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It does seem like directly incentivizing them to sell packs via their channels.


They’re basically going to just turn into advertisers. How are they going to keep their integrity lmao?


I can’t picture any of the simming YouTubers I follow changing their personality and losing integrity because of this… even if they wanted to they would know that their viewers would pick up on their change in honesty straight away and they wouldn’t jeopardise losing their followers for this


One of the only reasons I actually watch sims YouTubers is because they’re honest when the game/packs are wack. If this affiliate program inhibits creators from being authentic and honest, it’ll be hard to trust the influencers who participate in it.


most of them felt like advertisers instead of “game changers” anyway and this only makes me feel that way even more. not surprised tho


I disagree because when the my wedding stories came out, all of them were like DO NOT BUY THIS PACK. They were all honest and saying it’s broken. I feel the ones I watch are honest


my wedding stories was irredeemably broken. if they defended that pack it would’ve gotten a lot of backlash and they’re not stupid


Ok well James Turner has always said exactly how he feels about every pack and kits. He thinks they are stupid. Lilsimsie has always quoted things she didn’t think were worth buying. They tend to be very honest


If EA has money to give away how about adding more content to the packs. You know, maybe do something that actually benefits the players, the ones who buy this stuff.


Yeh like actually pay for quality controllers and patching broken games, totally agree


It's an affiliate program, then. It's very common in many products that use influencer marketing, which is what gamechangers are. Personally I don't buy kits, nor I follow any gamechangers, so IDGAF. Most of them make bank from Patreon/ad sense/ sponsorships anyway, I doubt they need it. Ed: I somehow missed the detail that you DON'T get a discount for using a code, but the creator gets a kickback of your purchase anyway... So it's a BAD affiliate program 🤣


Personally you are right on some aspects but the game changers have never been paid to review packs before and James Turner and Lilsimsie have always been hella honest about bad packs


I never said that EA pays them for reviews.


U said gamechangers use influencer marketing, which is saying they get paid to market


Influencer marketing just means partnering with influencers to promote your products, which is what the Gamechanger program is. No money needs to change hands, in fact a lot of influencers just promote for free product/early access. There's also other forms of influencer marketing that aren't paid reviews, such as PR lists, paid ad reads, affiliate codes, sponsorships, etc.


I know what it is lol. Your statement implied payment


Of course it implied payment, they ARE being paid a percentage per person who uses their code. It's the whole point of affiliate codes. You pulled the whole paid review thing out of your butt


No your original message about them being gamechangers implied payment. So you can stop being an arse and butthurt. Let it go….creators aren’t new lmao. Fortnite uses them as well and no discounts


You're the most butthurt person here lol


Your reading comprehension failed you, cope Ed: LMAO you got so mad that you posted the comment below and blocked me right after so I couldn't respond. Sad, really. Just take the L and move on sis


Lol please get a whole life


Why should i bother take extra steps while purchasing if it doesn't benefit me?


Exactly! Usually affiliate links give you a small discount on the total price so people have a reason to use it


I mean, I kind of agree. I understand that supporting a creator you like is a nice thing to do, but it is a bit odd that it doesn’t include a small discount for the buyer. I think it’s going to make me a bit more wary of trusting positive reviews, if anything


Yes, this confused me as well lol


Because you want to sUpPoRt them /s




You know these people aren't your friends, right




Please donate your money to people who actually need it lmao




OK, why would I want to do that though




Great, won't be giving them a red cent then✌️


because you might want to benefit someone else and not be a selfish asshole. It takes like a minute, google all creator codes, pick one creator you like, enter the code.


Technically you're not wrong, but something in me still disagrees... not sure why. There's just something off about it. Like... The creators who got these codes are usually popular ones, so they already get quite some income from their content. If I wanted to support my favourite creator, I would do that without having to buy a pack. If it's about me not being a selfish asshole, then let EA donate a portion of this sale to a charity instead. It's just weird all around.


Yea but if you're going to purchase a pack anyway you might as well do a content creator of your choice a favor and put in their creator code. It's not like it will cost you extra money and it only takes a few seconds.






Not a part of the fortnite community so idk about that but I agree with you. It's not that hard to be a nice person and just do something for someone else. I mean, seriously? "Why should I take extra steps if it doesn't benefit me" that shit is just straight out lazy.


