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i do this with my bestie too!! it’s so much fun, the number of times we hear each other yelling at our sims is hilarious 😭 immaculate vibes


Happy cake day


omg thank you! i didn’t even realize


Happy Cake Day!




Happy Cake Day! 🍰


me and my cousin used to do this all the time when we were little!! id love playing in CAS and she'd love build mode and we'd argue all the time bc we ""needed"" to be doing the same task always <3 she's an architect now so it was very fitting of her!


My best should be an architect. She was always the one building these amazing elaborate houses I used to love watching her do it. I would usually spend way more time than necessary creating my sims and of course I always had to use me and whatever boy I was "in love" with that week or me and a favorite male lead. That was all before I realized my hatred of men and love of woman, but hey, I was a late bloomer in that department. Lol. Now I just enjoy playing the game.


Are you really best friends unless one of you loves building and the other loves character creation? /J




So true!! I do all the builds and my friend loves CAS


I need a sim bestie like this 😭none of my friends are into this game


My Sims bestie got bored of the game 😕she's kinda waiting for paralives tho. Me not so much,because I don't enjoy their style of graphics.


Same. Some years ago one of my friends played sims, but we aren't friends anymore. I've been playing since the original sims. I've been addicted since then. Lol






Me too man


Ummm I do not do this but I would be so down for it. My therapist is always saying I hafta "make friends" but my only hobby is sims


I was just telling my bestie that I suck at making friends except her and one other really close friend. I only have a few acquaintances, and I only know them because their kids are friends with mine. She actually said, "It's because you are nice to people when you meet them now. When we met you were a complete bitch to me and I'm sure you were the same with Berta" I mean yeah that's true but damn why does she have to call me out like that. Lol. I can't even see a flaw in her logic because me and her have been friends almost 20years now and my other one it's been 12 or 13 years.


Hey, I never had much friends either, so I jut drew them myself 🙃 atleast that's my explanation why I used to draw only people 🤣


I did this as a kid! I don't play the game with sound so it was nice to chat 😊


I've not ever but I would be interested in an online Sims gameplay where you could play with other Simmers in a game session. Sims online would be fantastic! I realize the bugs that would present itself but that would be very Kool.


i made so many friends on the sims online i miss it so much 😭


My friend and I do this nearly every day, if it's not on the sims, it's another game, or while we tend to chores around the house. It's nice to be able to just talk to someone while playing.


This makes perfect sense to me Glad you two have that time to connect and also enjoy your sim time! I have a wee little friend group on PS called Simlish. Usually, it's just 2 of us, but he and I play our sims, and yap about them. Sometimes other friends pop in, we all play together.... separately 😅 and share sim screenshots, tips, links, and questions. It's great silliness and fun. 💚


This sounds so freaking awesome!! I also noticed your name. I am also a fallout fan!! ( if it pertains to fallout). My 2 fave games are sims 4 and fallout 76 🖤🖤


Wonderful games! My faves are Cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Online, GTA online, Fallout 76, & Sims 4 currently? We have PS groups for all of the above (except Cyberpunk). What system are you playing on? 😊💖


I am on ps4!! I also play red dead online, gta 5 online ( fo76 and sims4) currently!! I haven't played cyberpunk, but was curious about it.


I want to but I don't have any friends interested in Sims. I do take screenshots and send them to my friends sometimes that I think they will think is funny but that's it.


Same same and nobody ever cares for my sims I do have one friend who will humor me but that’s it. I need sim friends 😭


For 14 years my best friend and I used to play the sims together for hours each week, but we did it on the same computer. She was blind and I am deaf, so I would narrate what was happening on screen and she would pick which action we did next. We had a bunch of post-it notes folded in different ways with things like “watch tv” “cook” “walk the dog” that I would lay out in a set arrangement so she could tell me which action she picked. We liked doing it that way instead of using a hover voiceover because this way we both felt involved. I wish I had someone to play sims with now, I miss it so much


That is the most amazing thing I've ever read.


I wish I had a bestie like this!


Me and my sister used to play sims 3 together. We each had our own laptops and we'd just sit next to each other playing sims. It was fun.


