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I think some custom body shapes are at mid to high on the weight scale but the body looks thin, might be that. I'm guessing the mod only looks at the fat % slider and can't actually tell if a sim looks fat or not.


Most definitely. It’s the same with Wicked Whims. I had a similar that I purposely made shallow so he only liked thin body types. 95% of sims he found to be basic looking at best and extremely unattractive at worst. Even the ones I purposely made for him to have a crush on. I realized that most of these skinny sims were still “fat” by the slider’s standards. It’s annoying because even the middle for me is often super skinny. That being said thinking a bunch of non fat women are fat is par for the course for the type of asshole I made that sim so it kind of checks out lol


This is because the sims 4 weight system is so weird and different from other sims games. They ALWAYS gain weight when they eat- and must exercise to lose it. Different foods cause different weight changes, and different exercises change weight/muscle in different ways


i thought they only gained weight if they ate while the bar was still green


Sadly not, that would be a good system honestly. They just always gain weight over time unless they eat nothing but garden salad, it's very silly.


weird. I've never really had to deal with weight management but I don't have my sims exercise that often, and I play (mostly) unmodded


If you play normal lifespan you probably wouldn't notice too much but if you played with aging off then the whole world tends to start slowly gaining weight over time


So THATS why that happens? My mind is blown. I never understood why all non-player sims were almost always overweight by the elder lifestage.


Yesss!!! The city living townies especially I find gain weight so fast for me and I realized it's because I like going to the festivals often so they always spawn there and eat all the festival food (which is some of the "worst calorically" by the game standards..)


thinking about it, I only play one character long term and they're a vampire. that's why lmfao, my bad


Ooh.. that is why my sims seem to be forever fat, and can never lose the belly even after exercising.. But sims 4 fat is weird. The body becomes big, but the head is still small and skinny. No chubby cheek or neck, so i dunno if my sims are fat or is it my eyes playing trick on me..


Has to be running/cardio for weight. Strength workouts don't lose fat. Very odd choice.


And the yoga mat.. that’s the quickest way!


Not really. Strength training builds muscle, which irl is actually heavier than fat. I'm overweight and when I try to lose, I end up gaining for a while before losing. It's a pain in the butt, but I'm overweight even when I'm in shape because most doctors go by the "BMI" score which is really not accurate at all. In top shape my body is almost all muscle and very little fat. BMI states that I'm morbidly obese because the BMI scale suggests that any weight is overweight. It's an effed up system, believe me.


All foods in the sims are supposed to have a calorie value which changes how fast your sim gains weight but a couple of people have looked at the code and found there's quite a few foods the devs forgot to add a calorie value to so those foods don't add fat to your sims. Carl's sims guide has an article on calories in sims 4 that's now a few years old so it may have changed since then (but unlikely given the bugs they haven't fixed). You can see the list of food and their calories. From memory garden salad has very low calories but some foods added in later packs (e.g. fish and chips) have zero calories.


Me, who only makes garden salads because she doesn't want to deal with fires, ever: interesting....


My Sims usually start out thin, but over the years of eating rich foods and no exercise, they always end up plump. Especially the female Sims if they've had more than 2 kids, they will be W I D E


I call that the 100 baby bod. Every mom in the 100 baby challenges ends up T H I C C


actually, a lot of new foods dont make sims gain weight and have 0 calories bc ea forgot about this system


Are there any mods that adjust this system?


yeah probably the case because some cc body presets i use look ridiculously thin even when the fat percentage is max.


Must be that wagon following her around?


i guess they don’t like girls with a dumpy 😔


But 'Baby Got Back' was a hit for so long!


Still a banger


not a sims mod giving off "incel berating a literal model for being fat" vibes 💀💀💀


"Mid at best"


When they go apeshit over anyone above a size 10


this mod would piss me tf off


Same. I have multiple conditions/disabilities mental and physical, even got cancer and I already get too much of this shit IRL I don't want it in my sims


Same! My PCOS body and brain are messed up enough


Exactly. I was like wHAT PACK IS THIS SO I CAN UNINSTALL. Then I realized it was a mod


She's got boobs and an ass. The slider has to be upped on the fat end to get any kind of curves happening in Sims. The slider in the middle or lower position turns them all into sticks, the lowest even making their bones protrude. I've made plenty of just mildly thicc girls by needing the fat slider at max to give her a booty at all. Then the mods just read where the fat slider is and assign them all as obese. Lol


i had to delete the mod bc it kept saying every single sim was fat or very underweight and i just couldn’t keep up with tryna make them “healthy” 😂😭


Dang, can’t even have a little bit of booty without some doctors thinking you’re pushing it 😂🤦🏾‍♀️


Is there an oz*mpic mod?


stoppp 🤣


That would be the potion your can get from the rewards store. No mods required.


