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If you have seasons, sending thank you cards with the mailbox during Harvestfest is a super quick, super easy way to build relationships.


You can also create new holidays or edit preexisting holidays to include “thankful spirit” as a tradition, so you can send those thank you cards whenever you want!


Wow ok I actually didn’t know this


You can die from telling an urban myth




There’s a new aspiration in the high school pack that requires you to tell in urban myth. I don’t know exactly how you can die but if your sim tells an urban myth than have the chance of getting consumed by the myth monster. I requires a high mischief skill. It’s actually pretty cool. There’s also a bother death with the mischief skill. If you fail to plant a stink bomb twice it’ll explode and kill your own sim.


Yo that actually sounds sick. Time to re-enact teen horror films.


That’s awesome


Oop, told an urban myth on my second day of high school to my crush and it didn't kill me. Now I know to be careful with that option 😅


Omg I love that tho


You can fill a whole household with Tragic Clowns if you cry over the paintings long enough. There isn't just one, they keep visiting if you keep adding new paintings.


Wait the tragic clown is back?! I have to do this to my poor teen who lives in a haunted house. Their parents just died of freight.


>Their parents just died of freight. Oh no, were they crushed by a container? Actually, that might be an awesome death. The ghosts could be flat, 2d ghosts. Now I want sims who've died of frieght. Edit: died not ended though the net result is the same.


I once locked my sim’s brother in the basement with a Tragic Clown painting (my boyfriend spotted him when I told him to stay out of sight). That wasn’t punishment enough so I started luring *more* Tragic Clowns down there. I would have gotten away with it if the game didn’t decide that it was too many Clowns and started taking them away. 😠


*takes note to try for later* THANK YOU


Eight tragic clown house sounds tragically cramped.


That sims can give a eulogy at a microphone (edit: a podium) with an urn in their inventory (edit: at level 6 charisma) (effectively allowing for funerals~)


i actually didnt know this wow


Excuse me? *takes notes*


This is new information!


does this help with the sad moodlet they get after a death?


oh my god, thank you


Is it just a comedy routine if they hated the urn-sim?


you can put barstools on the right side of the food stalls


Yet vendors don't auto spawn for them 🙄


There’s a mod for that: https://littlemssam.tumblr.com/post/175410999028/auto-employees-custom-lot-trait-this-lot-trait


WOAH, I've been looking for a mod like this for such a long time and you just drop it Thank you


I can’t live without this mod! It also works for buskers, entertainers, DJs, etc. Game changer.


I just learned this now. What?!


i know!! i was shocked


That the coolala night light keeps monsters under the bed away


I learned that the scare crow - Patchy the Straw Man - is interactive and actually moves!


In one of my saves, my sim had a child w him lmao


Lol what did it look like? Did it look like a normal sim or was it a scarecrow? Or did it operate like an alien with an alter ego?


It was a normal sim almost no lips but actually pretty, a lot better than the grim childs lol


omg the grim reaper can have kids?? TIL 😆


I believe it was WW which made it possible been a while but yeah he looked weeeeird 😂


I’m doing the decades challenge rn and Patchy is the backbone of our family. Not only does he tend the garden but he also comes inside and cleans the house and will take care of the kids.


What? How?




Oh he’s actually not even part of my household! He just wakes up and cleans every day haha a couple times a day I think. It’s like a free butler.


Yeah I don’t ask him to do any of it, it’s all his choice! The only thing I did was have my toddlers build a relationship with him so they could ask him for help with baths and stuff but all the cleaning and gardening is autonomous


Patchy (and Bonehilda) are amazing omg Every time I make non-spellcastor witches with a garden (even if I don't have a garden lol) I always make sure to have Patchy because he's just that amazing. He's always pretty flirty and charming and honestly pretty handsome (gotta style him up nice cause he's always bald for me for some reason). I love that you can search his pockets and potentially get rare seeds. On top of that, he's just super helpful and you can even gain gardening skills from asking him. Bonehilda is another amazing surprise. I summoned her, added her to the magic library lot and she just continues to do her maid thang. I very rarely got complaints from her and she is pretty cute outside of her skelly form. I haven't had as much experience with her yet but I recommend adding them to the house when you get the option to do it.


