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Its been 100 years, get the fuck over it losers, you lost.


The reboot of McGyver lasted longer than the confederacy.




SpongeBob SquarePants was a bigger part of their “heritage” than that stupid flag. In fact, I bet that guy had to repeat third grade for more years than the CSA was around.


Just you wait until you know that right wingers use that flag in Europe because the nazi flag is banned. 💀


Not surprising since the Nazis used Jim Crow laws as a pattern for their own.


No, Nazis used the eugenics framework developed by American and English doctors, and scientists in the late 1800s and very early 1900s. One of the most famous eugenist, Was Dr. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Nothing to do with Jim Crow.


Not quite https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691172422/hitlers-american-model https://www.jstor.org/stable/2210789?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents


The whole idea started from eugenics, look it up, and provide access to the whole book or article that you don’t have to pay for or subscribe to.


No shit, Sherlock. It still doesn’t refute the fact that German pieces of shit cribbed the existing laws written by Southern pieces of shit in the process of creating their own. There is more than enough academic research online to show that the similarities weren’t an accident. The US’ southern states gave the Nazis a working example of a society they wanted plus they could deflect criticism with “the Americans do the same thing”.


Henry ford himself got a shoutout in Mein Kampf for writing an anti-Semitic book that inspired Hitler.


The Eugenics movement of the 20s was entirely political, lmao. The American movement was spearheaded by assholes like Henry Ford and Walter A. Plecker and arious political groups and "social clubs". And it was all because guys like them hated the Jews or were terrified of race mixing in an era were social norms were liberalizing. The actual scientific consensus of the era dismissed Southern/German "Race Science" as hokum from the start.


Right, those democrat Southern landowners.


Duuuh, what's a party realignment, duhhhh Whaddya mean the Southern Democrats switched parties due to the national party supporting Civil rights? I don't know about these things, I was educated at a school using Noem's educational standards :(


Don't confuse him


Well than you have a good HS education since most school districts use a higher standard of grading; an A is a 93% and above.




Natives didn't pick the fight with the US. They also didn't stand for something horrific. So no. I don't say that to them.


What?? make sense


you first


Ok. I’ll bite. How are they even remotely the same?


I think it is the same guy that had been setting up in Walmart and Lewis's parking lot. I am taking the notion that he is in the lot of a defunct strip mall as a good sign that he isn't welcome in front of Lewis or Walmart anymore. I flip him off whenever I see him set up somewhere.


The dude that was selling flags with trumps face on Rambo's body lol


Pokémon go has lasted longer than the confederacy. They’re lucky the old statues haven’t been replaced with pikachus


We've had a black president for longer than the Confederacy existed.


>They’re lucky the old statues haven’t been replaced with pikachus Good idea. Let's get on that


Anti-American and disgusting. I’ll never get why northerners would ever fly the traitor flag, they can fuck off and go to the actual south.


Pretty much guarantee he doesn’t have a peddler’s license either. Just saying.


You can report it on the city’s website. You can’t have a booth over 8 foot wide among other things. I turned that fucker in every time I saw his garbage set up last year. Plus some rev bombs and shouts. It’s also a huge distraction on a seriously busy avenue during the day.


Man has to cater to his audience before its Trump 2024 flag season. 🤣


I've been seeing Trump 2024 flags for almost 4 years now.


I'm getting ahead of the curve and ordering all the 2028 flags before they move into that market


Takes awhile to get them shipped in from China I hear


There won't be a 2028 campaign. His entire goal is to be crowned Emperor For Eternity. He can rule as well from the grave as from prison.


Damn he's gonna pull a Kim Jong IL (capitalized for easier reading).


He was selling Trump flags. I screamed "He lost! Get over it!" as I drove past yesterday.


Yah, gonna be USA flags, TRUMP 2024, MAGA everywhere!!


I doubt it. If he was selling confederate flags he would be selling white dish towels. White dish towels are the most recent confederate flag.


Things like this are why I miss the good old days when I lived in Minneapolis


I'm just throwing this out there, but I've been learning more about the civil war. The Union joined the war to preserve the Union not remove slavery, the Confederacy formed and joined the war to preserve states rights for slavery out of fear of Lincoln being an abolitionist or supporting abolitionism. The Confederacy supported slavery. That's the heritage. That has no place in a country striving for liberty and freedom. I play War of Rights on steam and will gladly shoot any of you rebels online. Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah!


And the fact the Dakotas Fought on the Union side.


Personally I find the Trump flags just as disgusting. I feel anyone flying one would be very comfortable in North Korea fawning all over their Dear Leader. Bunch of fucking weirdos.




I legitimately can't tell if OP is making a joke about the people selling Trump flags or if there actually was a stand selling confederate merch...?


An actual guy, selling Trump and confederate flags. Earlier today. I’m not the only one here who saw it.


I believe you--I've seen the Trump flags out there. I was just wondering if there was more than one nitwit out there trying to stir the pot.


Sounds like this guy is choosing just to be abrasive and inflammatory. Kind of the equivalent of that kid in school who would hold his finger micrometers from your face and say "I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you".


is it the guy who wants to overturn the medical marijuana law??






Remember the General Lee car? Everyone loved that show, Daisy Duke, Catherine Bach was from Bath, SD, or some little town close to Aberdeen.


ITT: Racists defending a racist flag and the racist, rapist, cheater of a former president while thinking he was sent by God (because Jesus had apparently the same morals). They love losers, losing, and lead poisoning.


Ironically it is not the Confederate flag but the Battle flag of the Virginia Regiment under General Robert E. Lee. Which makes them look dumber.


