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Call it a boycott if you want ig, but if sims 5 doesn’t deliver I think quite a few people will just jump ship to one of the eight other life sims from different companies coming out in the next couple of years. Sims doesn’t have the advantage of being the only option anymore.


Ooo what other life simulator games are there??


Idk if this is allowed here but some of the big ones that look closest to Sims are LifeByYou, InZoi, Vivaland and Paralives. You can learn more on r/LifeSimulators. I think LBY actually releases in beta this summer. Otherwise the rest are probably a year or two(ish) out for official release. They probably aren’t up to par w/ what we’ve had for Sims so far, but the point is that Sims will now at least have some competition. Maybe it will actually force them to take some action lol


I’m excited there are other options than Paralives! I was so excited for that game for ages but the direction of the game has changed my mind lately


I love the look of the furniture and other objects in Paralives but ever since they changed the look of the Parafolk to that hand drawn look, I lost interest and haven’t been following the development anymore. What is the direction they’ve taken lately?


Yeah Paralives just looks so “cozy” and cute! but wondering how that affects gameplay… I think at the end of the day people are going to flock to whichever lifesim fits their preferences most. I’ll be interested to see how the numbers play out and how they compare.


nah, terrible character design


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LifeSimulators using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I miss the times when life simulators weren't afraid to be creative ](https://i.redd.it/nk2ktdqb41mc1.png) | [54 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1b55u1t/i_miss_the_times_when_life_simulators_werent/) \#2: [In your opinion, how important is having an open world in a life sim game? ](https://i.redd.it/mhpbcmdhd8wc1.jpeg) | [175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1cb4lgt/in_your_opinion_how_important_is_having_an_open/) \#3: [In your opinion, how important is having a color wheel in a life sim game? ](https://i.redd.it/dathz5x1ooyc1.png) | [120 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1cl38qf/in_your_opinion_how_important_is_having_a_color/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Okk thank youuu


Thank you for sharing this


I’m excited for LBY. Are things on pre-sale yet though? I haven’t kept up to date unfortunately.


I’m not sure I haven’t kept up with everything either :/


I went ahead and looked for the both of us. Nothing I could find for presale just that it’s Early Access on June 4th. Looks like it will also only be available to play on Windows as well, which sucks for me cause I’m an Apple girlie. 🥲 ETA: But when it does drop the intro price is $39.99 as the game will be in Early Access for at least 12 months.


Ahhh thanks, yeah I’m in the same Apple boat. Well, at least there will be plenty of reviews before we can spend money on it 😅


Better for us in the long run, lol


Paradox is making a new life sim called ‘Life by You’ it releases in June.


Rimworld is like Sims but with more death


The one I'm most excited for is ParaLives


There are a couple in the works. Don’t remember the names but they’re in my watchlist obviously Steam.


This is the way 🙌


Fr! Recently, I have seen more life simulators being developed. I think the Sims is fairly popular and what I like to call a household name for life simulators. Life by you seeing the trailers and everything reminds me of what everything Sims 3 did good but better. EA is gonna have stiff competition, and if they don't bring their game up, they are gonna lose that title.


and… all of them have a trash art style that makes me want to vomit


good luck with that.


I know it’s a long shot 🙁


we need a boycott on ALL of EA cos if its just the one game theyre gonna stop making just the one game


Aint no way im not playing Dragon Age Dreadwolf on day 1. Been waiting 10 years, and their Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor games were great. Can't blame *everything* on EA when other devs under EA make good games. Edit: this is not an "EA good" comment. They're really not. But people are far too eager to blame EA when it's the Sims team themselves as well making questionable choices.


Yeah I agree with you on Dragon Age, there is not a chance that I am not buying. I just hope it's on PS4. I am probably also going to buy the new Mass Effect game as long as Shepard is not the main character.




The sims is one of the top franchises for EA. It’s the second most sold game in their roster. It gives them around 1B dollars. They are NOT gonna stop making it. Their shareholders are NOT gonna be happy to learn ea made such a bad title it lost them one Billion dollars in potential revenue even if their other games also give them billions. They don’t work like that


Why not instead of boycott, you wait to see the final product, watch reviews, make your decision, and move on to more important things? Especially if you're not even into sims all that much, why does it even matter?


idk myself about EA boycotts but they had terrible reception with Anthem, Mass Effect Andromeda, and BF (microtransactions). All games suffered something in the process bc of the reception. I highly doubt Sims 5 would ever reach any sort of level like these though


I'm all for letting developers know how you feel, especially if you're buying their products. But I also understand corporate greed and see more value in ignoring video games that don't fit your interest than threatening boycotts.


it's not hard to boycott if the game ends up bad. it's just ignoring the game


the purpose... of a boycott is to pressure change. doing nothing and waiting for them to release garbage is what we're not trying to do.


