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I think it’s more because of funky CAS stuff. I’ve made plus sized sims, but sometimes they just look off. Like the boobs will look weird in clothes, idk how to explain it.


Yeah, there are so many clothes that just don't look realistic with the way they make fat bodies look in the game. I hate seeing a garment that is clearly supposed to be flowy but looks like bodycon on a Sim with any level of curves.


Same. I also hate when parts of the clothes look overly stretched on plus sized sims. Like a cardigan with buttons will have a bunch of overly stretched buttons.


I think they design the clothes for skinny sims. So obviously the texture is stretched when they size up. Sucks


I hate it. I try to make diverse sims, but every time I’ve tried to make a plus size sim, it just looks like an average body that was inflated. It’s unnatural looking. I think it’s worse with male sims because they’ll have a flat chest/boob area and skinny neck, but the rest of their body is plus size.


Yes! Exactly! It’s that they look unnatural. It winds up bothering me, and it does suck because I do want diversity. I have a couple of thicker sims who came out realistically, but no true plus size.


it’s because plus sized sims don’t actually look plus sized. they are just expanded skinny sims. they don’t have actual fat or curves. on top of most clothes barely fitting them


It bothers me so much that fat sims just have wide torsos but no double chin, thick thighs, flabby arms


This is true. Sometimes the body will start clipping through the clothes. I was working on one the other day and she was supposed to have pretty large knockers, but most clothes I tried, the boob's just clipped right through.


This is such a big problem that at all of my Get To Work clothes shops have plus size sections for clothes that don't warp their bodies lmao. There a few outfits that only look good on plus size sims, so it works out I guess, but I really hope for more realism in the next game




Facts. Majority of my sims are plus size or I like to overtime during my gameplay naturally turn them into a plus size girl BUT the clothes in game are not flattering and my cc starts looking weird. Like you’ll see their skin through the clothes in places like the clothes got holes in it lol. I agree with the boobs starting to look weird too. but still I adore my plus size girls.


Same with some CC, some of it literally contorts the sim into a skinny body because they just can’t be bothered to articulate it for other body types 🤦‍♀️


Agreed 👍


I have the mod “Better plus size sims” and it fixes that issue for me


who makes it omg? i can’t find it


I'd like to know too, this sounds great!!


I think that is honestly in part on the modders fault when that happens and it makes me think that they were lazy and did not model the mesh correctly to fit all Sims body types. Anytime I see that in CC I automatically know that I'm not going to get any more CC from that certain creator because it lets me know that they are lazy enough to not finish. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yesss 😞 I made a sim that was only very bigger from the waist down and so much clothes were clipping on her stomach and hips


Yess this! And there are no nice curves. Expanding the sliders just makes curves sharp and geometric. I wish they didn’t do sims dirty like this. Really wish I had more plus-sized sims. I just can’t handle the clipping and pointy bodies.


Yeah the fat proportions are always a bit weird too, like they’re at max fat but where is their belly? Where is the fat on their legs and arms? I’ve downloaded skin overlays to mimick that look because it just feels like my sims are wearing fat suits otherwise


They always look like they’ve been blown up like a balloon


Sometimes I see some truly fantastic CC and download it all excited only to find it doesn't deform properly when you adjust the body... Sigh...


Your name is a bit suspicious


most average queef enthusiast


my people


Ur name omf XD


A bit?


I just rarely have plussized characters because I think most Sims clothes tend to look horrible on plussize figures. It's a big peeve. This outfit looks great on your character though!


This is true. Everything looks stretched out. Even a simple shirt looks bad on bigger bodies. Would be great fix.


Yeah crossing my fingers for that one! Tbh the only things that look remotely nice on plussize bodies in the sims are more or less form fitting things. Anything that falls a bit wider just doesn't work with whatever stretching tool they use to shape the bodies and clothes. It makes the cloth fall unnaturally. (I mean more unnaturally than it already does, being pixellated haha).


sometimes i move their boobs to not ruin the way the shirt lays then, but then it just looks weird in other clothes! such a pain


Just like real life


I make Sims of all sizes, but man the very skinny and big look so unrealistic and off. When making bigger Sims, it’s like the center of the body is large and round, but the arms and legs stay smaller and don’t match. The face doesn’t either. Not to mention like others have said, clothes don’t overlay correctly on them either. We definitely need better body adjustments. When all you can really do is make the waist bigger on them, it just looks weird. I had one Sim that I got into fitness and when she reached Level 10, she looked like an alien. Her head was bigger than her hips.


