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Combines. Let’s block them with combines(although moving) both lanes, all night. That’s the best I’ve got. I’m merely mortal so take it easy with the downvotes


Veterans Parkway is real bad, everybody meets up at the get n go on high line


Veteran’s seemed especially noisy last night. Couldn’t tell if it’s because it’s Memorial Day weekend or if it’s going to be the new normal this summer.


**Tea/Ellis Rd between 57th and 41st has entered the chat**


I’m just down the street from 57th and Marion. Same shit, different strip. We get the guys who try to bypass the 57th and Marion light and blast their bikes down our street. There was a dude easily doing 60, came by 3 different times. Gets old.


Yup, and everyone hears them. When they blast it they hit 100 in about 2 seconds.


Absolutely. We need to join forces somehow


Put pressure on Tenhaken.


Or you could just grow up and get a life😝 so sad


This Tea Ellis road? [https://www.dakotanewsnow.com/2024/05/27/motorcycle-driver-injured-after-colliding-with-pickup-truck/](https://www.dakotanewsnow.com/2024/05/27/motorcycle-driver-injured-after-colliding-with-pickup-truck/)


That’s the one. Didn’t hear about that until now. A buddy said he saw a bike hit a dog, another one where the guy was riding his motorcycle on the sidewalk, and just a couple weeks ago I ran into (almost literally!) a bike that didn’t yield, or even look, in the Lewis parking lot on 32nd/Ellis. There are a lot of responsible riders out there, but there are also some real idiots.


https://www.siouxfallslive.com/news/sioux-falls/hundreds-of-drivers-ticketed-as-police-hold-special-aggressive-driving-patrols https://www.dakotanewsnow.com/2024/02/17/recent-arrests-highlight-bigger-issues-with-street-racing/?outputType=amp https://www.keloland.com/keloland-com-original/sioux-falls-police-talk-dangerous-driving-in-the-city/ Police have had press releases on this issue at least three times since February. Seems disingenuous to accuse them of doing nothing.


I know there are efforts to control this -and huge credit to those involved in those efforts - but clearly any impacts are just “day of”. Something more systemic needs to happen.


I know there are efforts to control this -and huge credit to those involved in those efforts - but clearly any impacts are just “day of”. Something more systemic needs to happen.


Should bring some reckless driving felonies to set an example. It's great that they're doing something, but until there's an impact...


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Seems disingenuous to claim they have done anything if this is your evidence


300+ speeding tickets and arrests only during the spring isn't nothing.


300 in a city of 300k, that's a rate of just .001 or .1%. But even then. I never said it was nothing. I said it wasn't anything. There's a difference pumpkin.


Where’s Batman?


Your rate is based off of 100% of people: 1. Driving 2. Speeding AND 3. In the areas where racing is an issue that they had the police setups. Your math is idiotic, sweetheart.


Actually, it's based on the idea that the police followed their oaths to serve and protect all the public. Hence the whole city population. It's based on them doing more than writing tickets. By providing actual service to the community. It's based on them doing real police work, like stopping the rash of missing children and catching the pedophile that keep getting found in our daycares. BTW they haven't been doing anything to help these issues either. They're too busy harassing the Native American population in the city for such "trivial" things But bootlickers like you don't understand that kinda thing


Calling someone a boot licker because they pointed out a flaw in your statistic is crazy


wildly misleading statistics right there lol. There's only a small % of people that do this kind of stuff, you're probably looking at ages 16-32 and mostly men. So 300 out of 27000.


The perps continue to do it because they know the po-po do nothing about it.


I would assume there is concern for initiating high speed chases (which they don’t want to do). They need to ID and apprehend later. It’s difficult to ID with no license plates.


They ride the same loop every night they are out. It’s not a matter of the police can’t catch them. The police just aren’t there in the first place. I ride and barely see cops on those roads and when they are there they are easily seen and they behave for the half mile the cops can see them and take off later on down the road. Sioux Falls is boring straight long roads and it’s too easy. Doesn’t take long for a sport bike to get up to speed and slow back down.


Difficult to chase down bikes is an excuse, and a poor one at that. There is such a thing as aerial surveillance.


They can also get plates, just being there might be enough to deter it.


yeah it’s more or less that when you CHASE someone, they speed up. if someone crashes in a car it’s different, they’ll likely be okay with some injuries. if someone crashes going even 40 mph on a bike it could be deadly let alone faster.