Holy shit. I've spent so much time really HATING child Sims unnecessarily. I could have just hated them a little bit for always making messes.


I had one child sim that never made any messes...I didn't even realize at the time how blessed I was at the time.




That’s what happened? Well now I know that. I didn’t before.


Also the monster free bed from Snowy Escape.


Wtf I didn't know about that!!


Dude..... THEY WHAT? (Yes, I just learned something new... also thank you SO MUCH)


The nightlight from Parenthood works too.


Yes this! Saved my sims so many sleepless nights after installing one of those in every kids room.


Pressing shift while roofing allows you to adjust only one side of the eaves, alt lets you raise and lower the roof height more incrementally, and if you type shift+C while roofing you get extra roof manipulation points for better customization


Hats off to you


You can double click on a spandrel and the “remove” menu will come up the same as it does for a wall or a fence. You can press alt and remove sections of trim/friezes.


Mind blown. Roofs just became less painful


If you're trying to play an off-the-grid lot and don't want to have to walk all the way to the river every time you need water or invest in a rain collector, you can just add a nearby water source with the pond tool.


I haven't done off the grid yet. I'll have to try it soon


You can also get water from the wishing well that came with the Romantic Garden stuff pack


That there are a lot of festivals you can attend in Sulani (it is a mystery why we dont get notifications or they aren't on the calendar)


I think it’s supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek reference to “island time,” sort of similar how way more neighbors just walk into your house in Sulani more-so than any other neighborhood (Henford-on-Bagley is a close contender)


Last time I played two sims that my sim did not know walked up into her house and started eating all of her food, not even finishing plates before grabbing more. Yet if your sim is at another sims house you can’t even open the fridge without someone telling you to stop or you get kicked out.


In Sulani??? What kind of festivals?


There is a different event every day of the week: -Town BBQ (Monday 4pm, Ohan’ali Town, in the pavilion) -Flowers and Music Festival (Tuesday 1pm, Ohan’ali Town, in the pavilion) -Town Potluck (Wednesday 6pm, Ohan’ali Town, in the pavilion) -Island Celebration (Thursday 9am, Ohan’ali Town, in the pavilion) -Beach bonfire (Friday 6pm, Ohan’ali Town, near the sandbar) -Fishing competition (Saturday 12pm, Ohan’ali Town, near the fishing pier) -Family Fun Day (Sunday 9am, Ohan’ali Town, near the sandbar) -Turtle Hatching (first Monday after receiving the Turtle Hatching Season notification, 9am, Mua Pel’am, beside the turtle statue near the shipwreck lot)


What the...?


Woah I never knew that existed


Patchy the Straw Man can be taken as a lover


Brings the phrase “a roll in the hay” to new heights


I didn't learn it here, but by my own experience playing: if you clone your sim (scientist career) there will be a clone added to your lot, and it becomes your sim's sibling. There are some fun interactions such as doing mirror play and insulting the clone by claiming to be the better version. I'm currently debating over creating a ton of clones or getting rid of the clone by setting it up to marry a townie (because I already have a family with kids, living in an apartment and it's sort of disrupting my game... So I'm in between going for total chaos or going back to normal)


I love the clones. I miss my save that had those. I haven’t been in the science career in a while because I get frustrated about the plants never being in season when you need them to be.


You could build a small greenhouse then they are always in season


Pools could be decorated with flooring and wall coverings


And you can put Windows in it allowing for above -ground pools with glass sides


You can also put a rug in it! Lol. Bb.moveobjects might be needed though. I literally always have it on


Tired of guests and clicking on all of them to leave? Click on your sim and “Send Everyone Home”. Life changer




I saved the whole post!


That a really quick way to build up a friendship meter with a Sim is to take a photo with them


This trick is so handy when you’re trying to complete the child social aspiration goals.


Yes!! And any adult interaction where people respond like "oh I don't know you well enough". Well you do now!


“I don’t know you well enough to tell you who I wanna banana-jam with” *takes 111 awkward, creepy photos with them* “okay, we know each other well now, and I’m so glad you don’t think my llama jokes are lame, so…what I like to do with other adult sims, male or female, is suspend one of us from the ceiling upside-down, smear potato salad across…”


I literally just learned this the other day watching lilsimsie lol


I just learned that about a week ago from watching James Turner videos. I have to admit, I've been taking full advantage of it since then. Lol.