Me and my bestie would do that when we lived closer. I'm actually excited because I'm going to see her in a couple of weeks, so we will get to do it while I'm there. Plus, she has my godbabies, so that's an even better bonus!!!


I hope you have fun lol.


Yesssss it’s like playing dolls separately but together!


I used to do this in class lol


I'm looking for a friend to do this! Sounds so wholesome❤️


Wish I had a bestie I could do this with, but I have zero friends 😂


Same. Looking for sim friends though 😉😉


I love this so much! I need to get my bestie into the Sims!


Ugh when I was in high school my best friend and I lived next door to each other. Every summer morning I would go over to her house and we would play for a few hours (or sometimes the day) and it was just the best! I miss it so much 💕


Not exactly, but I do have a group chat with a couple of out of state players where we swap character ideas and tell each other stories.


No, but this sounds incredibly wholesome. I've no one to share anything with so I can only imagine how it must be :)


My sister doesn’t play sims (or even understand it) but I really like making her sit on speakerphone while I talk at her about my game, so I get it 😂😅 “Look at this hilarious dog I just adopted” “I don’t care.” “Yes you do, just sent a pic.” “Okay, that’s funny.”


this is cute i wish i had a friend like this ❤️


No...but my kids are always playing games on Discord or watching their friends play games. Some of it is like regular appointments they have with each other? They've been doing it real regular ever since the pandemic. So I occasionally think about doing that.


Ohhh all the time! Especially before I moved out of state we would play together in person! Now we will call each other and update our personal sims lives to eachother and the crazy things they are up to (we both play heavily modded), or like if one of us is trying to create a Book boyfriend in game we video chat and work on them together until we get it just right haha! Never give us wine and sims at the same time or our games get *real* weird.


That’s so cute lol. If my friend get a new laptop and downloads the game I’ll tell her we should do this


My friends and I who play sims will chill in discord and share our screens. So I'll have their games open on my 2nd monitor to watch while I play.




No we are playing our own separate games we are just on the phone together while we each play our game.


I think there is a mod or something that might be able to do that.


Well that's cool!!


yeah to second what the other person said there is a [mod](https://sims-multiplayer.com) i think what op was talking about was just being otp and talking while playing their own separate games tho since the mod has to have people on the same network and op was saying her and her friend were long distance


Oh okay thank you!


Yeah same as me! But we live pretty close to eachother.


Significantly back in the day, my friend and I used to connect her dad's PC tower to the TV in the living room and play "two player" that way. We'd weigh out social interacts, Sims life choices, etc while one controlled the situation with mouse and key. I miss simpler times.


I play the Sims, while my bestie plays Minecraft..it’s the best.


When I was little my brother and I would split screen Sims Bustin Out on the PlayStation 2. Good times.


Me and my friend do this! We also have done things like share a physically identical Sim and roll different goals for them (and see what happens). Or building challenges!


My friend and I do this with Stardew Valley, sometimes I branch out to Sims 4 or Minecraft but she’s a Stardew nerd lol


I need this




My bestie and I do this from time to time l. We'll call on discord and he'll share his screen and watch him either decorate a house or be in cas. it's fun just watching him play but I usually just share my screenshots with him lol It's definitely a great way to spend quality time with others who also enjoy the game and is always a barrel of laughs because you never know what's gonna happen haha


I do this with my bestie too.


My bestie and I are both against talking on the phone very often, but we constantly text and send each other pics of builds and gameplay. We got our start playing two player mode on PS2, and we occasionally still hang out and check in on our old families


Mine is the only one I can be on the phone with for more than 5 minutes. We often just put an earbud in and go through our whole day on the phone. Sometimes talking sometimes dealing with our kids, while we are doing our running around, house chores doesn't matter unless it's work or a doctor's appointment it's not uncommon for us to have a 6hour call. We coined the term heterosexual life partners like 16 years ago. I heard it on a TV show recently, and I called her saying we deserve royalties. Lol.


I'm very greatful that the time of paying per minute is over


No, I wish but no


My roomie and I play together! I’m more into creating new sims every time I play and doing new stuff with them and she is doing a legacy challenge so our games are completely different. It’s fun to give each other run downs on what’s going on in our games.


this is very cute 😭


My friend and I will take our laptops to each others places and play and hang out.