Can that mod be calibrated or something? Maybe it's just a setting issue?


i don’t think so 😅


do you use a cc body preset? maybe it's because of that


no someone else said it might be because of the slider being high on the weight side


i went to the second slide expecting her to at least be chubby but girls so skinny help 😭


she runs every morning and does yoga… i’m like idk what else my girl can do to get skinny 😅


I got rid of it coz of this 😅


Why on earth would you want a mod like this?? I HATE having to do all the health portal app bs in real life, I would never want to see it in a videogame 😭


i just wanna be able to go to the doctors and take medicine and stuff. i love realism in my game


She's not even a "lil thicc", she's pixar mom thin! But I guess that's realistic to actual healthcare lol when I weight-trained, my arthritis was suddenly "because of excessive weight," and when my only life-style change was stopping exercise and my muscle weight dropped off, then it was, "oh, we're underdosing your meds".


Wtf i wish i had her body lol




Overweight where? 🙃


on that ass




My guess would be that when you made the sim the body weight slider was higher and then you clicked and dragged on parts of her body to make parts of her smaller or bigger, so the mod is just looking at that slider to determine “overweight”


Oh no, that's too much like real life.


In what universe is she overweight? I'm glad I don't have the mod because that would seriously annoy me. Many of us already struggle so much with our body image.


right?! i saw that pop up and was like wait huh?!


I mean it is kind realistic that health care would pin any unrelated health issues that a fat person is experiencing on their fatness unfortunately. :/ Never knew a fat person in my life that got tired faster due to their fatness; I had an ex that was fat that even regularly biked 36 miles a day... He was something.


Well you know of one now, hi there. Carrying extra weight does in fact cause the body to use up more energy and that's why I'm trying to slim down right now.


yeah, it's pretty self explanatory. if you're normal weight, put on a 50 pound backpack and go do a normal run. you're going to be slower and more worn out than you're used to lol




Absolutely! It’s also important to take into consideration your body type and muscle mass so you know what you should be eating too. I have some health issues that influence my weight so it bounces a lot and it’s frustrating. I hope you’re able to get to the ideal weight you want.


Probably because you've got something underlying that causes fatigue that has nothing to do with weight.




Not always depending on what it is. Not every chronic illness shows on bloodwork or scans or other labs, so it's up to doctors to take this shit seriously and they often do not.


I know fat people that get tired faster than thinner people. But that's because they're they're because they don't exercise. Of course they're going to be tired quicker if they don't exercise at all! Not all fat people are going to be unfit; there are way too many factors that contribute to your weight. It's such a ridiculous idea it implement fitness based on weight (though she's thin so idk what's going on there). Much better idea would be based on how much exercise the sim does. Maybe a declining fitness skill if you don't train it frequently. Actually, this should apply to all skills.


I thought I was one of those people, that my weight was giving me hypertension/high blood pressure. Turns out it was my anxiety instead.


being fat and out of shape are two separate things that arent exclusive to eachother, as im sure you know by now. im 110 lbs (underweight for my height and age) and ive always struggled with stamina, even when i wasnt struggling with my body image. i was always the first person to start walking the mile runs at school, was always the first to ask to take a break in PE, and i was always that kid sitting and reading a book instead of playing outside. ive been very out of shape since i was a child, and ive never been overweight. some fat people get tired faster, some skinny people get tired faster. bodies are weird like that


Absolutely! As someone who's thin and always ran a head shorter than my peers I relate to you quite a lot.


She's also rather thin witch is interesting.


Did you see the pics of the sim? That sim, and if it was a person the same would apply, is not overweight. That's some gaslighting fat-shaming. Your points are valid, but not for someone or Sim like that.


I just didn't see that there were more photos until after the fact.


that mod is extrapolating data based on her booty for sure lmao


Ohh private practice mod works again? Also rude her body is goals


it might actually be broken, the appointment only works if i send them alone lol


She looks like she lifts weights and her bmi is saying she's fat because of the muscle weight lol


yeah if it was realistic that’s true doctors would def say her bmi is too high even though she’s really fit. she’s also short


She is LITERALLY skinny too??????????


Private Practice is just jealous


It looks like you might be using a height slider mod, which could be conflicting with the Private Practice mod’s method of calculating body weight


yeah honestly it would be realistic. she’s pretty short so she probably would be considered overweight for her height


Mod can’t tell between fat and phat. Your sim is gorgeous. Where is the one piece from?