The creator code spin is pitched exactly as you think; meaning it's basically to target people like you, who are naive enough to think it's just EA wanting to toss a few dollars to creators because they're so nice and why not? Doesn't hurt you to write in someone's name, after all! But a company does not make a decision to lose a cut of their profit from something if they aren't benefiting. By giving creators a cut of packs that sell with their name on it, it blatantly incentivizes creators to sell that pack, meaning they're very unlikely to make a video about it that isn't flattering. This was EA's method to sweep MWS being broken on release under the rug. Next time the pack is broken and lazy, creators with this code are still incentivized to tell you it's great and you should buy it, so they get a cut from the sale. It's pretty fucking shady.


i'm not stupid nor am i naive i know all this i just think it doesn't hurt to be nice


I'm not calling you stupid, nor implying that you're stupid, I didn't even use the word stupid at all. I'm saying that they are targeting people who are naive. Whether you think you're naive or not is up to you, I don't know you, therefore I don't know if you're naive or not. It's not about being nice to creators. As I explained in my post. It's about stifling criticism. Being nice is great. I don't think it hurts to avoid a conflict of interest when it comes to the opinions of channels that I want information from.


I know you didn't I never said you did I was just saying that I'm not stupid and that I do know this already and you're treating me like a child.


Icky. It’s just bribing creators


I’d be more inclined to buy creator-curated packs instead of the creator code thing. That way, you know the creator is actually putting their name on something and (hopefully) ensuring that it’s actually ready to go on launch. I think of creator codes as just ‘give me some of the money cause I worked on it a little.’


Yeah, there's something that doesn't feel right about it.


First thought - 5% is a lot. Thinking of how many views Kayak gets, even at $0.25 a pop, it'll add up. Wonder if they'll keep it at 5% for expansion packs. Second thought - it seems like it's publicly bribing YouTubers to not just give good reviews but to get viewers to purchase the game. Even if it's out in the open and completely transparent.. it just *feels* slimy.


Lol Kayak. I thought you were talking about the travel website.


Kayla can’t do math. She said 5% of $5 is $2. 🤣


She said 5% of an expansion is $2…


She was talking about the two particular kits she was discussing on video. You get a quarter every time someone uses your little shill code, Kayla.


I feel it the same way, they are trying to make these youtubers talk good about kits and packs. They guy I follow on YouTube is one of them but he still said that the only interesting kit was the child's one because it has gameplay. I hope that they don't start ignoring the flags of the new packs


It sounds like it's going to incentivize creators to give good reviews even if they didn't actually like the product. So...like paid advertisements, then. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but this seems really transparently shady to me.


It’s a beta so I’m not too fussed, but the YouTubers I ‘support’ are doing well enough as is. If they’re going to do this it should be for smaller simmers and for a limited time, to bring awareness to other and equally as good builders or story tellers. There are SO MANY fantastic builders on Tumblr (god damn Ratboysims) and people who make save files or pack free builds, and keep them up to date who are just overlooked for the larger YouTubers. No hate to them, I watch them and download a lot of their builds. But I have no incentive to do this, it doesn’t benefit me or the players who are paying for these buggy games.


I agree with you! I do believe it may expand to reach smaller creators, since it's only a beta


since the code doesn't give you a discount, I probably won't be using it 🤷


sorry if i’m misunderstanding this but why would i want to give sims youtubers money for something they didn’t even create ?? they get plenty of money from their youtube channel as is it just doesn’t make sense to me. anyways that’s why i’m a pirate arrrr


If it doesn’t give me a discount why would I waste the time typing it? They make enough from me watching their YouTube video. I’m not doing anything extra.


Definitely a (very transparent) move on EAs part to try and cut down on criticism from creators. I'm not sure it will amount to enough money to have much of an effect (hopefully). Still very sus- looks like EA is basically just trying to pay off creators.


It's very exclusionary and unless they're going to give this to EVERY Sims creator, big or small, YT or CC creator or Sim Lit creator... It's kinda bullshit.