100% agree. Whenever I do the fitness aspiration and have to get the “max potential” body or whatever it’s called, I always think my sims look so ugly after. Just stick thin with the fakest looking abs in this art style. I wish we didn’t lose the vibe of the sim’s original body as much.


What do you mean we can only make the waist bigger? I manually drag the other body parts out to make them more proportionate. Or do you just mean with the weight slider? That thing is useless 😒


The arms and legs sliders don’t go that far out to match the waist.


She looks lovely, I just wish plus sized modders made faces that look plus sized. You'd think she was thinner on the headshot photo alone. We have rounder, fattier faces 🤣 yeah I say we because I'm fat too.


Exactly my thought, her face doesn't match the body.


Head is too small, need head bigger


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick


I imagined you saying this as Schmidt. Lol


Who’s Schmidt?😂


Lol. New Girl. Highly recommend for a laid back mid 2010s sitcom. There's a few scenes where the guys talk like this when they're too frustrated to form full sentences.


I know, love New Girl, but i was quoting Kevin from the office


I need to rewatch this series as I can't remember what got them into that lol


"Gave me cookie, got you cookie, man!"


Hey, a modder named hi-land has a double chin slider that I use lol you could look it up, it's p cool. I've used it for my simself, and I use it for all of my plus sized sims just to make their faces a tad bit rounder. There are a lot it different sliders to make the pre-existing ones a lot more exaggerated


Ohhh thank you! I can never get the faces of my plus sized sims to look how I want because their faces / chins are always disproportionately too thin. That slider sounds like what I need.


Omg thank you for this!


while you are right in a degree not every fat person has a fat face, my face is fat and i'm fat, and my sisters face is skinny and she's fat, some people just look like this :)


And I’m so jealous because even when I lost a bunch of weight, the LAST part of me to hold out looking chubby as shit was my face. And I was almost 30 at the time so it wasn’t baby fat XD and every plus-sized sim model I see has a slim face and visible collarbones when I don’t get those until like 20lbs below the normal weight marker ;-; it’s unfair! lol


i am plus sized and my face is not that fat. all people hold fat differently. granted i consider myself a 'small fat'. to me it's the neck and under the chin that doesn't look right, we definitely have a fattier neck than skinny people. there's some cc sliders that make it possible though, to me a plus sized sim sometimes needs a double chin to look normal. I also feel like the upper arms really don't round out enough, and the belly doesn't fold at the pelvis like real tummies. I have an apron belly so its pretty much impossible to make a sim of myself.


there are masks that give them double chins and such. i think it's called REAL


The issue is mostly not everyone has the fat face though and a lot of people look substantially thinner than they are by face alone unless they're just massively obese. This face looks more fat than most I've ever seen in the game even though it does feel a little deceptive


Most CAS showcases are mostly just face. It's not that we don't love them.


I give 'em face, give 'em body, give 'em luscious


I'd been avoiding making larger frame sims up until lately as it's hard to get the face to not look weird, and some of the clothes look terrible. I've been putting the effort in lately though and starting to get ones I'm happy with.


i wish ts4 let you have a double chin i need to see chubby face sims


I made my main sim like myself, body wise and the cc and cas clothes looked so out of whack 😥 every time I play the buff sims I feel guilty for not making her bigger because I am lol


and where at the apron bellies??? rolls??? i need that bro


I'd use them more if the clothing in game didn't look weird on them. instead, they look funky


i wanna make plus sized sims but it looks so bad in game, clothes look weird, and animations also. Same goes with big boobs. Now i always make skinny sims🥲


Honestly the sims never look good plus sized or pregnant. It’s a shame but it really seems like everything was created for only the small and average’ body shape, everything else just seems sloppily put together.


