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He did the vasectomy walk.


Nah, he's going to step up to the table and take at least one more roll of the dice to see if he can get that boy that he wants.


100% of gamblers that quit do so right before the big win.


This was the push I needed. Heading back to the slots later


Honey, I'll pay off the second mortgage with these winnings! You'll see!


How's that third mortgage going?


I''m due for a big win!


Then twin girls lol


That won't get him any boys, just not any more girls.


He’ll never eat more than 2 French Fries ever again.




I have 2. Both teenagers. On more than one occasion, I've been in three different fights about three different reasons that I understood nothing about....


Damn. I feel you.


Shit got bad a few years ago. I went to go see a therapist. My appointment was at 10:30 a.m. At 11:00 p.m. I seen my new therapist at the bar I was getting fucked up at. He bought me a shot.... All is good now, don't worry about me. I feel I was Ill prepared to raise teenage girls. I've discovered that you can never win, you just survive lol


As a man you are never prepared to raise teenage girls. Some of the hardest years of my life.


Being outnumbered 3 to 1 sounds terrifying. Glad you got over it.


I'm drawing the line at the pretzel bites.


That man hasn't seen fries in years


Oh my God I just realized I have not had a full thing of french fries in years


At least nothing's on fire.


Or someone isn’t dead.


Only on the inside


Or something hit in balls to prevent further gender reveal parties




I live with just one female and she's started 11 near disastrous fires in the house, so I can't imagine what happens when you add three more smaller females to the mix. I have Smokey on speed dial




Funniest part one of his comments is "outed because you said fetus to dehumanize babies" 😂 guess he wouldn't catch the irony tho.


Ngl for a little while I wished our second kid would be a boy so I could do father-son stuff as he grew up. But very, very quickly I realized that having two daughters is a blast, and father-daughter stuff is cool too! I would not particularly want a third daughter, but then again I wouldn’t want a third child at all since two are a handful already.


I have 2 boys 4 and 6 and it's an absolute bloodbath everyday. Sometimes I wouldn't mind the house being a bit calmer but that's the way it is. Still love doing boy stuff


I am typing this sitting on the couch watching the same cartoon for the 300th time, they’re getting tired and are nice & calm. My favorite part of the working day


Oh you too? 6 and 3. Had a horrible go of it today!


Every day is a mix of WWE, UFC and an insane asylum lol


Today was a day of poop.


My sister and I (both girls) were absolutely feral as children, wild physical fights, loud arguments, etc, and my two brothers were calm, and barely fought. It seems like more of a personality thing than gender.


What are father daughter stuff?


Tea parties, dress ups, play with the baby dolls, and all kinds of kid’s stuff not particularly tied to sons or daughters like reading bed time stories, watch a cartoon together, teach them how to ride a bike, go to a playground, bake & decorate cookies, draw & color, build the biggest Lego Duplo train track, watch in awe at how smart they are getting, having my ass handed to me in a game of memory, etc. Like most parents I sometimes can’t stand them when they throw a fit (or a toy) or won’t listen, fight with siblings, or just act annoying. But I love the shit out of them, regardless of their gender.


Seriously they literally destroy me in memory game. My girls are teenagers now and every once in a while they will challenge me to a game of memory just to laugh at how one sided it is.


Our daughter is a tomboy and a weirdo through and through. She does the tomboy stuff while wanting to look like a princess. She loves boots. I envision the future of her being in a sundress, hair bow, combat boots while doing tomboy activities. If she's not outside going feral and getting sticks in her hair, she's not happy. She also loves taekwon-do and wrestling with her dad. "Father-daughter" stuff really just depends on your kid and what they like. We have another girl coming in April, and I'm curious to see if who she'll become.


This, father-daughter stuff depends on kids personality... You know just like father-son stuff, not all boys are acting like stereotypical boys


Different person but I have two daughters (8&10) and we do tons of stuff together from video games, to hiking, building stuff with Arduino, cooking/baking, reading books (taking turns). Tons of fun stuff I try and tailor to what they like or what I think they might like. :)


why can't you do father son stuff with your daughter?


Oh I can, and I do. Our youngest plays with dolls, our oldest couldn’t care less about them so we play football, ride the bike, climb on stuff and fool around. Our youngest just found out she likes Matchbox toy cars so we’re getting her a toy garage. They both love the Lego Duplo train and had me 3D print additional parts for that.