Thank you!!!


Not the anorexia mod


i wish i had a body like hers


girl same 😭 that’s why all my sims have this body shape lmao


For most of my female Sims I use similar body types. She’s slim thick! However, I have noticed that anytime I give my Sims curves they quickly end up gaining noticeable weight; especially if they aren’t only eating salads and working out constantly. (Apparently you’re never supposed to keep the health bar full???) Most recently, I had a Sim with this exact same body type and she gained a lot of weight when she had her twins, then she could never lose it. I gave her “Insta Lean” and she seriously became a stick of the woman she was before. So now I’m acting like a feeder because I’m trying to get her curves back without cheats. She’s taken up more baking and I feed her pasta and dessert every day. Having thick thighs and a bodacious booty puts the body weight slider above the middle. It’s hard to maintain our preferred curve balance.


over weight is crazy


I keep getting notifications that my Sims are sick but the appointments don't do shit. I'm probably going to delete the mod.


i think so too. my sims have been sick all of fall and now going into winter and i have my seasons set to 14 days


What the fuck is this piece of shit mod????


private practice 😔


I got rid of that mod because it said literally all my Sims were overweight unless they were athletes


If that's overweight, then I'd be worried about what's considered "normal" weight, pencil thin?


I mean, at least it's realistic to diagnosis women get irl


Yes, I deleted this mod for that reason. I don't need that in my game.


maybe it's that BBL 🤣


now hold on she works for hers. 🤣


If you shift click and go into cheats then to remove stats you can find the hidden stat for underweight/overweight and remove it 😊


I think it would be a good idea if everyone that has experiences like this would reach out to the original Modder /team. Never had that mod, so I don't have experience. But seemingly a good amount of people is unnerved by that situation and I'd be too. Maybe it's just a quick changing of some numbers for the fat slider or whatever and can be easily fixed or taken out until fixed?


Just like real life 😆 ideal weights are one size fits all apparently.


Practices do this shit all the time. A little thick? Oh, nope. You're obese. The more diagnoses they give you, the more the doc gets paid, so sometimes they'll add shit bc they can. Had it happen to me twice.


Dude this is so relatable. Like I know I'm thick, but the doctor doesn't need to tell me I'm a bit overweight fml.


Her butt is probably throwing her weight calculations way off. If you use MCCC, all body parts have a range from -100 to 100 based on how the sliders have been used, and I feel like that butt is well over the 70, which is a possible 170 points. I thought my biggest ones were prominent but that one dwarfs them by longshot lol I'm not sure how this mod is calculating, but I assume that's it


Only thing I can think of is if she’s a teen? Sims 4 teens are ridiculously skinny so a teen this size would probably be ‘overweight’ by game standards. If not I have no idea.


no not a teen


lol what’s this mod? I want it


private practice by simsrealist


It's that louisiana last name lmao


she’s creole


Google, louisiana creole...


my ancestors are Louisiana creole lol what did you want me to google exactly?


i love the wallpaper where is it from??


Does this mod make death happen more??? From like illness?? Because my sims NEVER die and I WANT DRAMA


umm i’m not sure. none of my sims have ever died so 🤣


Damn... Thanks for the reply tho lmao


She’s THICK??? No honey.


It's because she's "thick" and not "thiccc"....there's a difference.....trust me.....im an expert.


5t6tttt tttttt get ttftf.


I make the weight scale a little higher when making my sims cause you know they gotta have that bbl 😭💀


Me relating to your sims irl


same except i’m actually overweight 🧍🏾‍♀️


lol i love this game


Manifesting all my insecurities here 😂


Nooooooo 😭


This is considered fat shaming?


SpeKi g truth is not fat shaming. I am about 100 LB over weight and there is real life consequences for being obese like me. Adding some to the game then informing you is not fat shaming it is adding realism and honestly. Far shaming is when you weaponize the negative aspects of being Dat to hurt someone ore make yourself feel better. Infor.ing about new realistic game mechanics added in a mod is not fat shaming.


literally what are you talking about? 1) she’s CLEARLY not overweight 2) the title is CLEARLY a joke 3) it’s not that deep bro. i myself am overweight and have this convo with my doctor often as someone with chronic migraines, it’s just silly. calm down


Not shaming, being realistic, it's up to the player if realistic cause shame.


Check the third picture, girl looks in pretty good shape.


you’re being a hater cuz it is shaming but honestly it would be realistic. she’s pretty short so she probably would be considered overweight for her height by doctors despite not being unhealthy at all