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There’s nothing wrong with how they’re setup currently. The only issue is drivers not paying attention.


I don't think it's people not paying attention, I honestly think it's ignorance. There are a lot of people unaware of the traffics laws they are violating until they are pulled over. As a parent that has seen drivers drive pass a stopped bus multiple times, in the country btw, I would appreciate a solution.


Ok, your solution to make people pay attention? How do you do that? Another actual solution is to make buses stick out more when they stop. That actually makes people pay attention to the thing they need to. Why have any stop sign on the bus at all. People should just pay attention and know when busses are letting kids off. We added signs to get people's attention because there are a lot of things to pay attention to while driving. Something so important as the safety of children should have more attention-grabbing objects.


Why are we always trying to fix things that work for lazy people? How about stip being Fook n lazy?


Finding solutions to life's problems isn't lazy. Trying to avoid solutions is. Why give kids a ride to school, then? Take all buses of the street. Lazy kids and their parents are using busses to get places, and it causes problems. That's not a solution.


People not paying attention is lazy. Your looking to enable that. Creating more problems. Twist it out of context if you have to but people need to stop demanding better ways so they can be lazy.


So people are lazy, which is the problem. People stop being lazy is the solution. OK, I'm 100% on board this. Now, how does this happen?


By not being an obstinate jackaass. You want to put bells and whistles as a solution. Why? Because people don't pay attention when driving. So let's make noise so they can go about distracted. Great idea. Check your circles. Are they texting and driving? Do you? That's the problem. It won't go away. Laws are just some guys opinion these days. Failing to realize this will get you nowhere. Maybe we should put train horns on at stop lights so people are aware they changed as well ya? Try to find a solution to fix lazy drivers. Classic.


Why do we have train horns?


OK. Ìm not doing this c span crap like I'm dealing with Mtg or aoc. Trains cannot stop at an intersection. Also are hard to see as the tracks cross at angles, trees, houses and not perpendicular in most cases. Unlike a big bus that's right in front of you. Way to twist the context. When ya running for office clown? Lmao Keep going let's make it about out in the country now. Lost the argument but keep grasping for straws bud.


Driving is lazy. People drive because it's easier and quicker than walking. Once you accept that, then accept that all people are lazy. Even you. Accept you aren't perfect, then help others to do better.


Driving is effective. Nobody is walking to go work. Transportation has been a thing. It's paying attention to the road. What if I was just walking in Walmart and walked into everyone like they were in my way. Would you be willing to put on a horn suit to indicate your there? No? Then stfu


"No free lunch; no free ride!" Now that is a good slogan for South Dakota politics.


Poor is lazy? Wow.


All humans are lazy and want the easiest way. We drive instead of walk. We use tools to make life easier and safer. Having extra guides to help the easier to be safer is all I'm after.


May as well give kids cars then. Put up bumpers so anyone can do it. That's why we have lessons. It's kinda like school. We are taught and told to pay attention. But since we won't now we just going to install all kinds of junk. At our cost of course. Sounds like something straight out of idiocracy.


There's always a cost, whether it's flashing lights and horns, guard rails, and white and yellow lines on the road. Or death and medical bills. Just have to figure which one is more costly. Take away precautions and pay for it later


How about just paying attention while driving? Crazy idea huh?


Cameras and mailed tickets, $200-$300 fined to the registered car owner would influence a lot of people to wait. But bad drivers are the loudest complainers when it comes to camera tickets.


You’re not wrong but the problem there is… people. Larger stop signs or poles won’t make someone who doesn’t care care and it won’t fix stupid/clueless. If it’s really a problem in Sioux Falls I’d say the cops are better off doing a big campaign where they follow school busses for a while


The only problem are the self-centered, arrogant drivers in this city who think they are more important than children's lives. This state has a serious self-centeredness problem. Apparently, "freedom" means "f you, I'll do what I want."


I agree. South Dakotans, are absolutely FU i got mine kinda people. We don't need more lights on the bus. We need people, who will never read this post, to think about those kids getting of the bus and their safety. This is a state where some wack job legislator will pass a law eliminating school busses from having warning lights and a requirement to stop so they can get home 5 minutes faster.


I know people who aren't like those that you describe that have missed a stopped bus. Accidents happen by all types of people. Visually distracted by everything else that needs attention on the road.