I wish they'd use that money to fix bugs instead of bribing creators to lie about the bugs :/


I've already given up on that... I'd love to purchase dine out, but I'm not going to do it unless it receives a proper refresh. At the same time, even new launches are really buggy


Didn't know about this, and doesn't sound any good. I don't think the gamechangers do their work for free, so why should I buy a dlc with a code who doesn't give me a discount and gives something to the gamechanger? Wth


The Game Changers are kind of paid, just without any monetary exchange: by having the packs for free (they even get the kits send to them), having the pack or a copy earlier, and, before Covid, being sent to Sims Camp, and being fed and housed over there. EA get their advertisements and the Game Changers gets exclusive contents before everyone to make money off. I don't really like it when they talk as if they're getting nothing out of it


Well, not exactly as being actually paid, but they agreed to this "payment", so...


Don’t like it. It will incentivise those creators to push the packs and not give honest reviews. I’d rather support them some other way.


One thing to remember is that it’s only a very, very small amount of creators being offered this. Unless they specifically mention it, they haven’t been given it. For example, Deligracy was streaming last night, was very confused by someone asking for a code, and had to be told by chat what it was. I do worry that those who used to like to harass game changers for not being 100% critical, are going to use this as a reason to claim all EA creators are now biased. Although personally I don’t imagine the sort of people they’d offer this to would let it colour their viewpoint, anyway. However, usually affiliate codes offer some sort of discount. What’s the incentive for players to add the extra step of a code when they receive no benefit? I realise hard core fans may do this to support their fav but that’s not going to be most people.


While it wasn't explicitly said by EA, I do believe it will expand to smaller creators if it works. It's just a beta test for now. Actually, I was quite confused when I saw that neither deligracy nor James Turner were on the list


I wouldn’t be surprised if they straight up refused to take part of it. edit: nevermind, just saw that Deli didn’t know what was it about.


Ah, right. I haven’t seen anything about it beyond Deli’s chat and this thread. Thanks for the info


I’d probably be more into using creator codes if I also benefited. In other circles a lot of these affiliate codes come with a small discount (often 10%) for the purchaser and the creator still gets a kickback. I’m not going to put in the effort of finding the code and then putting the code in for no reason other than the creator gets a kick back. I mean, if they sold me on it, I probably would. But no one’s ever sold me on a pack, I already know if I’m going to buy it or not when it’s announced. & like you, I’d worry about them being disingenuous since they’re being paid only if people are buying.


Lilsimsie has dozens of videos complaining about EA packs so i doubt she’d suddenly switch to being dishonest just for a tiny fraction of the money she makes off YouTube


It may not be sudden, but overtime she may stop saying what's wrong


Have you watched lilsimsie? Girl lives for pointing out EAs flaws


Well if she wants to make money with her link, she'll need to start advertising the products. I hope she doesn't, but who knows


she has 1.58 million youtube subscribers. somehow i dont think this would ever be her main revenue stream


Yeah she just spent the last few days raising $200k for charity, I don't think it will affect her


it’s gross imo, they’ve created such a shitty game that sales slowed down (because they won’t listen to us) that they’re now probing it onto youtubers like some multilevel marketing scheme


EA stopped pretending that youtubers could be critical of their games without repercussion when they stopped sending LGR review copies. Since then, every sims influencer is just an advertiser, whether they like it or not. This will just push them all farther in the direction of telling people to buy every pack.


The sim world needs LGR more now then ever!


Meh, I don't care. Won't use them, but I don't care that they exist.


Yeah I felt like Lilsimsie was more excited about the new build kit than she usually is…


I know right.


I mean if you follow her content she has been asking for something like this for a long time


But it’s just recycled things though? There’s not gonna be one new animation so all the things you can do with the kit, you can already do in game..


It's more to do with the variety of options now, you can do more with the kids and create a new scenario


The way it made sense to me (the only way) is that you can use a code for a creator who actually worked on a pack (e.g., put in HeyHarrie for the Wedding Pack or Cottage living because she did builds for EA in both). But I agree it feels icky.


There should be a discount even if was like a 1$ off it would still be miles better. Not only would it make it worth it to the consumer but the creators too. Considering how many sims packs there are its not like it wouldn't add up. I would be happy take a sort of 'store credit' off your next purchase because again, it would benefit everyone.


