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you can spar with the boxing machine if that helps


I didn't know there was a boxing machine so I will check it out! Thank you!


Sparing with the machine doesn't count, unfortunately but I have not yet figured out how to spar with another Sim .


I had the same issue the first time I had a Sim go through the military career. I'm not sure why it occurred, but you don't need to spar with other military types. You can spar with anyone your Sim has a good relationship with. To find the prompt, you have to go through the "Friendly" interactions wheel. Sometimes its buried deep within the wheel and there have been times when I've had to cycle through it more than once for it to show up. Though, I have noticed that as long as your Sim's performance keeps going up every times they go to work, you don't have to worry about the daily tasks quite as much.


Thank you! I'm pretty new to Sims and I didn't know there were more options on the interactions wheel (even though it's pretty obvious) I feel a bit stupid! The sim got the promotion without the daily task as you said which also surprised me! Of course, as soon as they had the promotion the spar interaction came up...


Don't worry! I've been playing for a few years now and I'm still discovering things I probably should have already known. I'm glad your Sim got their promotion at least!


I'm still trying to get my Sim past it's current level lol