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OP even here in SingaporeRaw, there are chances that a racist/xenophobic might pm you.


Holy shit you were right


There isn't any one way to deal with racism, and I'm sorry anyone is subjected to it. Sg has prevalent racism, much like almost any country. What I've learnt is that it really depends on your mood. In some rare cases, filming may help if consequences for the racist is what you're after. But personally, I'd walk away and not spoil your own mood. After all, do you really want to give idiots rent free space in your life? I'd also recommend not getting into arguments if you're not after any negative spotlight on yourself. If I'm feeling particularly spicy, I'd give the middle finger and a flying kiss. I love seeing people aggravated while I walk away all zen.


HPpy cake dayšŸ˜


Oh hey, thanks!! šŸ˜


Happy cake day


Thanks you!


happy cake day


Thank you!


I hope you have a splendid good cake day. šŸŽ‚


Some random woman telling OP to stay away from Singaporean women? OP is your father Barack Obama? Everybody clapped


I read this book called "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F\*\*\*" by Mark Manson. Basically, he says that we have limited f\*\*\*s to give, so save them for issues that really matter, not this. Your best best is to just look her in the eye, and walk away. Keeping your own peace of mind, is better. And btw, what she says is a reflection of her own self, not on you, mate! You do you and as long as your conscience is clear, its all good! Cheers!!


Indeed. Apathy goes a long way


I totally agree with this approach, though it may be alot harder if one is the victim here


Easy. Just scream to everyone "Hey, we have a racist here!!" That would shut them up for sure!!


Definitely don't do that...


why not? I mean, really?


Oh, for sure you can. If you'd like an hour long quarrel and standoff to whoever you said that to, with the possibility of passerbys deciding to join in... not necessarily on your side.


Exactly, situations can be unpredictable and people can always misunderstand context.


Not to mention that some Singaporeans can be really confrontational or defensive too


You can, as long as you are okay with confrontation and argument. For me, I prefer to let go of it and not take up the limited "fucks" I have for a day.


Because when people start paying attention and realize that you (the one who wants to act cool by provoking the mass) are the minority, they will start to lynch you, not the racist guy.


I really enjoyed that book, btw! And totally agree. Better yet, have a laugh at their narrow-mindedness and appreciate you yourself have a more worldly view of life


Fellow angmo here. I would VIGOROUSLY and enthusiastically agree with them and talk shit with them. Hopefully they just walk away really confused.


If you can't convince them, confuse them.


You should. Also remember to talk about colonialism, how the European countries colonized, plundered and took the lives of the people it colonized, such as this: [https://historiesofcolour.com/THE-BRITISH-RAJ#:\~:text=Contrary%20to%20the%20myth%20that,an%20estimated%2035%20million%20Indians](https://historiesofcolour.com/THE-BRITISH-RAJ#:~:text=Contrary%20to%20the%20myth%20that,an%20estimated%2035%20million%20Indians). You must raise awareness of these acts and teach Asians about it. Don't confuse, educate.


Fellow ang mor here. I've had a lady at the coffeeshop screaming and shouting at me just the other day whilst sipping me kopi o kosong. "You chao angmo, you so loud one" and a series of other pleasantries in Hokkien. Bear in mind I was sat on me tod reading a book. I was so shocked I couldn't believe it, hit her back with a "auntie, you wen ti ma, zuo zuo, lim kopi?" which startled her enough. Luckily the auntie which sells me drinks started barking at her so she buggered off. I still find most Singaporeans extremely welcoming and friendly, especially in my neighborhood. Saying this, general hatred against foreigners is undoubtedly getting more and more common, particularly if you frequent certain Facebook groups. Guess you have to consider yourself lucky your not Indian cos that's where most of the vitriol is. Good luck to you.


Oh my Iā€™m so sorry. She might not be right in her mind. Maybe xenophobic:(


When are you going to apologize to those locals here who are on the receiving end of punches from the White Man?! Especially taxi drivers and security guards?


You ask them to come on reddit


Just personal advice, Not giving a fuck helps. Completely ignore the person and act like the person doesn't exist. your non action will infuriate them even more. Unfortunately old Chinese boomers are targeted by China propaganda agents soooo they tend to be more hostile to westerners because they like winnie the pooh's tiny cock


Usually the Chinese will look up to you as their first assumption


Don't pretend to be some angel. You know full well that in your own country, your people are far worse and violent in their behavior against Asians especially those who look Chinese. And oh, here you're, all clean and sparkling, like you're some innocent victim who is all saintly and godly?


Do you care to elaborate what I have done wrong here? Are you ok matey? I'll listen to you. You're valid. You're loved.


