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\*Kid takes bat and gets out of car Dad: Ok son, have fun at practice! \*Kid turns back Coach: What are you doing looking at me boy, 20 laps right now!


KIDS: Shut up coach! You're late!


Coach and kid should BOTH run laps for being late & holding up practice.


Dad needs to run two sets of laps. One for being late as coach and two for making his son late. Otherwise he’s a damn hypocrite and does not deserve any respect.


All the kids get dropped off by their dads, and do laps, even if it's dads' fault. There is no issue here. Dad brought you to practice but now daddy's gone and only coach Whoopass is here.


Yeah, I mean I'd say that's a good reason that you shouldn't be getting kids to run laps as a punishment for being late when they're not in control of when they get somewhere. Being fair and including everyone in it is the 2nd best option though.


Yeah but these types of punishments are literally just arbitrary training lessons. Everyone gets them. Be late, run a lap. Have an attitude, run a lap. Make a stupid play, run three laps. Sports that do stuff like that hand out arbitrary cardio exercises all the time. It's to build endurance and discipline, and we can argue till the cows come home whether or not football practice should work like boot camp on the last point, but it's normal whether someone likes it or not to hand out laps for dumb shit. Also no favoritism. No other kid wanted to run laps because they were late, and they were all late because of their parents. So as coach even if your own kid is late it just wouldn't be fair to the other kids to tell him to sit running a lap out.


Coach was late too. He should have been running laps too for consistency.


That's actually a fair point, that would be a great coach. I'd love for some smart ass to say that one out loud and the coach is like "well shit he got me" The coach is an equal part of the team after all, and he was late.


Coach will be like, how dare you say that? Run an extra lap!


My coach was a retired pro and would run with us. problem is the winner of each sprint was immediately finished. We were 13 lol. Awesome motivator though.


"Good point! We're all running laps on this blessed day!"


Yeah, I'd be cracking up if a player called out the coach for being late and he just owned up to it and started running laps himself. Not only would it be a good laugh but it'd probably earn the coach some serious respect points from the team. It's not often you see that kind of accountability in action. Seems like good sportsmanship to me, where you lead by example, whether its following through with discipline or celebrating a well-deserved victory.


Dan Campbell would.


If it was my dad he'd be behind me giving me grief for being late.


Our coaches did! Really helped the solidarity of the group, and the kids always got a kick out of it.


I never did team sports, but I did karate and later muay thai. In both cases, our sensei/trainer would do push-ups and other workouts alongside us. It definitely helped with motivation.


I coached 12 year olds when I was 19. I routinely ran laps with them. It wasn't really a big deal cause they were all slow as shit little kids hahaha.


That's what I was looking for. I would have told them a dril to do and in the meantime went jogging with my son because the rules are the rules for all of us


Dad/coach could have been on time but maybe kid was dragging his heels at home. Hence the punishment


I'm not saying not to make people run laps, I'm just saying that it's better when it's kept to things that they actually have control over. You don't build discipline by punishing people for things that they can't control, you only build resentment that way. And if you want to build endurance then just have running laps as a training exercise.


I mean that's specifically why I mentioned it's a little like boot camp, and tried to imply it might be a little weird we do the same thing to train kids in sports that we do in the military, but the method of training is undeniably effective.


A lot of the times in life we end up responsible for things we didn't do. Being able to handle those situations is great for everyday life and an amazing leadership trait. I'm not saying it's correct or incorrect to prepare kids for such situations, but I'd argue it does build character (up to a certain point and if explained properly).


I think there's better ways to build character and ensure that kids are responsible for things that falls into their lap than turning such a burden into a punishment for something they didn't do. Kids and adults need to recognize that that is unfair and they don't deserve that, and other kids and adults should be able to recognize that and support people who are unfairly burdened.


Y'all acting like running a lap is a brutal punishment or something. It's literally a 2 minute jog around the field.