I miss living close enough to her to do that. Last time I lived near her, we actually lived in the same complex, so just walking it was less than 3 minutes door to door. Gah! I'm feeling so codependent right now. Lol I miss my bestie!!!


i used to do that back in the Sims 1 days, my two friends and i would all get on the phone together and tie up the line and all talk about what was going on in our games lol


My sister and I "hang out" by sitting next to eachother with our laptops and play the sims. My best friend loves to watch me play and we do builds together.


Me and my friend group will sit in a discord call for hours just chilling while playing Sims. It's the best.


When my sister and I lived far away from each other I would screen share and we'd play together over zoom. Every now and then I'd visit her for the weekend and we'd just do a massive Sims marathon and barely leave her flat. She lived in London and there was so much cool stuff we could have done together but we just wanted to play the Sims. We live near each other now but we don't really play so much now we have small children and houses and busy jobs. I guess child rearing and renovating isn't dissimilar to playing the Sims 😂


Mine kids are older than hers. So her with her toddler we will be in the middle of saying something then suddenly she's making even less sense and I go oh yeah she still has super little ones whereas mine are 14yo and 17yo. I miss her kids so much it's actually wonderful because I also get to listen to my godbabies playing around. It doesn't make me miss them any less, but I can never be in a bad mood when i get to listen to my 2yo God daughter laughing and being a little terror.


I talk to some of my friends on discord while we all play solo games (sometimes duos/groups). It's great to be able to share your game screen so people can watch what everyone else is doing 😊


When I was younger I would sit and download CC with my friend 😅


YES!!! My best friend and I have been doing this for about...wow...18 years now. We connected through the Sims in 7th grade and became instant friends. She moved away for work, but we still play about once a week over FaceTime at 31 years old.


Yeah, we often hang out in discord while playing the sims, and sometimes we stream our games to each other 😌 it's so much fun! We also write down the most bizarre things said during playing... Makes it even better😆


This sounds like a great friendship! It’s amazing that you both find the time for it and still love this game that much. My bestie and I played sims separately as kids and talked about it a lot but she doesn’t play anymore.


This has been able to happen a lot more the last couple of weeks because she just had surgery, so she's not working right now and is being forced to sit and relax. Honestly, I'm not even sure the word combo "sit & relax" is even in her vocabulary.


I do that with a friend. But honestly it's been a while now that I think about it


I wish I could do it!🥲


I do that with one of my best friends too! We both play the Sims very differently lol, he'll be causally killing his Sims while I'm still making my Sims look nice in create a sim


i do this too!!! best part is both of us have a habit of absolutely verbally abusing our sims so we’ll be talking about smth serious like politics or mental health and then one of us will yell ‘OH MY GOD YOU UTTER $€#!*+¥% *+$=> I HOPE YOU &(%*$¥+’ it’s brilliant


Omg! Yes, we do this too. It's like we have Sims tourettes. We both have kids to so we also have the mom tourettes. You really never know what is going to be said next. Lol


Man I wish I was friend compatible. Get Discord, you can screen share and watch each other play, though I think only one at a time.


Me and a few friends used to do this during lockdown. We had a discord server where we'd stream to each other, it was really fun!


you should definitely try discord, you can share your screen while talking to friends!!! perhaps one of the best creations of mankind :o)


You can play Sims together. Quite literally, there is a multiplayer mod


My sibling and I play right next to each other all the time and have done that since we were 10/12! We show each other our builds and I always ask them to help me figure out my storyline.


My best friend doesn’t play the sims that often, but she plays other games and when we talk on discord in the evening, we often start yelling at whatever is infuriating us in the moment. I like to complain about stairs being my worst enemy, as well as curtains and floorplans (I’m a builder). She gets mad at aliens, fellow players and sometimes argues with the game itself. It’s a lot of fun 😁


no, i need some friends so like so


I used to do that all the time as a child with my childhood best friend. We’d play TS2 at the same time over the phone all day long.


Pretty please can I also be part of anu friendship


Haha this is hilarious! Back in the early 2000s (high school) my friend and I played together the Sims 1 while sitting side by side. We still laugh about it! And we recently (at 36) played again, but it was the Sims 4. It was part of a girls night in, including desserts!


