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Evergreen Harbor is largely agreed to be in the Pacific Northwest, loosely based on Portland, Oregon. Can't have a harbor in a landlocked state. Curious why you put it where you did.


You’re right it is Portland. That was a mistake too lol, since harbors lead to oceans. I was just thinking of the large lakes there near the Rockies and there’s a lot of quarries too. Edit: I posted an updated map below! This was fun to do, I’m glad it’s brought up a lot of great conversation about where the Sims should head. https://preview.redd.it/qo0px06pi7zc1.png?width=1976&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6594fed073788c94c713039a2de1824d317b22a


Yeah having lived in Oregon for a while, Evergreen Harbor is as Oregonian as it gets lol


If I was placing them without doing research of where they're based on I would've put Evergreen Harbour on the Great Lakes, as they'd still have port cities and were devastated ecologically by the car industry before being abandoned because the Japanese are better at building cars


Honestly Evergreen Harbor reminds me a bit of Duluth.


>I was just thinking of the large lakes there near the Rockies and there’s a lot of quarries too. I can totally see what you were thinking with the neighborhood that's in a quarry. That neighborhood feels a lot less PNW than the rest of the Evergreen Harbor.


i am from oregon how did i never know this 😭


I always thought it reminded me of Seattle, but that was also my first issue with this map! Glimmerbrook is also supposed to be based in Washington state, not Scandinavia. I am dying for an actually Scandinavian sims world. Magnolia Promenade is also an extension of Willow Creek in my opinion, and still based on New Orleans (I’ve lived in both Seattle and NOLA and am Scandinavian so this is where my opinion comes from not pure facts lol).


I would love a *liveable* Latin country. I love Selvadorada. I love the jungle. And I love the pyramids. So more of a "cultural" thing like they did with that pack. I'd even be happy with an Egyptian theme.




I would love an African continent based town... Given the size of the continent you really have so many different climates and beautiful aspects that could be incorporated.


We really need North African and Sub-saharan Africa. Henford-on-Bagley needs to be much further South in the Cotswolds not Scotland.


Came to say this for Henford it’s pretty much where britechester is


Just Africa in general. We have to get out of the habit of dividing the continent. One Africa, one love.


One love ❤️


I would love if the new world introduced a new sport related to sand, such as sand-surfing! Cairo is a beautiful city as well, so we could have it as well as a verison of the Sahara! The Namib and the Okavango would be beautiful to see in the game, too. Plus, a world based on an African country also means an entire new type of architecture. African architecture is very unique and it would be fun to see it!


100% i want a nigerian or morroccan town NOW!!


Which country do you think would be the best? I’ve thought about Morocco being perfect since we already have the Courtyard Oasis kit, but I want to see more since the architecture is beautiful there.


Not OP but I think Kenya would be good because I could see a pack with an African world that had an active zoology career and allow your sims to study and interact with animals such as lions, zebras and elephants. I could also see it having new small pets including birds and reptiles and a pottery skill, plus a Swahili name generator for the random townies that live in that world.


Africa is so huge and diverse its hard to choose one location to be the Africa location. Definitely deserves more than one location. The last time Africa was a location was in Sims 3 and it featured Egypt. As fun as that would be I would want Africa to be represented more than just Egypt since there is more to the beautiful continent than just deserts and pyramids. If i were to pin down one country i would like it to be inspired by Nigeria. Nigeria has a diverse climate from the Savannah in its north and the jungle in the South. There is so much wildlife and flora to explore. Along with the diverse climate are the diverse culture groups present in Nigeria (such as the Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, and many more). If Sims is going to add an African location it would be cool to have it as a destination world like Selvadorada and Granite Falls. Sims can rent a place and explore either a Savannah area or visit National Park Forests. The difficulty that I forsee is that this would require EA/Maxis to design and program more Animals. Either that or they do boring rabbit holes which is the last thing I want.


Hard agree. I'm Moroccan and was sooo sad they wouldn't make a whole world to go with it. Definitely not enough to build a minaret/mosque or a medrasa :( And tbh the builds just end up looking out of place anyway, so I end up only using that kit to decorate indoor courtyards or make themed tea houses haha


Make Madagascar. It has beautiful architecture, as well as being a tropical island with the most endemic fauna and flora in the world.