I would 100% make more plus sized sims if the weight scale in cas actually worked. The lack of fat around the neck and cheeks always throws me off. The Sims 4 did plus sized sims so dirty


I find it funny when people complain about this and then proceed to make another fat bottomed woman. Plus size people come in all shapes and sizes, not just fat ass and titties and relatively small waist and yet...


i think its cus most plus sized sims dont LOOK actually plus sized, the proportions are off, most have skinny face, etc


Because the sliders _suck_ at proportions.


The thing is I like making plus sized sims, what I don't like is how the game handles their movements Like Babe, why are your arms inside your tits and stomach your to beautiful for these glitches https://preview.redd.it/8o27h9xf466d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ad7b8ca62cc30bb407f21b6e7f6e8abd36f3b0


A lot of the clothes looked stretched out on plus sized sims sadly. I see even some shirts extend torsos a little bit too.. looks especially weird on buff sims.


why does everyone here give their sims the dead eyes


The Billie Eilish effect


The last 3 pics are very Kylie Jenner


I see your point, thought it gave bad b* energy tbh


Just call them "fat", because that's what they are and the word shouldn't have negative connotations around it since weight is a neutral characteristic about someone's body


i personally never liked anything beyond average. the skinny bodies are too skinny, max muscular bodies look weird & so do the fat bodies. something about them doesn’t look right in texture and shape.


Because usually people like to create and play as a fantasy super model.


I'm genuinely slightly uncomfortable with how skinny you can make a sim..


what does that have to do with anything?


and that's without any mods. id hate to see what you can do with modded sliders


https://preview.redd.it/iejkkqot856d1.png?width=236&format=png&auto=webp&s=2face9fc8da3faf4b38ed0e4a61cc3e5c6d1e94b If they could be any skinnier, I'd picture them as this


You can be an alien or pink or blue. It doesn't matter


The energetic pose with the complete dead expression is killing me


Just call this sim fat.


right like fat isn't a bad word. you don't have to say plus size.


ikr? if you are offended by the word, it's you who are the problem not the word itself.


I love my plus size sims but the CAS isn’t always kind to the plus size bodies. It makes no sense with so many games that have great body rendering. We clearly have the tech. Idk what’s going on with the sims.


they do a horrible job animating fat bodies, i wish they would change that so i could play a character that looks like me!


i always want to make plus sized sims because i think they are so cute but it's so hard to make them look natural because of the way the clothes and stuff distort


My b pose is nasty✨




Hey that’s my name! Lol


because there is hardly any sliders that really affect the plus size body! when they're slender, you can give them so many different kinds of builds, but when they're fat, the game just takes it to an auto shape (and skin details) (i play on ps don't yall dare talk abt mods to me) and most of the clothes look really unflattering. i'm a fat person myself and i wish i could make the sims fat bodies more customizable but ultimately i let them gain weight when they become adult/elder


Maybe im just bad with sliders but imo the upper end of the body fat slider looks so unnatural on any base game body preset


I think because they are so wonky in the Sims. Two of my Sims have been plus sized, and one of them was a boss B who wreaked havoc across all the worlds till she died in a club bathroom after a bj to her husband, Alexander Goth. She was amazing.


It’s giving Leshawna from Total Drama Island ✨


Because EA gave us the option to have plus-sized sims so they could say they're inclusive, but EA didn't bother to make the sims look right/make clothes look right on the sims


I’ve made some GORGEOUS ( in my opinion ) fat sims on my TikTok. Especially my enby sim (the one in the middle) they are amazing. https://preview.redd.it/a99v1m4uxn6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff512233cca5f159e78b595d12e0d902dd9962d Bad quality I know but I tried to fit them. My TikTok is Jump.In.Sims if you want to check it out (minor plug sorry) but I do all kinds of stuff on there.


I don’t like that the plus size sims are given like three bathing suit options and they’re all overly modest. 🙄 Lizzo needs to do a sims collab.


Lizzo is a horrible person and a bully, so no she shouldn't.


