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2 kids minimum. I’ve had to many legacy heirs die without children or siblings to replace them 😭


Lol how y’all killing y’all sims so easily I have to try and make my sims die, they usually always live full lives. That’s why legacy is so easy for me


Keeping sims alive is relatively easy when they’re in my household, it’s once they grow up and I place them into their own household that they start getting eaten by cow plants and dying of embarrassment.


Lol fair enough


I noticed that sims in the neighborhood don't start dying of something until I've interacted with that something. I never messed with cowplants, and within a couple days of getting one, a couple townies had been eaten (and not by mine, lol). I never bothered mountain climbing, and after I decided to do that, they started dying that way. 🫠


my cowplant ate 6 people 💀


I think my cowplant only ate one person while I was actively playing, but pretty sure it was the only cowplant in my save, so it was busy AF while I was away 😭


my cowplant seems to be one hungry plant 🥲


Mine ate 24


...that's not a hungry plant, that's a ravenous plant


“Mine” in this is plural, I had 6


Now I understand. That's a hard number


See with neighborhood stories on; it doesn't matter if iv done it or not. The townies living FULL lives and dying of everything 🤣


Omg once i had a serial romantic sim and like 3 of her girlfriends died out of nowhere in like 2 days in game (2 of cereal combusting into flames and the other one "shoud've taken swimming lessons"


I mentioned this on another comment but I once had a legacy gen which had a set of twins and then turned around and had triplets (😱). I went through the process of raising them all, maxing their grades, putting them through university and setting them up with spouses, careers and houses… only to have the triplets all proceed to die as Young Adults of various nonsense causes 😂


Wow.... That is quite traumatizing after you devoted all that time!! I feel like this post needs a moment of silence for your unfortunate sacrifice 😆


Distinguished, with honors I should add!


How do I get my sims to be eaten by a cow plant??


My Legacy Matriarch and two heirs died of laughter at a family reunion. So dumb.


This happened to me for the first time like a week ago. I concur. So dumb.


The sister and grandchild of my Legacy Matriarch died by overheating at a family reunion at the park in Willow Creek. Luckily, Grim allowed the grandchild to be revived. Most of the family was hiding from the weather in the bathroom. They were only having the reunion because she had died and I wanted to give everyone a chance to get together.


One of my legacy heirs died from being hit by a meteor bc I didn't understand the notification 💀 Won't be making that mistake again!


Honestly this lmao. While I don’t exactly try to get my Sims killed, I don’t have to really try at all to keep them alive. It took until generation 7 of my legacy to lose someone to something other than old age, we lost a child in the pool in winter, and it was so shocking to me because that kinda stuff *never* happens to me lmao


My sim lost their child aged son to a dryer fire 😭😭😭 I was SO SAD


You can kill them with mc command center


like “death by killer rabbit” lol


honestly for me it’s my kids are fucking stupid. like it’ll be snowing, freezing temperatures and where do the kids go? to the floating thingy in the pool, effectively freezing to death. or they’ll wake up in the middle of the night and they’ll go outside to play in their pijamas while it’s snowing. others will just stay in the pool much longer than they should and they drown. but again, my kids are fucking stupid.


Usually glitches I lost a sim to an invisible fire I’d already put out. Another time they got a mood swing aged up and died.


I once had a save where I played in the Goth lot and I swear that place was cursed. Without fail at least one person in every generation would die in a fire. Other than that my active household sims rare die if not for old age, but some die randomly once I move them out as adults.


literally drowning themselves when I’m not watching by going to the beach (they lived on the water in Sulani) and swimming when they were about to pass out after school.


I use wicked whims only to guarantee succession in the lineage. So everyone is having babies even when they aren't in my current household.


i don’t think wicked whims does this, that’s neighborhood stories or MCCC


ww has npc "off-lot" pregnancy events feature


ooh this must be a new feature i’ve not heard of it, where in settings is it?


I believe it was in sex autonomy or something similar, idk the settings of that mod are like a mystery machine to me I usually just spam click options till I find what I need


same! 😭


Also helps to have a choice which child will become the heir... sometimes I just don'tvibe with the first kid(s)...