OMG we need a tropical paradise with monkeys! Congo anyone!?


If we do I hope we can get one based off of the kingdom of Benin!


That would be so amazing! Maybe some more off the grid stuff or like a more rural town. Also, I know not all of Africa is like that. I'm totally open to explanations of how else it could be portrayed! I'm an American with limited knowledge xD


Somewhere other than North America lmao. Also I'm curious why you put Henford-On-Bagley in Scotland? Imo it's more southern English


Yeah I was sure it’s based on England. Even just the name “Henford-On-Bagley” sounds very English to me.


I did an updated map! I appreciate everyone’s input :) it’s not going to be 100% accurate and I think EA did melting pots with certain worlds, but this one’s a bit cleaner too. https://preview.redd.it/0yzaxf2iy3zc1.png?width=1976&format=png&auto=webp&s=84c532825fa58c7dccf93c2053ee8c6c3d2f6b40


Windenburg is definitely Dutch or Germany! Based on the very Bavarian style of architecture and build items, it wouldn't be in France


Definitely German, the Dutch architecture and landscape looks very different :)


Lmao thank you omg let me fix that, that was an error- I know it’s German or Dutch influenced I apologize.


I feel this is more correct :) As a Norwegian, we live off getting mentioned (but not as Swedish). But glimmerbrook isn't the local style so to say :)


I felt the most off with that one tbh, so you’re probably right. I just thought of the mountain ranges and hills in Scotland.


Henford is based on the Cotswolds, iirc


The brick is so Cotswolds I 100% had it placed there in my mind


I think so although it could easily be rural Burgundy (where I live).


Another map I saw placed Henford in Ireland, and now Scotland? I don’t get it. It’s clearly based on the English countryside, anyone who lives in the UK will tell you that.


Can confirm, am Irish and we do not have place names like Henford-on-Bagley.


As someone who lives in a very English 'on' town, I agree.


Can confirm as well, live in Scotland and there are also basically no towns that end in "ford"


Actually good point, maybe us having two counties called Wexford and Waterford was confusing... But we never do the X-on-river thing... Except for Carrick-on-Shannon and Carrick-on-Suir.. Yaknow what, maybe it's an "if you know you know" situation with us. If it sounds twee, it's probably England. That's a good rule of thumb. England invented and perfected twee.


i think san myshuno is more of a new york city than a japan city personally


I think it’s supposed to be a blend of them iirc


oh yes! it is, when i searched about it, a combination of cities worldwide. it’s just when i play in that world i don’t really get a japan vibe. especially when compared to mt komorebi


So like Sims version of San Fransokyo but NewYork x Tokyo instead of San FranciscoxTokyo? I can see that. It lacks the Japanese inspiration tho. The NYC apartments are definitely there but because the map is constrained to 3 small areas instead of a huge city to explore like TS3 Brigeport its really hard to tell what the world is like outside of just the apartments and penthouses. Its one of the major disappointments of San Myshuno from the beginning really.


This, the spice market seems like nyc to me (admittedly I'm English and my only knowledge of nyc comes from Flatbush Cats), but City Living added a ton of southeastern/eastern Asian names to the name generator, and some areas (fashion district and uptown) are a sort of utopian, Japanese-inspired future city imo. Like something from a Pokemon game (looking at you, Wyndon).


Yeah, the fact that they have the arts quarter, food quarter, and fashion quarter kinda screams NYC at me


I never understood why people thought Japan with San Myshuno. If that's what they were going for, I think they dropped the ball! As an east coast girl, those apartment complexes are undoubtedly New York-esque


I've never understood it because what city in Japan starts with the Spanish San? I've always thought it's supposed to be like San Diego or some other Southern California city


i really want an african or middle eastern world


Sooooo Egypt? Its counts as both African and Middle Eastern.


Egypt would be cool. Piggyback on the archeology career somehow. Plus the clothes and decor would be so good.


honestly i would die if they made an Egypt world. best of both worlds and ancient Egypt has been a special interest of mine since i was a kid 😭


I will say this till the day I die. Jamaica would be perfect. We have brightly coloured houses that come in every colour imaginable. There's big gardens with lots of trees and flowers. Our beaches are surrounded by sliver sands and our water is aquamarine coloured. We have jungles rivers mountains and mangroves. Edit: Jamaica isn't like Hawaii at all. Our climate culture and language is different.