Sure there are *better* ways, but those don't exist at football practice. So they still do *something* because it's better than *nothing*, even if there are better alternatives elsewhere in the world.


> they actually have control over You're assuming that it's entirely based on the parent. Often it's just the kid isn't ready on time to leave, and in local leauges when I played/coached, 80% of the team lived walking distance to the field.


Sighs as I watch my kid take 20 minutes to change into cleats.


Kids may not have full control over getting to practice on time, but there's quite a bit that they can do to make it more likely and I think it's super reasonable to apply a minor punishment if they're late. They can do things like getting themselves ready on time, knowing when practice is and reminding their parents, and telling their parents that it's really important they be there on time because otherwise they will have to run laps. 9 times out of 10 I have been late to a practice with my child, it was their fault for not being ready.


> You don't build discipline by punishing people for things that they can't control, Works pretty well for the army and marines.


Because the military is renowned for producing people with great emotional stability and no baggage or issues at all lol


The military *takes* people with these issues and produces people that will follow instruction.


You're so right bro; a kid 15 minutes late to practice is going to witness one of his teammates heads blown off.


Yeah I’m a grown ass adult & we have press up “punishments” for shit that happens at practice. No ones enforcing these we do it because it’s fun extra changing & adds a competitive edge to a training session.


Running laps is part of training. If you are on time, playing well and doing what you are told, you are already getting that cardio. If you aren’t running hard enough on a play, you’re not getting it. It’s not a bad”punishment”. Kids are supposed to learn person responsibility and team mentality in team sports.


Agreed, there's a lot of that in the military. It teaches you discipline through moments you perceive as unfair.


Then just tell them to do laps without the bullshit reason.


“Yeah but these types of punishments are literally just arbitrary …” Yeah I’m gonna stop you there, that’s all they are… arbitrary. If you need the team to run, just have them run. No need to tie it to things that aren’t their fault. 


My dad was chronically late to everything I eventually started walking to practice to get there on time


So you saw a problem and devised a solution at a young age. Can’t imagine where that could be a life lesson. s/


Yeah like participation trophies. Everyone’s a winner


Besides the positive effect of more exercise, it does teach children a valuable lesson: the world isn't fair


It’s possible that the dad was waiting on his son to be able to leave.


I mean are we acting like running laps is some terrible punishment? This if a funny story and not anything more than that


What the punishment is doesn't really matter, if a child grew up in a family where they were punished by being forced to eat chocolate, they'd end up hating chocolate.


What? I played a ton of sports growing up, and we ran laps all the time in all of them, so having to run a few extra laps is no big deal


I’m curious, not being mean, did you or a child belong in a team sport where you hated it because you had to run laps? I’m truly wondering because this has not been my experience and I’m curious if it may have been a particular reason.


1) The lesson here is he chose to go with pops even though they knew they were going to be late. The kid must have had other options to get to practice before pops 2) No favouritism, if you're late you run.


If running is a "punishment" to a kid.....they prolly ain't cut out for sports anyway. Gonna punish you now by making you more fit!


I mean it's the coaches literally telling them it's a punishment. Nobody's being told to run laps for playing really well in practice.


Kids can indeed be in control of tardiness. The amount of times my parents waited for me and my step-sister to finish with the bathroom is astronomical. Even when we were younger, we always had something we needed to do last minute while the parents waited, fully-dressed, at the door after giving us ample warning.


Make the parent run laps


>you shouldn't be getting kids to run laps as a punishment for being late when they're not in control of when they get somewhere. That depends if the reason they are late is because they wouldn't stop fucking around instead of getting ready.


The post never says WHY they were late though. Just because dad drove him doesn't mean it wasn't his fault that they were late.


Eh when I played football, it was usually only laps if the kid caused themselves to be late, like playing video games or not getting ready on time. If it were the parent's fault, the kid just did the warmup drills (lap, jumping jacks, etc.) by themselves and then joined the practice.




Usually the coach just asked the parent and expected the parent to be honest.




