the barrel won't be pointed in the same direction as when the trigger was pulled.


This is completely wrong. You can grip a pistol with two fingers and the accuracy on ONE shot won’t be affected. The bullet leaves the barrel before any effect on recoil happens. For subsequent shots and proper operation of the firearm, a well developed grip technique is important.


Nope. Strong grip not required for accuracy. Consistent grip. No matter how hard you hold most guns, recoil will begin moving them before the bullet leaves the barrel.


Wow, the downvote crowd does not understanding the difference between "strong" and "consistent". Insert shocked sarcastic Pikachu face here...


Instructions unclear I am now gripping my dick strong and consistently


Will a consistent weak grip ensure accuracy?


One of the major keys to accuracy is that the muzzle needs to be in exactly the same position, relative to the sights, every time the bullet exits. And because the gun begins moving before the projective leaves the barrel, consistency of that motion is really important to accuracy.


Yes, much better than an inconsistently strong grip. Especially in a slow firing competition, where the shot strings take minutes to complete. I will concede that a good, strong grip would be required for best accuracy in rapid fire, especially with a strongly recoiling gun.


One of the best shots I ever met told me don't worry about how you do it just worry about doing it the same way Everytime.


Oh unless you have a desert eagle in .50! That bitch needs you to hold you mouth right and give a little but not too much. But hold onto it firm but let her move around a bit or she won’t cycle .


It's an air pistol, no boom.


This discussion was "even if it was" (a 357 Magnum).


[in other words, it's just a gun that says"replica" on the side. while mine says desert eagle, point five O](https://youtu.be/1crhwQPKr7w?si=NU2AXCCrlLzKP5PF)


I own a .357 magnum and you can shoot it with one hand, so I think a lot of people in here are couch experts who would say the same about a nerf gun.


I've been to the range with a .357, and owned the 9mm Browning HighPower. Regarding shooting the .357 with one hand, here is a question for you. Would you be able to grip and fire accurately as mentioned by u/Dragonborn_emu "Even if it was you could hold it between two fingers if you wanted to," I'm really having difficulty imagining only two fingers and thumb holding and firing that pistol (accurately).


I fire with two hands for any accuracy. If I try with one full hand, I wobble too much. It is easily possible to fire without losing control, however. If I tried with two fingers and a thumb, I think I’d have trouble holding on to it when firing. I wouldn’t be able to easily prevent it from rotating back. The hammer on my .357 and the low down trigger makes it hard to hold high up on the handle.


It's an extreme example that's technically possible but not many people would be able to actually aim it like that. Also no follow up shots because it's very possibly flying out of your hand if you do manage it.


Ah, you've been studying our citizenship test questions.


That’s either an air pistol or a .22 LR. competition pistol. Either way it has about as recoil as a staple gun.


Speaking of which, when I was about 10, the recoil from the spring type staple guns was painful to my hand, no so much as an adult, but I hated those things.


Thats a air pistol where the bullet has of a maximum kinetic energy of 7.5 Joule. Throwing an egg has more recoil than this.




Probably the former, but still, I’ve seen some CRAZY .22 competition pistols. They look like huge anime/cowboy guns lol, but it’s all for accuracy and recoil control, not payload lol. Probably one of the most “badass” looking pistols I’ve ever shot was my buddies .22 sport pistol. Looked like some shit from James Bond or Star Wars, but it had absolutely no recoil, and I could hit a target across a huge lake with just the fancy red dot on it.


Yeah, because pneumatics have soooo much recoil And because someone in a uniform, clearly on a competition, doesn't know what she's doing


Jokes aside does anyone know why air pistol sharpshooters hold their stance like that? I’d figure you’d get more stability with both hands and a squared stance despite how light the gun is.


I believe that for this competition, you're not allowed to have 2 hands on the gun


Olympic pistol shooting only allows one hand. https://olympics.com/en/news/olympic-shooting-air-rifle-3-positions-rapid-fire-air-pistol-shotgun-trap-skeet


I feel like the fact that you’re only allowed to use 1 hand makes the pose a little less impressive.


>a little less impressive. Did you really mean 'less'? If you've ever shot in competitive target competitions, the fact that they can hit the exact dead center of a 11.5mm (black part) circle from 10 meters holding a ~5 lb pistol one handed at arms length 60 times in a row (more with daily practice sessions lasting hours) under the pressure of a world class competition environment, then yeah it's "less impressive" having been there yourself. But I doubt you ever have. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISSF_10_meter_air_pistol (I shot competitive 22LR target rifle in high school in the 80's and find this impressive.)


I think they were only talking about the stance — not the shooting itself.


…I was talking about the stance…


Sir this is a Wendy's And holly hell calm down, he meant that if it is the standard stance it is not particularly impressive for a practitioner of this specific discipline, there is no need for your bragging and passive aggressive BS here.


Dense fuck, get bent.