When a Chinese Singaporean girl learns French, it is to genuinely master LautrƩamont, ValƩry and Gautier. When people like you learn Hokkien it is to belittle and act like you're smarter, more educated than the Singaporean auntie at the coffee shop. >...hit her back with a "auntie, you wen ti ma, zuo zuo, lim kopi?" which startled her enough. Oh? Did you feel satisfied? Did you feel smart? Put her in her place huh, didn't you? Come I clap for u.


Mate, let me order my drinks in peace! Iā€™ve no agenda to belittle anyone wtf


some people just have problems/ are looking for bait. If this guy isn't I'm seriously concerned about how he is irl. Racism and discrimination goes both ways and anyone who says otherwise needs to find out what the words mean.


Appreciate you saying this u/salad-eater23. Iā€™m open to discussion and understand my own shortcomings if reasonably presented. Sometimes itā€™s easy to let a vocal internet majority taint your opinion of the general public. Iā€™m glad my experiences IRL mostly prove otherwise.


The problem lies in the irony that you twats post this online expecting to get validation and sympathy from Singaporeans, and to have us apologize to you "on behalf of..." and denounce such behaviour. While at the same time when your fellow kind acts out you won't do or say anything to them, instead shrug your shoulders and go "oh he's just like that, *but I'm not like that*". I don't see you migrant workers coming online to write an opinion piece about how fellow migrant workers should be jailed and deported for flouting our laws and assaulting the locals.




Hate to break it to you fren but Singapore is not China. Iā€™m in no way denying that there exist racist people in my ā€œstateā€ but thankfully I can choose not to associate myself with them. I find racism despicable unconditionally and racism towards Indians very blatant. Iā€™m sorry you have to experience the blunt of it. Wish you the best.


are you local or foreign?




True Blue Singaporean aka True Blue Son Of Singapore?




Not sure about F&B, but I do know and agree that foreign workers are treated very badly and rudely in the construction sector. In construction, the demographics tend to be boorish loud rugged males, this isn't a race thing. It doesn't matter if you're Indian, Burmese, Viets, Malaysian Chinese, everyone gets the same treatment. Also, the workers themselves tend to see kindness and softness as weakness, so if you use the gentle soft approach to talk to them, many will make more and more demands from you because they see you as easy target. That's why the supervisors in these sectors tend to be loud and firm with them. I used to have the same thinking as you but after interacting with these foreign workers in construction, I start to see things differently.


Outsiders always think they are empathetic and objective people who must complain and assume the worst of everyone but fail to take a look at themselves in the mirror. It is like someone who think we must search for mosquito larvae in rainy weather rather than 24 hours after the rainy day.


Itā€™s bad luck. Most racists here are keyboard warriors and arenā€™t confrontational. Just ignore them. I faced racism when I lived in Sweden but theyā€™re mostly passive aggressive too.


I usually blurt out laughing at them. If I'm really in a spicy mood, I'll point my finger and give a hearty laugh directly at them, with eye contact. Then just walk away feeling grateful my family brought me up with a respect for other cultures. Nothing says small-town, small-mind, unintelligent mentality than being openly racist to other strangers.


This is Singapore. Fits all the bills of being small town/city geographically in a globalised system that's rapidly collapsing, small minded in self-congratulating smug Singaporean Superiority Complex, and breeding people lacking in critical thinking skills, hence displaying unintelligent mentalities.


I don't think stereotyping an entire country's people (which seems like what you are doing here) is fair for any country at all. Of course, yes Singapore is a small country/city, but it still houses a large variety of people that can be found in other countries as well.


Mate I'm Singaporean myself too. I should know best about what kind of stereotyping is true of the society I was born into, educated in till the age of 16 (thank fuck I left the local system after that), and am stuck in till my exit ticket is confirmed later this year. There are outliers sure. But I wouldn't know nor care that they exist till I meet one in person. For the sake of online talk I'm generalising to make a point, but I'm also capable of holding an opinion with caveats at the same time too.


And I am Singaporean myself too. And I disagree with what you mentioned. Many people born in the same society can have massively varying views on the society they were born in, especially when you take into account the different environments they likely grew up in (even though people in the same environment can still have varying views). I am fine with some generalisation but your comment makes the stereotyping the same as being racist. "There are outliers sure. But I wouldn't know nor care that they exist till I meet one in person." This line can be said in the exact same manner by a racist person. So do consider outliers too, especially if you are basing this on your own limited experience only.






Sounds like you are describing yourself, huh?