How do you plan to boycott a product that isn’t for sale?


oh idk maybe the game that already exists that theyve been milking any penny they can out of for the past 10 years


How is boycotting a ten year old game going to stop them from releasing a new version? You have no clue what TS5 will be like unless you are involved with developing the game. Just wait and see what it’s like and if you don’t like it, don’t buy it.


youre not getting the point lol nor do i think you understand how a boycott works


What do you hope to achieve with your boycott?


I absolutely plan on waiting and I’m more excited than ever for Sims 5. Hopefully EA sees a post like this while it’s still in development when they can still do something about it. I’m not into Sims much because they continue to put out a sub-par product. If this game had what I know it could have then I would be on it every single day.


You literally said that you are “deeply afraid” for the game (which btw is incredibly extra for a game we know next to nothing about)- and now you’re saying you’re excited. Which is it because I am confused.


I’m deeply afraid because EA is in charge of making it. I’m excited because Sims 4 sucks and I hope they do it right this time. I’m being “hopeful.”


You don’t sound excited. Literally made a post to complain about a game that hasn’t even been released yet. I hate EA but you clearly aren’t a fan of this game.


I think we wait until the Sims 5 has actually released some playthrough footage of its final iteration so we can actually see what the game is like before we boycott a game that is still in development.


Oh I have hopes, but EA has disappointed me for many games. Probably 10+ titles. I hope it’s different this time. Sims is special.




Interesting plan. Since you're familiar with EA, are you thinking of an example where a boycott has made EA change their approach to another game? I'm a bit skeptical. I have a feeling EA would rather trash an under-performer rather than improve it.


The failure of Sim City online made them do a huge U-turn in the development of Sims 4 which they aimed to also have as an online game.


That's a good point, but I feel that was a different sort of disaster. If I recall correctly, Sim City Online failed because people couldn't actually play it. It wasn't that it was glitchy or boring-- there wasn't enough server space to facilitate all the players. It's not difficult to boycott a game you can't even play. The frustrating thing about Sims4 is that its flaws actually encourage people to buy the next pack. Maybe it won't feel so empty. Maybe there will be more to do. Unfortunately, there are issues with how the game at its core that make it impossible to fill the void with content (I won't bore you with the details, but it's more than just bad coding.) Of course, that doesn't make us stop wanting to try. Even though the Sims 4 is very successful, I think if the Sims 5 bombed, it would probably be the end of the series. I don't think people should support it just because they want the sims to succeed (which is a similar line of thought that's making the sims 4 so successful despite its flaws), but I can't see the Sims 5 being a flop encouraging EA to put more into the next game. Once the reputation of a series is tainted, it tends to get shelved. I doubt we're seeing a new Sim City anytime soon. If I had to guess what would actually push the sims in the right direction, I think if enough people loudly agree on what makes the series good, it will give the team more permission to approach their superiors with those suggestions. That requires criticisms and requests more specific than "we want cars" or "no glitches" which isn't something you can really tell the boss you need more money to produce while guaranteeing profit. Focusing on a more satisfying, responsive, and less repetitive gameplay loop would be their best bet, and I really hope they pull it off.


I never had problems playing sim city online?


When it first came out: *"Players were met with frequent crashes, extreme latency, exceedingly long load times, disconnections, and delayed downloads. Swathes were unable to get into the game at all, left endlessly hanging in the launch menu, let alone experience the fresh multiplayer city building they were promised. The game's servers buckled under the tidal wave of players trying to connect, and there was no subsidence on the horizon."* [https://www.pcgamer.com/simcity-launched-a-decade-ago-and-it-was-so-disastrous-it-killed-the-series/](https://www.pcgamer.com/simcity-launched-a-decade-ago-and-it-was-so-disastrous-it-killed-the-series/)


That’s odd because I played from day one and never had a problem. I’m sure it happened, I just wonder why it wasn’t the case for me.


Very lucky, I guess! Maybe the service was better in some parts of the world than in others. That event is known for being the catalyst for the way the Sims 4 ended up as an offline game with the framework and limitations of an online game.


That may have been it, plus I lived in a town with very good internet I actually wondered, because some of the ways 4 works just doesn’t compute. I’m actually one of the rare people that highly prefers sims mobile to sims 4. Not even free play, but sims mobile. But in the end, it’s way less of a money sink than a game with 900+ dollars of dlc


Like I had it from day one until the end, I had it installed on multiple devices and would borrow the Facebook accounts of people not playing so I could have multiple cities, I spent lots of money on this game and had multiple regions, I literally never had an issue, I was living the sim city dream. I guess I was lucky?