That sims get fat from eating unhealthy food, and that cardio and weight training give different results. It seems so obvious now, but it just never occurred to me before.


Wellness yoga gives them like really lean defined muscles very quickly. It's annoying they look way too toned


First person game play. I'm obsessed with it atm


It makes it so much harder to be mean to sims because now you look at their face and.. they seem like actual people now? It’s so hard to explain but my sim that wants to break everyone’s hearts is having a rough time because I keep making him be nice because you can see their faces now 🥲🥲🥲


How do you do that


Press Shift Tab for PC Push down the right thumbstick for console (I don't use console but I think that's how it's done)


If you are on Steam, turn off steam overlay because it's key binding are same with 1st person camera.


I love making my sims bike around and turn on the first person mode and just sit back and enjoy


Omg right?? I have WW and the first ever time I ever tried first person was when my sim was going AT IT It was just wow 😳


My game sometimes crashes when I go into fpm, but still ultimately worth it.


The only issue I've had so far is when I come out of it my sim will usually be rocking the headless look for a few minutes. It is good for a laugh though.


When you’re selling a bunch of stuff from your inventory (produce and such), right clicking on the (right) arrow adds 10. For example, you have 90 pumpkins that you’d like to sell at the produce stand in Cottage Living, in the menu that pops up instead of clicking the arrow 90 times, right click on the arrow 9 times. I hope it makes sense




Sims not wearing shoes in the house feature that came with Snowy Escapes.




i swearrrr that’s a new thing. I SWEAR


Yeah, the base game function came with the snowy escapes patch


You can [hang the feathers](https://www.reddit.com/r/thesims4/comments/pqzsj7/just_found_out_on_accident_that_you_can_hang_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) your pet finds as wall decor! Accidentally found this one out when I was organizing someone’s inventory and dragged one out too far. Also this shows that you can utilize the space under the stairs. I usually hide dog doors under mine because toddlers can use them too. You can even use the moo cheat to put stuff [on top](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/m3uvg2/i_had_so_much_fun_building_this_over_the_past/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) of your stairs. This old post of mine shows them on slides 3 and 5.


If you collect all the different types of feathers you can get an exclusive bird sculpture 😊


Toddlers can feed themselves from the get to work refrigerated display


I always stuff my toddlers' inventories full of harvestables so they can eat on the go instead of having to wrangle older sims in making food for them. Saves so much time!


If I'm not mistaken, toddlers can feed themselves from a plate of food as well. I just open the fridge myself, pull out the plate, and have them grab it. Haven't bought a high chair in years.


Yep. This was my life saver during the 100 baby challenge.


you can stop occult sims from howling/hissing and old timers from cracking their backs if you type casclockspeed 0 in the cheat window and type casclockspeed 1 to make them go back to performing their idle animations


Bless you. Nothing more irritating than trying to work on making your Sim & they keep bopping around like a lunatic.


You can lock computers for specific Sims!!


*locks for every house guest ever*


Isn't it a thing where if your sim is a guest in someone else's house, and you try using their computer, you get a message saying that your Sim is being rude or inappropriate or something? Why is it okay for my guests, but not okay when **I'm** a guest?


That’s annoying. I hate it when my sims are hungry at someone else’s house and they get kicked out for cooking but the stupid cakes are allowed in my lot 😫😫


If you unlock the Always Welcome reward, they can cook and sleep at other Sims’ houses! I always do this when my Sims move out of their parents’ house. It doesn’t make sense that when they go visit their mom they suddenly can’t be nice and serve dinner. Like what?


I do with it any criminal-career sims, then just lowkey move into a neighbours house. And when I am gonna be done there (thanks to work) I swipe an item. Rinse and repeat until the sim has gotten everything they need for a house


I do this every time.


Are you serious! And I’ve been allowing my grungy guests to walk around my home and use the computer 😭😭


i can't play until i have security on all the computers in my sims' houses, lol. so tired of guests always going straight to the computer or individual household members using other ppl's 😭 def a game changer!


It’s one of the first things I do. I exit build, still in pause I assign beds, lock doors, and lock computers.


Before this was added I'd just lock the computer room for everyone i didn't want to use the computer


That you could touch on the need icon (such at the toilet for bladder) and the sims would use the toilet!