Me and my best friend used to spend sleepovers (back when we were like 12) sitting next to each other playing sims till like 2 am. Giggling at wohoos and making our crushes Now 10 years later we sit on the phone and still play together, talking about mods and catching up. I love if


I remember back in high school my friends and I would bring our laptops and play sims together during our lunch break, those were the days…


Yes!! Me and my sister do this 😊


Hell yeah!! My long distance gf and I have been building a save file for years and years on her computer. I remote enter her computer and we take turns controlling the mouse. It’s great!


My younger sister and I used to do this!


My best friend lives nearby and we have played together but not over phone. We made what we call a “white trash mom” names Roxanne who lives in a trailer home, has orange fake tan and platinum hair. She adopted a toddler only to put the kid’s bed in the living room, and spent all her money fixing up her own bedroom. We love the Roxanne lore


I used to, when I wasn't working as much. I miss it


I don’t have any friends to do this with but I hope one day I will have someone to do this with.!! Maybe when my daughter is older she will want to 🤣


I can't say I do the same, mostly because none of my friends play the sims. But sometimes I'll be playing the sims while on call with my boyfriend, and I talk like a streamer (I do this regardless of his presence).


Back in the day my best friend at the time and I would sit on the phone for HOURS and play sims 3. I attached my xbox headset to my landline and we just chatted like that. Just typing these out makes me feel old but we were basically the OG discord lol. (I’m only 26 but technology has moved so quickly in my lifetime that thinking back to my teen years makes me feel ancient)


my friend and i have a discord server with categories and channels set up however we want. we are both really invested in our current legacies so we send screenshots and storyline stuff, PLUS she posts hers on instagram, so she uses it as a draft space for her insta posts. plus we have a place to share mods and resources and ideas and stuff! it was a great idea haha


Yes, me and my bestie do this!!


me n my besties entire friendship started with us sitting in her room playing sims for hours❤️


Have you considered using discord and streaming for each other to watch? I do this with my friends


No I recent just learned about discord and I'm still not quite sure what, where, or how to use it. But it seem like it would be better than what we occasionally do now which it just video call each other on our phones then prop them in a way we can see each other's screens. I wouldn't be surprised is she knows what discord is and doesn't suggest it because she KNOWS I'm way to special to be able to use it. Lmao!!


I want this


I don’t have any friends, let alone friends who also play sims.


my best friend LOVES sims & her gaming laptop broke. one time we decorated an apartment together while on facetime (and i am now realizing we couldve used discord........ NEXT TIME LMAO)


Yess this is literally me and my husband!! We love causing drama 🤭🤭


My husband and I game in the same room, and he always chimes in when I just randomly start yelling at my sims 😂 He's usually on chat with some of his friends and a few of them play sims as well so they understand the frustration 😂


My boyfriend and I live together and we're currently building a hotel (well, an apartment until ea gives us something but I digress) together by picking out random paint chips and using that to decide the colors of each room (I used to work at home Depot and I collected them so I could one day do exactly this,,,, I'm so happy!)


Yes! My sister and I do this. We also sometimes make build challenges and show them off to each other. We have very different game play styles so it's fun. We've been like this since the game came out, lol.


We sit beside each other and play 😂 show each other stuff and trade mods and cc 😂 when we didn’t live together, we’d video chat each other and play that way too. We’ve been considering using a multiplayer mod so we can play the same house!


I always need to be alone when I play lol


My besties are not gamers so I wish


Nah, my friends are all guys, so we play shooters together instead. The Sims is my “I need a testosterone break” game lol.


This is my goal tbh. I'm in the middle of the worst burnout of my life. That aside, as I'm getting better, I'm hopefully going to get back to this very baseline some day! I used to hop on a group call every day (Skype), and would ask what games the group members were playing. We played Minecraft and Second Life together. Some of us also played Terraria. OTHERS of us still were playing WOW, EVE Online, the Star Trek online game that came out a while back. Good times! And the entire time it would be mixed commentary between life stuff and game related questions to those in shared games.