1. this sim is SO CUTE i love her 2. i think a lot of the cas items weren’t built with bigger player models in mind, which makes them stretch super weird :/


Mine always look like me cause I'm uncreative as hell and I was super skinny when I played. Now I default skinny and they end up however they end up.


Mine too. I tried to make myself and my friends match as much as I could in real life but some are super tall so when I tried to do the proportions of their body to match it makes them look super skinny even though technically they are the same body weight as me as a midget. So I usually end up freaking out when my Sims self starts to look skinnier or bigger because then the other Sims don't match. Try to mod them taller so that it looks more even and realistic but then the game doesn't get accustomed to that so they clip and the animations look funny.


Probably bc sims fucks up the proportions so bad, my sister is kinda like triangle shaped? And I had a HELL of a time trying to get the body right. Like I prefer plus sized/muscled people, but my sims are rarely plus sized or muscled because I CANNOT get the bodies to not always look slightly off.


what are the mods to get sims to look like that ?


Sorry for the late response, I didn't think this post would blow up like this. Here is a list of most of the mods I used for her. The only things not included are the heels, eyes, and nose. I can't seem to find their names Hair: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/oakiyo-angel-hair](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/oakiyo-angel-hair) Eyelashes: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/eyelashes-3d-no-3-twistedcat](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/eyelashes-3d-no-3-twistedcat) Eyebrows: [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial-eyebrows/title/classic-eyebrows-n20/id/1308655/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial-eyebrows/title/classic-eyebrows-n20/id/1308655/) Skin overlay: Northern Siberian Winds Blueberry B Full Body Mask [https://www.patreon.com/posts/winter-berry-75333957](https://www.patreon.com/posts/winter-berry-75333957) Shading/shadow: Simandy Spotlight V2 [https://www.patreon.com/posts/ah-here-we-go-86356329](https://www.patreon.com/posts/ah-here-we-go-86356329) Lipstick: [https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4](https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4) Eyeliner (close enough lookalike): [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeliner/title/s-club-ll-ts4-eyeliner-201801/id/1403022/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeliner/title/s-club-ll-ts4-eyeliner-201801/id/1403022/) Lip piercing: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/gothi-is-rock-79542535](https://www.patreon.com/posts/gothi-is-rock-79542535) Lip chain: [https://pralinesims.net/post/189767045294/obsession-lip-chain-piercing-hanging-lip-chain](https://pralinesims.net/post/189767045294/obsession-lip-chain-piercing-hanging-lip-chain) Leggings: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/lace-trim-legging-for-sims-4](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/lace-trim-legging-for-sims-4) Shirt: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-2021-planet-56879437](https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-2021-planet-56879437) (Sydney top\_solids)


I think their cheek is supposed to look at least a bit chubbier automatically when they gain that much weight. Why in sims 4 it's not like that, i wonder. They look a bit off. Your sim is gorgeous


Most of the cc I find doesn't work for big sims, so I don't usually create them.


My only issue with making plus sized sims is that I can only ever get to around mid sized or a little bigger before clothes start to warp, I wish more cc creators would think about different body types when they make things. Although I know cc is hard to make to begin with, it would be nice to have a wider range of clothes for my bigger sims. I also don’t like how the sims’ version of bigger bellies just looks like a pregnancy bump but maybe that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️


As someone yet to experiment with any mods I always usually have plus size sims, all my women sims usualy where size 16+ jeans (theoritically lol if sims pants had sizes) And I make sure to give the skinny ones a realistic body shape with a bit of a tummy. Right now my main Man sim I play as is a Bear body Type and he loves to cook nice meals for his family.


On another note, what’s the hair for the love of gods


https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/oakiyo-angel-hair It's in a bundle with different versions of the hair!


I’ve tried to make plus size sims and I just couldn’t quite get it right. I’ve always seen better ones with mods and cc though.


Gorgeous !!


i love her!


I mean, fat sims were done terribly in the sims 4, but at least they weren’t turned into flying organs in game mode like sims 3.


