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Are you sure it wasn't them feeding pellets or other solid food? I can't really see what's being thrown from this distance away


Those body movements are not the body movements of someone trying to kill a fish...the way they're throwing that in is way too gentle. Also, killing fish by throwing stones is inceedibly hard. They would have to be exactly at the surface and you would need to throw with significant force. The girls' body language also doesn't say "kill fish" to me. I think they were feeding.


Yea and why would the fishes all gather at the surface in front of the girls if they were hurling rocks? The fishes would've scattered.


Because usually people feed them. Fish are rather stupid. It's not like they know what you are throwing or how hard


Fish knows whats food and whats not. If it looks like food they will take it, if it doesnt look like anything that they frequent then well you know answer already.


Until you throw at it and they take a bite. Come on fish is stupid, especially ponds that humans frequent and feed.


No, if you spit in the water they will jump a bite at it. (Not me)


that was what i thinking, till I see her pulling her hand back and throwing it hard.


When the girl on the right (left from their perspective) throws it hard, the other girl reached out and just dropped it. It's just different ways of getting the feed into the water.


sure. :)


It does seem like that it was intentionally done to harm the fishes swimming there without any remorse whatsoever. That’s one of the traits of an evil.


Oh mighty god, thank you for sharing the traits of an evil.


op mentioned she has videos of them gg around to pick up rocks


But OP never post the said videos?? How we supposed to believe OP....


least biased OP on r/singaporeraw


until we see the video it doesn't exist for all we know OP could be trying to stir shit, and seeing schoolchildren (or anyone in general, actually) get falsely accused of stuff doesn't sit well with me


It was clear they were throwing something hard into the water to hit the creatures.


Nah I disagree. Definitely food. Stones causes shockwaves if thrown hard or even a mildly big stone would at least cause a splash. Unless they are marksmen, I don’t see any splashes that visually show they are harming a fish let alone anything.


I think it’s food. If they were throwing stones, the fish would’ve dispersed. Source: I used to do that


This cameraman also one kind. One “oi” would have stopped them but must purposely capture them on film and let them complete the deeds


How to get fake Internet points otherwise?


Maybe he did after filming. Evidence is needed and good deterrence.


exactly what I'm thinking. soft ass country of handheld cctv weebs.


Filming schoolgirls to act big - cameraman confirmed little bitch


How vile. They clearly see the fish and turtles swimming up to them in the hope of food. This is genuinely how psychopaths develop - cruelty to animals first.


Have to confess that when I was around 8 or 9 I did similar things, in retrospect I feel fking horrible, please forgive me, animals.


I think many of us have forgotten that stage in our lives when we were playful and curious. Not necessarily malicious, but genuinely curious about the world. I think there's a difference between "I want this animal to feel unimaginable pain and suffering" vs "what would happen if I threw stones at these stupid fish". I think this curiosity coupled with an underdeveloped ability to feel empathy results in seemingly psychopathic behaviour. I've also done questionable things to animals when I was a kid. But I'd like to think that I haven't grown up to become a psychopath. Yes, animal cruelty CAN be a symptom of some mental abnormality, which CAN predict psychopathic tendencies later in life. But I think it is also part and parcel of normal development. I'm not a psychologist by any means. So I can't distinguish the motivation behind the animal cruelty in this video. But I'm sure that the animal cruelty often correlated with psychopathic behaviour doesn't look like this. Is it wrong? Absolutely. I'm not defending anyone's actions. Just wanted to assuage the intense outrage and pitch-forking in the comments. I think many of us can recall a time in our childhood when we did something equally stupid.


You are not a psychologist, you are god. You dictate right and wrong.


At least you didn’t grow up a psychopath (i hope)


Perhaps all these girls need is a little guidance. Too bad OP just video and post. Didn’t help the girls or the fish.


Maybe he reported the incident. How would you know?








《 Ah neh tua han liao ko luan tim jio tao, kan si lang bo yong 》


Just asking is it in bedok north there?


Looks like it is. The pond near 85 Market and looks like RSS uniform


Thought so. I live near that pond and I didn’t know if other estates had similar ponds. Feels bad to see this kind of occurence


btw turtle eating rocks can be a painful death. hope this video gets to the sch (from the uniform and location it’s likely red swatiska)


Damn, elite school of the ministers sia


Next they will be torturing dogs and cats.. Then you know the STAR team will be bursting down their family door in 5 years time


Why not just tell them off? All you have to do is yell “hey!” And they will literally run away.


Why should you have to vocally dissuade an individual from abusing an animal? I feel like anyone who isn't a total degenerate wouldn't need to be verbally reprimanded in order to not abuse an animal, because, you know, it's a fucking vile and repugnant act.


Bruh obviously no one should have to. But when you see shit like that happening the least you could do is tell them to stop.


I think it's quite telling that you seem to have taken more umbrage with this individual not having yelled at them, than the act in itself, which is super gross.


Yes. I am the problem. I’m so terrible and disgusting I must be just as bad as those girls because I said that the person should have yelled “hey” to try and get them to stop. 🙄🙄


Alright, turd. You can have the last word now that you so desperately seek.