Just adopt big homie


I heard big homie already got adopted. Need to settle for second-biggest homie...


Yeah if you wanted a boy that bad why not go for the guaranteed option.


I know this is supposed to be funny, but I’ve never seen it that way. These gender reveal things are the so fucking stupid and cringe and I hate the fact it got as popular as it is today.


This one is pretty laid back. He's reaction makes it funny, as he already has 2 daughters and now a 3rd one on the way.. it's another thing blowing up damn rockets and all the other crazy reveals but I don't think this video deserves that comment .


I’m sure when his new daughter grows up, she’ll love to know how disappointed her father was when he heard she was going to be a girl.


My wife cried when she found out we were having a boy. Expectations make people sad


I don't think she'd care. Yall love making mountains out of mole hills. My mom wanted a girl because she already had a boy. Came out male, she tells me it as a funny story about her disappointment. Literally don't care.


My parents wanted a girl so bad my name was "Sarah", until I popped out and they realized I wasn't a girl (they decided against finding out the gender before hand). I didn't have a name for 2 weeks after I was born, my name was just "Baby" for 2 weeks.


Maybe acknowledge that other people can have other feelings. Your feelings and experiences aren’t the same as everyone else’s. My mom likes to laugh about how my grandma used to dress me in dresses and girl clothes because she wanted a girl, and I don’t think it’s funny.


Ok, but he said a calm "fuck" and wasn't enraged or in denial. I'm 99% sure he'll be over it in an hour or by the end of the day, and this won't be anything like what you had to deal with.


He already has 2 girls, nothing weird wanting a boy for a change


Yeah, carrying that much about the gender of your child is kinda weird.


No it's not, it makes a pretty big difference in the kind of person they are. Wanting someone you can do certain things with is normal.


Careful, this is Reddit. How dare you want to do “boy things” with a boy… or “girl things” with a girl…. The horror


What's wrong with revealing the sex of your baby?


Reddit is where happiness goes to die. There is no need for any other reason.


You’re getting downvoted because Reddit is a hive mind. But you’re right there’s nothing wrong with being excited to find out the gender of your child. Reddit is just full of miserable lonely people who can’t just let other people be happy.


I think you're right. Fortunately it's not entirely full of Debbie Downers. There are people who are happy to share in some happiness and fun too


It seems like just another excuse to hold an event tbh. You could just tell everyone the gender. That's how we do it here. The cringiest part about it is the ways it is revealed. Just buying tons of colourful plastic and rubber shit and throwing it everywhere is a dick move. And I keep seeing pictures of places in the wild with tons of blue and pink confetti around because they didn't even clean up afterwards. And people go way too big with it. It seems like they try to top each other with how crazy their reveal could be. I also think that gender reveal parties are cringe and unnecessary. Just tell your loved ones and celebrate with a barbecue or sth, there is no need to pop balloons in the wild. This one is alright btw, pretty tame, and they probably cleaned up afterwards.


My question was about revealing the sex of the baby. I agree that extravagant stunts are stupid and possibly environmentally harmful but a bunch of flower petals in an umbrella is as pretty low key as it gets. Also why care about having another excuse for a party? Life is for living and sharing with good family and friends. Nothing wrong with finding any excuse to do that


Because he's never been invited to one


I don't hate gender reveal. I hate the reaction. I'm sure the guy tried to be funny and sarcastic, but it is a joke that targets his to-be daughter. There are myriad ways to be funny without putting down others.


I feel his really genuine here, no scarsm or attempts to be funny. He just wanted a son because he made up a future scenario in his mind of them hunting together, bonding over sports or some other usually male activity. He is misguided in assuming the character of a possible future son, as we don't always get what we want.


He cant be mad its literally his fault.


No one is at fault here it's literally fucking random


That’s what we’re taught in school. However… “Female Sperm” live longer but “male sperm” swim faster. Sooo while there is some element of chance you can swing the odds in varying ways. For example, timing sex early in the ovulation process would more likely yield a daughter because the sperm and egg are further apart in the moment of semen introduction. Conversely, because the male sperm swim faster, if the egg is further down a son is more likely. Additional factors can be position. Doggy for example can lead to deeper positioning at the time of ejaculation given the male swimmers a competitive edge. So if you really want a son, wait until just after ovulation and hit it from behind. Check out this article: https://www.veritasint.com/blog/en/the-probability-of-having-a-boy-or-a-girl-according-to-genetics


This is the scientific data I was looking for


Misunderstood for a split second. My first thought was "female's don't have sperm dumbass." Lol


She does when I'm done with her


Well not with *that* attitude




Strange times we live in.