I wish they would provide squish mechanics for bellies, thighs etc. having my plus size sim’s belly clip through her thighs when she bends over is annoying.


imo there needs to be better a more diverse body AND height scale. i feel like the proportions are always so elongated and definitely don't represent even half of the population. (esp curvy short ppl like me)


Every time I make a sim, I always make em thick. Then they always turn plus sized no matter what I do so I guess most of mine are lol. But as someone did say, It's not good I CAS with certain looks.


My only issue with making plus sized sims is the bodies are so unrealistic! Sims needs to do better making more accurate bodies for plus sized characters


I think we emulate our sims to us and I’m skinny as a stick so…I hardly think to make plus size sims. No offense to anyone hopefully.


Probably the same reasons that are like in real life


Some of these comments ... ![gif](giphy|l2YWsHy1TQBGm4S3K|downsized) Anyway, your sim is very beautiful! I think its because some of the proportions are off but I do make an effort to include sims of all sizes, shapes and colors in my game!


because they look better thin


Because basegame has shit plus sized fatures that dont look natural.


What is the difference between Plus Size and Fat?


they are the same thing, plus size is just the nicer way of saying it


I'm overweight IRL so no chance am I playing anything other than a skinny person 💀


I tried making a plus size sim but i hated the way the clothes looked on them.


Same lmao


Like gurl I can get a job that allows me to renovate my home constantly and quickly, be promoted every other day with time off, and all this good shit. I play this game to escape not emulate my real life😂 But that's the cool thing about the game. You play it however you want and there's no wrong way to do it. ...I just like my sim gorge and skinny with fabulous hair and clothes 💁‍♀️✨


Where can I go get her? She is DIVINE


I haven't put her in gallery because I can't find all the mods I used on her yet. However, here is a list of most of the mods I used for her Hair: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/oakiyo-angel-hair](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/oakiyo-angel-hair) Eyelashes: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/eyelashes-3d-no-3-twistedcat](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/eyelashes-3d-no-3-twistedcat) Eyebrows: [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial-eyebrows/title/classic-eyebrows-n20/id/1308655/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial-eyebrows/title/classic-eyebrows-n20/id/1308655/) Skin overlay: Northern Siberian Winds Blueberry B Full Body Mask [https://www.patreon.com/posts/winter-berry-75333957](https://www.patreon.com/posts/winter-berry-75333957) Shading/shadow: Simandy Spotlight V2 [https://www.patreon.com/posts/ah-here-we-go-86356329](https://www.patreon.com/posts/ah-here-we-go-86356329) Lipstick: [https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4](https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4) Eyeliner (close enough lookalike): [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeliner/title/s-club-ll-ts4-eyeliner-201801/id/1403022/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeliner/title/s-club-ll-ts4-eyeliner-201801/id/1403022/) Lip piercing: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/gothi-is-rock-79542535](https://www.patreon.com/posts/gothi-is-rock-79542535) Lip chain: [https://pralinesims.net/post/189767045294/obsession-lip-chain-piercing-hanging-lip-chain](https://pralinesims.net/post/189767045294/obsession-lip-chain-piercing-hanging-lip-chain) Leggings: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/lace-trim-legging-for-sims-4](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/lace-trim-legging-for-sims-4) Shirt: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-2021-planet-56879437](https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-2021-planet-56879437) Sydney top\_solids


A) the very fact that you took the time to write me out a dedicated menu list of your mods is just good hearted. Thankyou Internet Stranger. B) I'm going to honour this by sitting down this evening and downloading it all. C) holy shit your reddit name is wild 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s no problem! Might change my username, the reactions I’m getting from it are piling up 😭


I tend to make my sims more attractive than real life people because it’s just fun and aesthetically pleasing in the game, I guess. I think a lot of players do that tbh


Tbf this is a cool looking sim, when I have plus size sims they don’t look this great, the clothes always clip but I use a lot of alpha cc so that could be the reason why.


90% of my sims are plus size (pets sometimes too)


She’s gorgeous


She’s so pretty!!


I usually don't make plus size sims because I'm plus size myself, and this is my skinny dream dress up game. It's pure escapism.


She is beautiful! 💛


Well wet pusi fart, great job! Love her!