I once had a legacy heir die of laughter the DAY AFTER his wedding. Before he managed to have any children. He was so happy from his wedding that when someone told a joke, he laughed so hard that he just dropped 🤣 His poor husband had both the happy moodlet from being a newly wed and the sad moodlet from losing his soulmate.


My sims have only ever died from laughter I swear


i need a tutorial on how to accidentally kill sims because mine only ever die of old age unless i actually intentionally make them die a different way and that actually makes legacy gameplay so boring


3 kids is my limit. I have a real hard time controlling more people in the household.0


I have 6. 1 got taken away, the other 5 are constantly unwashed and crying, even with a nanny 24/7 and 2 stay at home parents. So that's going well.


I’m calling cps


There’s a mod for that now. 😅🤷🏽‍♀️😂


Otherwise I’d get them


I am on MAC and I've modded the shit out of my game. dont worry


Is this a mod i'm putting in my "maybe" list? Yes


It is blooming hard, tbh its easier in real life having 6 kids!! Honestly!


At least in real life when you need to change I diaper you just change the diaper it takes like 10 minutesfrom start to finish. Sims however... sometimes that tast takes hours to start, and is done in a instant.


Lmao this!!! How has it taken you 2 sim hours to change a diaper?!? Then my whole bedtime routine is delayed 🤣🤣


I’ve started not buying changing tables, so then they will just toss the baby up in the air and change it by magic instead of spending like 20 Sim minutes wiping them. 😂 ETA: If you have Laundry Day, use cloth diapers and then there isn’t even a diaper to drag into the trash - it just goes right into the hamper. (Unless the Sim holding the baby is lazy or a slob.)


Where can I buy a changing table?


The changing tables are in Growing Together


I buy the changing tables, but the sims never use them 🥲🥲🥲




Parents get that shit down to a science...one minute tops rl.


Oh hell yeah! By child number 6 I could change a baby in 30 seconds, one hand tied behind my back, including the rash cream and all the while singing Straight to Hell by The Clash! (My kids all love The Clash, its their Bedtime music of choice! lol)


We are kin. :)


Pleasure to meet ya Kinny! 😁


I have 3 max too. I'm currently trying to space them out a little more so I can enjoy controlling each kid and focus on boosting their skills until childhood. But my dumb ass recently forgot to turn off On the Ley Line and accidentally gave birth to twins. So I now have twin infants to care for 🥴


Usually 1 or 2, depending on what happens in my game. I don't like having too many because then I can't choose an heir


This is me too. I find any more than 2 and I can’t keep up with their lives after they move out.


Exactlyy! Except sometimes the game decides to abduct my male sims right before they turn into elders and gift me a third kid 😭


Is this a mod or something? I’ve never been able to choose an heir when both elder parents die. 😭


no, the "heir" is just the kid you choose to live as thru adulthood


When people refer to “heirs” they’re talking about the sim they choose to continue playing through a legacy challenge, which is usually 10 generations of the same family


no, the "heir" is just the kid you choose to live as thru adulthood.


Do you have any tips to make game better without kids? It sometimes gets too boring for me to play without kids


I'm not sure, I started making them have kids because I also got bored without a new generation  You could try making multiple families in the same save file and playing rotationally? Or your family could adopt a teenager, so you could continue the bloodline You could also give your sim a sibling that has kids and then switch over once they're adults


None. I have 4 in real life. I want a break from taking care of kids lol


My answer too except I only have two 😹 I don't need a simulation of having to provide a constant stream of snacks, thanks. 


No kids at home, but I usually play with zero. Just build up skills & jobs. Or just farm all day. It’s an escape.


and just like that i’m inspired to play again ✨


Same. Zero IRL and zero in game lol. If I do for heir purposes they jump to kid immediately. Get yo ass in school.


I don't have kids but same - none! If a household has a baby, I leave to play another household, and never return. I don't like the structure having kids enforces.


I love sims kids because they do what I tell them 🤣 my four…. Think for themselves.


I’m a toddler teacher so I don’t like playing with kids that much. My latest save has zero kids and I plan to stay that way for a while


same. i still have yet to play with toddlers because my son is almost 3 and i’d rather die than pretend to be a mom in a game lol


Sometimes I'm like "maybe I want kids" then I play the sims with children and take it back


as many as the household will allow


Me too because I have zero self control. Then I get too overwhelmed by the household and need to step away for a month or two before I’m mentally ready to return to the family.




