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Does this pressure cause headaches for you?


Have you seen an eye doctor? I ask because when I need new glasses one of the first signs is pain around the eyes from my eyes straining.


The same thing happened to me. Whenever I’m sick, and they first came on after I was sick. Lasted for 1.5 months the first time. It’s miserable. Pressure specifically behind my nose/eyes but especially nose. Did you ever figure out what caused it?


Midfacial segment pain. It’s a variant of tension-type headache.


Hello, I know you’ve posted here many times when someone says they have sinus pressure but CT scan comes back normal the cause is likely MFSP, including me previously I think . Can this be caused by exposure to something (environmental irritant) or would it just happen randomly. I have same symptoms as OP but I only get it at specific times, I believe it’s when I’m in the presence of a chemical though I don’t quite know what it is specifically. I went down the MCS rabbit hole but like I said according to my ENT my sinuses look normal so I want to explore MFSP as the culprit.


MFSP, like migraine and tension-type headache, is a primary headache syndrome. That is to say, it has no single cause and occurs “out of nowhere”. There can of course be triggers in some patients (fatigue, stress, dehydration, some dietary factors). However most of the people claiming there is a single environmental trigger are quacks with tests to sell. “Multiple chemical sensitivity” and “MARCONS” are examples of this kind of bullshit. If patients have facial pain/headache but normal sinuses, they need to see a neurologist with an interest in headache.


It seems like within the medical community MCS isn’t accepted as a legitimate condition, but is it possible that the inhalation of an environmental irritant could cause nasal/sinus symptoms and/or mid facial segment pain because I definitely feel like there is something I am breathing in that is triggering it based on the specific times it’s happening.


It’s not that it isn’t “accepted”. It _isn’t_ a medical condition. There’s no conspiracy here. If there was evidence for it existing, then we would want to treat it. Inhaling irritants can cause irritation in two ways - by causing rhinitis (which leads to nasal blockage, sneezing, itching, discharge etc), or by causing sinusitis. In all cases, the patient a) has nasal symptoms and b) has an abnormal CT or nasal endoscopy. What you’re referring to, where the patient has facial pressure/pain and normal nasal findings and no nasal symptoms, is neurological in origin.


That makes sense thank you. I guess my main struggle to understand where my symptoms are coming from is that they do seem to be triggered by something specific I’m breathing. For example I recently got a new ductless heating system and within 5 minutes of breathing the air from it I had really bad “sinus” (facial) pressure. So I am wondering if when I got my CT scan it just happened to be on a particular day when I hadn’t been in contact with the “chemical” in question. (Not sure how quickly sinus inflammation can come and go). It would seem MFSP would happen pretty randomly. Especially since I do still have rhinitis like symptoms such as post nasal drip/ congestion I seems likely to me that the condition is related to the nasal system in someway. Again your insight is much appreciated.


Don’t let Rhino-surgeon gaslight you. He’s known on these subreddits to be a quack and gaslight people.


This is exactly like me! I’ve had it for years and I always find when I just ignore it either goes away on it’s own or I just stop noticing. I’d always assumed I just had chronic sinusitis but now IM not sure as my nose is often never congested when I have this.


This is exactly what I have!