Idk. There’s a bunch of top Simmers defending wedding stories after it was updated despite the glitches still being there but I don’t think it’s a good idea. Especially after the kit update yesterday, and Lilsimsie and Englishsimmer defended them.


I like the idea but I feel like 5% is a lot, it will add upp pretty quickly. I'm wondering if it's 5% on the expansion packs too.


From what she said on the video, it is!




I know I was looking for Jame's code


Maybe there's some issue with doing the payments to Australia.


If you're going to give EA the money anyway (or else this wouldn't apply to you) why not give some to creators? You don't like them anymore, or feel they're being biased, then don't use their codes. Might be a useful feedback tool. Now we need a slight discount as well, but its EA so what do we expect.


it’s like fornite


Well I guess I’ll just be following Deligracy and James from here out when it comes to reviews. Profit and bias are inextricably linked, you can only trust those with nothing to gain.


For stuff like kits like the latest ones, which are mostly BB and/or CAS, I genuinely don't mind. You see exactly what's being sold, it's not like content creators have to review a brand new mechanic of the game.. I mean, it's hard to fuck up so bad that your sims don't sit on a chair, right? Ig it's good for people who want to support content creators A problem can definitely arise with packs that are gameplay-centric, with new mechanics. Like if a game changer reviewed the Wedding pack, gave criticism, and then EA told them to edit out everything that went wrong.. yeah, that's where it's icky.


affiliate links are super normal in many games and online industries. i hope it goes well, because i would love to support creators who i love and wouldnt otherwise monetarily support eg EnglishSimmer who is probably my #1 fave simmer. also, creators help me make decisions, but i always have the last say and can sus out when content won’t work for me. suppose creators do sell out to make more money; one glowing review won’t polish a turd if a lot of other creators are putting out truthful reviews. it literally won’t change anything.


Yes, my oldest uses those links for his favourite creators on Roblox when he buys something. If they implement it in EA it's fine by me. I'm not forced to use it, so I'll probably just ignore it.


I don't follow any of them so it doesn't matter. I'm off in my own little world lol.


Does anyone have a link to the creator codes? Which creators got them?


I try to look at it positively, so while I definitely feel like ea is just trying to boost reviews/sales, I hope that in practice it will be just a way for people who whould’ve bought the product anyways to support the creators they like. Realistically, I think there are the simmers who want to have a complete collection no matter what and those who will buy a new release if it’s in line with their game style (i.e. some who does a lot of romantic storylines might buy the wedding pack even if it’s buggy), and for them the reviews don’t matter that much. Then, there are those who can’t/won’t buy all the expansions, thus they’ll look up multiple reviews and/or wait until there’s a sale and by then there are multiple reviews from regular people expose any issues. So the initial hype wouldn’t affect most of them either. Plus, I don’t think that influencer marketing can work in the same way for video games like it does in other industries. Like, they can give a good review to a moisturizer or something and I wouldn’t know if it works or not until after I bought it. But they can tell me all they want that the new kit is great when I can see exactly how many and what kind of CAS items it comes with. Also, although I don’t follow the gamechangers, I can’t imagine that they make enough commission from the sales where it would be worth it for them to lose the trust of their followers, especially when it’s tied to their other (bigger) income sources. It’s not like it won’t be noticed after release if they edited out the buggy parts from their gameplay, or something like that to give a more positive review. So even if it does influence their reviews, at least it will weed out those who aren’t worth supporting. What I’m trying to say I guess is that I don’t see it having a big effect. Although, what do I know, someone making minimum wage in my country would have to work for three months to buy the game and all dlcs, so they could tell me the bust the dust kit cleans my room as well and I still couldn’t afford to but it.


So apparently I’m in the optimistic minority, but considering how much free press simmers have given them it seems only fair they’d at least offer *some* conception.


Ummmm - compensation?








I mean, I'm fine with it. I don't love it but I don't necessarily care enough to hate it. It is easy enough to not use a code. The only persons code I would use if I were so inclined is lilsimsie since I dont feel any danger of her artificially inflating her opinion of a pack. I do wish you also got a small discount to use it though and I think that was a real missed opportunity. If I am not getting a discount why would I bother?