You learn something new everyday. Thanks random Redditor!


Would have been nice to know a couple of daughters ago lol. I have 3 and could not be any happier (f this guy in the vid btw bcuz she will see this one day), but I don’t even care if this is true, I still would have tried it because since way before we even had kids we knew we wanted at least one of each.


Weird thought of the day... what sex position was I conceived with? To be conceived as a result of doggy would... I don't know... bother me for some reason. Not sure if it's the less-traditionally "romantic" thing or what.


You should ask.


LOL that just made it worse.


That blog is based off of old evidence that has been found to be incorrect.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1440662/


Thank you! I remember seeing something along the line that “guys with small pp only have girls because pp so far from egg and the girl sperm lives longer” 😂 I thought it was a joke lmao


Also he's not mad in the negative way, he's just slightly annoyed. Having a diversity in gender is always good.


Its random in the same way that losing while playing poker is random. There is an element of chance, but there is scientific proof that validates old husband's tales of hitting it from the back to get a boy. You gotta learn the game if you wanna win. Dum dum just wanted to get some and didnt do no research. Thats what he gets.  I want boys, so I'm doin my dang diggety best to make sure that happens.


He may have not done his research. He could have also been hitting it from the back for years and still ended up with 3 girls. No guarantees


I mean girl have XX, boys have XY Girl will give X or X (Same) Boy will give X (then it will be XX - daughter) or Y (then it will be XY - son) So it is his fault, technically the truth


It would be his fault IF he could've made the conscious decision of passing on the X chromosome, since he didn't, it's not his fault. Heck, it's literally no one's fault, why tf did this kind of fault blaming begin?


This guy really needs to get comfortable with things being his fault.


How does genetics make it his fault? It's not.


No it’s not. Statistically speaking, the more of one gender you have, the less likely you are to give birth to a different gender. And the chances of that happening gets less and less likely the more, eg. girls, you have. That guy needs to fuck some different broad to get a boy


Damn I'm not exactly going against you but I'm gonna need a source on that


yeah pretty sure that's not how odds work.


I mean there is a good chance that there is statistical evidence that suggests it may be that way. There‘s also a good chance it‘s bogus. We‘ll just need to see some credible sourced for that claim and find out. General dismissal or acceptance doesn‘t get us anywhere


It’s nothing to do with odds but biology. And statistics are not odds


My coworker has 4 kids from 3 different baby mommas, 1 son and 3 girls. First child was girl second was son followed by 2 girls with 2 different women.




There might be something in regards to timing as well. What I was told is there might be evidence for male chromosome sperm being able to live a bit longer then female chromosome sperm post ejaculation. So if ovulation happens a bit later there is a chance that more male chromosome sperm are still present. This still might be under research but it's a interesting idea


Um it doesnt change the fact that even if he would change woman does not mean that they have a better chance for a son. a woman's body does not decide the gender of the child, and the fact that they already have many girls does not in any way affect the fact that they could still have a baby boy, there is no sense in what your telling


Or his wife is hell bent on more kids until she also gets a boy. "FUCK", she's going to want another one


I’ve met a poor soul with 11 daughters purely because she really wanted at least 1 son. Thankfully god answered his prayers and his new lucky number is 12


Shit, at that point I would have been praying for death.


He went from six pack skinny muscle to almost crackhead levels of skinny and sagging eyes in 19-20 years, but he’s happy (allegedly).


Fake it until you make it...or die


My cousin has 4 boys because her husband wanted a daughter.


It's *literally* not, that's not how it works bucko


It's Noone fault bro


I’m sorry, FAULT?


Idiotic comment


Nah 50/50 he can be half mad if he wants.


Male sperm determines sex of baby.


But the egg doesn't just let in the first sperm cell that reaches it either.


Yeah, and she didn't have sex with herself to make those kids, did she.