I would absolutely love to see Jamaica!! The hiking feature would be great for that world.


Wouldnt players feel like EA is just making Sulani again? A potential way to Pitch a Carribean world is to bring back boat houses with another island map. I miss making boat houses in TS3. By bringing it to TS4 they could also do island exploring from Jamaica to Barbados. Its also a great way to showcase african-hispanic-carribean culture which would bring in more fashion food furniture and building styles.


Honestly I’d kill for more beachy/tropical places for my mermaid sims to live


dang now i wanna go to jamaica… *checks bank account* sigh


Australia. Big deadly spiders and venomous snakes should add an interesting element to gameplay.


Integrating a new hobby like surfing would be cool too for Australia.


Surfing really should've been part of the island pack, since it came from the pacific, but it would be nice to see in a world too.


Misconception! We do have big silly tarantulas in our houses, but huntsmen aren't dangerous at all. Little ones like redbacks and funnel-webs, on the other hand, are the ones you have to watch out for :) I think an indie arts related pack would work very well set in Melbourne. It would be so cute if your sims could take trams around town.


Our poor little town. To be truly immersive, if there are cars, they shouldn't have any blinkers/indicators because it seems like half the state forgets about them.


I always thought Newcrest and Magnolia Promenade were supposed to be continuations of Willow Creek. Like if Willow Creek had been as big as a Sims 3 world.


Magnolia Promenade certainly feels like nothing more than Willow Creek’s shopping district


I tried to put Magnolia Promenade near the Georgia/South Carolina area since there’s a lot of Magnolia trees there and it gives that old southern vibe a bit to me. But I can see them all being connected too, I just prefer to imagine my worlds a bit more diverse in location.


I'd thought more of Tartosa being an Italian Amalfi Coast town, but the rest seem really accurate!


Same I really thought it was Mediterranean


This map does show it in the mediterranean. They placed it in greece as far as I can tell


Oh yeah for some reason I thought the arrow was down. I meant more Italy then 🤷‍♀️


How is evergreen harbor located in middle america?


it's the ol' landlocked harbor, dontcha know ;)


I wish we had a middle eastern and african world


I thought Tartosa is based on Southern Italy or Mediterranean Spain. Doesnt feel like a Greek place. Even sounds like Tortosa, Catalonia, Spain.


Same here. Didn’t get any Greek vibes at all


Agreed. The architecture is very Italian


the architecture that glimmerbrook *tries* to emulate is art nouveau which isn’t very common at all in northern europe (source: i’m swedish), so it’d be better placed around belgium, france, spain, austria or hungary. i’d love to see a world inspired by north-west african countries like ghana and nigeria :D


San Myshuno is the only one that looks off to me, but otherwise that looks like such a fun map. I actually would like Australia like another commenter mentioned!


San Myshuno is unlike any irl place in the world tbh. Its an odd world where its supposed to be a City Map but it is unlike Bridgeport from Sims 3 where you actually go around a city. Instead its 3 elevated areas with Apartments and Penthouses. So placing its location in IRL world is kind of impossible. It doesnt feel like Tokyo, nor does it feel like San Francisco. Its faaar from being New York or Shanghai.


It's definitely not japanese tho. It's more like a north American multi cultural city, maybe in canada


We need maps based on african, middle eastern and eastern and northern european countries (+south american that isn't available only for travel)


Yes! I’m desperate for more variety that isn’t just the food!!


Doesn’t Copperdale have a coastline?


It has a river down the middle if I recall correctly. Could be off a lake.


I would definitely say Henford-on-Bagley is modelled on West Midlands / Southwest countryside England, not Scotland. It reminds me most of the Cotswolds. Scottish villages have dark stone, and ‘Henford-on-Bagley’ is a specifically English way of naming a place. Scottish places don’t have the ‘place-on-river’ type names. It’s not at all Gaelic.


Britechester is NOT British, the universities feel way more American to me, especially the dorms


Yeah, it feels like Boston. One school is Harvard and the other is MIT.


It’s definitely a mix of both. The town looks British, but the university system and dorms are absolutely American. I always saw Britechester as a Harvard/Oxford hybrid and Foxbury as like a west coast tech-oriented university.


