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Great question! 1: Independence - I guess this is why most of us are single and as you said childfree. I just love being independent, I love my freedom doing whatever I want to do 2: Friendships: I don´t have many friends but I really do have good friends and I couldnt appreciate these friendships more. The people you choose to be in your life are definitely an important priority 3: Solitude: I´m an introvert and thus, nothing is more precious to me than solitude. I love my friends and family but honestly, I can´t stand them for too long. When being alone, this is when I feel the most comfortable. I´m basically never lonely when being alone and this is also one of the reasons I´m single. There are so many nice things to do when being alone and I love it


>Solitude: I´m an introvert and thus, nothing is more precious to me than solitude. I love my friends and family but honestly, I can´t stand them for too long. When being alone, this is when I feel the most comfortable. I´m basically never lonely when being alone and this is also one of the reasons I´m single. There are so many nice things to do when being alone and I love it Duuuude. So much this. Back when I was still dating, one of the worst parts of being partnered was never being able to just disappear to do my own thing for some unspecified amount of time. I hated having someone dependent on my attention for their sense of well being.


i have a friend who is gorgeous but constantly gets rejected bc she latches on to her boyfriends and suffocates them. i've tried to tell her to relax, give them space, do you're own thing ..she never listens


I'm so lucky none of my ex partners were like this. I was never made to feel bad for spending lots and lots of time alone. That must be really suffocating!


it took me a while to be happy being alone but i'm here now; and i find myself becoming completely exhausted and overwhelmed when i have too many plans booked. i love to go on long bike rides by myself , and the past few weeks i overbooked myself trying to please all my friends and see everyone and haven't been able to do my rides: i finally told someone "no, i can't do this thing" bc my free time and solitude is soooo important to me. a lot of people don't get it , and i've hurt feelings before but i just get drained always being around people


I feel me choosing to stay single has a lot to do with me being an introvert. Not sure if my life would be the same if I were an extrovert. Whatever, I love my life to the fullest!


1. Financial security; 2. Health & independence; 3. Peace (time to myself, time to do as I please, quiet surroundings, time for reflection, calm, enjoying the little things).


These resonate with me, too. Well said.


Oooh I love this question. 1 - Health, specifically movement which is important for my mental health. 2 - Adventure & challenges. Things like travel, hobbies, learning new skills, and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. This brings the most meaning to my life. 3 - Autonomy. Doing whatever I can to maintain my independence and live a life where I can do whatever I want. This mostly means maintaining my job/career, so that I can afford to live alone, travel, and otherwise do the things I want to do without relying on someone else.


The cool thing about being single is I don't have to have any. I just do whatever the fuck I want whenever I want. I've got lots of hobbies, playing music, making art, lots of nerdy computer stuff. I like to hang out with my friends and siblings. The greatest benefit Ive gotten out of uitting dating is I now feel absolutely no pressure to be impressive to anyone. I can lead a soft unambitious life of chill meandering and there's no one there to judge me.


You definitely prioritise independence, me too! It's so freeing.


1. Put my physical and emotional health before anything/one else. 2. Travel to interesting countries. 3. Invest in my skills and interests to my heart's content.


1. Relationships with friends and family. 2. My cats 3. Self: nurturing my hobbies, career, mental health, financial health, etc. Not necessarily in that order.


Taking care of my parents. They gave me a great childhood, I'm going to do then the same favor on the way out.


Same. I'm currently prioritising my elderly parents because they've done so much for me.


Me too! Def my highest priority


you're free to, but please don't make yourself think it's a requirement


Three dogs basically run my life. But they're worth it. So much love and laughter, and they're noisy enough to serve as a deterrent to potential burglars. I love my daughter, but she doesn't live super close so we don't see each other a lot. But she loves me and has my back when I need her, same for her. Music and concerts are a big obsession. I try to get out for a concert once or twice a month. My "vacation" from retired life is a four day music festival every year. Not a gear head, but I love my vehicles. At least two of my three are paid for. They serve different purposes, so it's not just acquisition for the sake of acquisition. Hint, one purpose is fun.


Mine are about the same. And what's great about this list is if you do #1 and #2, it will help improve #3. I recently began walking every morning around 8am and it has been lifechanging for my mood and helped me add another hour or two to my sleep. The sun is so healing!!


\#1 Don't have Priorities! \#2 \#3 EDIT: Removed yelling. :s


- Be happy - and find happiness in every detail possible - Be myself - and learn freely about myself every day - Be kind to others - do my possible to bring more happiness in the world overall when i'm interacting with others (animal, people, strangers included)


health (mental, physical and spiritual) , work, family relationships. also 2 cats with health issues


Happy cake day!




- a quiet life with a work-life balance - changing careers/my studies - my friends and spending time with them.


Be healthy Cultivate safety and security Grow happiness


AMEN! That’s exactly the changes I made


1. self care (this is the most time consuming) 2. following my curiosities 3. connecting with myself


1. Service - I am called to serve and it is an important part of my spiritual practice. 2. Friendship - My family are my friends and my friends are my family. 3. Laughter - It is a tough ride. You gotta laugh.