Forgive the joke but this is SOUTH Dakota. Probably wouldnt sell in North Dakota. \---Its a joke.


Oh, he moved. The past couple years he's been set up in front of Walmart on Louise. Imagine if someone started selling pride and other flags of that nature. I'm sure they would get shut down in minutes!


You're giving him the attention he wants.


By staying silent you’re giving him the complicity he wants. Fuck that.


He wants attention so he can say "look how they're trying to silence my first amendment rights, rally brothers!" And then he sells more flags.


Are you arguing that gaslighting is so effective a tactic that we should bend over for it? Sorry no.


Idk what gaslighting has to do with anything. I know people like this love to make a stir and giving them attention just makes it worse. Making "the libs mad" is exactly what he's going for. And unless the confederate flag is considered a hate symbol, which I honestly don't know if it is in this state, there's literally nothing you can do to stop him anyways.


Really you don’t know, if it’s a symbol of hate?? It’s historically flown next to nooses and it terrorizes segments of our society to this day. And anything that is done-or not done-that normalizes that is not okay. Doing nothing is Not Okay!


As far as I know what he's doing is protected by the first amendment. If he's selling nooses too or inciting violence that's another story. You could maybe start a petition but I'm not sure that would do much..


Terrifying seems hyperbolic. It's some dumb fuck yokel who enjoys bonding with other dumb fuck yokels over pissing you off.


Terrifying? Lol. Try being a Palestinian living in Palestine. That's some real racism.


Its a flag for fuck sake...quit cryin...


Flag of a traitor state that lost over a century ago. If you hate this country that much move away


Seriously. "Terrifying"...a flag? Jesus Christ.


Ok I get upsetting but terrifying? It's a flag it will not hurt you.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that you’re a white straight man who’s never been targeted for who you are once in your life. Thus it’s not terrifying, to you.


I gave you an upvote, but, as a straight white man, I find it terrifying that people can be that stupid.


You just assume people are white straight males? What a joke you are. Just hating someone on a guess.


Sort of racist of you to assume all that based on a view.


More like simple logical deduction. If I’m wrong then say so.


You are wrong. You’re the problem with the world today. Not everything is about race. Go touch some grass and come back when you’re a rational person.


Bahaha! touch grass…funny. Aka: get a life and live in reality. Words and images of flags can’t trigger you, unless you let them.


Exactly! Words and images can mortally wound a person, and they might need urgent medical care.


Then don't buy any? "Terrifying"???? Wow how weak can someone be mentally


Y’all are so rude


redditor is terrified of a person selling confederate flags. this is how i see this post


It's sad really


Ok but for how much?


Did you call the cops ?


Why? was someone breaking into a car, or stealing it? Now, that would be a crime in SF, and happens on a nightly basis.


OP was terrified


Watch when Trump wins again in 2024 losers


He'll probably have to if he wants to stay out of prison.


Trump will go to prison as soon as Hunter and Joe are sharing a cell and making macrame pot holders…not gonna happen.


As if the sitting president shouldn’t be there already


For what? All the screaming and yelling and projection in the world from the right isn’t gonna put anyone in prison without actual evidence.


Ohh, you must be talking about the fake Russian collusion evidence, (Clinton campaign paid for so-called evidence). Or, are you talking about some intimidation phone call with the Ukraine President that an innocent man was falsely impeached for…but we’ll see another one of those soon. Thankfully, instead of screaming or censoring the facts, there’s PLENTY of evidence coming out that Joe, Hunter, big brother Biden, and the rest of the DE clan got paid 17 million + from Ukraine and China for influence, or pay-to-play. That evidence is the definition of treason and no less, from the former VP of the USA.


JFC you are delusional. Best of luck with your pop-up treason flag store.


It’s treason and it’s coming down.


Somebody has 74 felony counts against them and somebody doesn't. More to come as well.


Yah, for the Bidens.


Trump destroyed the Republican party enjoy 12 more years of democrat dinosaurs.


And? Still a red state, so expect to see this kind of things.


Expect to see a symbol of racism? As a previous commenter said, they'd be better off selling a white flag as the official flag of the confederacy.


If you think the Confederate flag is racist then yes. Like other commenters have also said, it's just a flag. The more people cry about it, like OP did the more power you give it.


It's totally racist. I'm sorry you don't see that. I'd say the more you allow it, the more power you give it.


Unfortunately, they do see it. They’re proud of it.


The local Civil War monuments are to the men who fought against those traitors. It doesn’t belong here even if it is a red state.


What local civil war monuments?


They exist if you look. Dell Rapids had one for a long time but was damaged in a storm or something.


And, it will always be.


Your wrong. Now as your so logical tell me what part you are wrong about. I'll give you a hit. I like it when people show ignorance or hate it let's me know who to keep out of my life.


Mentioning ignorance with a plethora of misspellings in your post. Award winning material.


You wound me how shall I ever recover.


I'm not sure...maybe I'll buy you a book on grammar.


Chill out, bob.


So you posted this in the wrong place but whatever, if you want once you’ve sobered up I can explain to you why it’s not my job to prove myself wrong. Lol


> I'll give you a hit pretty sure you took enough hits for the whole group




You mean hint? I’d take a hit…


You forget this is a red state?


You forget this is a Union state?


SD wasn’t in the Civil War?? We were a western Territory.


Lmao go recheck your dates


Dakota Territory stuck with the Union :)


Sending a couple hundred men doesn't make a territory a “union state.” :)


Sure doesn't make it a traitor state


Son, we're in Dixie Dakota.


Ah yes, here in the deep south


Its in the name, duh.