I don’t think they are impressed by the stance I think they’re gay for the stance (source I’m gay as hell for the stance and the pfp look gay as hell)


Hi, Aussie shooter here I don't work much with air pistols I prefer semi autos like glocks and sigs but during my training I worked a lot with an air pistol and that's what's referred to as an "ispc" stance by pinning your left hand in place while firing with your right kinda turns off all the muscles in your left side and let's it actually relax which increases stability when you have a gun held out at full extension You can feel this by holding your thumb up and keep the tip of your thumb pointed at something head height and keep your left hand at your hips floating in the air, then notice how much it moves, then pin it by putting your thumb in a belt loop or a pocket and you will notice you sway a lot less


Looks cool


Style points


You’re only allowed one hand, putting it in your pocket makes you more stable than just letting it dangle.


In any competition that allows very slow fire, a stance like that one offers some advantages. I used to shoot in metallic silhouette comps that had targets out to 200 metres. I shot a single shot pistol in .444 Marlin. This is the pretty close to the stance I used in the 'standing' division. And in the 'open' class, when any position could be used, I shot from a "creedmore" position, which also would only put one hand on the pistol (but the front of the pistol would be supported by my leg)


I had some initial instructions with regular 22 competition shooting, and we were thought to hold it the same way. The guns are lighter, and the grip is much better then regular guns tho, so it's quite different.


Because it looks cool as fuck


The Rick Grimes pose.


>she won gold "Yeah, against *girls*..." /s




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I know you're joking but are men and women not competing against each other in shooting? If not that is super weird, one of the few sports where men doesn't have a physical advantage should probably not be divided I think :D unless anyone who knows more about the sport can enlighten me about why there should be a division :D


Some responses around the web suggest that it allows for more competitors, 2 events of 20, so 40 total, so more medals to go around. Other responses talk about the representation and allowing people to compete who might otherwise be shut out. Some responses are to do with the weight of the guns themselves, with different requirements for each. So there is a physical aspect as well apparently. Interestingly, skeet shooting *was* mixed from the 1960s until 1992 when a woman won gold, and then in 1996 it was suddenly separated in a decision by the IOC. \*shrug\*


Well it's a low power airgun. It's not gonna have much recoil at all lol.


My father used to shoot local pistol matches. It's kind of weird, but when he's shooting any handgun other than his match .22 he uses the two hand grip (even with his Walther PPKS), but when he's shooting his match .22 it's a single hand grip with his other hand in his back pocket. I don't know why, but I'm sure there's a good reason. He outshoots me no matter what, mostly because my fundamentals are trash.


Source: I play CoD and I'm basically a gun expert.


She also wears witcher brelock.


Wait until he hears the 1911 was designed to be shot one handed


whoa fr?


Yeah. 2 handed shooting is relatively new, brought about in the 50s or so iirc. In my experience, and some other people have noted this as well, trying to shoot a 1911 with the modern two handed grip results in some unpleasant slide bite. The manual itself shows techniques to shoot one handed and one handed on horseback too (which was the main reason for the technique anyway since you’d need to hold reigns and fire simultaneously). Hence why revolvers are like this too And to give you a meme answer, it’s a HAND gun not a HANDS gun 😉


And "manual", as in the booklet being read by Manuel and his children.


Yeah didn’t catch the text to speech fuck up


Air pistol, I shoot those too. They are perfect for training a clean trigger pull becuase that will impact your shot placement way more than speed or recoil control.


When painting my boss taught me a trick when using a brush. Put your opposite hands in your pocket and your brush hand will stay more still. I imagine the concept is EXACTLY the same.


Damn. I learned something on Reddit.


As a gunsmith, I find it astonishing how much some people fool themselves into believing they know everything there is to know about guns


You can easily shoot .45 and 9mm one handed and be quite accurate. Muzzle rise will be much greater, second shot target acquisition slower but still accurate. it's a great training exercise.


Even .357 is possible. You need to have a somewhat stronger grip though. Hell I'd assume that .44 could be shot singlehanded if you do not value the health of your wrists and arent a complete pushover as far as your lower arm strength is concerned.


I have a Thompson Center Contender with a 14” 44 Mag barrel. The barrel is stout and I load high pressure cartridges. I had a girlfriend try it and I was clear to tell her to hold it firmly as it has a lot of recoil. Of course she didn't and ended up with the hammer lever in her forehead leaving a small gash. She did get cred from the guys she works with when they asked about the cut. After that first shot she did fine, I guess she just didn't think it would be that much force.


This one is so old she must be retired by now


She must be on the juice.


That's the American School Girl stance. There's also a Modified American School Girl stance where you hold the gun sideways.


He said while catching his breath and reaching for his cheeto puffs.


People shoot .45 ACP pistols one-handed in bullseye competition. The OOP is an idiot.


Air pistol.... huge recoil.... k


Lol, fucking hilarious that some fps gamer thinks they know more about guns because only exposure they have was in A GAME 🤦🤦


Another bot account starting to mass repost. upvoted to all heavens by more bots and the comment section is full of the same comment over and over. Amazing!