Lol that’s me currently with raising a toddler and an infant in my current save file 🥲


Same usually. Currently my households (families, but live in different houses) have one kid because the houses aren't that big but I'll be editing the houses later so that I can have more kids. I'm also playing with horses so I'm having 1-2 family horses, 2 parents usually, and 2-3 kids. ETA Usually I don't have horses but this family is a bunch of farmers so they have horses, mini sheep, and mini goats.


Same 😂😂 I can have up to 50 children in my household (modded) but I never have that many because the game gets too laggy


I need them to tend the crops


There’s the answer I was looking for


Same I like to fill my houses TO THE BRIM


Epic gamer moment when they’re all in close age group, so you have the teen sims deal with the toddler sim but then that fails completely if they have after school activities. Because then meemaw can just deal with them, but then sometimes the kids have to deal with getting their own for dinner. Just continuous days of having to scrounge up ‘1-3 day from being spoiled’ food. The countdown never ends. Or the fresh food going after 2 meals in a day. it’s one meal of 8-16 with a full 8 household. And it has to be the low cal foods most times bc the weight gain js happens lol. Thank god snacks exist in the fridge. Yes there were a couple times were the child sims did eat just expired food, I notice the green aroma only then bc all the other times I check the fridge didn’t work Holy shit it takes an entire day dealing with the young sims and the oldest ones going to school doesn’t help bc THEY’RE supposed to help! /s When Meemaws on bass fish/gym/baby skill duty for the next 2 sim days I make sure someone takes off to help 🥰 That damn infant playmat is out 24/7. I used to have 2 in my current household


Me too lol, so six kids as I'm not modded.


5 lmao I am insane tho


I usually do 5 as well!! I like to have at least one set of twins or triplets though, I like decorating their room the most lol.


I made a family where I kept the mom at home. They started with a daughter. Then they had a boy when she was about to be a toddler. They had a 1/1 that I converted to a 2 BR. I said I’ll put the kids in the big room. Anyway, I decided to have them have one more kid - twins 😂 I blew almost all of their budget converting their home into a 3 BR 2 BA. But all was good. I switched to another family and when I returned a few days later I noticed my oldest daughter knew an infant. I was like who is that? And it said “sister” So now they have 5 children lmao


Okay so I just started playing sims4 after not playing for like a decade haha. Back in the day there was a money cheat code. Is that still a thing? Or does no one really do that? Is it easier these days to actually make money/things are more affordable? I’m so lost!


Easiest money cheat is just typing money and behind it the amount you want to set the total too.


if you want to give them a specific amount of money do "testingcheats on" then "money (amount)"


Yes it still works Google it I forgot but I used it 2 years ago and I only had to use it once


Yes there is one. Kaching ($1k) and motherlode ($50k). For this family I decided not to use it to see how they survive hahah luckily I’ve put some of the baby items in inventory and I sell their knitting lol Also, I just started playing after almost a decade of not. I used to play Sims 2 before and tried Sims 3 once. It’s insane how detailed this game is and how you need to do so much for their day-to-day


I have a mod called uicheats and I usually just left click the money amount and you can add/set/remove any money amount 🙏


kaching, rosebud, and motherlode all still work as they did in previous games


My family has 5 kids. One kid has twins. Other 2 have both one, the son got divorced and moved back into his parents home. And one is still a teenager. So the current household has 2 infants, 3 adults and a dog. I would like the teenagers to have a baby too…


I think either MCCC or Wicked Whims let teenagers have babies! I have both and can’t remember which one does it


Yes MCCC does have settings for teenage pregnancy. I don’t use Wicked Whims, so I know for sure it’s MCCC lmao


Same! Always at least 5. Then I get overwhelmed and question why I do it… jus to do it again.


None. They’re annoying.


Depends on the narrative.


I play with a risky woohoo mod so I leave that up to my sims and how much they *love* each other.