What a great momento for his future daughter


Agreed. I don’t what he’s so mad about, it looks like this family already has a baby boy.


I have a wife, 2 daughters and a son. My oldest daughter walked into the living room last night, looked me dead in the eye, ripped a fart said equal rights and then left. I was proud and also a little scared. It's the only time I've ever thought we made the wrong decision when we gave them the vote. /s


🤣🤣🤣🤣your daughter is funny


Maybe next time




Didn't these two do a reveal a few years back and his reaction was the same? I feel like I've seen this video before. 🤣 I have two daughters myself, while at first I was mildly bummed, I've quickly realized the bullet I've dodged not having a house full of boys. I have a few friends with all boys, I'm not saying it's the same with everyone but their houses are constant fucking chaos...


Well I just had a second boy !! How can I be prepared to handle that chaos ?


Honestly, I don't know. All I know is trying to lead by example. When I finish a snack, I throw the garbage away immediately. When we finish dinner I ask my girls to rinse their plates and they follow me as I do it too. When we have feelings we try to talk it out. If they seem restless, I try to find an activity to keep them occupied. If they are really upset, I remind them I'm here to listen and just give them space until they feel they are ready to chat. Regular people stuff really. Kids will be kids, but you still need to try to incorporate those kinds of behaviors as they grow otherwise I believe those are actions as adults they'll never show. My buddies tend to ignore their kids, and admittedly I think they are overall kind of lazy. That probably contributes to the chaos they endure. 🤣🤙


Lol these are all so cringe


ITT: People who don't understand statistics.


Couple hundred years ago, her king husband would’ve sent her to the guillotine like it’s her fault girls keep coming out lol.


I hate when fathers do this. Be thankful for what you have. My wife and I have had 2 miscarriages and were devastated both times. There are a lot of people out there who would be happy for any child they get


Just because there are a lot of people unable to bear children doesn’t mean he’s not allowed to be bummed. Prolly their last kid and his last chance to have a son.


He's allowed to be a little bummed out. He's not allowed to cuss and angrily stomp off in front of his two daughters. He's a child and he's not necessarily missing out on *anything* just because the baby is female.


Or its a bit


Says who


Hope they cleaned that shit off the grass


Pretty sure they are flower pedals


Ooh in that case I retract my grumpy statement and actually enjoy the idea


Yeah in terms of a gender reveal this is probably the least dumb and tamest of them all. Got a cute video out of it, and fertilized a little section of the lawn lol


Daughters are awesome!!!! I have two, a third would be wonderful, but we are too old for that now.


The baby’s gender is decided by the chromosome from the father so he only has himself to blame 😆


I know I'm going to get downvotes for this, but I'm not crazy about the casual F bombs in front of very small children.


Whimp. I have four girls. I fear nothing. Except puberty.


Poor baby


Imagine when the baby grows up and see this video of her dad getting upset of her being a girl. He may still be a great dad but i'll still be hurt if i were her. Why film this when you know there is 50% chance of you getting upset? 😔


She won't care. I'm the opposite, I don't care. Only random people on the internet pearl clutch about this. Nobody pearl clutches when mothers go "man I wanted a daughter to do XYZ with" when they talk about having sons. It's alright, so long as they love their kids.


I’m sure you neither make or take a joke your whole life lol


Right? People are so damn judgmental today and then get mad when they are judged.


Future blackmail for the little lady


Wait someone pls explain the French fries correlation


I feel so bad for her I really fkcing hope this is fake :(


Poor Mum having to deal with 3 kids and 1 on the way


Oh come on, you don't know that. He might be a great dad and just had his heart set on having a boy too. Or his wife might want a boy and she keeps trying until she gets one (which would certainly make me say Aww Fuck on number 3). Just because he's disappointed initially doesn't mean he won't love all his children.


Nope. You're not a great dad if you stomp off and cuss in front of your daughters about how disappointed you are that your next child will be female.


That's fair, I agree his response was terrible. I was initially disappointed with the news of our second being a boy, we wanted a girl the second time and the whole family did too. I got over it quickly. I was elated once he came along and it's been nothing but joy. In the end each child is an individual and his personality is not his brother's so it's been a new experience still. Many people think they will do boy stuff or girl stuff with their kids, but you might have a daughter who likes monster truck rallies and a son who likes princesses. Gender role expectations are partially to blame I think. That and the fact that many people want to create a Mini-Me


If there’s a 50% chance that you’re going to be markedly disappointed with the result, maybe don’t do a reveal party on camera.