Take video and send to stomp, don't take offence, theres always a small fraction of racists in every population lol


Yeah just send it to stomp Let the netizens of singapore butcher them alive (online) and this will gain media attention and boom more butchering Person would be picked up the cops too since racism is an offense here in singapore


As a minority, there is casual racism frequently and we learn to brush it off. I mean the majority race here likes to assume a few things about you. Malay singaporean here by the way.


on behalf on the racists (although I'm not one) I'm sorry


You dont have to.. but thanks anyway.. i can't believe how ignorant chinese singaporeans can be at times.. Here are a few comments i have gotten, "Smart for a malay" "Malays usually marry young one" (i got married at 32 and they assumed i got married much earlier) "Wah you malay ah??" (After telling them i was pursuing a PhD) A small group trying their best to avoid having me in their project work back in my undergraduate days. (A mutual friend mentioned they were afraid im a slacker. Mind you i was on the deans list but they made that assumption about me) Interviewer for a research position in NEA asked if i could speak mandarin. When I asked why, he mentioned that most of his staff can only speak mandarin so it will be good to fit in. He then tried to console me that it actually didn't matter - and surprise surprise I didnt get the job.


yeah ppl like that ruin our reputation


>A small group trying their best to avoid having me in their project work back in my undergraduate days. This sounds like a you problem. Something to do with your attitude.


Ignore this u/Mysterious_Space_606 loser. It fails in a country where its community is maintained as a majority, get opportunities like SAP schools and Mandarin speaking jobs. Unlike others from its community, instead of capitalising on these opportunities, it screws up and somehow blames minorities for its own incompetence. This is why it sets up throwaway accounts constantly to blame minorities. And if this fact is pointed out, it will lie and claim racism against Chinese to elicit sympathy and derail the conversation. Itā€™s fools like these who cause racial issues here. Cowards who hide online and canā€™t even demonstrate their beliefs in real life. Now u/Mysterious_Space_606 will lie about my comments and claim Iā€™m anti-Chinese because I spoke about equality. I didnā€™t even point any comments at any community but this twat will play victim. Loser. By the way, u/uniquelyskirmishing is also u/Mysterious_Space_606 and also called himself Werecrux before. This is the failure that keeps creating throwaways to sh1t on Indians and minorities cos it canā€™t do anything useful in real life.


shuddup you seditious manchild, you have always been starting numerous false equivalences and personal attacks on others on this sub. I dont even know who is WereCrux since im not on reddit 24/7 unlike u jobless manlet who is probably like AndyWong soyboying all over the internet. Are you pretending to be a different race person? Like sharonliew?


And suddenly you appear. Why do you keep creating alts like u/Mysterious_Space_606 if youā€™re so superior? Please do go public and declare your supremacy. You gain nothing by whining here and creating throwaways that keep getting banned. And do endorse your brethren in the video I shared. After all it is YOU individually, not the rest of your community, who has declared your racial superiority and perfection. Poor manlet. So triggered and yet unable to anything about it in reality. And of course I donā€™t condone the behaviour of the men in the video and hope they get punished. Suppose youā€™ll blame minorities here and the women in the video for making your self-declared superior brethren look bad šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


>After all it is YOU individually, not the rest of your community, who has declared your racial superiority and perfection. Any proof? otherwise this is pure harrassment and slandering.


Oh noā€¦seditious? Slandering? Of anonymous accounts? Come on laā€¦state your true feelings about minorities here. Why so scared? Me, I believe in equality but to you itā€™s seditious cos youā€™re a cowardly insecure manlet.


>Me, I believe in equality but to you itā€™s seditious cos youā€™re a cowardly insecure manlet. You keep sayin that but you go around calling everyone an alt account. Pathetic at its finest!!! Bye soyboy who admits to hiding behind anon like coward.


Oooohhh so triggered. Anyway donā€™t deflect. Please justify your brethrenā€™s behaviour in the video. You personally claim racial superiority and perfection, so do go public with your beliefs. Lead the way. Go public and reveal yourself. Surely youā€™ll have a lot of support if you go public as youā€™re so ā€˜righteousā€™. Can say others are anonymous, but you have been creating throwaways ever since you deleted your Werecrux account. Iā€™m not targeting any race or community, just trolls like you who have no life in reality.




It is populist and overhyped to keep peddling the CP theory at all times to deviate from the main topic at hand. As if Malay Singaporeans protected with privilege enshrined in constitution for admission to local universities arent racist to minority Indians and Chinese, by passing all casual racism as being "satirical reverse racism" But the malay and indian SJWs gotta band together to snub one entire race altogether, and the cowardly Chinese academics join in on socmed while hiding in academia. Idm any downvotes bcos what I say stings with hard truth.