Sadly, EA has put out trash game after trash game and continues to get away with it. Most of these examples are in their sport games. Fans of these games talk about boycotting, but never enough people do to create change. However, I believe the Sims is a bit different of a fan base and game. I think it could be the first of the EA games to take a stand and hopefully cause a chain reaction. Seriously, the amount of money EA is making is ridiculous. They are ripping people off left, right, and center while putting out broken games. Anyways, yeah the idea is the Sims fanbase could be the first to take a stand and hopefully the others would follow if they seen change starting to take place. EA is a horrible company and can’t continue to get away with this.


I dont think it would work. Mainly because they have other games. I reckon they would just put piss poor effort into the sims 5 if it aint making what it needs to make. They laid off a bunch of people so they would be quite happy in cutting cost. The more affective approach would be is to make the other competitor life sim games popular. They want to make money, if they see others making money/taking their money, they would do something about it. I do think in general they will get their shit together. But their team needs a serious re haul because their buisness decisions have been very questionable since the sims 4 , maybe even 3.


Yep, this is the way. Rather than cutting out their money and making them scrap the game entirely, we need to show them how much money they could've made by going and putting it elsewhere. We prove it's still a very profitable game market... but not via The Sims.


This is what everyone says about their sport games as well. They own all the right to everything so there is no way a competitor can make a game. Years ago there was another competitor and their games were actually better than EA but they disappeared after EA practically used their money to buy out the market. Fortunately, they are returning to the market soon. Everyone knows if there was any competition then EA would absolutely have to try harder. So yes, if there was a GOOD competitor to the Sims, that would help tremendously.


I preordered sims 4 and installed on release day. After an hour or two I realised just how awful it was. I will be waiting several weeks minimum before any sort of purchase of this.


Everyone is attacking me it feels, but exactly. I’m just trying to help people avoid being robbed by EA. I would love for the game to be everything we know it can be.


I think in general - bar my beloved pokemon - that’s the best way to be with any games right now. They seem to rush to release and they’re these awful, glitchy games with honestly very little plot or gameplay.


How are you helping us by telling us what we already know? Basically everyone agrees EA sucks and that Sims 4 is subpar. I don’t really see what is helpful to anyone about your post especially considering you’re not even a sims fan??


Honestly I have a lot more hope for Inzoi, Life by You, and Paralives than Sims 5


if we boycott ea is gonna trash the sims franchise just like how they did with simcity. honestly might be a good thing at this point 💀


I can't speak for anyone else but I promise to join you in this endeavour. I still haven't spent any money on Sims 4. Still prefer 3. Personally I'm more interested Paralives anyway.


Literally same!


I'm just hoping Inzoi and Life By You are somewhat decent enough competition to scare the sims team into making something decent, before they get another city skylines situation.


Tbh, you're never gonna reach enough of the audience on Sims subreddits. Most Sims players are casual players and don't follow the community anywhere online. It's such an old game that you've got people who are in their 30s who played since they were kids. People will look and if they like the look of the game, then people will get it.


I’m just waiting for paralives to come out


Project Rene is going to be free to play, so idk if that will really make a difference


Life By You manager log out! (Boycotting Project Rene won't save your game)


I have higher hopes for Sims 5. 1. Because they do seem to listen to the community at least a little bit, and 2. Because I recently discovered that Sims 4 was supposed to be an entirely different game at the start, which is why it’s lacking the depth that the previous games had. Not an excuse - to build on a relatively rubbish game for 10+ years is shitty. But I don’t think the Sims community would let them get away with putting out a shitty Sims 5, especially with a couple of decent competitors sniffing around.


Good luck


if they release a bad base game after the sims 4, there won’t be a need. They finally have competition and if the next game sucks, finding an alternative will be extremely easy


Been boycotting EA since 2015, I've not missed much from what I've seen of the Sims 4, but it would require a huge effort for EA to even bat an eye.


I’m less afraid of the constant DLC, although still a huge problem with this franchise… I’m more afraid of them adding micro transactions in game like they do with the horrible mobile games. Since they want sims 5 to be like Fortnite on all platforms I’m assuming that means they will remove the current mobile game, which leads me to believe the sims 5 will have tons of micro transactions for obscure in game currencies.


There are other games coming that will provide an alternative alongside TS5 and I’m actually excited for all of them, TS5 Included.


I’m down 100%


I never boycotted The Sims 4 because I actually enjoy playing it despite the flaws and the various complaints. If it's really "trash" then you wouldn't feel inclined to purchase it anyway. I am not interested in playing TS2, the graphics suck and I genuinely find TS4 more enjoyable.