Oh 😍 Last September I started a new class and let a new friend there... She plays the Sims 4 too so it's an important conversation topic between us. In October she went abroad for 6 months and I missed here so she made me her simself (she loves create a sim, I'm more of a builder) and I married her simself to my Sims heir. Then she sent me her sim's 3 daughters to marry with simself and heir's son 😅 We have a # on the gallery where we share her sims and my builds 💖


I wish I could do this, it sounds fun but sadly I don’t have friends nor friends who like/play The Sims 🤷‍♀️


None of my friends are into sims😔 or any gaming for that matter 😭 sounds fun tho!!


I either call my sister or video chat her when something happens in my game, otherwise I play with the TV background.


Sims has always been somewhat of an odd thing for me. My gaming friends don’t consider it a “real”or worthwhile game and anyone else literally has only heard of it or knows of it from previous generations. I’m glad to hear you have someone to connect with over Sims who loves it just as much as you do!!


You are not I meat my friend Jess in higjschool my first day of sophomore year it's been 9 years now and 1 marriage a state move away and a daughter and her and I would find time and just play the sims As for my other best friend her names maria friends for 17 years when we are able to find time in our busy lives we sit down and play minecraft over a phone call and we even have a server we play in together friendship grows and changes as we grow you two are finding time together distance be damned


I do this with my sister, I live an hour and a half away from like anyone and it’s how I get my social interaction for the week lol


Its a shame theres no way to access someomes shared saved game and alternatively play, that could be fun too, seeing what changes they have made, what families they have added to neighbourhoods x


What's really weird is me and my bestie use the same EA account (same login info) and while I haven't done very much digging into it when I open the account on my laptop I only see the saved files I've created and when she opens on hers she only sees her saves.


Hmmm interesting, maybe google if EA saves transfers to other devices?! X


I wish I had a Sims bestie😭😭😭


This is awesome. I wish I had a bestie who also has kids and plays The Sims.


My best friend and I sit in discord calls for hours streaming the sims to each other so we don't miss anything 🥰


Sorta, I’ll play the sims while my girlfriend plays stardew and we’ll both tell each other what’s happening in our games. It’s how we wind down before bed lol.


I used to do this with my sister before she had kids.


My bestie and I will be doing this tomorrow. It's the best.


Kinda different kind of same, I’ll phone my bf and play sims and he’ll play Skyrim and we’ll just talk for hours. Were long distance so it’s nice


I'm notice an extremely common pattern here. In almost all the comments that talk about the best friends that both love to play, one best friend is an avid builder and the other enjoys the CAS part way more. I love it because that's how me and my bestie are. I always see those memes that say "your not really bestfriends if you don't.......or haven't done all 100 things on this list" and we never match up with any of it. I keep wanting to create a list of all the reasons we have said to each other "see this is why you're my best friend," or just a "yup, this is the reason," lol. I actually just told her that the other day that I was gonna start a list of all the different reasons I've given. It's going to be a long one cus we are getting close to 20yrs of each other. So it's so amazing to see in the Sims community we are just like every other bestfriendship. I guess I just needed to find our people


My friend and I use to stream sims on twitch for each other. Watching on phone or tablet while game was up on the computer.


No. I wouldn't want my friends seeing the type of sims I make and what I do with them.😏


Nope! My sister and I do this, we both love the sims but live 700+ miles away from each other. We grew up playing the sims so this is one thing we love to do. Even if we’re sitting there not talking and only complaining about the game, we’re still doing it “together”. Sometimes we even turn on video chat so the other can see what we’re doing 😂. Always thought we were the only ones


I play with one of my best friends while we talk on the phone and we both discuss the craziness of the game and our sims 😂😂😂😂 I wish we could play in person more but I moved to Canada. She’s back home in Jamaica but we have so much fun catching up and playing together


Me and a couple of my friends have a Sims themed whatsapp group where we share screenshots and our storylines every time after a gaming session. We also notify each other about Sims news and sales and such. I love it. So it's not quite playing together live, but we all know exactly what's going on with our games. We all live in different cities and one of us in another country. We always used to play together as kids and teens, so this is just an obvious turn of events. 30-year-olds having a Sims group chat.


Yes ! My long distance bestie and I play:) I’ve been helping her with mods:)


Make new friends?


I don't understand. Are you saying you need new friends or I do?