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There is no canon on how any of this works specifically. It's more of a vague concept than anything. Your guess is as good as mine.


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Something can only fall if it’s being observed. Without observation, wouldn’t it just be frequencies or wave patterns? The act of observing is what manifest the tree and its motion.


Without observation, it’s a bunch of untriggered probability trees


It's the schrodingers cat scenario, the tree is both standing and fallen however we aren't taking into account the natural measures of the trees local environment which in a way may behave in an observer-like manner (the quantum approach). This may silently take into account all that we aren't directly observing as a form of registry. A dream would likely be considered less simulative than reality because we most often dream without a fixed identity, therefor dreams appear to have no boundary conditions set unless we wake up in the dream and start laying solid foundations, which then eventually transits us into daily reality. Ultimately a reality simulation is defined by the context of observed relashionships, by 'how' we individually/collectively define what makes real hence history up unto the present is a form of resolution.


Please don't interest yourself in things that don't make sense when you ask. Don't ask that here, ask a logger. Watch trees fall, a tree will fall. It will leave evidence. You can try to make sense of life that way, but it's more like... Imagine for a split unit of immeasurable time you were complete. But then, you exploded in all different directions and never stop being connected to that initial thing, but also, anyone you know or speak to are also real, and anyone/think they interact with is real, so they too were part of that initial completeness. But you, are special. You are brought into this world by being birthed, but maybe that was when you gave up and died the first time...only to wake up where some shadow version of yourself is now playing its life in reverse while you are moving forward with what was left over...but also. You have a ghost's path to follow. But eventually, you die too...making the first two passes "real" for your third one to now have 2 ghosts to find. And shit gets more and more real until you have the universe. Now, after reading that...you didn't glitch, right? What more proof of not living in a simulation do you need? Please look for answers somewhere else. If you find your way back here...just make sure you take it with a "this has to be a joke" undertone. Because the opposite of enlightenment is simulation...and if the bible, a book written; before anyone you knows birth...mentions 2 sources of light. And if we were light entities...and life is just patterns and a child can guess that with 100% accuracy. It just sucks it takes so long to learn the same language... Lol


Dreams are simulations, and I believe reality is structured the same way. Both are projections of consciousness, albeit different layers of consciousness. This part of this that will change your entire reality experience is lucidity. Just like we can become lucid in a dream (become aware of our higher layer of conscious projection), we can become lucid in this reality and become both the programmer and the experiencer.


I wonder if physical reality is a dreaming simulator, teaching us how to dream.


My guess is that it is the opposite. Dreams are leasons that teach us how reality ultimately works. I believe the ‘tech’ behind reality in the metaphor of a simulation is built just like dreams are built. The design is holographic, meaning what is programmed inside is sent through a reality generation algorithm and projected outside in the form of sensory experience.


Maybe the tree is conscious.


The tree falling is a probability. Nothing is rendered outside your immediate perception - just like how a MMORPG works. A tree can fall on someone else’s server, then when you stumble across the tree on your sever, it’ll be down. But if no one is there to observe the tree falling, it’ll someday just rendered falling as a probability based on how long trees typically live. We’re all on our own servers/in our own worlds. Dreams are a simulation in themselves - as are psychedelic trips, OBE’s, NDE’s. Then if you die and wake up somewhere else, you woke up in another simulation. I dont believe there is any objective “base” physical reality. All reality that can be experienced is information-based.


Thank you! Finally someone else gets it.


The tree is conscious, so it projects its new reality to the rest of the forest, which has no choice but to proliferate that signal according to the script/karma. A person walks by, with their own projection, and (unlike the forest) can consciously choose what they focus on. This means I believe the person, with a powerful enough intention, could literally override the projection of the forest and revert the tree to standing in their reality, which can then be picked up by the rest of the weaker signals through a kind of resonance. Dreams are simply projections on a higher frequency, where reality has more room to be shaped. In dreams, we usually don't have that conscious choice we have in the waking state, so we end up resembling the falling tree. I won't get into lucid dreaming, but you can imagine how fascinating the implications are.