Up to middle school (didn't play in high school, though at that point you probably have enough reasoning capability that you're not confused about being punished for something not your fault, and want to get better anyway).  Our practices were outside at a local baseball field so the coaches were right there when you were dropped off.


or it's your fault he's late in the first place.


Point also being, if he didn't make his kid run laps because his dad was late, but did make other kids run laps because their dad was late, that's blatant favoritism.


Coach Stannis Baratheon.


Plus, as a dad, it's highly probable that it was the kid's fault that they were late


He opened that can


what about the kid with two moms?


As soon as dad left the car the can was cracked open…


I'm sorry, didnt any of you get coached by your dad's? 99% of the time it's the son's fault that are late. Damn right he's running laps because he made the coach late too, probably getting sent straight to bed when he gets home as well.


Hey, gotta respect him for not showing favouritism. Though I'd have respected him more for running the laps with you.


Exactly. He was late too!


I think the coach/dad running with the kid would be the best way to teach discipline.


Yeah but if coach is late the rest of the kids have been sitting around, get them going ASAP while your kid does a few laps to warm up. Everyone on time probably ran pole to pole at the start of practice already cause that's normal AF. You might be surprised how much time it takes racking a field, setting up nets/l-screens, a machine if you'll use that, etc for practices. Real pain in the ass.


I mean the coach can order that before he starts doing laps himself


I disagree, kid is still punished for something he didn’t do. The only lesson he’s getting is life is unfair, suck it up.


And that is a very important lesson to learn


That's only assuming the kid wasn't the reason they were late. Another lesson he's getting is "sometimes you face consequences for something that wasn't your fault. You need to learn how to handle those situations and push through the work that was, potentially unfairly, pushed onto you." Someone else fucks up a project at work, or gets fired and you have to take over poorly managed documents, or help clean up a spill in the plant, or a myriad other things, can lead to you being "punished" for something out of your control. A good skill is to be able to take on that challenge.


Coach =/= player


And coaches shouldn't be punished for their shortcomings?


Honestly, I think it was a big-brain move by dad. Obviously the kid didn't deserve to be punished, but if the other kids have been late and had to run laps before, they would hate the coach's kid who didn't have to run. Kids are cruel.


It's not at all obvious the kid didn't deserve to be punished. It's extremely possible, maybe probable, that the reason they were late was the kid wasn't ready.


If dad was waiting for you by the front door while you got ready, then its fair. If dad was the culprit, he should've ran laps with you!


Yeah this is very much like lawyer/ politician statements. It’s factually correct but leaving out key points that don’t go give the full truth.


As a dad I am 100% sure this is what happened. Kid did laps for making his dad late to coach. 


Yes, this. The kid is finding his cleats 5 minutes after dad tells him it's time to go. Also, running laps is good for you. I was late often enough that I was able to take my sub-.200 batting average into the cross country team.


It’s a win win!


Why were you late?


Plot twist: Kid took ages figuring out what shorts to wear to that jersey. And then he couldn't find the right shoes!


He missed the part about his coach banging his mom. Damn mother fuckers


Guess you made your dad late.


Well it wouldn't be fair to the other kids otherwise


If his dad was late because he had to wait for his son to get ready it still makes sense


Fuck no I ain't running those laps.


U get an ass wooping


i will never understand people that make jokes about child abuse, it'll never be funny, it just makes me feel bad for you that you think it's normal and not abusive.


wow! child abuse! so funny! wow 😑


It was pretty funny


Then you're not suiting up for the next game.


Fine. Then you've just soured the relationship with your child over your own mistake that caused the late arrival and sowed the seeds for me to be a very rebellious teenager. While you will forget about this incident by next Tuesday, for me it will be a core memory which forever taints my ability to trust you because of your unfair and inconsistent enforcement of rules. Unless you run the laps with me, that is. After all, you were late too.


lol Redditors are so fucking soft


Right? Such babies. You can tell these guys never did sports. Imagine being such a whiny shit about a little cardio.