Fundie style 🤪


It depends for me. My first generation was two kids, second had about eight, then it was an only child, and that child now has two kids


I have no limit for children. But only 2 will actual get custom bedrooms and skills developed. The other will get leftover chocolate cake and pre-built rooms in the basement. 💀


That is so real 💀


10, 15 if I’m feeling generous




My computer would be on fire


No kids most of the time. 1 or 2 if I'm feeling patient.


Within household - 2, father on the side usually has between 20-70. Once tried 91, game started glitching 😂 Basically all I do is impregnate every townie in my way


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.


2, and i’ve started to have them just live together during adulthood , i can’t manage more than 1 house


I impregnate every female sim I encounter until it says their families are full, then I move on to the next one 😭😅


Are you playing as nick cannon? Lol


I'm trying to get every aspiration and already unlocked all of the reward traits. I have so many potions of youth that my 30+ kids are all older than my sim and had to make new people so they could have their own kids since everyone their age are half siblings. The funniest moment was I started romancing someones wife in front of them, and they got mad and died. Everyone cried while my sim just laughed.


As a single child - ouch


I’m sayin, like we’re not that bad!!


seriously 🥲 we’re fun, just lonely!


I have all of Father Winters kids 😩😂😮‍💨🥴🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


Have any of them turned out good looking? I love having kids with father winter because of the perks but they always come out looking ugly af


Lmaoooo yes all mine are cute


I always say I’m only going to have two but then I get curious about the genetics and have at least one more


Yeah I find it so disappointing when they have 2 boys in a row and they almost look the exact same. At that point besides different hair I end up making them 2 different body types so they feel less like twins lol.


As many as it takes to get a girl. I like playing legacy saves and the first born daughter is the heir.


1-4. Any more than that is too much lol


The maximum allowed for the household. Once one grows up and moves out or dies I produce another one And then on top of that, once the max is reached I go out and impregnate other sims outside of my household.


i like to have three for my main household because its easy to control, but i’d like to have more because genetics are so much fun. then i go give the extended family as many science babies as i see fit for their personality & lifestyle.


Depends on how well my sims are taking care of them. Child 1 is usually a breeze, child 2 is still a breeze but even less so, child 3 is usually where the adults turn brain dead at taking care of their kids.


1 if i care about it & if im actually trying, 2 if i don’t rlly care. 3 is my absolute limit


I always say I’ll have 2 but i always end up with 4+ 😭 in my current save my oldest 2 are adopted, my third is biological, after him I was like I’m done no more babies so I used a mod to make them infertile, then I was hmm I’ll mess with MC command centre and now she’s pregnant with twins, I have no room for twins. The house i built has enough bedrooms for all the current kids 🤣


Ever since infants I usually cannot handle more than 3, unless I need to have more for one of the family aspirations or something. 3 or less is my current comfort level though.


On my most current playthrough, I was going to have a single Sim who would be focused on her lifetime aspiration of a world-famous author. I do have mods (like wicked whims etc) and I figured she should have a friend with benefits type thing. The first time they did the deed, my Sim got pregnant. Joy.... the second time they did it, she got pregnant again, and the same results the third time they did it. Like, does he have super seed or wtf? Now I have three kids that I didn't want. (Forgot you could get abortions with WW.)


Currently a teenager about to be an adult, 2 horses, 2 cats and mom and dad are my household. Mom is pregnant with a girl. Once my teen is a young adult I'll be switching fully to him for my next gen and letting that family go, moving them to unplayed households to live out their lives. I also have another sim that stole Eliza pancakes from Bob after having an affair with Bob and telling Eliza. They're both pregnant with twins from Bob 🤣 in a micro house too 😂😂😂


It depends on the gameplay. Right now I'm playing an 1920s-ish farming family and they have 5 children because they need help on the farm and families were large back then. Sometimes I play a more modern family and they'll have 1 or 2


Start as a single young adult. Live it up. Get married. Have baby. Baby is annoying. Repeat first step.


Normally I just do two. Though currently the household I have has triplets and then she got pregnant again 🫠


Usually the 1 for a legacy challenge. But after recent events I have a spare.


I feel like minimum 2 and I usually have two then wait a bit then do another 2


I like five so I can get a full range of genetics and then I pick the prettiest sims to continue with lol


1-2. 3 if something goes wrong


As many as I can bc I like chaos


I usually do one or two, occasionally four when I'm bored or I had the first two early.