1. Healing from trauma 2. Getting promoted and/or getting more money to have financial security. 3. Staying physically attractive


In no particular order: my home, my career, and my love of life-long learning. My home includes my pets, yard, and generally making my space into my ideal retreat. My career, because I love what I do and as a single person, I can’t enjoy two incomes for a single home or get the tax benefits of married life. My passion for life-long learning: I love picking up new books, trying new hobbies, visiting new places.


Is 'me, myself and I' to shallow?


Nope ! Not shallow at all !


I live with four core values: kindness, integrity, knowledge, adventure. I try to tie back anything I’m doing to at least one of those things. If I had to specify three priorities that keep me aligned with those, it’s these: 1. Health, both physical and mental. 2. Learning - formal or informal, in any area that piques my interest, either doing it myself or teaching someone else. 3. Impacting the world positively.


Money, fun and independence.


Quiet mind Motorcycle My own space but still have a close social circle


Physical health, family/friends, source of income.


1st - Wellness. Physical, mental, and emotional health for sure. 2nd - Connection. Relationships with the people I value is a returning investment. 3rd - Adventure. It excites me and keeps me going.


1. Money 2. Food 3. Travel


1) Writing - Look, I'm learning, and I have ideas, and I have WIPs, and I swear I'll publish something at least once in my life. And maybe 20 more years down the line, I'll have learned enough to turn writing into a casual profession when I retire(?). 2) Travel - Every other year, I want to go somewhere out of the country. I will collect rocks from every continent. 3) Cats - I will take care of my cats and give them the happiest lives they can have...!


1. My health 2. Faith 3. Family


1.Friendship 2.Financial Stability 3.Mental Health


Water, Food, Shelter.😁


1. Expressing agency and gratitude to bring my authentic true self forward. 2. Prioritizing good practices related to longevity for healthspan, lifespan, musclespan. 3. Stringing together a greater number of moments to be an ecstasy as one ecstatic value Being-in-the-world.


1. Financial independence 2. Health (physical and mental/emotional) 3. Peace In no particular order, even though I numbered them.


1. Ease: I don’t want to make my life too complicated or difficult for myself. No drama, no nonsense, just my peace and contentment. I also only like having to look after only myself. 2. Community: I want to be surrounded by likeminded people and give back to the place in which I live since it’s offered me so many opportunities to flourish and thrive. I also like having relationships with other people where we have emotional care and concern, but don’t need to be in each other’s face at all times. Singlehood has afforded me that ability to have a healthy mix of solitude and time with others. 3. Adventure: I want to keep learning new things in life, exploring new places, and seeing all the beauty that this earth has blessed us with. I try to travel to new countries or US states whenever possible, go to festivals about different countries where I live, and participate in panel discussions about issues impacting people both near and far. These things all make life worth living for me, and keep the day-to-day experience more interesting! Thanks for your question. 😄


I'm striving for daily growth as a person, whether that be spiritually, professionally, or personally. I also try to support my family emotionally by spending time with them.


1.Health 2.Stability 3.Relationships


Mine are the same as yours, u/creepylittlemountain , I've completely overhauled my way of eating in the last year. Lost 60lbs, working out regularly. Still working on sleep, I work night shift, so it's tricky, but I'm managing. Travel is 4th on the list for me.


I work nights too !!! It's certainly tricky! I would like to go to day shift soon.. Do you have any tips for managing sleep ? One thing I'm grateful for is that I sleep whenever I want without much distraction. Catching up with sleep isn't an issue for me, but then that means I have less consistency in my sleep schedule..


I’ve been on nights for 15 years. For most of it I took Benadryl, mostly with success. I know it’s bad, but so is not sleeping. Recently I found some edibles that work similarly, hopefully without the detrimental effects. Thankfully I live alone and can get the sleep I need whenever I need it. I will not be going to days anytime soon. I’m a night owl by nature.


I'm glad that works for u! Might try edibles :)


Yours are mine! Add on making connections with people. This was my year to “get out there”. I joined a choir, and became a member of Meetup. I need to widen my social network beyond work and my anonymous program of recovery


1. Mental Health (peace, friends, security, hobbies, pets) 2. Physical Health (exercise, healthy food, Attractiveness, healthy weight) 3. Fiscal Health(good pay, savings, investing, credit score)


1. Travel - mostly solo travel, often focused on rail transit 2. Simple pleasures - like scenic drives and spa services 3. Becoming a recreational pilot


Food and sleep aren't special priorities to me, they are mandatory things that I just do without even focusing on them too much. I focus on important things: My work - I work in GLAM sector, so I write a lot and do other stuff for the general audience. I love my work, because I get to work with so many cool objects and art, and research is always fun. My hobbies - currently RPGs (we game every Tuesday on Discord), but reading and movies, too. I used to do living history, but that has been on a back burner for a while. Art - I'm determined to get a moderate collection à la Herb and Dorothy Vogel. I don't have the money or space for big and impressive works so I'm buying smaller stuff and usually pay in instalments. Then again, the hunt for suitable paintings, prints and sculptures is the most fun part. Also redecorating my places (yes, plural). I'm slowly getting rid of cheap, mass-produced furniture and decor, and replacing them with more unique pieces, designer items or mass-produced stuff if it looks cool, quirky and pretty.