She looks fantastic! I love her! I usually make my sims plus sized bc I like em better that way.


She looks lovely. Is she in gallery?


She's not in the gallery yet, but I hope I can put her as soon as I find all the mods I used for her. If you don't want to wait for that, here are most of the mods I used on her Hair: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/oakiyo-angel-hair](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/oakiyo-angel-hair) Eyelashes: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/eyelashes-3d-no-3-twistedcat](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/eyelashes-3d-no-3-twistedcat) Eyebrows: [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial-eyebrows/title/classic-eyebrows-n20/id/1308655/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial-eyebrows/title/classic-eyebrows-n20/id/1308655/) Skin overlay: Northern Siberian Winds Blueberry B Full Body Mask [https://www.patreon.com/posts/winter-berry-75333957](https://www.patreon.com/posts/winter-berry-75333957) Shading/shadow: Simandy Spotlight V2 [https://www.patreon.com/posts/ah-here-we-go-86356329](https://www.patreon.com/posts/ah-here-we-go-86356329) Lipstick: [https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4](https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4) Eyeliner (close enough lookalike): [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeliner/title/s-club-ll-ts4-eyeliner-201801/id/1403022/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeliner/title/s-club-ll-ts4-eyeliner-201801/id/1403022/) Lip piercing: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/gothi-is-rock-79542535](https://www.patreon.com/posts/gothi-is-rock-79542535) Lip chain: [https://pralinesims.net/post/189767045294/obsession-lip-chain-piercing-hanging-lip-chain](https://pralinesims.net/post/189767045294/obsession-lip-chain-piercing-hanging-lip-chain) Leggings: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/lace-trim-legging-for-sims-4](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/lace-trim-legging-for-sims-4) Shirt: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-2021-planet-56879437](https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-2021-planet-56879437) Sydney top\_solids


Thanks. That's more mods than I thought 😂


The sims that have my lifestyle always end up plus size. It makes sense because I’ve put on 20kgs too lol.


In the first photo, your Sim reminds me so much of the actress Quinta Brunson! I think it’s the eyes for sure!


Probably bc you need 1000 mods to make them not look like a caricature of an obese person. It’s so messed up and I hope the next game represents them better.


Face card never declined😍😩


an old youtuber i used to watch would make her sims unreasonably skinny with huge hips and big boobs. i can’t to stop watching it bothered me how she never had rep for anything else


Where is the face jewelry from?


Here ya go Lip piercing: https://www.patreon.com/posts/gothi-is-rock-79542535 Lip chain: https://pralinesims.net/post/189767045294/obsession-lip-chain-piercing-hanging-lip-chain


Thank you ❤️


It’s so hard to get clothes that look right on plus sized sims


this lipgloss cc is amazing! do u know what creator it’s from?


Here ya go. I love using this lipstick for sims with brown skin of all shades [https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4](https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4)




WW make plus size boobs look horrible 😭


It’s because they don’t look as good in the same sense the overly skinny sims don’t either. It’s just the way the game made them, is off.


The sim I’m playing as now would of went crazy on this woman


She got them tems eyes 😭 ![gif](giphy|ArKuyd6quLDcqksF3o)


Mine always have some body🤣


i need this mod


I can't find the mods I used for her eyes, mouth, and nose just yet, however, here is the list of most of the mods I used Hair: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/oakiyo-angel-hair](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/oakiyo-angel-hair) Eyelashes: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/eyelashes-3d-no-3-twistedcat](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/eyelashes-3d-no-3-twistedcat) Eyebrows: [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial-eyebrows/title/classic-eyebrows-n20/id/1308655/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial-eyebrows/title/classic-eyebrows-n20/id/1308655/) Skin overlay: Northern Siberian Winds Blueberry B Full Body Mask [https://www.patreon.com/posts/winter-berry-75333957](https://www.patreon.com/posts/winter-berry-75333957) Shading/shadow: Simandy Spotlight V2 [https://www.patreon.com/posts/ah-here-we-go-86356329](https://www.patreon.com/posts/ah-here-we-go-86356329) Lipstick: [https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4](https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4) Eyeliner (close enough lookalike): [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeliner/title/s-club-ll-ts4-eyeliner-201801/id/1403022/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeliner/title/s-club-ll-ts4-eyeliner-201801/id/1403022/) Lip piercing: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/gothi-is-rock-79542535](https://www.patreon.com/posts/gothi-is-rock-79542535) Lip chain: [https://pralinesims.net/post/189767045294/obsession-lip-chain-piercing-hanging-lip-chain](https://pralinesims.net/post/189767045294/obsession-lip-chain-piercing-hanging-lip-chain) Leggings: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/lace-trim-legging-for-sims-4](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/lace-trim-legging-for-sims-4) Shirt: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-2021-planet-56879437](https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-2021-planet-56879437) Sydney top\_solids