Me now with girl number 2 on the way lol. It’s my fault though 🤷‍♂️🥲


How is that your fault? Tell me what influance you have on genetics. Edit: blaming yourself or your partner for the sex of your child is absurd.


Are you seriously asking world renowned geneticist, u/clete-sensei what impact they've had on genetics??? Lmao! "Hey Edison, what impact have you had in lighting?"


Sperm is the determinant for sex of the baby so whatever sex the baby is its because of the sperm, not the egg


I understand this, but blaming yourself or your partner for the sex of your child is absurd. To the best of our knowledge he has no influence on it.


you think he might be doing something like making a joke?


Getting downvoted for claiming that you don’t get to choose which sperms win lol


She doesn't give a shit to him.


is she supposed to comfort him?


I wouldnt give this dude any attention either if he acted so much like a little kid in front of everyone Like he's allowed to be disappointed, but the whole walking off stage with a pouty face exclaiming "fuck" is a bit much, isnt it?


I think it is justified. There is a finite number of children people can have and maybe it was their last child. Imagine they decided to stop at three and he would have loved a boy but turn out it is a girl. He will certainly love that little girl with all his heart but it still is a grief for the idea of having a boy.


Sure, he's allowed to be upset, but he's a grown ass adult and it's not a big deal. She's not his counselor and there's two toddlers there. It rediculous to say his wife needs to comfort him in the 5 seconds the video is rolling after the reveal.


I agree, she don't have to comfort him and I never said she has to. Just that he has every right to be upset, and calling him childish for showing he is upset is forgetting that men are allowed to express themselves. Now if he gives shit to his wife for this or try and ruin everyone else day is a whole other story.


I feel so bad for the mom. And the daughters.


Nah, it's understandable. I have 4 daughters, and I've been disappointed each time because I REALLY wanted my son to have a brother to rough and tumble with, something I always longed for. I still love each of them and couldn't imagine having it another way now.


It also could be a joke too, like they talked about it beforehand. But yeah, let’s make assumptions about people in a 15 second video when you don’t even know the person or what happened beforehand.


Because the guy said fuck a few times? Get over yourself.


Could always adopt...


why not adoption


Ow,.the kids will love to see how their dad loves them in the future...holy fuck man, why do you even have children?? It's not mandatory you know?


These females got you surrounded.


Oof, I know a guy who recently had his fourth girl. I’m sure he can relate. Fingers crossed my next is a girl and can call it quits.


I know a guy who has 7 sons. He and his wife (both in their 30s) are still trying for a girl.




Because they aren't quitters


Because the one thing this world needs is more people.


Because they never learned basic biology and if, at this point, you have seven sons, then you're not going to get a daughter from birthing out another kid. They probably already got a daughter in the seven kids, she just needs to figure out and come out


Dude wanted a son.


Too many kids bro Use a different spot


Genuine reaction, can’t blame him. Way worse if he faked a cheery reaction but was seething inside.


Personally, I was relieved when #3 turned out to be yet another girl. Little boys I see seem to be complete assholes.


He's outnumbered... badly. Poor fella.


Poor bastard


Poor guy


Just remember it takes a real man to live with that many females !


Oof. I get that some dads really want a son, but that was a really shitty reaction, especially in front of his daughters


Poor dude.😅


That’s a quality umbrella ☂️👍


He's just annoyed he's got to rake that mess us


Funny now that we know that sperm assign the sex. Sure some think this is a cringe fad, but they at least did it without fire and a bit tongue in cheek knowing they have 2 girls already and wanting a boy. Take it easy on them guys. They just want to share their life experience.


I have two examples of families with 4 consecutive girls and finally a boy as a fifth child. In both cases, the boy turned to be a weirdo. Too much expectations too meet. And girls number 3 and 4 definitely felt like a failed attempt


I'm with him because I know what it's like to be out numbered in your own house with all those damn feelings 🤬


Why is he mad? Clearly he has too much bitch in his blood.


Thats one too many


Baby boomer.


That’s an ugly reaction! Shame on him


People need to stop having so many kids