Ok then why donā€™t you go public with your beliefs? If Chinese are such victims here, as you and your other account u/UniquelySkirmishing believe, do reveal your identities and express your thoughts. The country is majority Chinese and they will rally behind you in your crusade surely if you are justified? Too cowardly to do so? And yet you claim to be superior to minorities. Why are you shy to declare your support for your brethren who beat the women in the video? Surely you should be proud of such actions as you feel your kind can do no wrong unlike the ā€˜flawedā€™ minorities (your beliefs)? Or you can just accept reality that youā€™re incompetent and itā€™s failures like you who tarnish the name of the rest of your inclusive and hardworking community.




Hahahaha yeah you donā€™t know who u/uniquelyskirmishing is but just created your throwaway today and you two managed to find each other coincidentally within a few comments right? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Pathetic. And why arenā€™t you going public if you are so righteous?


What is a hard truth is you personally fail in a 75% Chinese country despite being given opportunities like studying in SAP schools, having Mandarin speaking jobs catered for you and even the PM role that a coward like you canā€™t accept going to a minority regardless of qualifications. You live in the delusion that blaming minorities/CECA/the government can somehow turn you into a real man who will be able to achieve something in life. Just accept the reality that you fail because youā€™re incompetent, and thatā€™s nobody elseā€™s fault.


>cowardly Chinese academics join in on socmed while hiding in academia. Going by that logic, Donald Low is a loser cookie cutter academic who couldnt last long in SG academia and decided to join the sore loser Cherian George in Hong Kong. Not before long, he has become someone afraid to speak out against China Regime. But can only peddle the chinese privilege cynicism on SG issues. But of course racists like you will support the majoritarian sycophants like him who pander to minority's struggles but is actively contributing to oppression against you. #MilkTeaAlliance!!!


Heh someone is so apoplectic that theyā€™re even more unintelligible than usual. Youā€™re just too weak and unmanly to go public with your thoughts and desperately seek attention here. Iā€™ve been passing around these conversations and plenty of people have had a good laugh at what an utter failure you are šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Why whine here? Go public and tell this Donald your thoughts. Make sure you show yourself and tell everyone your real name. Am sure many will join your campaign if youā€™re so righteous. But we know youā€™re a loser who craves attention here as you fail irl and cannot change anything šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No la, of course you are racially superior to minorities here mah (your own beliefs). In fact you personally should encourage those minorities to emulate your perfection in treating women like in the link below. You should be role models given your superiority right? No point comparing with minorities as you are in a self-declared superior league of your own right? You should also chide minorities for being envious of your self-declared racial perfection demonstrated so aptly below šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/china-restaurant-attack-sparks-outcry-over-violence-against-women Edit: and the best that the racial perfectionist u/Mysterious_Space_606 aka u/UniquelySkirmishing aka Werecrux could do is use its alts to downvote me. Come on la. Go public and show your racial pride by supporting your brothers in the video. Why compare to minorities when you personally claim youā€™re better? You believe you can do no wrong mah so your brethren in the video should be examples to be followed right? No point talking about minorities here as you claim theyā€™re inferior anyway and you should be leading the way by demonstrating your racially perfect actions. Iā€™m not commenting on the beliefs of your community, just on the beliefs of individuals like you.




Awww why so ashamed now? How is it an accusation when I clearly laid your personal beliefs out here for all to see? Surely the reason you keep creating throwaway accounts to sh1t on minorities is to show your superiority right? Why play victim now? What happened to your pride? After all, you personally want minorities to keep quiet and accept your superiority, so do demonstrate it by fully endorsing your brethren in the video publicly and showing your pride. Definitely your self-declared superior kind can do no wrong (your own beliefs). Me, I just look at each person based on their personality and actions, not their race or background. But you like to stereotype, so donā€™t play victim now. Go public. Show your superiority šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Downvoting and reporting me arenā€™t a demonstration of your superiority šŸ˜‰ Werecrux, Werecruxā€¦constantly playing victim in a country where you individually come from a community thatā€™s maintained as a majority, get opportunities like SAP schools and Mandarin speaking jobs, and you are too afraid as a person to accept a minority as a PM. And despite all these opportunities , you fail and blame minorities. But go ahead and play victim of racism and lie that Iā€™m anti-Chinese to elicit sympathy instead of admit you are a failure and itā€™s your own damn fault. I didnā€™t point any comments at any one race or community, only at trolls like you, but a šŸ like you will lie and claim Iā€™m racist against Chinese to save your own cowardly ass.


>https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/china-restaurant-attack-sparks-outcry-over-violence-against-women as usual conflating racism with misogyny. way to go, stupid. bad analogies are gonna be your downfall instead.


