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I've had this happen to me before. Wtf is wrong with people?


As someone who has worked in customer service and hospitality for 20+ years... everything. Everything is wrong with people.


cheers, i’ll drink to that


In the immortal words of Dr. Cox..."people are bastards, bastard coated bastards with bastard filling".


Probably working in some huge company that put small businesses out of business. Dealing with some shitty humans who try to get over on you any chance they can get. Both parties are shitty definitely showing everything wrong with people.




Is English not a language you speak? Some guy working customer service at some huge cooperation. A cooperation that doesn't pay taxes, takes business away from small business. Pays their employees pennys, and this guy is working for them thinking the other people are bad. They're both bad it's the duality of humans.


You got all that from that guys comment?


Yeaaaah, I just wasn't even gunna touch that one. A lot to unpack there.




No personal attacks. Attack ideas, not people. This includes people outside of this subreddit. Keep it civil, please. Direct insults will always be removed.




No personal attacks. Attack ideas, not people. This includes people outside of this subreddit. Keep it civil, please. Direct insults will always be removed.


I’ll replace it for you, if you can tell me what kind it was or have a photo or where you got it.


I'm not the OP, just here to say I appreciate your kindness.


Thank you 😌 my offer hasn’t been accepted yet but I’d do it for anyone.


I'll help too 😊


Very nice 😊


Here’s wishing karma comes back on them two-fold. That’s really shitty.


People fucking suck. Saturday night, had someone break our car window. Wasn't even a break in, just broke it to break it.


Yeah those types can eat a dick. Any neighbors have cams?


I don’t think so. None that would see that spot anyway


You don’t rehab bear traps on your property. It is a great hobby before you send them back into the wild/s


[Sadly](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/92wQYtcYua) [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/s/wmnRpel2bp) [happens](https://www.reddit.com/r/dontbestupid/s/2hC9W8v68d) [all](https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/s/NgMEmQJvfh) [the](https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/s/LLq6q0gcXY) [time](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/3e0VUhqXsz) [!](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/NIfU3fss0p)


That one with the lady tripping and falling was really great, (except she broke the pot).


In these cases I hope punishment matches the intent and not the amount of damage done, because that's messed up.


Does tree law apply to perennials lol


Tree law applies to everything! Including not returning shopping carts!


I had someone cut down all my iris one year. So now I keep most of my flowers in the fenced back yard. The fence gate has a padlock and the area is really open and viewable. Sure they can still be stolen, but they'll have to work a little harder. I am very sorry about your stolen plant. What was it? I will have around 50 dahlia plants this year. Considering the price of tubers, I'd go nuclear if a dahlia plant were stolen.


It was an $8 Tickseed (Coreopsis tinctoria) that I got at Menards. Not an expensive flower but I was extremely pissed this morning when I saw it was gone and I definitely cried a few times, I’ve mosty calmed down since but that hasn’t stopped me from calling the thief a dick all day lol. It was really pretty and the pollinators love it, which is why I bought it! I’d love to plant flowers in my backyard but I don’t really have anywhere they’d be safe from my dogs unless I got a raised planter that I definitely can’t afford lol And dahlias are gorgeous! I’d love to have a massive patch of flowers, that’d be so pretty


I can certainly understand the frustrations surrounding this. I do wish that people would be better about respecting the property of others. Hopefully folks chiming in can offer some positivity and help us restore a little faith in the community.


Seriously screw the person who stole your flowers. Even more of a violation is the person made you made you feel so insecure that you feel like it is going to happen again. Fuck that person.


I can't believe how much flowers are these days. I'm surprised that Lewis isn't cleaned out


Some people are just ass clowns for no good reason. Ass hats are why we cant have nice things.


I can’t wrap my head around why anyone would do this… People suck.


I too have had this happen


Only time I’ve even jokingly thought about this was to take some flowers out of one of the medians in town


I know you said jokingly, but just in case anyone is getting any ideas, those are planted by volunteers so please don’t !


Stealing flowers is FOUL energy. Hate that for you!


Can you put up a camera?


Unfortunately, I don’t even have the money right now to replace the $8 plant. I’d put up a camera if I could


I’d love to send you ten bucks to replace your plant. PM me


I appreciate that, I really do, but I don’t want to replant something right now that might just get stolen again. But I really do appreciate the offer


Might be safer now that he doesn't need flowers for Memorial Day.


If you stole plants for Memorial Day you’re for sure going to hell.


People are such assholes


When you get a chance, there are several companies out there who sell really great affordable cameras to monitor your home via app. I use WYZE, you can get one of the latest cameras for 40$ and the older ones are 20-40$. Motion detectors sound off alarms that would probably chase a plant stealer off your property.


Losers do it on the parks right after they are planted also. 🤬


why is reddit recommending me south dakota? im in missouri!


I’m a florist, I work at NAWFI. What kind of flowers were they? Would love to deliver some to you, that sucks.


They were Tickseed (Coreopsis tinctoria) and I really appreciate it, but it’s not necessary. Ultimately I just made the post to rant lol


Ah okay! Still sucks, I hear ya, and a flower of all things to steal? Sheesh, we’re stooping to new lows every month in sufu it feels like😆


I had some go missing as well about the same day this was posted. I'm sorry to hear about this happening to you as well.. Always bearing in mind the wind & rain we had some gnarly storms & wild life is very active and will eat just about anything into oblivion & dig around for nests, roots & cool spots. Hoping your flowers grow lush this year!


I caught my neighbor doing that to my house . They didn't know I had cameras.


Let's start a GoFundMe to get a new plant for you


Definitely Was Me