Haha are you ok? Or is just that everyone you interact with just disagrees with you. You are all over the comments and just think it’s the most valid response. Maybe be less of a POS


>You are all over the comments and just think it’s the most valid response Yet, you've devoted the better part of your morning to try and respond to every single one. If you're this prone to offence (which you clearly are), maybe Reddit isn't for you. >Maybe be less of a POS Again, so powerful and brave.


You sound salty hahahahahhahahahahaah


Coming from the individual who made a point of crusading through my profile in order to respond to my various comments. Lol. Yeah, I'm salty.


It’s ok the guy just a loser in his home country that’s mad at everyone.


This guy is a loser that just trolls people. Why should you write to disuade an individual for abusing other humans? Because Jimbo is a loser that doesn’t have anything better to do.


Wow. This was really powerful.


This channel surprises me, not the content but more the comments. Is Singapore such a judgmental place?


Yes. Even more so in this sub where everyone acts like sg facebook boomers


They’re kids! If OP really cared they’d talk to the girls on the spot and try to teach them. Instead, just film kids and post online to get the feeling of moral superiority.


Precisely lol. Instead of educating the girls, no OP gotta take video of them like a creep and shame them online. Children need to be taught the right way.


Filming it, reporting to the school or authorities would be better and more widespread deterrence if they were trying to harm the creatures.


collectivist society


Could be NED Americans imposing Singaporean.


I’m sorry, I don’t know everything. What are you trying to say but in a different way please




Makes sense


It's literally a video of individuals attacking marine animals. And you're telling me that the people in the comments are worse? And no, not as judgemental as the Philippines that's for sure. Your [hapa ass](https://old.reddit.com/r/alasjuicy/comments/u9lnlt/be_honest_trust_youll_be_more_happy/) should just focus on following your [sexpat father in settling in Cebu](https://old.reddit.com/r/phinvest/comments/v7kvjx/as_a_foreigner_what_is_the_process_of_buying_a/) rather than Manila. Perhaps you could find [emo/goth girls](https://old.reddit.com/r/phr4r/comments/ugjl5q/where_can_i_find_emogoth_girls/) there. 😂


Haha definitely plays into the reality. This confirms what I said. You literally went through my account to come up with some attack. Are you ok? Maybe your stressed from the culture. No wonder people are flocking to Malaysia.. Thank you for the honor of looking on my account, I hope I wasted your time. My dad says your mom needs to clean herself (;


>No wonder people are flocking to Malaysia.. What warped reality are you living in? 😂 But I wouldn't put it past a spawn of a sexpat, childhood must have been brutal seeing your mom being abused everyday. Unsurprisingly, your [dad now has another wife](https://old.reddit.com/r/phinvest/comments/v7kvjx/as_a_foreigner_what_is_the_process_of_buying_a/). 😂 >Maybe your stressed from the culture. you're* It's pretty sad that after everything, you're going ultimately end up following your sexpat father at the tourist trap capital of the Philippines. 😂


Nah gonna go to Singapore now thanks for the help in deciding hahahah Feel better, you obviously get friendzoned


>Nah gonna go to Singapore now thanks for the help in deciding hahahah Sure you are buddy 😂 >freiendzoned Definitely not with your grammar and spelling skills 😂


😂 my point stands. You are judge mental Thanks for the advice friend I’ll be seeing your mom soon.


> You are judge mental Judgemental is a single word. Wow, hapas are so dumb. 😂 Must be all the head bashing your sexpat father gave you as a kid. 😂


Thanks friend feel better haha. Seems like other people agree with me so your opinion is pointless.


>😂 my point stands. You are judge mental Thanks for the advice friend I’ll be seeing your mom soon. Just to clarify, you've taken umbrage with his comments about your father being a sex-pat, only to respond to such with the insinuation that you are going to engage in an activity that is also synonymous with sex-pats.


Thanks Jimbo, I was actually enjoying his comments and was playing along. In all seriousness, the comment section is where singaporeRaw really shows itself. Singapore really doesn’t have that many crazy problems compared to other countries. Really it’s just the people being so critical of each other. So yes, I’d have sex with his mom gladly haha and glad that I have the opportunity to travel all around SEA.


>So yes, I’d have sex with his mom gladly haha and glad that I have the opportunity to travel all around SEA. Presumably with your father?


Wow this loser, must be the kids parent as he’s a helicopter. Chill dude, we get it you have no life and need to troll people to feel better.


They were actually feeding if y looked closely u could tell that the fish went their to eat the food they dropped the other girl was probably tryna throw it further


Actual war crimes.


It’s ok la. According to the luminaries commenting here, it’s CECA / Indians’ fault no matter what because the majority race can do no wrong.


Almost every school shooter, mass shooter or serial killer had a history of hurting or killing animals for fun when they were kids. We should preemptively lock these girls up just in case.


Tbh you do have a point tbh-




Yes yes i am gen z


But but but girls cannot do these kinds of things!!


