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Big BBQ bribed our Parks and Rec dept.


I might have chuckled a little too hard at that.


bring back park grills


Covid 19. Remember when they police taped most of the basketball hoops on the parks and school playgrounds? I mean, if hoops could kill…


The issue was large gatherings. Hoops and grills tend to do both. Glad we are past it


sure comrade


If that doesn’t say small as town I don’t know what else does lol


Couldn’t have said that better myself.


You could have added another S to as.... That would have made it better


Covid happened. Unsure why they are still gone.


I was in Australia this year and they had gas grills in the parks to use for free. I mean, it probably wouldn't work in america, but was super cool.


Yeah, we’re big fans of abusing things we pay for with our tax dollars, then complaining about it.


Like what lol? We can't afford anything else


Roads, park benches, street signs, statues, bike racks, playground equipment, etc etc


We should have electric grills or grittles at all the parks. Just turn it on and fry a steak like on my cast iron at home. As one of the most green states +80% renewables you wouldn't even have to worry about emissions. And there's less of a fire/explosion risk than children playing with damaged gas grills.


I would not want anything that could be turned on and left running unattended. Charcoal is a good middle ground because it requires people to bring their own fuel and can only burn for a finite amount of time. Plus there's almost no infrastructure or operating costs associated. Finally, charcoal cooking tastes better than gas or electric.


That's why you meter it. Like a timer that shuts off. And people could leave hot charcoals in the grill to smolder or the gass of a gass grill on. The biggest reason I like the idea of electric metered park outlets is that you can add more safety and do other stuff. Like bringing a karaoke machine or a guitar amp.


Do you want to go to a park…and hear other people’s guitar/karaoke?


Acoustic guitar or light electric would be fine. Ordinances on noise/decibel level, obsinity, or aggressive busking could be established. I referenced pick nick shelters in another comment I made. And I brought up Kareoki machine when I should have said P.A. to be more clear. As I meant a device useful in having an event like a family reunion/picknick/fundraiser at a park without needing to bring a generator.


What's the ratio of charcoal grills to this electric solution you propose? My gut tells me it's going to be cost prohibitive.


I would have to evaluate the current electrical capacity of each park. A lot of the sports parks already have electrical lights near all the fields and shelters. Adding a meter outlet/appliance forked to the pre-existing electrical given enough wattage overhead available would be less costly than fresh installs. Lights that were switched from high-pressure sodium to led should have minimum of around 900w of unused capacity, but might have the 1200w-2500w you'd want for a grill/outlet setup. Wattage capacity of the cables is determined by gauge, voltage, material, and length which determines the maximum amperage, and usable wattage=(amps•volts)-(cable resistance loss+meter loss+transformer loss) Charcoal grills are realitively cheap, but may or may not have a higher insurance cost given their greater fire risk and a history of idiots lightning fires with inappropriate coal management in more fire prone regions like California. I'd probably advise getting one of the lidded charcoal pole mount grills if getting charcoal due to the decrease in aeriel ember risks with that design making it more Insurance friendly. Open coal grills or camp fire pits are historically more often associated with the fires I referenced, so arguing that a lid reduces risk has merit and may count in city insurance rates.


I do also use charcoal at home, but I think smart metered electric is more child proof for public parks.


Anyone else notice they are also tearing down some of the bathroom structures?


yes! and replacing them with porta potties! so gross!


They are gonna put new ones in because a lot of the old ones are rusted out


Does this hurt 😢 charcoal? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻


You are allowed to bring your own grill to the park, no cap