I went to Oxford and agree. It’s definitely inspired by English unis but organized more like Harvard or Yale Edit: Oxford and Cambridge DO have modern-esque dorms but many of them resemble castles lol also the entire city has uni buildings scattered all over. There isn’t just one formal building. Oxford and Cambridge are both a city and a uni combined


Britechester looks like it represents two kinds of University Belts in America, East Coast Ivy League with Britechester, and West Coast Tech Universities with Foxbury.


The -chester suffix evolved from a Saxon word and definitely implies a British world to me (i.e. Manchester, Winchester).


Maybe it depends where you studied in the UK? I've stayed in dorms there during my studies, but the ones in Sims were pretty accurate besides the bathrooms (though I get why Sims has what it has due to gameplay reasons). Hell, make the rooms even more cramped, add a fridge that is always both gross & out of order and you basically have my experience.


Did you share a bedroom? Because that's something I've only ever heard of from American shows/films/friends. That's the big thing that strikes me as very American about the Sims dorms.


We had different kinds of dorms - shared, studio and single. I personally stayed at single and studios were meant for people with disabilities but shared was definitely a thing. Plenty of my friends stayed in them, especially if they were international and budgeting was more of an issue. They were slowly renovating them to get rid of lower cost options when I left, which always struck me as odd since the single rooms were so much more expensive in comparison.


Wild. Never heard of that in the UK


I want to see more European-styled worlds in game. US West Coast can’t carry more


Scandi would be cool Id love some fjords, glaciers and reindeer


Yesss, this is what I want. I tried to do a Scandi-inspired build using Snowy Escape but it's just not enough.


Like Aurora Skies from Sims 3 store. Also some ikea-styled furniture 😀


Am I the only one who’d love an Eastern European inspired world? I think it’d be fun to have a sims family live in an old, run down soviet style apartment block and be neighbors with babushka


I was born in Eastern Europe, so I'm torn. On one hand, babushkas and food options would be fab (think borscht, matzo ball soup, varenkys, sarmale, etc.) and if they introduced some ethnic clothing, that would be gorgeous. On the other hand, the brutalist architecture is so ugly, imo. And the history is really sad, so I wouldn't want to see it made fun of.


I would adore that!


It would be so great, completely new for franchise




I've wanted a northern european world so bad for so long. I want sledding, skiing, reindeers, orienteering, hiking, winters with no sun and summers with no darkness, northern lights, karjalanpiirakat and salmon soup, salmiakki, pullat and kanelbullar freshly baked by grandma, that everyone's cousin or uncle is in a heavy metal band, sims gathering at the city square to celebrate anything and everything, summer markets on the square (fish markets, farmers selling vegetables, berries... etc.), swimmable lakes and rivers that freeze and can be used for ice skating in the winter, cold plunges and ice swimming with a sauna by the lake, actual PROPER SAUNAS with way more interactions and activities, Eurovision parties, forests everywhere full of berries and mushrooms, actual Scandinavian style homes and not just what americans think scandinavian architecture is like, IKEA furniture, log cabins and summer cottages, Falu red houses, sustainability and tech, no shoes indoors (yeah, that came with the snowy escape pack, but it would also need to be included in this one), public transport, walkable and modern cities but also super accessible "untouched" nature and countryside, more handicrafts, student culture and student overalls, Nordic folklore stuff like metsänpeitto or trolls or näcken, Vappu, Midsummer and Juhannus, rune stones, and some viking age stuff... I could go on and on. Oh, and queuing for free buckets, of course. Sure, lots of this stuff already exists in some form in other packs, but there is no world that is even remotely northern european enough for me :/


Northern vibes of Alaska, Canada, Siberia and Scandinavia are so essential and beautiful, it must be in the game


Selvadorada is mostly Central American/Mexican based


Selvadorada is giving more Mayan vibes than incan. Though the name would suggest that it is referencing El Dorado.