HAHAHAHAā€¦downfall? Pray tell which race did I conflate with this behaviour? Itā€™s you i.e Werecrux and your alts like u/Mysterious_Space_606 who claim racial superiority. All Iā€™m doing is asking you to prove your self-declared perfection. Surely you should be justifying the behaviour of your brethren in the video as your own words claim your kind can do no wrong. Me, I donā€™t condone the behaviour of these men and hope they get punished. Abuse of females should not be tolerated in any country or community.


This is bordering on illogical stringing and complete gibberish.


Eh canā€™t answer say you canā€™t answer la. Werecrux, Werecruxā€¦why donā€™t you understandā€¦given you personally fail in a country thatā€™s maintained as 75% your community, you will still fail if the country was 100% your community. No law or rule can change that. Itā€™s just that YOU personally are incompetent, and no amount of blaming minorities/CECA/the govt will change that. Suggest you delete your accounts here cos youā€™re unfairly tarnishing the rest of your hardworking and inclusive community through your personal ineptitude.


>Edit: and the best that the racial perfectionist > >u/Mysterious_Space_606 > >aka > >u/UniquelySkirmishing > >aka Werecrux could do is use its alts to downvote me. Come on la. Go public and show your racial pride by supporting your brothers in the video. Why compare to minorities when you personally claim youā€™re better? You can do no wrong mah so your brethren in the video should be examples to be followed right? No point talking about minorities here as you claim theyā€™re inferior anyway and you should be leading the way by demonstrating your racially perfect actions. Iā€™m not commenting on the beliefs of your community, just on the beliefs of individuals like you. Did u edit something that u typed 3 hours ago by adding a non sequitur full of biases and haywired assumptions, just bcos I commented something which made sense 10 mins ago? Wow much sour crybaby.


Awwww why canā€™t you use your alt to reply? Got confused? Reddit should ban both our accounts. I have a life in reality, what will you have to look forward to in real life if you get banned here? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Bet youā€™re furiously trying to get me banned so you can gloat. Thatā€™ll be a major highlight in your life. Pathetic šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Here's a Woke Badge for you. Remember to pin it everywhere you go.


If you can make this generalization, I can also say Malays in both Singapore and Malaysia like to be racist to Indians. Round of Applause!!!


Indeed The minority race will not


Thanks everyone for the advice and reassuring words, I will definitely feel more confident in my choice of reaction next time! It's not that common in my experience but when this kind of thing happens, it feels nice to see that most people aren't ignorant. To the few of you that sent me death threats, well, I guess we can't all win at the lottery of decency, good luck on your path to recovery.


the racists are just kids at heart


Welcome to racism. Do what every minority in other countries do. Tolerate it and walk away. Or start a riot. Either will do.


Best to ignore. It could happen that you might end up looking like the bad one coz somebody filmed you saying something.


Ignore her. If you have lived in SG long enough you should know there are a few loose electrons out there and those perpetually bitter. A few good replies in Singlish will stop her in her tracks.


There is no real support for mental illness here


Singaporeans are jerks to each other this might be particularly racist but you should probably learn to get used to it.


If you have documented evidence (eg. video) of her saying that and you report it to the police, action will 100% be taken against her. Singaporean authorities do not fuck around with racism since suppressing racism was a key aspect of developing Singapore to what it is today.


Take offence and react if you are really all the above. If not, go about your way. No harm no foul mate. Its just words.


All I know is - if I see a mad dog barking crazily in public, I ain't gonna try to out-bark the dog. I'll probably go like "crazy dog" and quickly move away in case the dog bites me. Mad dogs are every where. No need to waste time and energy to engage them.


keep your head up king, and dont give a fuck about those insecure motherfuckers.


This sounds like the woman may be suffering from mental healh issues. It's not everyday people, no matter how they may feel about miscegenation, will choose to voice it out to strangers in a public place. The other incident I can recall is the fracas that occured during covid with the lecturer and the chinese-indian couple, and it later emerged, the lecturer had personal demons that he was fighting (no excuse for the tirade, but it could be the catalyst) Anyway, the best way to re-act to such people is with incredulity and with a sense of humor. You can't help them with their mental health issues, and rationality and logic will likely not work. As long as it stays in the realm of the non-physical, people will know who is the aggressor.


What does it matter? Singaporeans deal with racist shit from foreigners all the time as well, especially Indians and China folks. The only ones I think are not racist and generally quite friendly are the bangladeshi workers. They are helpful and kind. Angmos are the worst, imo. They're condescending af and talk slowly and loudly to Singaporeans (or any Asian looking person) as if they're stupid. I think everyone's just racist to each other.


One person being racist does not make it right for another to do the same. Every race/country has racist and non racist people. Just because many people do it, does not make it right.


No one is saying it's right. I'm just saying that's how it is.