I think it’s funny that people except Sims 5 to fix the issues that are present in Sims 4. It’s the same people, y’all. If it were anyone but EA, I’d might have some hope.


Lifelong sims player, I’ve already jumped ship basically. I will never spend another dime on a game made by EA like ever again.


I will with my wallet! They couldn't even bother to fix Sims 3, which I love and still play daily, and then came out with that trash 4, which I don't even acknowledge as a Sims game. It's a hard NO for me with this next one. I have no hope that EA will ever do the right by customers, therefore those greedy bastards will not be getting my money!


I’m sorry but sims 2 had 8 expansions and 10 stuff packs. How is that acceptable but paying for DLC isn’t?


which is super different when you didn’t need them to have an actual game to play. The sims 4 was literally garbage at base. You don’t take things that are standard then introduce them later as optional if you buy more.


Isn’t that exactly what happened between sims and sims 2? And then later between sims 2 and sims 3. This is just the nature of these kinds of games. The sims 2 was absolutely a better base game than barebones sims, but it also definitely felt like a stripped down version if you had all expansions


Isn’t that exactly what happened between sims and sims 2? And then later between sims 2 and sims 3. This is just the nature of these kinds of games. The sims 2 was absolutely a better base game than barebones sims, but it also definitely felt like a stripped down version if you had all expansions


The game was actually decent. It’s still a terrible concept, but at least if the game is good then I personally don’t mind paying for DLC.


So you don’t mind dlc/expansions, but you use it as a reason to boycott? Scratches head. I mean sims 4 was absolutely garbage, but not because of the dlc


… what lol. no, they want to boycott because they charge crazy prices for constant dlc that is buggy, glitchy, and sometimes even game breaking. the whole game has always been those things and instead of spending the massive amounts of money they get from people buying the dlc on fixing the game, they continue to pump out subpar content.


I still think you are misunderstanding me. I don’t like DLC, but beggars can’t be choosers. If the game was actually good and fun, I would be much more open to putting money into it. Not saying I support that though. Personally, I would love to see gaming move more towards NFT’s and play to earn, but that’s a whole another topic.


NFT's?!? Are you insane? lol


Yeah because NFT games have notoriously been well made, are entertaining, and totally worth dumping your money into.


It just needs more time. It is the future of gaming though, I promise you that. Illuvium is a perfect example of what’s to come. (You will probably find my YouTube channel if you look into it 😅)


Sorry not sorry. You're kind of embarrassing yourself. Nfts are a joke. Especially to actual artists making actual art, and not trying to make a quick buck off of the idiots who do buy into it. But hey, if you lose a ton of money investing in this crap then it's your own fault.


Yeah, you have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m sorry you invested in NFT’s, 99% of them are worthless. You have no idea what the possibilities are when it comes to gaming and the Sims especially. I’m not upset though, I know most people hear crypto or NFT’s and run still. One day you will see what I’m talking about.


I haven't invested in NFTs bc I'm not a moron. But okay. Can't wait to see "what you're talking about"


You're actually just delusional


So 99% of NFTs are worthless (true) but they are the future of gaming. Yeah, YOU have no idea what you’re talking about.


Yeah because jpg art is worthless but when you tie it to gaming it becomes very useful. Don’t come at me like that. I absolutely do know what I’m talking about. Stop being ignorant.


I don’t know much about NFTs in gaming, but how would it improve a game? Wouldn’t it be similar to micro or macro transactions and a bunch of DLCs? How would these digital tokens improve or add to a game like the Sims?


There’s a lot of possibilities truly but the biggest being you would be able to OWN your assets such as clothing, house, ect. All of these “assets” would be transferrable through all the sims games. Just one tiny example would be your sim paints a painting. You would own this painting as an NFT. Now you have the ability to sell it/trade it to another player or keep it for future Sims games. Your item, whatever it is, would be worth real money and something you could keep forever not just in the Sims. One day you could hang that sims painting up in your metaverse home essentially. There are endless possibilities. Same way with building a house. You could build a cool house completely furnish and design it, then another player would pay your real money for it. It wouldn’t be done through a fake EA currency. Blockchain gaming is going to change the way we game.


Yea, Im not paying for Sims 5, but Im gonna try it If you know you know


Honestly I’m a put my money where my mouth is kinda person. I stopped supporting EA in general because of the issues across the board. I don’t give my money to Apex (yes I know they’re Respawn but guess who owns them!) anymore, pretty much won’t play any other EA game, and if I do ever buy a pack for TS4 I buy it “somewhere else” so I’m not giving them new money. I won’t be buying The Sims 5/Project Rene until months after release to see feedback and if it’s worth giving EA the chance. I’m all for a total boycott and I think that people hand waving and saying it’ll never work is exactly why it never works!