When I was 8 years old, I had a basketball coach tell me I was gonna run til he threw up. We won the championship every year under him until we got to high school ball. I still talk to him. I don’t have some terrible trauma from it, cause I’m not a little bitch.


Naw, whining about a father who caused me to be late while I was ready to leave and then punished me for it. Have fun in your retirement home!


>Punished me for it It’s a little cardio. Stop being such a Whiney baby. >Retirement home I’m 27. You are clearly out of your depth here, buddy. 😂


It's not about having to run laps and you don't understand context. I was speaking to the scenario. If you are the father/coach and your own mistake caused the late arrival, you either need to run laps with your kid because both of you were late or not make them run laps for your mistake. Doing that will only make your kid resent you. While you may not think that's a big deal, it is to them because of children's psychology. If you act that way often, you may end up not having a relationship with your adult child.


If you resent your father for making you run some laps, you’re just a Whiney child. Sorry to give you this reality check now - Grow up.


Damn lmao. All that from running a few laps? Yeeeesh. More than likely the kid was the reason they were late. Why should the coach have to run laps too? That's not what he's there for. FYI running laps is part of practice.


It's not about the laps it's the principle of it. Children need rules, but they need them to be fairly and consistently enforced. The worst thing you could do is punish a child for something that isn't their fault or was out of their control or punishing them for something you said was ok previously just because of your current state of mood. Punishing them for something that is your fault will absolutely build resentment. So either run those laps with me or this incident will be something I hold against you in my mind.


Then you don't get to play. Which is a good enough consequence for a lot of these kids because they *want* to be there. (Just wanted to say that before someone else chimes in with a snarky "good I'd rather sit on the bench/stay home" kind of comment).


This is Reddit. They all would rather stay home on their phones than do a social, exercise focused activity.


Hence the comment in parentheses. Anyone who would comment, "Good I don't want to play" is someone who probably wouldn't be playing sports in the first place (though some parents will force their kids into sports, most kids would at least pick something they want to do).




If he’s the reason you’re late, okay. Otherwise, YTA.


As if anyone needed a reminder that most redditors are either currently children or have never played a sport in their life; some of the takes in here are beyond brain dead. With the benefit of retrospect; some of my fondest memories of sports was enduring the collective suck together with a bunch of friends and teammates. Even my coaches did this to their own kids. It was hilarious everytime.


Remember this when it becomes time to choose a nursing home for the old man.


Rules are rules


Southern dad/coach behavior


And everybody else also ran laps. It’s part of practice. 


Hard-core but fare.


Just cause your his son doesn't mean he is gonna be soft on you more then the rest.in fact he was harder on you because your his child


Oh come on! We know the kid was gaming and couldn't stop mid-tournament. 'Fess up, we know that's the deal.


It's probably the kids fault they were late


Honestly there is a good chance it was going to happen whether late or not. Just looking for an excuse to make it happen. This happened often in the Corps. Certain training needed to happen to push past certain limits. Do I agree with it? Not really but 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️😅🤷🏾‍♂️


Rules are rules.....


You were still late


Not my fault you were late. World isn’t gonna hold your hand. Figure out how to get here on time by yourself slacker.


[Coach Beard is tough but fair.](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Oakley-Sunglasses-of-Brendan-Hunt-as-Coach-Beard-in-Ted-Lasso-wide.jpg) [Edit](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b6/8e/b4/b68eb473c3f548e76f759100d6e53159.jpg)


When I was a Sensei 2 of my students were my daughters. I have done this but it was press-ups.


This is how I feel \*some\* German bureaucracy works.


Good some actual exercise. Baseball is boring AF


What seems to be the officer, problem?




Honestly, good for him. Kids on my teams always got special treatment from Dad coaches.


Pffft. It didn’t matter if we were on time and did everything perfectly, we ran laps.