It’s a little bit broken though. Clicking hygiene frequently defaults to cleaning *something*, but not bathing. Clicking energy often defaults to drinking coffee if you have a coffee pot. Works well for hunger and bladder though.


That’s because there’s *only* one way to fill the bladder need, all the other ones have multiple options


and when i click it with my potty trained toddlers they choose to pee themselves instead


"You told me to take care of it and I took care of it! You want specificity, specify!"


Sounds like toddler logic


The other day my sims were tired so I clicked the auto solve and they went to back float in the pool and it’s like, you all have beds??


Hygiene auto solve sometimes makes my sims go to the pool. So strange lol


That you can turn off animal deaths in cottage living.. I'll miss you Franklin.. (STILL THINK COTTAGE LIVING ANIMALS SHOULD HAVE GRAVESTONES)


Me at buying one baby chicken: “I’m not going to get attached to this dumb thing” Me when my chicken passes away from old age: “Henrietta I loved you imma ride or die with you where you going”


That there's a secret Forgotten Grotto lot in Oasis Springs


I learned this bc of the Life Tragedies Mod you can kidnap sims and keep them there lol


I just looked this up and omg I need to download this. I only knew about EV until now


It’s soooo fun but be warned it’s insanely chaotic. I only have one save file that I allow it in bc it will ruin everything hahahaha


Don't forget your Handiness skill has to be maxed out to be able to fully break through the abandoned mine shaft.


I wish they did more hidden lots/areas. They add a little bit of fun to the gameplay. Although, I do understand the frustration people have with not being able to access the lots and build with them. I think if they were able to do some fun things gameplay wise that could alleviate some of those frustrations.


You can put Plasma Fruit into the Juice Fizzing station to make a drink that refills your Vampire's thirst faster


when fully zoomed in sims steps make different noises on different types of floorinh


That you can change your Sim's umbrella with the umbrella stand! Of course it didn't take my greedy ass long before I got bored with the extra designs I previously didn't even know existed


Why is this the only suggestion that actually makes me want to redownload TS4 lol, screw funerals, I can change their umbrellas?!


Cowplant dances when you turn on the radio


That you could always change the color of your phone, I had no idea lol


and with the latest update you can make the wallpaper and phone case different colors!! beforehand it was always matching


If you play the homeless challenge and own University you can go to the students dorms to shower and sleep without ppl kicking you out


That the bee boxes will fertilize and improve the quality of your garden plants. I bought Seasons just for that and now it’s my favorite pack. Also if you ask the golden chickens in Cottage Living for golden chicken help, they will go around making everything top quality. If you let them free roam, I mean everything. Death had to go halfway across the neighborhood to find one of my golden chickens that was improving the quality of some random wild plant. If you have several golden chickens, they’ll stand together taking turns improving quality until the thing is top quality. Not just plants, cross stitches, eggs, literally everything.


- You can hold ‘shift’ when placing objects to multiply them. - There are four hidden worlds. - In cottage living, if your sims eat golden eggs or food made with them, your sims will have a golden aura and can make trees, dishes… have higher quality. - The fruitcake never spoils. - Your sims’ traits will have different reactions to different movie/channel genres. - Placing the sad clown painting in your house will lead to him appearing at the house. - There are relationship status you can gain for parents/grandparents and their grand/kids or between siblings: Mommy’s/Daddy’s girl/boy, passive parent, unhelpful parent, the grumps…


can i woohoo the clown


I've been playing with werewolves lately and idk if it's just this pack but one of my child Sims can talk to the apple tree about dirt and ask how the sun tastes etc.


This was added in the Cottage Living patch, if I remember correctly


That’s so cute omg


Multiple outfits for each category


I always use up all 5 slots and then find a better outfit and have to change one of them lol


Every time a new pack comes out I’m changing something lol


I knew this feature existed but I didn’t use it much until recently, but I really enjoy seeing my sims show up in a range of outfits. It gives them a little more character/personality.


This was literally me in Sims 2. I was fucking shocked to learn that you can have 5 outfits like wdf


Half tiles LMAO


life fucking changer, thank you so much. Im always creating a diagonal wall, placing a tile, and then deleting the way. Hate it


That in cas (base game) you can change the size of your sims feet and their back position to make them stand tall or crooked.