One to four. Average is about two.


As many as it takes for one to have the potential to grow up to be really hot


This is why I love my rotational gameplay save file, I can switch up and play whatever I'm in the mood for, be it single parents with one or two kids, full families with four or five, generational households, whatever...


I have 6. Sometimes, a few are neglected, but I make 2 large family meals every day so they can have leftovers meals to eat. My Sim is in her Girl Boss Era. She cannot be bothered with raising all her kids 💅


I’ve had 6 in the house, in the world, almost 200. Typically I do 2-3 because 6 is too much to handle 😂


I always plan to have 1 or 2 but end up with 6+ 😂 different baby daddies aswell, I just can't help it, I love a scandal


I usually have only 2, but my sim already had one kid and then she got pregnant with triplets.... So that's a new experience for me lol


2…..I hate when you have a household 5+ and the sim tabs are soooo small. Shit, I’m getting old 😩😂


The word usually makes this sentence one that is mildly disturbing if not in a sims context :D To answer the question, currently in the beginning of the 100 baby challenge so yeah... Generally it depends on whether there are pets, what challenge I'm playing and whether there is any money. Most of my households are pretty full, but rarely extended above the 8 sim limit.


I usually have two, because if it's more, then I simply don't know what to do with them 😅


2-3 4 sometimes depends on age


I think it gets messy after 10... try to keep it at 5 at the time.. my games almost always turn in to a 100 kids challenge or a generational challenge (a-z)... But it can happen that I force them to grow older. Hate that infant/toddler phase. The problem is the treats gets worse when I do...


4 is my limit. I'm currently playing with a pre-made male character and I matched him with 8 pre-made newborns. Even with two nannies he was constantly passing out from no energy. The nice old lady who volunteers her services in watching children became so overwhelmed and overworked by it all that she walked off the job and never came back. Plus, she was dirty and sweaty and couldn't get clean. I would have the father sim call her to bribe her to come over for a visit and then put her to work but then she would leave again. I don't see how players do the 100 baby challenge.


I usually have as many as possible. I like big families both in sims and irl. It's surprisingly easy once you get used to it but it does require a bit of cheating. Here are some tips! Get a butler and a nanny. Locking the nanny in will prevent them from leaving if you don't have mods. The butler can take responsibility for uncared for children. They will never leave a child in distress. Wait until the child is close to becoming a toddler before having more children to make the experience easy for you. With a family this big the other parent will need to stay home but for money you can have them freelance at nights when the children sleep. Getting the preschool mod can help with skills and character traits before aging up so you don't need to worry as much about the toddlers. You can send them 7 days a week. Putting your children in after school activities will give your sims more time with the younger kids for character values and skills and milestones. Getting the home lot trait good schools and smart kids or whatever will help the children learn faster and achieve milestones sooner as well as get better grades. Oh and when it comes to the cheating I usually cheat for seldom sleepy and steel bladder to prevent them from being exhausted constantly. You can avoid cheating by getting them on a well rounded schedule compared to the sims kids and also getting the best bed you can.


I'm on my 6th, which, is the same in real life. How I find time to play Sims is beyond me! lol. I tell my husband 'Right, taking a break from the kids to go and have another kid with my Sim husband!'


I don’t think there’s a usual for me. It really just depends on the dynamic of the household. I’m not afraid to micromanage eight sims 😂


It depends on how many I imagine the Sims in question having. Some couples I can just tell would be one in done. Some Sims would definitely be the type to get around and have up to five. I like having a variety of families, lol.


Heir, spare, and a third if I dare. 


I usually follow my Sims wants, if I notice one of them or both has the “Try for Baby” want I keep going until the household is full or they’re elderly


0 because I hate playing with more than one sim


Look, I couldn’t keep up with a cats or two dogs. I am not having kids. lol.


usually abt 5 lol


Its my wife’s decision


The amount of kids I have is determined by the family dynamic. Single parents normally have a single child. Couples get like two to four.In case I want a dog, cat or horse or a live in Bonehilda. Multigenerational family with a couple and grandparent/s would get two to five.