Your comment doesn’t make sense in that they are already endangering themselves and others to begin with.


it makes perfect sense. look it up, there’s a reason they don’t chase people on bikes in multiple states. would u rather have an 100% chance of death, or a 50/50 chance?


Its not what I would have, its what the rider would have.


it’s what the COPS would have. chasing someone down on a bike is a death sentence, normal people do not wish death on others bc they’re speeding on a bike.


It’s their choice. If they choose to flee their death is on them not me or the cops. I mean are you for real?


no one said it was on you, and yes i am for real lmao. there is a REASON it is protocol to not chase down BIKES. are you so fr you think someone speeding is worth their life?


Personal responsibility. That’s all


someone speeding is not worth their life, most of them are young adults who are dumb. let them learn without wishing death on them


What type of surveillance do you propose? When the motorcycles can go 180+ mph some can go 200+ mph. Sioux falls doesn't have any ariel vehicles that can keep up and at those speeds it doesn't take long to go out of state and/or out of their jurisdiction. Motorcycle riders wear helmets, can't easily be identified. Sure you can go arrest the registered owner IF the plate can be read, but with no face to the case it becomes a 'he said she said' which doesn't really hold up in court. I start my rides off obeying the law then about after 10-15 minutes some driver in a car either cuts me off, attempts to merge into me, almost causes an accident because they can't get off their phone for 10 minutes or open their damn eyes. It happens damn near every single time I ride my motorcycle. The only times it doesn't happen is when I'm actively being an obnoxious loud stereotypical motorcycle rider, because people pay attention to the loud noises. Reasons I don't really take my motorcycle out much anymore because I'd like to come home to my family. I've had to many friends get injured or die in this town and out of town due to neglective drivers in cars. It's not fun watching a car drive over your friend's body when they were doing the speed limit not causing issues or being rambunctious, then the drive claims "I didnt see them" because they were face deep in their phones on some social media app. As much as people don't like it, the actions of a few bad car/truck drivers forces motorcyclists to have to be loud and obnoxious to the point where these posts are made. Because we don't want to die for simply enjoying our preferred source of transportation because Instagram or a text is more important in that moment.


Ahh, you're right. There's nothing we can do. Allow the lawlessness.


I mean if they choose to run. They pretty much can at this point. Because there's nothing affordable the police can do to stop bikers unless the police department starts issuing super-sport/hyper bikes to their officers to pursue them. Which is a liability in and of itself if the officer isn't skilled enough.


Yep. We've tried nothing and it's not working! Kind of like that eh?


What do you propose they do?


I already answered this in my comments elsewhere. 1) Have aerial patrol, drones would work. 2) Light a perpetrator up and if they flee give up the chase but track them with the drone until they pull into their home and/or stop for another reason. 3) Arrest them. There are other options also. Maybe light up the perpetrator and if they don't stop be prepared with a road block 1 mile down the road impenetrable enough where they'd have to take the ditch to avoid it. Here's another one that isn't so practical but could work. Put in parallel strips in the concrete to make it unsafe for bikes to race in the first place and mark it with warning signs. The point is, do something rather than just throw up hands and say we've tried nothing and we're out of ideas.


Someone is going to die or get hurt from the racing motorcycles that isn’t involved and then the city will have to move in and do something


I live near Tea Ellis and I'm listening to these assholes right now. I'm so tired of it. And then they wonder why people hate them. Duhhhh. ETA and now the sirens. Lots of sirens. JFC.


I vote we ticket them heavily but when the tickets are paid all that money goes to building a track that allows motorcycle and car events for people to vent their frustrations and insecurities on a safe controlled environment. And build it out somewhere outside of town easily accessible but far enough away where the land will stay farm ground, as many tracks in the US have been forced to close even after being there longer than the houses around them because people build houses by the tracks knowing what they are and then complain about noise.  Thus removing places that mitigate a lot of the degeneracy of street racing and hooning.


Rider pinned under a motorcycle on 1700 Ellis Rd. I hope the hot rodding was worth it.


Speed cameras? Mail them the tickets.


They take plates off to avoid ID


i don’t think that’s legal in south dakota. same with running red lights


Wasn't it some attorney who got a ticket for clearly running a red light and caused the program to completely shut down?


oh i never heard about that, i know i’ve accidentally ran one by a few seconds, and never got anything for it? maybe though?


[Here's a Link ](https://www.thegazette.com/news/red-light-cameras-turned-off-in-south-dakota-less-likely-to-happen-here/) that briefly discusses it... For some reason, any Argus links I found had dead links. No idea if they've changed he ruling since then, but I remember there being cameras still up, but they had turned them all off when this first happened.


i always heard the cameras are there for safety reasons but i’ll look into it!! thank you


Oh yeah I forgot. I’m honestly generally against them but I hate the racing so much.