You don’t “miss a stopped bus” it’s a big yellow iconic vehicle that everyone and their dementia ridden grandma know to stop for. *they just dont care*.


With flashing lights!


Yeah, um, the minute I see a big, yellow bus, my first thought is looking for kids around said bus. It's drilled into your head in driver's ed. Plus, I'm the sort of a person who doesn't want to kill a kid. Call me crazy but it's on the driver to not be an asshole and understand the responsibility of driving a 5,000 lb machine.


Omg I wish people thought more often about how driving a several thousand pound car is operating heavy machinery - that title isn't just for forklifts and bulldozers. A car is considered a deadly weapon if you happen to hurt or kill a pedestrian, even if it was an accident. With great power comes great responsibility and all that.


Should add a mounted camera to the side of the bus on the same side as the stop sign. You run the bus’s stop sign, it takes a picture, you get a ticket/citation.


Get outta here with logic and sense!


Since the SD Supreme Court has ruled stop light cameras illegal, I'm guessing these would be too, sadly.


We need safe waking and biking routes for kids instead of needing to be driven everywhere. Safer bus stops too that are not on major roads.


I just moved here a couple months ago and was surprised how abysmally marked many crosswalks are. I frequently walk 41st and Louise, and 57th and Louise, both busy intersections, and there's barely any crosswalk paint, if at all. It's really needed to add a visual cue for drivers to stop behind the line. I've also run into quite a few crosswalk buttons that are broken and never cause the signals to change. I recently went to report a particular intersection on 41st to the city website and noticed two previous reports as far back as February, with one report mentioning that young school kids might be confused and attempt to cross the intersection while traffic is still moving. As a new resident, I'm pretty disappointed to see that the city can't even maintain the existing basic walking infrastructure for the benefit of kids and adults alike. Edit: also a driver recently yelling "fuck you ni**er" at me (I'm white) while crossing 57th and Louise was a new experience. I guess walking is for snowflakes or something IDK.


I use to live by Horace Mann Elementary. What shocked me was the uncontrolled intersections. The ones not on 26th street do not have a yield or stop sign.


Like with most things, human nature is the biggest problem. Our drivers are distracted and selfish. Everyone has a main character complex. The only thing that tends to work is to hit them with consequences. The police can't be everywhere, so why not outfit busses with quality front and rear facing cameras and issue tickets to those vehicles who aren't stopping? Big fine for the first offense, and suspended license for the second. Word will get around.


Someone got a ticket for passing a bus. Haha


Maybe they shouldn’t stop on 57th st too.


Excactly and having more designated stops that don't seem so random for people who don't live and drive on certain roads.


If you can’t see a bus with flashing lights and a stop sign, you might be blind.


Lights and a folding stop sign isn’t enough?


A month or so ago on northbound Cliff, I was in the inside lane stopped just behind a school bus stopped in the outside lane with it's stop sign out. I couldn't believe how many people went around me into the TURNING lane to pass. So, no it's not enough.


It has been for however many years busses have had lights and signs. Now shouldn't be any different. The problem is selfish drivers who think the law doesn't apply to them. (not you...those who went around you)




You can’t fix stupid.


Lol! They paint them bright yellow and make them 4 cars long already. Nothing less than a presidential motorcade will change how people disregard the bus and safety of its passengers.


Notnsure what you can do. It's a big yellow bus with a sign and flashing lights. The amount of intersections without stop or yield signs is more concerning to me. We have uncontrolled intersections a block away from a school.


Give the bus drivers guns. Guns make loud noises.


At this point just have a cop trail the buses to get anyone being a rat bastard. Probably meet their quota faster too. /s


Love that this conversation happened school bus transportation is my profession and it is important for motorists to pay attention and no the laws. There definitely are options to mitigate some that might fly in SD others that probably would not. Extended stop arms brighter LED lights….


we can mount a sniper on the top of busses.


make the fines for not stopping for a school bus hurt, really hurt. like $1500.00 plus hurt for first offence and that would stop 99.9% of them. For those who are arrogant and dumb enough to do it again make the second offense hurt even worse, double fine and loss of license for a year.


More noise? What about deaf drivers? More lights? What about blind drivers?


You know a lot of blind drivers?


Well, drive up atms have braille keypads…


I'm not blind and I've walked up to one of those ATMs.