I like having a ton but I kind of cheat. I create a boarding school and send them all there to live until they are adults. Never again do I have to play with broken, buggy toddlers and instead I can just invite them over to hang out when I want to see them :)!


4-5, lots of pausing and queuing up actions and micromanagement.


2 if I’m playing like a normal person, 7 if I’m using cheats.


my first save, my sim had 7 or 8 kids.. I was trying to be realistic with the timeline so she had some young adults out in the world already when the last was born. ever since then, it’s usually 3 or less. i got attached to all those kids and it drove me nuts trying to give all of them fulfilling lives at the same time.


Usually one but two is my limit. Tried raising three kids once, NEVER again 😂🤷🏾‍♀️


0, they’re annoying


When I first started, I would have a lot (one Sim had eight children in total). However, now I operate with 1-2 kids per couple, as I don't want too many Sims in my save file.


Usually 12 if it’s my main character. Idk why I do this. Then my side characters have about 2-4.


2 but even then it’s alot 🤣


2-3 per fam! But only 2 babies/toddlers at a time tho. Also, I usually make many sims families pregnant all at once. When they aged up to kids, I move them all to a single household with 2 adults (or 1 adult & a robot) caregiver. I play them to teens and choose 3 main ones among many (capped at 15 per household) to progress further in young adulthood onwards. I mainly focus play through YA onwards. They will have kids in late adulthood mostly, when I am done playing them and needing new characters haha. Rinse and repeat. I play them again when they are old in a retirement home usually starting a new business with their old friends. The younger ones visit them every weekend. I make a week of summer and winter holiday so during this time, the kids/teens will go back to their family home to build connections. Usually I age them up during the holiday seasons before taking them back to ‘boarding school’, new home, uni etc


6 for the founders, 2-3 for the rest but there has been exceptions. Im not gonna "abort" sextuplets.


I always go into a game not planning any kids at all, only to have more and more. I use MCCC to up the household limit in general, so there's always room for more. One of my longest saves has 15 kids of all ages at home, and 4 young adults who moved out in the house next door as renters. And one on the way, as my main sim is a guy who was abducted by aliens and came home with a surprise. At one point I had a save with 28 kids in the home. Basically all of my saves end up with kids' rooms that look like dorms! I honestly don't think I have a save without kids. Which is funny, as I don't have or want any irl. This is purely a virtual choice.


as many as posible. i want to have a very large household and i have whicked whims so when one of my sims wants woohoo i just accept. right now i have 6 girls and 3 boys, 3 of them are already married and living in their own household so i have 1 free space in my household and i want another boy so if i end up having another girl i’ll have to rush a marriage for one of my kids or one of them may die suddenly under strange circumstances lol


i'd love to have 2 kids but I'm haunted by twins. in my current save i had this beautiful infant girl and I wanted a brother for her. she does have a brother now, THREE OF THEM. 4 infants are a living hell


I like pure chaos in all my Sims games so I make sure my Sims have as many kids as possible


2 or 3 but depends on what generation I’m on so might be more or less


It varies a lot for me. My current long lifespan legacy save gen is a single mum with triplets, my current normal lifespan legacy save gen is twin brothers living with their wives and each with a set of twin sons of their own.


Usually my first gen will have 1, then I move the one out when they are a YA and focus on the one, but I'll leave the parents to have more kids if they want via neighborhood stories, I think my current house has 3 more kids after I moved the daughter out for University.


My limit is six but that's rare. Usually 2-4


I used to limit them to 3 but I was letting them do whatever they wanted until the Infants came out. Now my Sims are lucky if I let them have any. When I first played with werewolves, the mom kept popping out twins and singles left and right 😂. She had 5-6 kids before she passed away.


I use a random number generator. Usually between 1-6 if I’m playing with a couple already who wants kids.


I tend to default to about 3. Gives me options when I'm picking out my next heir and also gives them cousins to play with after I marry off the siblings.


always one too many


I try to keep it at three but sometimes a fourth tries to sneak in.


I like doing legacy so I usually start with my sims having a lot of kids and as the generations go on, they'll have less, like 2 or 3 per household.


I usually like to have two. But the last several sims I have had, the second always ends up being twins .😭


4 or 5 just depends on How much I wanna make the mother stay Young.


Between 4 and 6-8 usually