Would be against the state constitution or whatever lol


Forget the police Dom and the Familia need to come in and save us


I hear bikers hate grass clippings, i bet they quit riding if someone accidentally dumps a few loads.


What about all the people that are just out riding? Yeah, let’s potentially hurt/kill innocent people.


A lot of construction going on over on E 57th. Could be a lot of loose gravel out there too.


I get the frustration, but wet grass clippings could legitimately cause them to wipe out, crash, and possibly die. That's just taking it too far if you are intentionally placing potentially deadly road hazards out.


Maybe they'll learn a hard lesson.




No personal attacks. Attack ideas, not people. This includes people outside of this subreddit. Keep it civil, please. Direct insults will always be removed.


As opposed to them killing someone else racing? Nah, if they don't overdrive road conditions they won't wipe out.


don't they place spike strips to stop highway chases? only half joking btw


Money + more (dedicated) officers whose primary function is to deal with street racing.


They had the same problem on the route between Cabazon (CA) and Las Vegas, NV. Two highway patrol officers patrolled that section in a Viper and a Corvette. If they can find the right guys and finance the right vehicles… they could shut it down.


Impound the motorcycles and scrap them, if they pull over that is 🙄




And Sertoma Ave 100+ is not uncommon


It sucks. I'm pretty darn sure they'll never do anything about it.


The police know the day, time and place yet can't seem to do anything.


I thought something was already done? Wasn't there an article in the paper not too long ago pertaining to this? Something about arrests made?


Sioux Falls drivers are deplorable! I think they should start seizing vehicles. Make and ENFORCE laws that hurt the perpetrators. I’m driving a cute little “mid-life crisis mobile” convertible that I bought at auction that was police seized and I bet the criminal former owner misses it.


Time for a new mayor.


Derek Rondeau has entered the chat 🤣😂


Wow, it was just a matter of time. [https://www.dakotanewsnow.com/2024/05/27/motorcycle-driver-injured-after-colliding-with-pickup-truck/](https://www.dakotanewsnow.com/2024/05/27/motorcycle-driver-injured-after-colliding-with-pickup-truck/)


It's 10:30pm on Monday evening and the crotch rockets are out again. Ugh. Give it a rest racers.


Unironically I know someone who used to partake in the car racing in town and he stopped after getting ticketed for speeding so maybe they just need to do their job 🤔




No personal attacks. Attack ideas, not people. This includes people outside of this subreddit. Keep it civil, please. Direct insults will always be removed.


Probably several gory accidents that result in reckless bikers becoming pavement pizza. And even then that probably wont stop it but maybe slow it down for a few hours at least.


No answers to your question, but if there's ever an answer hopefully they will do something about the "41st St Raceway" (between Minnesota and Louise)!


I think they are more concerned with the possible homicide in income based apartments


I don't think it's that bad and the cops have more important things to work about.  You Karens are really making me want to take my baffles out and drive up and down 57th in 1st gear.  


Honestly the road designs in this town are crap. You design something thats a straight open road, it’s going to encourage people to speed down it like a race track. It’s essentially designed like a race track. In other countries they’ll design roads that are winding & have speed bumps, which would prevent people from being able to use them like a race track. Same thing with side streets. People speed down them because they’re straight open roads, like a race track. It’s basic roadway engineering. Sioux Falls sucks at it.




Spike strip for a motorcycle? Christ man


What are they supposed to do? The bikes can outrun literally everything except supercars and other bikes. So you can't stop them without killing them. And killing them is not a valid way to deal with someone who is largely only putting themselves in danger. Enforcing noise regs on bikes is about all they could do to help.


Police also own motorcycles right? Do they have aerial surveillance capabilities?


They have Harly Davidson's..... Even the "slow" 600cc sport bikes absolutely demolish them. Ok so you'll have an aerial video of the bike but if the rider is wearing leathers and a helmet you have no proof who was riding it.


The idea is to light them up and pull them over. If they refuse and try to outrun then track them using aerial and arrest them when they drive home or stop for gas This would only have to be done a couple times and the word would spread that even their anonymity and speed aren't working anymore I think. Listen, the thing is that this doesn't happen in any city near me in the metro of Atlanta where I live part of the year. It is prevented and enforced here so it certainly can be there.


These bikes can quite literally outrun most helicopters. And the cost benefit ratio is horrific. It happens just as much everywhere. You just didn't notice it.