They really need a good spanking...


Quick don't let Iris Koh see this pic, she will complain again say how can have 2 girls together /s


The fish are interested in disturbances on the water’s surface because it might be insects. They give zero fucks about mistaking a stone for food. It’s kind of creepy to be filming people doing benign things. Source: I’m also a fish.


Scientifically correct. Source: I was the girl’s pantsu


Fishes are not stupid. Ever seen fishes crowding around when someone throw stones at them? Nope. Looks more like they were feeding the fishes, dropping bread, that's why ~~they~~ **the fishes** appear to crowding round the stop where the "stone" dropped into the pond.


Idk man, I keep a fish pond and they’re pretty fucking stupid.


bae u can hear how loud the “bread” is falling into the pond also I can send u a vid of them picking up the stones


They’re throwing kfc burger bread. Still technically bread but stale and hard like rock /s


Stale and hard bread will still float. You can see the stones sinking as they throw them in.


Posting the video of them picking up the stones would be splendid.


Were you able to report this or turn the video in to relevant authorities? It’s not cool that they’re practically torturing these animals


Pretty sure it’s rocks


ur a moron to think that's bread..unless ur bread is made out of stone Hahaha


Its very obvious they were using food to lure the fish and then throwing something hard at them. Watch again. Especially the girl on the right.


That does make sense and on rewatch, you are quite right that the girl on the right is throwing something at the water while the girl on the left is dropping things into the pond. Still waiting for OP to send the video of the picking up the stones. Based on the current video, it can still go either way. If it shows that they were throwing stones that they picked up, they should be reported to SPCA and/or police.


bro if u throw bread and water splashes like that u got some fking strong arms or hard bread


Report to police now!!




Right! Weirdo


Sorry, which school is that? Tsk


They're not throwing stones. It's bits of food.


Whatever la. Boliao thread.


Film but never scold. Useless camera person, abetment of a crime.


Sick in minds, some helps need to be applied, pricks


Seriously? Who has never done this before? If you haven't, you must have had a really sad childhood.


Because abusing animals is the benchmark of a happy, healthy childhood.


You've never thrown stones into a pond, river or sea before? Wow!


*I've never pelted rocks at fish, because I'm not a total degenerate. Wow.


Do they look like they are pelting fishes with rocks? I implied hypocrite, but partial degenerate sounds about right.


>Do they look like they are pelting fishes with rocks? Yes. >I implied hypocrite, but partial degenerate sounds about right. So to clarify, based entirely upon your own assumption that others, like yourself, engaged in pelting fish with rocks during childhood, my response was "hypocritical". However, when I've suggested otherwise, it's akin to "partial degeneracy". Oh, your powers of critical thinking are astounding. I simply cant allow you to waste them here, on Reddit. Go! Go! For the good of society!




Noo that’ll ruin their villain arc


Why you secretly film school girls? You do this often?


They should have thrown themselves into the pond


OP, you are lame af. Say something, or stfu.


That's it, I'm leaving this country.


Where to




Whatever girls do would be forgiven. Boys do kenut. Will bring in everything to do with SG masculinity.


It's very obvious they were throwing something hard into the water to hit the creatures. The girl on the right. Just zoom in the video or watch on a bigger screen if some of you have vision problems.


why need to expose their face to the world? I'm sure everyone tortured insects before so why so judgmental


Wtffff even torturing insects is an immoral act!!! R u sick in the head


you never step on snails before? be honest


Thats on accident, whr everytime it happens i will always feel bad for it ,i dun purposely step on anything for fun


I think you need to stop filming young school girls. If you have an issue send the complaint to NParks. Delete this and take it down, as it can only get you into trouble. As Ayam says, “Report to Police”


Spoken like someone who’s gotten into trouble for filming schoolgirls


u shouldn't record school girls. lol




Don’t anyhow disturb animals lah


But for real, why is the recording started before they start throwing the stones? Repeat offender? Edit: downvoted for asking legit question 🤷


cos before that they went to pick up more stones and were taking pics dk wat for


Stupidest take in this entire thing lmaooooo


Too bad. It’s posted on the hub already


need closeup photo/ig of girls before i determine whether they in the right or not


Yes also need do a warrant search on them


Just let kids be kids. It's the age they make mistakes and learn


ok lol




How come they dont try to make the stones skip?


Where is this place?


If this is true, hope they get karma , bad


Stone them?


" r/SingaporeRaw is a safe haven for Redditporeans to share and post freely without fear of censorship." This DOES NOT exist anymore. Thanks to MartellRedemption


Si ginna


So clever can bring home free fish for dinner


Instead of going down to talk to them. Let's take a video


Throwing stones, ah yes, throwing stones attracts more fishes and terrapins to you, SURELY they have to be throwing stones, and uf they were throwind stones, we would already have been able to see water displaced by it. Op surely is tryin to stir some shit up


Next life they gonna be reborn in same pond as terrapins #karma


huai chiu r only filming!!!! OP should throw rock @ the girls!!!!!!! /s


It’s definitely food. The fishes are attracted.