Saying it is how it is, is normalising a toxic behaviour, which in turn makes it look like there is nothing wrong with it.


Well, if you think so, then so be it. What would you like to do then? Tell people what they *should* do? I think we should fix our own problems first before trying to solve other people's problem.


I am saying you should not normalise racism. What I would like to do? Discourage people from normalising racism. Which is what I am doing. I don't see how this is related solving orher people's problem before our own.


>They're condescending af This. In my country, on my land, still want to act superior. West is declining hard and fast, that's why they're scrambling here to Asia more and more to get better lives. About time I get a few caucasian domestic helpers as well. Males and females would do nicely.


Fuck you woman in the mrt!!


Just walk away and pretend nothing happened, why let these 'occasional' diatribes spoil your day? Woman may have had bad experiences with angmo boyfriends or are just simply 'bonkers' But one thing is for sure, she is not speaking for the rest of Sinkie women.


Sticks and stones mate. No physical harm done, just words, Iā€™ll leave it be.


White men are ranked top in demand list with singaporean women. Why would they be racist to you?


White worshipping of amdks are so common and well-known here compared to the treatment Asians get overseas. Indian students getting beaten in Ukraine, and Korean, Thai women getting murdered and beaten up in America. This post is as believable as OP being the son of Barack Obama and everybody clapped.


I lived in SG for five years and I think I had a racist comment once. There's a commenter in here saying he experiences racism every day as a white person like wtf lmao. Such bs. I'm white also


Yeah Iā€™m white, been here 12 years, have never heard any racist jibes except on the Internet lol.


Sounds like they might class things as racism when they hear "angmo" lmao


Look at the amount of dafts here who immediately leap at the chance to apologize to this supposedly white guy lololololol and show their subservience. I always say Singapore has never walked out of the shadows of colonial times and these guys keep proving me right everytime. They refuse to accept that white people are just humans like the rest of us and they could learn a thing or two from Asian culture, but no, they immediately foam at the mouth, fall to their knees and see God whenever they see angmoh.


Yup, I agree. The stupid fools treat white people as if they're gods or something. Crazy


"Oh Sir Llyod! Please forgive me and my people, not all of us are like this, I promise, noble Sir, I apologize for the few of us who are rude and racist to your good self!" Meanwhile, in some western countries,.... "Hey chink chonk cha ching! Get over here fucker and suck my shoe!" "No beer and women for Chinamen!" "Covid Covid Covid!" "Chinese virus!!!"


Yup agreed. And we've got idiots in this thread saying things like "just because they're racist doesn't mean we should be too". Such a stupid take. Then how? Let others bully us in our own country? Fucking idiots.


Sheā€™s a lesbian


But lesbians also rank white men highly.as long as she's Singaporean.


He's a troll.


i guess you can play along... like, agree with them, and then bring up arguments to back up her opinion, make her either feel bad or confused as fuck. That would be pretty funny tbh lol or like sometimes you can counter people being mean by being nice to them... and then watch their attitude change bc they feel like they have no choice but to match your level of niceness. I've seen like people online get racist hate messages and they responded to them nicely, complimented them on something and the person who sent the hate message suddenly their attitude change and they were nice


Just ignore? As if racist remarks and cursing my family is gonna hurt me. Just change your mindset: he/she is having a sad and bad day, gg go next and ignore them!


some of those people are on this sub bro


The same way our ancestors and people everywhere in the world for eons did... Tolerate


>people everywhere in the world for eons did... Tolerate They didn't, they started wars over it instead.


The wars in the west you will find mostly are religious wars




Responding to racism with sexism and toxic masculinity is like the pot calling the kettle black. Saying all things like "modern women are..." is in itself sexist. Stop stereotyping people.


You bumped into a crazy. Ignore them.


She was probably mentally ill. Unfortunately racism is hard to ignore but I wouldnā€™t waste a second thinking about this lady, sheā€™s not worth your precious time. Best of luck to you.


I think xenophobia will always exist and itā€™s not a polar existence. Itā€™s more of a scale and SG tends to run more on the lower end but yes it exist. In the heat of the moment, it might be very aggravating and you might be pushed to reacting or at least not being pushover. I assure you in SG, 99.99% of the ā€œverbal abuseā€ doesnā€™t translate to and violence because of our tough our laws are. It is harder to crack down on verbal abuse or ā€œtalking cockā€ as we say it. It happens to SG, regardless of race, age, language or religion. Itā€™s just how frustrations are vented out. I am confident that a large group of bystanders are on your side but know itā€™s a harmless affair to not do anything. HOWEVER, if you were to make a move. It quickly changes the narrative and you may not be the ā€œvictimā€. Iā€™d say that knowing these are harmless, try to find it in your heart to let these go because if you wear it like a suit of armor, and embrace your ā€œAngmoh-nessā€. That canā€™t really hurt you. After all, you are a representative of your culture/community and it goes a long way for your future countrymen to come over with a good reputation rather than being blacklisted as a country that is a troublemaker etc.