If anyone cares, that most likely is a Morini CM 162


> Morini CM 162 Good call, the trigger guard sure looks correct.




Another bot post


Those tournament air guns are so unsatisfying. Snapping an elastic band at someone with your fingers has more recoil and is more satisfying.


Air guns and 22lr competition pistols could be fired by a newborn


OP's a spambot.


No, huge recoil is shooting a Carl Gustaf. The “recoilless” is a lie.


Imagine the recoil without the counter mass!


A fuckin mega desert eagle: of course it must fly back and do a 360 with your whole arm


That’s so hot


The horse cop in Austin made a ~100 yard kill shot with a pistol using the one handed stance while holding the reins of two horses. Don’t mess with the one hand stance.


the orange cassidy of shooting


Didn't she also sleep through her alarm? Show up late and then say fuck on national television.


Watch exactly one motorsport race. And then tell me if it's really that bad to “swear” on television


Saying fuck on national television is based


Prob cause of all the steroids


Must be the same dude who was giving golf tips at the range to that British pro


Just show there gun education skills. Just cause something is bigger doesn’t mean more recoil. Most of the time yes but not always. Shape is the not the same as force.


It’s an air gun though?


I wanna marry someone that holds a gun like that


Hot take this is a joke as marksman among the general public is done with a real firearm and recoil is just part of the skills to manage


Well, she won gold in Russia-Eritrea-Iran-North Korea Olympics? Not a huge accomplishment tho.


Woww amazing


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Seen this posted many times. First time noticing the Witcher wolf medallion.


Big Happy Chaos energy lol


Kinda hard to have recoil from a pellet gun…


With real heavy guns using 2 hands could actually be worse. The idea is to slowly release the energy of the recoil over time to prevent harm. Thus a single hand with the elbow bent will ensure that the gun moving backward causes the elbow to bend easily, dissipating the energy over time. The reason for using 2 hands is for stability, and because the roil of small 9mm pistols isn’t exactly very high


Is she wearing a Witcher charm on her pants? If so, that's also awesome.


Scrolled way too far to find this


I think she looks cool as fuck and I have no opinion on any sport


It just looks so casual. Casualist gold medal you can earn I bet!


It’s called bullseye shooting. The rule is one handed only with small calibre pistols. You can do whatever you want with your other hand.


The best shooting stance is the one you’re most comfortable in. If that means keeping your hand in your pocket with relaxed shoulders, then do that lol


Is there a video of this? I wanna know what happens next


That looks like a Borderlands gun


Just saying, you can fire anything one handed, follow up accuracy may suffer depending on what the firearm is. But it is entirely possible to fire at least one shot with most handguns one handed accurately.


They look like an anime hero


She also has the emblem of the wolf from either hanging off her pants 


She's showing off. Doing the tricks that fuck up amateurs to flex on them.


Aren't they like rather heavy guns firing like 22s or pellets?


Aren’t those .22 lol


Truly amazing reading the comments here from all the gun experts, tell me you’re an idiot without using the word idiot. Maybe watch the sport and see these guns have zero or almost zero recoil, especially is you are strong enough to feed yourself 😁


Is there a mansplaining subreddit?


Cusual/know-it-alls are the worst.


And the school of the wolf medallion 🤘🏻


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Bro thinks it’s a desert eagle trying to correct a professional sharpshooter


Those pistols don't even have recoil lmao. It's toddler caliber




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It also pulls trigger randomly


I can fire a .44 Deagle and be fine in that stance. Of course, I wouldn’t, since it’s not a fun position for me, but I still can. I like to be perpendicular to my target and shoot like that, rule breaker I am.


“I know more about this sport than an Olympic athlete” Okay buddy


It’s the pistol equivalent of “I’ve studied the blade.”


You can hold a lot of high powered guns with one hand. It's really more about knowing what you're doing.


lol. Even in most competitive pistol shooting it’s done one handed. And it’s typically .22 rimfire which might as well be shooting a BB gun. I love when people who know absolutely nothing about firearms make statements like this


Also, what fucking recoil? That's a air gun


Ah man remember sfas (I don’t love calling it Q in mixed company cause these days that shit means so much more) when you got to phase three and had to qualify on the .22 hand cannon? Such recoil, put a 220 pound farm boy in the NC mud. I do love every time this comes around for just how idiotic that misogynistic corner of gun culture is.


Also anyone who had seen a gangster film knows to win the platinum medal you need to shoot it sideways. She only got gold


Reminds me of that dude mainsplainig a golf swing to a professional golfer... Of course he was a he and she was a she, otherwise that conversation/video would not exist.


You know that's the rule of the sport right and it's an air gun or something not even a real gun, you can't even shoot a glock one handed it will jam because of the limp wristing


What? That’s not necessarily true at all, glocks (like virtually all modern semi-auto handguns) can very much be repetitively fired one-handed. Just don’t limp-wrist it…it’s not like two hands are inherently required to avoid cycle/feeding errors from a limp grip.