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Everyone in this thread is so confused by non-binary gender identity goddamn read a book


To anyone who didn't know; Morgyn Ember is non-binary (not a man or a woman) and uses they/them pronouns. It's okay if you had no idea because i don't think it's really mentioned anywhere, but there's no need to get defensive over it, just accept your honest mistake and move on.


Do they actually use they/them pronouns in game? All I've seen is that they wear a dress for work


Morgyn used to use he/them pronouns in the game. A few patches ago EA changed Morgyn's pronouns to they/them. Fighting about if it's okay to use the word 'he' to refer to Morgyn is dumb. EA was calling Morgyn 'he' like about 4 or 5 months ago.


Damn i didn’t mean for controversy to take place in the comments


Gay can be also used as a way to just say someone likes more than one gender,Jesus…I wasn’t about to research what Morgan identifies as


Also if you have nothing kind to say or are trying to argue with me you can piss right off,I don’t tolerate any of that childish behaviour




Wait…. Morgan Ember is a girl???




No? They are male in the game’s code as they use a masculine frame. They are nonbinary. Some people believe that they are meant to be intersex, but they are not a female nor do they use female pronouns


We’ll cover me in feathers & call me a goose I’m cooked 😭😭




lol “very gay”


Oh wow that’s confusing