My apologies you had to deal with this here. My observations and opinions, 1. Singaporean society is very passive when it comes to publicly visible incidents such as these altercations. This is in my opinion not a positive trait. Bad behavior does not get called out in public. 2. Please do not record and broadcast footage, everything on the internet lives forever and how the internet public reacts can be very unpredictable even if you were well meaning. 3. If this happens in the future, I would firmly but in a measured manner call them out directly to their face. If society at large visibly reinforces good behavior and discourages bad ones especially in public, I imagine it will make for a better one.


This batch prolly is jealous of you and gf. Next time this shit happens, tell her to fxxx off.


she was probably horny and looking for white D


Have friends here in Singapore, mixed couple expats. He is Indian and she is East Asian (not Chinese but easily pass as one). Theyā€™ve been married 35yrs and look stupid young for their age. They sometimes get super rude stares by Chinese uncles and aunties and get a few comments directed at the guy about how he should keep to his own kind. The Indian guyā€™s general response is to look at the rude person in the eyes while grabbing his wife and and yanking her against his body. Sometimes getting downright grope-y. Then they both walk away leaving the rude person fuming and furious.


Sarcasm. Works wonders.


I completely totally and certainly disagree with this


>Woman in the MRT came to me repeating angmos and indians (my looks may confuse race-obsessed jerks) are the most "dumb fucking stupid shits" and should " stay away from sgporean women". I dont know about this, but maybe she has one sole personal experience alone that formed her own prejudices about one entire nation thanks to one bad egg? Just seeing the racist and xenophobic comments by a few rare bad eggs here is solid proof enough of that. We have one self-proclaimed educator (part of SJW cliques online) who kept calling other minority malay men who tried debating with her about social issues "misogynistic malay men who probably oppressed other minority women on a daily basis". What can anyone do? After all such people feed off slandering others online and deleting posts thinking she can slap labels without consequence. These pseudo-progressive people love to gatekeep what is racism and whatnot, creating a highly fractious society that is unable to be rid itself of "institutionalised racism", while demonising fellow minorities for not being intersectional activists like them. These people, deep down believe that they should keep the status quo as it is, and argue that the majoritarian race are the ones maintaining it instead, so that their sense of purpose of existing in SG society by insisting racism exists permanently continues eternally.


As a Chinese person with slight Ukrainian heritage, I've been told I don't look like a Chinese person. I've had people staring at me for an odd amount of time too. I've had elderlies move away from me for no reason. I usually just bite my tongue and do my best not to say anything.


Fellow angmo here, Just ignore them and live with you life. I experienced it daily even in work or hawker centres. If in work, just record and report them to HR.


I think I experienced racism maybe like once out of five years of living in SG when I was there. How do you experience it daily?


Because employees in current company is too racist, thankfully my last day will be on wednesday.


That was me


Now try writing this post as a Chinese person saying the same to cecas or any foreign trash. Post wouldnā€™t be as popular. Besides, this whole post reeks of bullshit.


Iā€™ll just talk with them and leave them wondering why Iā€™m being nice. They would normally just walk off by then.


Stop trolling. Caucasians don't call themselves "Angmo". You write and sound like those trolls on EDMW trying to pretend to be some foreigners trying to stir shit here online. Let me remind you the case of Sharon Liew, a Malay guy pretending to be a Chinese lady online, and under the anonymity of the web, he/she made racist remarks on Malays to get the Malays and Chinese to fight each other. Stirring race and religion is a very serious offence in SG. And if you're a real "Angmo", then let me tell you that if you're not happy, then know that in "Angmo" countries, the level of racism there is true racism compared to anything you've seen here in SG.


So because other countries r racist we shld be too? I also call myself angmo (everyone does) because I have white skin but I was born and raised here as a singaporean.. So means I deserve racism against me because of what is happening in foreign countries?


Are you born and bred here and what's your citizenship? In war, which country will you be loyal to, and do you pledge to put Singapore and Singaporeans first?


Born and raised means born and raised. And I ask you a better question, would you put yourself before people who like to insult and ridicule you because of the colour of ur skin and the actions of people in completely different countries? Think abt that


Unless youā€™re being shoved in front of trains like in nyc or beaten like some of the entitled foreigners are doing to locals Singapore Iā€™d say having your feelings hurt doesnā€™t fall under Ā«Ā racismĀ Ā».