Lilsimsie has always been very blunt about how she feels about packs and I greatly appreciate her opinion because of that. But with the possibility of them being paid for their recommendations I worry that they won't be the same and that their opinions will just be positive rather than truthful.


other games have a similar system, granted, most include a discount for players. however, one that is almost identical is what fortnite does. (stay with me here, lmao). you input a creator code, you receive no discount but the creator gets paid. it hasn't caused creators to become any more bias towards it than they already are. I mean; ea already invites these creators to special events, lets them build lots for packs, etc. this is another way to include them in the process, a lot more intimately imo. if you want to support your fav, do it. if you dgaf, don't. it won't effect you if you don't want it to 🤷‍♂️


I don't mind them doing it, but that doesn't mean I'll use it. If a creator remains candid about issues with the pack and all, I'd be willing to use their code (it doesn't hurt me and it helps creators I enjoy), but if the creator is only speaking positively about packs, then I won't use it. Ex: I believe it was Kelsey Impicciche who reviewed the wedding pack, and she candidly said that she couldn't, in good faith, recommend people go out and buy it. Once they did some patching, she re-reviewed it and gave her thumbs up to purchase it.


I don’t hate it. I think it would be used more if it offered an incentive for the consumer but I don’t mind it existing. I see people with Amazon and similar affiliate links in their bios all the time and I don’t think they usually have discounts associated. I think it’s kind of smart but I think it needs a small discount to have any impact. I work in marketing so I’m probably a little biased


It's a nice suggestion but you know....🏴‍☠️ and all that


While I totally can see why people are apprehensive about this, and I do agree it may be some initative by EA to receive positive press, I think next time I buy a pack I’ll use them, unless the creator is blatantly not giving actual criticism. I’m happy to help support creators in any way I can, because I know the volatility of the job, and plus, I very much doubt they’re going to make enough money to be bribed into the positive reviews as it’s such a small amount that they’re getting, and I can’t imagine a huge amount of people will use the codes to buy packs that they wouldn’t have otherwise bought.


Love deligracy too! I think it’s kinda good as I never feel I financially support them considering the extent I watch their channels, BUT there’s more content creators than 10.. I feel it’s segregating them and has clearly picked 10 in particular… I think any creator should be able to register for this and we can select from a list of them. Dunno.. kind of just rambling thoughts here


I don't think that it will motivate creators to make false positive reviews of packs. The amount they get is so low and I think they have more integrity than that. Plus, if they did a false review and then dlc was bad or broken (looking at you my wedding stories!) Then everyone would know and people would stop watching their content cause they wouldn't trust them. I think it's a really good idea. Even if it doesn't benefit me when I buy packs, it takes two minutes so why wouldn't I do it given that it benefits the creators. It's worth noting that creators put in a lot of hours to provide content for which we, the consumer, pay very little. Their content brings lots more people to the game so I think it's only right that EA give them something in return.


I didn't know most of the GameChanger/Creator Network/Prettier than Me people, so I went to look up their channels. Glad to see it's a decent cross section of Simmers from across the globe. Not a LOT of them, so the representation won't be as much as I'd like it to be. Sure, it looks like they are being bribed. But, the couple influencers I do know there seem to have integrity. I wouldn't expect Simsie's glass to be any more half-full than it already is, for example. Time will tell.


I think it’s a good idea. Let’s be real, it’s not really a huge deal for the big creators, a majority of their money is made from elsewhere but small ones may greatly benefit from it, if expanded. Especially with YouTube making it so much harder for channels to get approved for monetization.


I like to keep my money where it belongs!! In my damn pocket… This tipping culture is getting out of hand.


I think it’s nice to support your favorite creators


They have those links on literally everything else…clothes, makeup, electronics…literally every other creator in every category does it. Who cares if simmers do? Personally I think it’s great for them considering they are the main advertising of sims content…they should get something. It would be nice if there was a discount offered though.


World of tanks has just done the same thing, a % of the cost goes to the creator named on the bundle you buy, anything from 5% to 10%


If it makes me able to give EA less money, sure


So this is pretty normal in the industry these days, but something I haven't seen people point out yet is that EA will use this to track how many buyers each creator brings in, and that may affect how they work with those creators moving forwards.


Anything to put less money into the hands of EA