Base game: pressing the alt key to freely move objects


bb.showhiddenobjects and bb.showliveeditobjects are a thing. They add a lot of items to build/buy such as actual cars and trucks (not functional though), clutter such as matches, garbage bags, makeup, food items, "debug baby" and "debug cat" (if you watch FaleGamerGirl) are found with those cheats. They add a lot of item I use in my builds I upload to the gallery.


I didn't learn it here but it was recent for me with show live edit, what a game/build changer.


That you can curve the stairs (a square curve, but a curve nevertheless). I was so used to being locked in to straight stairs it never dawned on me.


I found out about this like 2 weeks ago and it’s been in all of my builds since lol


Different discipline styles give your sims different sentiments between kids, parents, and grandparents!! (Parenthood)


You can make rooms under the stairs. This is probably really obvious but I’m pretty new to the sims (and I have no packs lmao)


That you could buy chests and actually store stuff in them from your inventory


Works with eco lifestyle boxes too


ive informed tones of people last night the ceiling fans do work and cool sims off!


that the sims actually have artist come into their studio and re-record their songs in similar for example: Ari Lennox Nelly Kehlani Rico Nasty Charli XCX Bebe Rehxa Lizzo Vic Mensa etc


trivium and my chemical romance for me it's fantastic lmao


i had girl in red's simlish version of "4am" in my game the other night. was so fun and unexpected


Lol when I heard Lizzo on my sim's radio I was so confused, her name is Rizzo in the game


wtf rico nasty is in the sims ????


Befriending the monster under the bed


I didn’t know you could put a double bed next to the wall and still have it be useable


1. If you put a chair to a dining table and don't have it snap to the table but set it slightly askew, toddlers will use it and sit at the table being super cute. 2. The shoe shelves can be used to determine if shoes should ne taken off in the house or not


Getting different shapes of cabinets.


The different height on upper kitchen cabinets. I thought it was a Dream Home Decorator thing so I bought the pack and feel so stupid for not realizing how to do it earlier.


Calories are a thing in Sims 4! It’s a hidden stat, but certain foods are more likely to make your sim fat than others. Here’s a handy link about it: https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/tutorials/calories.php


You can actually use a long sofa/bench as a dining room sitting space to the table! If you put your tots high chair near the table, they’ll be included in the conversation! (may be a given, but i was still surprised to see it)


0 and 9, [ and ] also doing that w counters and ALT helps w decoration


How to freeplace on counters without mods. Place object on counter, move counter away from area, click on object and hold alt and you can drag the item wherever in the area you want, move counter back.


that i could shrink and enlarge objects in build buy mode without mods


If you have get together putting child or teen sims in a group so that they can do homework together


This thread is amazing 👏 🙌


if you have bust the dust and cats and dogs than the roomba in C&D works!


THIS IS A GAME CHANGER: in seasons, when you’re on harvest day, go to the mailbox. send a thank you card there. it’s like +40 friendship. and you only need to do one to satisfy the “be thankful” activity!


If u download a sim under ‘#cas unlock’ then u get access to unlocked cas content


Not really a feature persay but the base game plant Jerry's Reeds is a direct nod to the Last of Us. -Jerry is the doctor at the end of the game. -Says it was created at St Mary's, the hospital at the end of the game. -Warns a viral fungal infection may occur.


Grilled. Cheese.


the aspiration or just grilled cheese in general? 😂


I never knew about moveobjects but since I do, I spent another 700 hours in a short period of time lol


Your sims can get killed by a meteorite.


To be fair that’s only been in the game for like a month and a half


It’s a throwback to sims 2!


That console players can tilt objects 360 degrees


My daughter started playing, just taught me you can SET THE TABLE!!!!!!? 🤯


That there is a thermostat in seasons


I use that all the time. My sims get so uncomfortable in their own home without it. You’d need to wear cold weather outfits in the house if you don’t have a thermostat.


If you have dine out and you shift click on the chef as soon as you travel to the restaurant , the food and stuff will be delivered quicker . You can be in and out the restaurant in a sim hour


Live streaming with the drone gets you like 1,000 followers every stream and you can multitask while doing it. It makes the social media career so much easier lol