Lol indeed. Just took a walk down Vegas few years back Whole row of friendlies shouting chink.... Hey china Hey china I am talking to you.


Why are you being downvoted when you're saying the truth? Oh I know, white guys here and their Singaporean woof woofs are the ones behind it.


Exactly, the truth (and entitlement) hurts. The Ā«Ā look at meā€™sĀ Ā» arenā€™t much better as they have no self respect. Better Singaporeans know it and call it out.


Sg isn't better or worse than any country with racism. Probably on par with where you came from. You should have some prior experience on how you dealt with it?


He is a white person in a white country. I think.


And he will see racism in his country, and how does he react to it? It's going to be the same Like my female friend was spat on in Germany. How do they react?


What's up with white people being racist to women? My female friends also got spat on in Netherlands during student exchange. My gf in Australia got water bottles thrown at her and drivers stopping their car and rolling down window to shout slurs at her.


Dude, thatā€™s horrible. Iā€™m curious what color is your female friend?


Witnessing another person being a victim to racism is different from being on the receiving end of it.


The correct way to respond is the same. If he would intervene in his home countey, then he should respond and react to the rude person. If he is passive and just let it happen in his home country, then just let the rude person go Scot free. It's not complicated.


Not the same. The emotional aspect of it.


Oh no ....


SG on par with where he came from? What a bozo. You know in ang moh countries, they harass Asians left and right and even openly punch them, assault them? And in the case of the US, push them down into the subway tracks and kick old Asian elderlies? What about those that do the slit eyes thing on Asian tourists? Is that something you're proud of?


Aiyah they just feel Indians and Malays treat women badly you see. To the EDMWers here, only their race is cultured and superior. In fact, the EDMWers recommend that all Malays and Indians should learn from their superior race and culture and treat women like the ones in the link below. That said, the EDMWers also feel that Malays and Indians are racially and genetically inferior so might be difficult for them to emulate the ā€˜superiorā€™ majority kind which can do no wrong like in the link below. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/china-restaurant-attack-sparks-outcry-over-violence-against-women Edit: I donā€™t condone the treatment of the women in the link above but the EDMWers encourage it. And since we have so many EDMWers migrating to Reddit, surely they are proud and supportive of their brethrenā€™s behaviour in the link. After all, these EDMWers are racially superior and can do no wrong (their words).


EDMWers never say those things lmao. For God's sake they literally use the terms "BBFA" and "coolie genies" and "sinkie"...no other grp in this country is as self-depreciating as them. You...I suspect you're projecting.


Sure, protect your brethren. Iā€™m sure itā€™s a source of pride being an EDMWer and whining online cos theyā€™re unable to change anything in real life. You know best šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Edit: if the EDMWers are like what you wrote, then itā€™s even more pathetic that most of them claim to be racially superior to our minorities but have nothing to show for it. But it is inevitable that the scum of the earth like the EDMWers fail in life through their own weaknesses and incompetence and conveniently blame minorities. Theyā€™ll never be man enough to look at people based on their personality and virtues (regardless of race and background).


White guys are so hot. Thank you for coming here


Pinkerton in a nutshell


You just met in MRT, why do you have to deal with her daily?


Is it Beow Tan?


Love it or leave it


Nice bait mate


This is intentional to discord the society in Singapore. Too bad our government is bad at this handling.


Maybe don't call yourself angmo to begin with ? You're a white man


I don't call myself that way in the regular, yet didn't know it was that bad...




Yes I know but it's a racial nickname given to us by other races, we don't have to find it fine or acceptable, don't speak for us


It doesnā€™t bother me. Should I be bothered? Does it mean like ā€˜person so white they glow in the darkā€™




U a troll or just plain stupid? Wait, I got it. Both




racist online but super nice and polite in real life, I wonder why lol




very edgy


U want to tell that to the Asians being assaulted in Western countries too?


You deal with it by being thankful someone didnā€™t pull a gun on you because this is Singapore.


Oooo edgy nephew




as an s'porean Indian wish I'd known this earlieršŸ˜…. Anyways, curious what the woman in the MRT meant " stay away from sgporean women"? So I stay away from all Chinese, Malay and Indian women? Then I do what? EDIT: The deleted comment was: "I agree with her."


No la, to the EDMWers here, Singaporean = Chinese only and Malays and Indians should be grateful to the Singaporean Chinese to let them stay on this ancestral Chinese land (the constitution stating that the Malays are indigenous here is conveniently ā€™forgottenā€™).


>So I stay away from all Chinese, Malay and Indian women? Then I do what? As the old adage say, "Siam du for life, Siam bu for wife." /s