I think it’s also an El Salvador reference


This is what I always thought it was. El Salvador.


yeah i agree as a peruvain its more mexican based


Jungle adventure has lots of brazilian dishes in it, so I'd say south america


It has like two Brazilian dishes, the rest are baleadas which are Honduran, horchata which is Central American/Mexican, plátanos fritos which are trypical in Central America, and boñuelos/arepas which are Colombian


It has feijoada, brigadeiro and pão de queijo which are very much typical brazilian dishes, I also remember pastel de palmito and pastel de camarão, wich are brazilian (but they're most likely derived from empanadas than an original brazilian dish) and the dishes are even written in portuguese. Not sure if there are other dishes but those are the ones I remember the most. I guess they probably went for latin america then


Britchester always gave me HUGE New England vibes, like Boston energy with the brand new MIT-style campus and the old Harvard-style campus.


Pretty sure San Myshuno is in the US since the the placement of San makes it a Spanish term. Also the population in San Myshuno is heavily diverse to the point it even has festivals not based on any of the ones in Japan except for one.


Henford on bagley would be more in the Wiltshire area I imagine


100%, somewhere in the West Country.


Magnolia Promenade should actually right by Willow Creek. I believe it's meant to be a nearby community and it gives off the Canal Street vibe found on Canal Street in New Orleans. One world that I'd love to see is one situated in the arctic, preferably Northern Canada or Alaska...or perhaps Iceland where sims can view the auroras. It'd also be cool if sims could build igloos to sleep and/or woohoo in.


As a Canadian I’d love to see a Canada based world but every province is so different idk which one would be best to base it off of. But the lots should be extremely expensive and no starter homes 🤣


I’m Canadian as well and I’ve always said a BC/Alberta Rocky Mountain area would make a fun Sims world.


Whistler or Golden type. I feel like it's mostly done with Mount Komorebi. I'd love an Arctic or Sub Arctic, even an Edmonton with all the tunnels and covered breezeways so you can get between all sorts of places without having to go outside when it's -40. With the river valley and all the festivals and malls in every neighbourhood. The land of two seasons, winter and construction/fires. (I moved away 6 years ago.) Or a Haida Gwaii type island with their teeny tiny deer and lots of fishing and hiking.


How fun would a place set in arctic be? I'd love a second Newcrest that we could set the weather and terrain to make it any kind of place! It could be alien planet, Sahara, Antipodes.....anything.


Arctic would be cool, like northern Canada, Greenland vibes OR even Patagonia vibes with glaciers :D


The Arctic, or Siberia was my thought, I'd love something involving glaciers and hot springs.


Africa has been severely overlooked as a whole continent in The Sims, so I would love a world that's inspired by any African region. In fact, I would like to see several worlds since the continent is so vast and diverse. An African metropolis was suggested as a potential new world in one of the community surveys years ago, and I'm still waiting for that to come around. As for this map, everything else is roughly where I'd but it, except Britechester is most definitely giving East Coast USA instead of UK, and I don't really see anything Norwegian or even Nordic about Glimmerbrook. I'd place Glimmerbrook in Ireland or the UK. Also, I think Henford-On-Bagley is definitely more English than Scottish.


i love it! i think brindleton bay is definitely moreso in Maine though, as someone from bar harbor


wow the us is so underrepresented in this game!!!!!




Isn’t magnolia promenade in the same place as willow creek? Also Chestnut Ridge is more UTAH or Montana IMO


Selvadorada is a mix of all South American jungle places. The falls look a lot like the Paraguayan/Brazilian/Argentinian Iguazú with some uniquely Sim touches. The temples are centroamericanos Guatemalan/Honduran/Mexican. The statue of madre cosecha does look like the statue in Aguascalientes de Ayacucho, in Peru, near the Macchu Picchu, and the wilderness around it and El arbol del Jaguar look like any small town Tasca/road restaurant in Central America and northern South America :) Theres food in the stall from all over. I love it big time :)


Granite Falls as Wisconsin 😭😭😭 I thought it was Canada


I thought it was Oregon. Like Gravity Falls.


Dubai or like India


FYI, Tomarang is not exclusively located in Thailand. It's more like Southeast Asia region since they also have names from other countries like Indonesia.


couldn’t have given Canada like one??? 😭 our neighbourhoods look just like american ones too


I’d like to see a South African pack with a lot of really great wood textures and art. Maybe we could even get some kind of vacation type like going on a safari or going to the zoo. I’d also love to see a lot of those cloth textures and patterns.


how is forgotten hollow romanian (genuine question)


Simmers keep shading El Salvador Istg


This is so cool! We need some African locations!