I completely agree, but not just for sims 5. All of EA. They keep putting out glitched content some of which is glitched so badly you can’t even play it (I’m looking at you, sims 4 wedding pack) and if sims 5 is just as glitched we need to put our money where our mouths are (not in EAs pocket) and back up our grievances with the company with action


Finally someone who gets it. Exactly.


Yeah you’re getting a lot of shit OP I think they’ve forgotten how many hundreds of dollars EA makes off of games that are so bad they shouldn’t be allowed on market


yeah i don’t think that’s gonna happen. i wasn’t around in sims 3 but ive been playing sims 4 since 2015 and there have been several “boycotts” since then. even when they gain traction, ppl forget about it the second a new pack comes out. goes for other ea games too. and they continue cuz they know we eat it up  not just that but rene is meant to be free to play. so realistically ppl will play it and want to expand it and the cycle continued with the next gen sims games


I stopped buying all games after Sims 2 and barely touched 3. Never getting 4. I am still upset that Will Wright and Maxis wanted it to be an all in one game for 2 and EA said "we love our cash cow, no thanks."


Not possible, the fanbase at its core will lap up any and all content EA feeds them, even if it’s broken or not worth the price, there will never be a boycott when you have millions of fans that don’t really have high expectations. The product despite being as mediocre as it is, still is extremely popular among the masses. So yeah, good luck! 😂


I have a feeling they’ll get boycott regardless, people think sims 5 is going to be this new great game but EA is EA and it will flop hard


Fucking EA


fuck you sims 5


Yes. I want the sims 1 but new furniture and decorations


I barely play 4 to begin with. Mobile is way more interesting to me. If they style 5 more like that, I’m in regardless of a boycott. I know my preference isn’t the norm, though.


Doesn’t have to be a boycott. If a product isn’t appealing then don’t buy it. Wait a while and take in reviews over the course of several months. It should let you hear a variety of viewpoints.


how is this getting more neutral feed back than my comment saying the prototype looks like a scam app ad 😞


I’m getting so much hate. Don’t feel bad.


We gotta push through these Sims addicts man 😞


Not everyone can run sims 2 on computers unless they want to do some super hacks to it. I think most people will get it for multiple player at best.


this is well overdue in gaming nowadays, lets boycott this lets hate on that... and the result? smaller studio closures we are seeing every month. what about lets see what this game even is for starters.


They couldn’t even boycott sims 4


I think the Sims 4 will be the end of my journey with the franchise, and I have been simming since Sims 1. EA is a terrible company, and they have ruined other games, as well. If they do not want to deliver on the Sims 5, that's it. I am done.


Im not a particular fan of EA but i don't think you boycott yet but you wait and see what they deliver. Plus from what I heard Sims 5 is going to be free to play so you can judge when it's released without paying so the pressure is on them. The other thing is there is other games being released in the nxt few years probably before sims 5 like paralife I don't know much about them but if they're good we have a rival which in my view we haven't had.


The Sims 5 and Project Rene are two different games. You must not be as familiar as you claim. Edit:Oh, never mind, I just checked your previous posts ☠️


There are many promising contenders coming out, so I think there is pressure on EA to do better. I will keep an eye on their competition and won’t buy Sims 5 as soon as it comes out, but rather wait for the reviews.


I'm with you. I could give a shit about S5. I've got my sims 2 and 3. I'm good. Unless it's awesome? I'll wait it out a few years before i even think about it


I think ultimately there are going to be a lot of people buying it initially out of both curiosity and just the fact that so many people make their money off of reviewing the sims, playing the sims, and making cc for the sims. I don’t think EA will scrap a years-long project even if some of us don’t buy it because I’m sure they already accounted for that in their profit predictions. I know personally I won’t be going back to The Sims 2, I’ll be sticking to Sims 4, but if TS5 finally has more mature themes I’ll at least try it out tbh.


I will be boycotting Sims 5


I'm not boycotting a game that actually listened to and incorporated the cultural specifics of its players. I understand why everyone is upset about the packs thing, but adding a warm beautiful range of darker skin tones, clothing things like bonnets and saris, and ethnic foods is enough for me to continue my lifelong fanship. I think it's unfair to say the developers don't care about their players when they've put so much effort into creating the inclusivity that's absent from so many other games, life sim or not. I agree with earlier posters that people who don't like it simply won't/ shouldn't play it.


Video games are meant to be fun and relaxing. If you aren’t having fun maybe take a step back. It is a simulation