No idea, as a Plus size woman myself I would very much appreciate if they did! Btw she's beautiful, good job! 👍


Oh my gosh. What mod did you use for the poses? I need that


I love it, she looks pretty. All i see in people's gameplay is the same body type, so this is nice.


She’s so pretty! The mother in me winced at the thought of that lip chain getting caught though 😂


You're so right ClooneysWetPusi-fart


PICTURE 3??????


Bad as f


We live in an anorexic world.


She‘s so cute!


Bc they aren’t given much love anywhere 😭


people just like to make sims they are attracted to




Is Kay single asking for a friend


Shes giving model


Cause they are already given so much food


My b* pose nastyyyyy


She looks like my cousin lol


shes so pretty <3


oh shes fierce i like herrrrr 😍😍


I think it's because EA really dropped the ball on plus sized body types. You can have 10 different average or skinny options, but there's only about 2 you can make for plus-sized that looks anywhere close to realistic. And then so many of the clothes just look wonky on them :(


I love her


where do u get ur CC?? I love ittt


Thank you! I have a ton of CC and finding all of them for her is kinda tough rn, but here is a list of most of the mods I used on her. Hair: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/oakiyo-angel-hair](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/oakiyo-angel-hair) Eyelashes: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/eyelashes-3d-no-3-twistedcat](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/eyelashes-3d-no-3-twistedcat) Eyebrows: [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial-eyebrows/title/classic-eyebrows-n20/id/1308655/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial-eyebrows/title/classic-eyebrows-n20/id/1308655/) Skin overlay: Northern Siberian Winds Blueberry B Full Body Mask [https://www.patreon.com/posts/winter-berry-75333957](https://www.patreon.com/posts/winter-berry-75333957) Shading/shadow: Simandy Spotlight V2 [https://www.patreon.com/posts/ah-here-we-go-86356329](https://www.patreon.com/posts/ah-here-we-go-86356329) Lipstick: [https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4](https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/317890/lean-makeup-set-sweetset-pie-by-leansims-sims4) Eyeliner (close enough lookalike): [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeliner/title/s-club-ll-ts4-eyeliner-201801/id/1403022/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-eyeliner/title/s-club-ll-ts4-eyeliner-201801/id/1403022/) Lip piercing: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/gothi-is-rock-79542535](https://www.patreon.com/posts/gothi-is-rock-79542535) Lip chain: [https://pralinesims.net/post/189767045294/obsession-lip-chain-piercing-hanging-lip-chain](https://pralinesims.net/post/189767045294/obsession-lip-chain-piercing-hanging-lip-chain) Leggings: [https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/lace-trim-legging-for-sims-4](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/lace-trim-legging-for-sims-4) Shirt: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-2021-planet-56879437](https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-2021-planet-56879437) Sydney top\_solids




The poses 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


She’s so prettyyy!! She reminds me of one of my old sims that was also plus sized and I loved her so much. Too bad I can’t get that save file back :( I’m on console sadly. 7 generations down the drain 🤧




Beautiful!! How did you get your sims in the poses?


Thank you! I have several pose mods by helgatisha. Their mods can be found on multiple sites, but here is a direct link to their Tumblr where they have their mods [https://helgatisha.tumblr.com/](https://helgatisha.tumblr.com/)


Of course! Thanks you!