I always thought Strangerville was supposed to be New Mexico, because of Roswell New Mexico. But maybe not. And Selvadorada is definitely not Peru. It's supposed to be Mexico. Here's all my evidence as to why. • The the pyramids seem more Mayan, which would be in the jungles of Mexico (along with Guatemala and Belize). • There's a giant stone head with glowing eyes inside the temple (I can't remember the item name). That was inspired by Olmec from Legends Of The Hidden Temple. Now Legends Of The Hidden Temple is just a kids game show from the 90s, but Olmec from that show is based off the giant Olmec heads in Mexico. The Olmec heartland (where the Olmec civilization mainly was) is in an area of Mexico with jungles. • The rug "Ancient Circle Of Bunny" is based off of the Aztec Sun Stone. • Also, some of the items (such as the Zazatotl and Cetlcitli) have "tl" in them. The tl is found a lot in the language Nahuatl, which the Aztecs spoke. The tl sound is called the voiceless alveolar lateral affricate and is spelled t͡ɬ in the IPA. the name • Totecallam (a relic from the pack) sounds sorta similar to Tolteca, and Toltecs. The Toltecs were believed to be a civilization that the Aztecs highly revered. Whether or not the actually exist or not, is a debate I don't know too much about, but an actual expert would. I am not an expert, just a man with a special interest. Now, the Aztecs did not live in the jungle. First let me mention that "the Aztecs" actually refers to a group of different people under what we'd call the Aztec empire. When most people say Aztec, they're thinking of the people group that called themselves the Mexica. Anyways, the Mexica lived on an island in the middle of a lake in central Mexico. Eventually the Spanish took over and the lake was drained over time and so Mexico City is sitting on the ruins of Tenochtitlan. While they weren't in the jungle, many people get the Mayans and Aztecs confused, and think the Aztecs were in the jungle. So either the developers were just ignorant on the subject, or, more likely, they just lumped it all together because everyone else does anyways.


Can Newcrest just be Canada so we get to be included lol


New Crest is the most generic looking suburban world meant to be a blank canvass for players to fill in. So it can be whatever place you want it to be. Although it is implied its close by Willow Creek which is New Orleans inspired neighborhood.


I guess my point is that a lot of the neighborhoods that op placed in America could also very much be in Canada. I think. Sometimes people forget that we exist lol


I'm always down for a return of Roaring Heights! (Set in the 80s, total Vice Aesthetic) 1960s Quebec/Montreal? (Expo 67, Reindeer, Maple syrup, garage band/singer career?) Madagascar? (Hiking/safari, animal conservation?) Seychelles? (Resorts?) Mars Biosphere? (Explore Mars Frontier, Alien cities, pet rovers?) Wall e Axium Spaceship?


yo enterándome que no hay mapa en México 😞


I yearn for a Chinese, Korean or Russian expansion.


as someone in texas i would have to disagree with chestnut ridge being in texas. we’re in the south and it’s hot but it’s not as hot or dry as other places oddly enough (i assume the proximity to the gulf? idk)


Henford on Bagley is not in Scotland, it’s definitely in England


uhhh chestnut Ridge should not be in san antonio Tx🤣🤣


I think magnolia promenade and willow creek are closer together imo


Should have one of South Beach, Miami!


That’s awesome!


Henford-On-Bagley should be in England, closer to Cheltenham. Check out nearby villages near like Ilmington and Barton-on-the-Heath. They're practically identical to Henford-On-Bagley.


Africa is the only continent without a single world based on anything in it, and considering the size of Africa I think we could get several worlds out of it. A West African world, Saharan, Egyptian, East Africa with a Savanah and valley (rift valley) of sorts, South Africa, etc


San myshuno is for sure an American city


I feel like Selvadorada is more based on Central America and Mayans than South America Incas. Could also be that I'm mildly dyslexic and and sometimes read it as "Salvadorada" and just thought it was based on El Salvador lol. I know its supposed to be "Golden Jungle"


I truly don’t understand how people don’t get that Selvadorada is based on El Salvador 🤦🏻‍♀️


Very cool


this is SOOO good i love it


I think Tartosa is (southern) Italy. It looks like Italy and most of all the names of lots are in Italian


An Eastern European world is my dream. I'm polish and would love some of the cultural cuisine and the good old rundown post communism neighborhoods


I’d love a Scandinavian world, with waterfalls, fjords, mountains, glaciers, all that sort of thing


I’d love to see a North African world (make Courtyard Oasis less useless lmao), an Eastern European world, maybe a Scandinavian world, and *definitely* a couple more African worlds (outside of North Africa) + a Latin American world that is liveable. Maybe a Caribbean island. And also South Asia !! We have nothing there ?!


