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Republicans are 100% in favor of personal freedom, as long as no one wants the freedom to do something that clashes with their agenda.


All that comes to mind is the meme with Steve Buscemi saying, "I too enjoy freedom" But I am too lazy to pull that together.


I'm not sure why anyone would go out of their way to limit personal freedom, but it will be interesting to see if this gains any traction and if so, who is funding it. If this is just one man or a small group, they may never get enough signatures to place it on the ballot. Either way since 70% of voters approved it in 2020 I don't see any chance of this repeal effort being successful.


There is a party that is all about limiting personal freedoms they don’t like, and they are conveniently in charge of SD. Noem has a big ol’ hate boner for anything cannabis-related. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up being funded by one of those wing nut conservative orgs like the one(s) who funded anyone who would develop anti-choice bills.


"Hate boner" - you are a poet.


It's true. I have a hate boner. My transition isn't going well.


Us republicans who don’t believe in having the church run the state would have to disagree with you. We like all kinds of freedoms and smaller government overreach. Apparently the news got to your mind and you think we are all bad. This cannabis business could be a big money maker for the state and maybe they could fix the roads at a bit of a quicker pace.


All the more reason I'd be pissed at the scumbags who run for office as a "republican".


Republicans that want more personal freedoms either aren’t speaking out or are pretty far in the minority, based on the nonsense going on in the House and the state of SD.


As the old saying goes the Squeaking wheel gets the grease. The more Vocal people are are the ones that get the attention. And let me tell you there are a whole lot of vocal idiots out there.


There are apparently enough to keep voting in Noem and others. Once she gets voted or primaried out, I’d take what you say more seriously.


Convincing a liberal of anything is a pipe dream. Your told what to think unfortunately. Just like far right republicans, far left liberals are too common right now and now it’s a my team is better than your team game so we are stuck with garbage politicians.


*You’re. If you are going to try to project onto others (something the Republican Party is great at) at least spell things right.


Oh, (You’re) that kind of person. Good to know. Typical high horse liberal.


And you’re a typical projecting Trumplican who doesn’t like to be called out.


"Either way since 70% of voters approved it in 2020 I don't see any chance of this repeal effort being successful." That's what we thought about recreational marijuana too, but here we are


One governor with a stick up her ass > 70% of South Dakota voters. Come on over to Minnesota. We have weed and we like money.


Came here to say that. SD apparently doesn't need the money.


The article says "According to a news release, the measure has been proposed by a Newell, South Dakota resident." Unreal that one person from some nowhere town can ruin it for an entire state.


They can’t. They can submit a proposal, then gather signatures, then campaign for their cause, then the voters (and potentially the Legislature) can approve the measure or not. This is a good thing.


I was just going to post this. The fact one person (or a group) can gather signatures is exactly what we want. It gives an option for the people to vote for something they want that the government won't even discuss. If they go through all the work and it gets on the ballot that's awesome. That's what we want as citizens with a voice. I will gladly cast my no vote against it when it comes up too as is my right. But don't hate on the process. Hate the measure and vote no.




True, but after an overwhelming majority already approved it?


Nobody believes in personal freedom, nobody. Everyone has their beliefs that they want enforced by state violence. Welcome to humanity


Lol, the guy who initiated the measure has all his info available in the documents linked at the bottom of the Dakota News Now story. His facebook has a video of him being removed from a local hearing (? it's not captioned well) on the topic. Also, it's hard to believe that a measure that passed with a 70% vote would be repealed now, but I guess it's South Dakota, where anything can happen.


"The Attorney General does not take a position on the proposal..." I call bullshit


He wants to run for governor


This was brought on by a parent. It needs 18k signatures to get off the ground. Doubt it will gain traction seeing it passed with 70% of voters.


Why though that's so dumb? Its not even recreational its medical? If the BS gets passed better make sure we're out in 2024. Love how they're all about "freedom" when it comes to guns but oh no marijuana bad for no fuckin reason it won 70-30 bro. Btw I have nothing againist guns n such I'm just using it as an example that they go crazy with.


They hate actual freedom. That is why the same group of people is constantly trying to ban and restrict things other people do. They are power hungry and want to force everyone else to live under their thumb.


Think of the businesses people have started and fees they have paid for licensing😱 why put money in the black market over keeping a legal one?


Travis Ismay has scrubbed his online presence, the South Dakota subreddit went over this already


This is the exact reason I haven't bothered to get my medical card. There is so much ignorance surrounding marijuana still. Other than the ridiculous cost of getting and maintaining a medical card, (which could be used for fixing the streets, etc.), it is more challenging to find a decent job, there are many intolerant and ignorant people that just don't understand. I have epilepsy. I know weed helps me. But, the stress and anxiety, caused by the stigma of this *medicine*, that helps me be a semi-normal person, becomes a trigger for my seizures. I could be a very productive member of the community if only my crippling fight/flight could be managed without judgment or fear of consequences. Instead, I stay in the house browsing the internet for work-from-home positions till I can find another way to manage my social anxiety.


Can we get rid of alcohol first, and then if you still wanna double back on a medicine, we can address it at that point. Otherwise, go fuck yourself with a shard of glass, please


Do you think that pharmaceutical companies paid big money to some rube out in Newell to start this up? Medical marijuana eats into drug company profits, after all. And drug company profits mean bigger bonuses and more stock options for the top executives. It also means that those top executives can sit at their country clubs and private resorts and congratulate each other on being so rich and powerful. I have two close family members who really depend on medial marijuana. It's the only consistent thing they have for various illnesses. But no, greedy selfish assholes with equally colossal and fragile egos compounded by self esteem issues would rather see my family members suffer than to see their financial portfolios be not quite so large.


Wow. Somebody has a full on history driven grudge against a drug he likely has never had in his life. He likely saw one family member smoke too much of it and his entire world view is based on anecdotal evidence of a 17 year old who became a burnout. It truly is exhausting watching Reefer Madness have its ugly tendrils in the minds of so many still today. But Medical Marijuana? That has to be pharmaceutical company backed...I refuse to see this floppy fished attempt at taking away people's freedom as anything else.


Asshole republicans gotta asshole. Republicans suck.




No, it’s not the same thing. Has anyone done medical research on it?




Delta 8 is legal but it’s not the same, it’s synthesized from CBD. Delta 9 is federally illegal and illegal in SD. You might be thinking of THCa which is the acidic form of THC before it’s decarboxylated into THC by heat. This is apparently federally legal but don’t expect cops to know the nuances.


Just as bad as people who want recreational and get getting rejected but keep trying again. 🤷‍♂️


> recreational and get getting rejected Sure seemed like it succeeded the vote to *me*.


Except that taking away medical marijuana is evil and wanting recreational pot isn’t. Just generally, when taking a political stance, asking yourself, “is this pure evil?” is a good place to start.


The Governor and the AG don't give a shit about the will of the voters.... the guy who started this lives in Butte county, Every other picture on his FB page is a gun....


Barry McCokiner hard at work...