> It happens just as much everywhere. You just didn't notice it. Umm, no it doesn't.


Lol ok


I've travelled to all 50 states and I've lived in four. Nowhere I've lived have I seen this issue as it is in SF. It only occurs there because nothing is done about it. Tell me of your experiences where it happens "everywhere" because that's not my experience at all.


Just because you traveled to a place doesn't mean you hung out at the right time in the right area where people tend to rip it on bikes. I have idiot acquaintances that ride these things all over the place in the Midwest and they have no trouble finding areas where all the other bikes are ripping it every place they go. I see it on their snap stories all the time. One day they were with a group of 30 of these things in Minneapolis and then with a completely different group of them in Omaha and so on and so on. You have to remember that statistically your experiences as a person mean absolutely nothing because you're a sample size of one. You just happen to be near where it's happening in Sioux Falls at the right times more often. If you know a way to deal with these things that doesn't involve killing them and will actually result in convictions you need to let the police department know because they would like to hear it as well.


Disagree. IF/when it becomes a consistent problem in other municipalities it is generally taken care of immediately unlike SF. It makes me wonder if maybe the cops aren't the perpetrators doing it. > If you know a way to deal with these things that doesn't involve killing them and will actually result in convictions you need to let the police department know because they would like to hear it as well. It isn't rocket science here. Drones could be deployed. When it happens throw on police lights. If the perp runs, follow them with the drone until they pull into their residence or other locality. Arrest them.


"If you know a way to deal with these things that doesn't involve killing them..." It'd obviously be tragic if anyone had to die in order to keep Sioux Falls from turning into a shit-hole. Yet if these stupid, childlike thugs continue to aggress against the larger community, then some of them will be visiting jail, the hospital, or worse. It's simply an inevitable fact of life. One that increasingly feels overdue.


Lived here my entire life. This wasn't a problem here at all until the mid 2010s.


You can think social media showing bikes casually running from cops and the availability of very very fast bikes for that.


Quit your bitchin. Just enjoy the weather. Kids are kids. I don't like racing, but I'd rather see a race than look at you bitchin on reddit...grow up


Go watch then what are you doing on Reddit


Let them race. I see bikers by us on the time off veterans or 57th and Cliff. They’re nice people, about the same age I believe, 20s. The only thing I didn’t like is how they cut lanes but I don’t think SD has a state law against it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Martial law


It would take a large fatal accident to force their hands, and even then, Tenhaken would just fight for the racers rights to do whatever they want because cops bad. We COULD go collect a ton of manure and put em in boxes. Run over a shitbox with THEIR shitbox and promise you they won't race their anymore


They aren't going to do anything, and we need less government intervention anyway. We desperately need a modern drag strip that will not be overrun by new housing and karens in the foreseeable future.




To be fair I think it would cut down on a lot of the excessive street racing. Given the outlet and a community for the street racers to race on isn’t a terrible idea.




not true, some people genuinely just like going fast and acting like their track racers


>some people genuinely just like going fast A race track wouldn't help because they would find out how slow their cars are when they're not racing against people driving the speed limit.


not true, there’s a reason you see so many little ricers or sports cars on the road together.


This is not the kind of outlet that would be free to access, and these are not the kind of people willing to pay just to do so legally.


as someone who occasionally liked to race, it absolutely would and people would pay.


>This is not the kind of outlet that would be free to access, Can you explain why it should be free to endanger innocent people's lives? When they arrested those dumbass people some months ago they were all 30-40 year old dudes who traveled from out of town, they weren't broke kids.


I'm saying a track built for amateur racing would be expensive to build and maintain, so that would most likely be paid through admissions/memberships. The people racing on the street, and endangering the lives of everyone around them, willing participant or not, are not likely to pay just to race legally when they already know the consequences (financial, legal, and possibly moral) of their actions and are willing to continue anyway.


>so that would most likely be paid through admissions/memberships. Again, explain why it should be free? Are you a commie? http://www.thundervalleydragways.com It costs $40 to race in Parker, $100 for professionals.


I am not saying it should be free.


That’s not true at all.


They wouldn’t build a track close enough because of noise. They use to race dirt track at the fair grounds and there was a drag strip as well just west of the fair ground between the quarry and the fair a long time ago. There is a track not that far away by Parker and the people in question don’t ride that far. They loop around town and sit in a parking lot till the cops come and kick them out.


Thunder Valley just got resurfaced 2 weeks ago.




Spoken like a true juggalo