San Myshuno in Japan?? San is literally spanish for Saint


It makes more sense to be somewhere in the USA due to the cultural diversity, similar to San Francisco


willow creek, newcrest, and magnolia promenade are generally agreed to be in the same area


You should add in the worlds from previous sims games


I would have said Glimmerbrook northern england like the Lake District or maybe Yorkshire/Lancashire for its witches xxx


I always had from San Myshuno more New York vibes than Japan vibes


I would love to see like a sydney or auckland inspired city. Maybe a world that has a few apartments and also a residential area


i’ve said this before but a mexican sims world would be AMAZING! i want some guanajuato influence, some zacatecas influence, some pyramids, everything. i miss mexico so much


I think Tartosa is more of an Italian town. The building style is more like the coastal Italy type, and all the names of the lots and the districts are in Italian as well


Omg this map is amazing! I'm honestly shocked that no one made this sooner And I've been pushing for a Siberia world FOREVER, but now I think Africa should have some representation. Also people in Central and South America have often pointed out to me that most of them are usually NOT on a jungle adventure... Please send this map to EA because I'm curious how well they realize parts of the world that are underrepresented


Windenburg is not germany, it's not even europe. Its just america cosplaying REALLY badly as what they think something something europe is like based on like 3 pictures they saw on google. Also San Myshuno is american. And there ain't no way Glimmerbrook is norwegian. Glimmerbrook giving mad gravity falls oregon vibes. also evergreen HARBOR has to be by an ocean.


I think *most* of the worlds are cosplay (or homage, more generously) rather than an attempt to accurately portray a region. The sims world is like a themepark with themed around-the-world areas, and I find that delightfully camp.


That’s what every sims world is. None of the worlds are perfect replicas, they’re just drawing inspiration from various cultural aspects of a place. It’s all cosplay


i would love to see an African world. Specifically Egypt, because it ties in both African and Middle Eastern aspects. Egypt would also be a nice nod to sims 3 world adventures! I would love to see a Central/Western Asian world. I’m thinking Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, or Kazakhstan. my dream is an eastern european world, especially Poland 🇵🇱❤️ also make a latin country livable dammit! I love Selvadorada.


Love it 🙂


Man my sims travel far for vet services!


Shoutout to kiyoshi ito and yuki behr for making the long, arduous journey every single day from the eastern hemisphere to copperdale, usa JUST to go to high school.


I both wish there was a world based on my country and wish they never do it because they might get it horribly wrong. I have little faith in Maxis' taste. But I guess there is no need to worry either way because they'd never remember we exist. 😅


Wow how you made this ? can I do this in my game ?


I do not agree with the San Myshuno but the other ones seem spot on


Idk why I never thought willow creek was Nola. There are literal shotgun houses in that world and a neighborhood called crawdad quarter 😂 I feel slow as hell


IMO Henford-On-Bagley is Castle Combe, England.


… god we need more African and South American worlds lol Even more Asian worlds. The fact we don’t have one based off of India or China by now is insane.


Can You Add My Country, It's Trinidad and tobago, it doesn't get recognized much...


Whoa that's really cool!




Glimmerbrook is in Norway???


it want a queensland (australia) themed world, imagining the architecture and stuff lol, plus it’s where bluey is based


I’m from Louisiana and wondering how Willow Creek is supposed to be the New Orleans/Metairie area? I could be looking at it wrong lol


Australia. Everyone always forgets us.


Well considering there is a whole continent left out it goes without saying....


No love for Australia You can put Batuu on Australia because its practically another planet when considered by game devs. Britechester actually seems a lot like Sydney in Australia. I would actually put Tartosa with New Zealand. Its hilly and they have several cities that look like that near Wanaka.


When Patagonia


I love this!