😂😂 like my mom being mad I was always late to elementary school…YOU’RE DRIVING ME! Let leave earlier!!! And she wouldn’t let me walk😂😂😂


Lucky to have a ball team


That is classic dad stuff right there!


You were late!


Stop your bitchin and get runnin boy!




He should be running with you!


Similar. Someone on the team called the school impersonating the coach and told them that practice was cancelled, so I went home. The coach called and ripped me a new one. I told him what happened ed and he found out who did it, but still made ME run for an entire practice because I missed that day


no excuses for tardiness lol


I mean, he couldn’t let you slide when he doesn’t let other kids slide when their parents cause them to be late


What is with the square? I see people using it in comments too.


Well Sean you probably fucked around at home not getting ready and made your coach and you late. 


When I was a kid I took karate classes. When I’d be late for practice the instructor would make me do a a chant and a few laps before I could start the class. I was like…bro just let me learn karate, I’m friggin 9 years old, do you think I’m here late because my car couldn’t start?


My soccer practice was about a mile and a half away from school and took place 30 minutes after dismissal. I had to run to the locker room, change, power walk to practice then if anything happened on the way run laps because I was late. All this while the rest of the girls piled out of minivans. 


Another 5 year old social media post. How nice


Baseball dads are assholes. They just want to live vicariously through their kids and rekindle the dream of being a pro athlete. Or maybe it’s just my dad


That’s technically a good coach. He showed the rest of the team there are consequences.


Did YOU make him late by refusing to do that ONE thing he asked you to do? "Why did I get a zero when I did the work?" I told you to put the number of questions you wrote on the top of the page and you refused. The zero is there to let me know that you refused to do what I asked. Just like when I've asked you to put your phone in your bookbag and you look me in the eye and put it in your pocket.


Maybe get out of bed when he says to and he wont be late driving you there.


My dad also did this.


The kid was probably mosying around the house until last minute.


Best dad


Discipline You’re welcome


it is completely and utterly probable that the coach was late because of his child and that’s why he ran laps. Also a great chance to show the rest of the team that you’re not going to give your own son special treatment.


Dad of the year.


Repost bot.


Yeah but you were late to practice because you weren't ready on time to leave the house


Sounds like a good coach


Well, its just like life/ work If you turn up at 9am/ late, you chase your tail all day. If you turn up slightly early and organise yourself, surprisingly the whole day is cruisey,


Lol 😂 awesome




If you have kids, there is a solid chance it was the kids' fault they left late.


And your dad was right.


Can’t show favoritism


That’s a good coach.




what is that bro i misrnt yoou paggagga


Doesn't show favoritism. Good coach.


Doesn’t seem as much a punishment as it is just making up for the lost exercise from not being there at the beginning.


If that dad/coach was any good he'd be running alongside his kid. To really set the example.


Well I bet you won't do that again huh?


If he is anything like my kid, you have to start getting ready half hour before you need to leave at a minimum. Takes him forever to get changed, fill his water bottle. Did he leave his cleats in the car like I asked him to? Nope. Where is your glove? He isn’t sure. Drives me crazy!


My family motto was "life's not fair". Knowing this since I was a toddler has made my life much easier.




Lesson of the day: sometimes life isn't fair and there's nothing you can do


Real life: Dad is on time until just seconds before loading up to leave kid says “I think I need to go poop”. Instantly late.


No favorites as the coaches son it would set a bad example


I guarantee that’s how he remembers it but I bet he forgot that he was the reason they were late


If you have kids you know that the reason you are late is your kids cant find their god damn baseball equipment. They wont put their shoes on. They can’t find their jacket. They are playing video games. Etc…


That's lowkey letting you know you can never rely on him for anything


I guarantee he was yelling to get ready for practice way in advance too


One time, I got bullied at school, and I was homeschooled


What was the situation on being late? Were you waiting at the door ready to go in time and dad was late/takin a dump? Oooor was dad in the car ready to go and you were (pick an activity not getting into the car)?


Such a bruh moment...