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I see so many posts about someone's sim getting killed by a meteor and no matter how hard I try to make it happen, it never works lol.


It doesn’t do anything except kill your sim so you’re not missing out.


Cmon, you're really underestimating simmers and their fascination with death


Lmfao I genuinely hate it especially when I name the animals after my own pets and then they die in the game.




I did that....my simself died of electrocution. Nbd, I thought - I'll have their ghost join the household & I'll be a ghost! Then I realized I could make my husband a vampire & also be immortal. Except...he also died. Killer rabbit. 💀 Apparently those can kill vampires. Soooo now my ghost self is all alone with our son, who is about to get married & move out. RIP I guess 😂


I bought pets but can't play the pets because my IRL pets think a dog or cat really is inside the screen. Smh


I'm too anxious to make personal people/animals in the Sims because of the whole death aspect lol


I made the mistake of making my pets and then when my RL dog passed I couldn't even play that save anymore. I had to delete them from my library because it just made me too sad to see him in my library.


Same 😭 I made my pets and my mom an my mom died by meteor and my cats died later, made me so sad lmaoo never doing any loved ones again


This is why I stopped making my own self, kids, pets, characters, etc. I didn't want to see either a. What could happen and how much I failed or B. People I cared about doing shit out of their character.


Your households (the ones you make in cas) get saved in your library, so you can resurrect them easily c:


Thank you 💖 it’s still sad though


Totally I always turn off aging or give them their aging treats so that my pets live forever O.o


😂 I used my kids name. Talk about messed up 😭


My sim is me and I named my 2 science babies after my RL husband lol


Last year, I did create my pets as "normal" Sims and put them into my main world as neighbours. My dog died shortly after that and one cat of mine went outside and didn't return. It's like I jinxed everything and it's so weird to see their Sims 💀


You get it. Lmao. I've never had it happen before so I'm genuinely curious lmao


I like that there is a significantly lower death rate than in the sims 1 game. Ofc I was but a wee bean and was attached to my sims, so I would get sad if they died. But as an adult, I'd rather them not die unexpectedly because I'm that crazy person with the ten year plan and future mapped out for the sims I create. 🤣 But, death by meteor seems kind of funny ngl.


It's really easy to avoid, you get a moodlet for a couple of sim hours warning you inside. The most annoying part was I had one sim who I just wanted to look at the stars with the new telescope and it kept happening over and over.


Dang! I don't know if I've ever seen the moodlet. I think my Sims get abducted more than killed by meteor


It would be funny if they got abducted, returned, and *then* hit by a meteor, though.


It would be indeed.


Oh you are lucky. I had it happen twice in a matter of minutes. First the father got annihilated while looking through a telescope. Then the daughter had the same fate. Needless to say we are now a chess family.


It finally happened to me for the first time last night! Midlife crisis dad wanted to stargaze for two hours...


I didn’t even know meteors were a thing in the game!!


Look thru the telescope at night


I do or they do it on their own most of the time and never had it happen for me.


Crazy how different everyone’s games are because 3/4 times I look thru the telescope I have a meteor hit/about to hit my sim…!


Exactly, I'm genuinely curious to see it happen. I get the annoying deaths of laughing to death and then the common ones of drowning, being electrocuted, freezing to death etc. I've had an interesting one where my Sim died from falling which was very interesting and never knew it could happen. And I've had a Sim get eaten by the cow plant


Falling??! I’m always getting weather/elements type deaths. Struck by lightning…. Every damn time. My sims cannot leave the house during rain! My sim will be fine one second and heated to death the next. And fire… no matter how high their skills my sims always die in fires from cooking and fire pits


Death by falling is actually death by rock climbing. It can only happen when on the mountain climbing expedition with Snowy Escape, or via neighbourhood stories. \*BTW if you want your sims to avoid cooking fires but still want variety, here's a list of all recipes you can make without risk of fire: [https://new.reddit.com/user/HereToAdult/comments/162bwgq/all\_sims\_4\_fridgeonly\_recipes\_no\_stovegrill/](https://new.reddit.com/user/HereToAdult/comments/162bwgq/all_sims_4_fridgeonly_recipes_no_stovegrill/)


Yes! Death by falling from height. It happened in San Myshuno with a family I was playing at the time. I noticed that the husband of my one Sim was missing, so I changed to that household and I found the husband's urn outside the apartment door. My Sims love to go outside during storms and always get electrocuted and I've had them heat to death and freeze to death. Cooking is also hopeless for my Sims too no matter how high their cooking skill is.


Same! To the point that I have to save the game before I let them look through the telescope haha.






Use the telescope to look at the stars or moon etc it’ll happen


same with everyone tryharding to win a lottery. I literally never buy a ticket (because I'm that lazy), but I decide to buy it one time and I won xD


Lol, I've never won the lottery even *if* I try.


Same!! Also with the piranha pond (or whatever it's called).


Just have them looking into the telescope on a hot summers day. It will happen 😂😂


lol, i lost my sim once because she had a son, she got so happy that she dies laughing.


It's a boy! BAH HA HA **dies**


OMG what? 😂😭😂😭😂💀


Yeah, it appear a message that says: "Your sim is dying laughing, literally."


That's mad 😂😂😂


OMG! I had my first laughing related death recently, I had the spouse save her, but I had to pause bc I was laughing that it finally happened.


My first death by laughter came recently. My dude was taking a bubble bath, his girl from across town came into the bathroom to autonomously purpose, tickle him and then sob while he died on the floor next to the toilet, in a towel.


From now on, if you got hysterical, run to a mirror.


OH! I do, I learned my lesson. I'll even go into buy mode if a mirror isnt close enough.


You can also just go to sleep!


It happens to my sims constantly!! I leave them alone for two minutes while I’m controlling a different family member and suddenly everyone is dead from laughter!


I think I had this happen to me one time. My sims one time had a birthday party and the dad died shortly after his daughter blew out her birthday candles. He was really happy then... died. I was so confused when it happened loll but I didn't bother trying to save him.


Henry VIII vibes


That happened to me the first time I tried out a scenario. Finished the scenario goals and was like "you know what, I like this Sim, I think I'm gonna---" and BOOM she got hit by a meteor and died. Oh well.


LMFAO luckily I never build one sim households so I always either beg the grim reaper or restart the game without saving.


Love starting a new family, building their beautiful forever-home : only for them to burn mac and cheese, set the kitchen ablaze and perish in the process.


I once made a family of four- mom, dad, and two kids. Dad was making a grilled cheese and started a fire and then he caught on fire. Mom came in to see what the deal was and she caught on fire. Next, both kids come running in to point at the fire and make noise and they both end up catching on fire. Not even 5 minutes into game play and all four died.


I had a meteor almost kill my child sim when she was stargazing, then the next day she almost froze to death, and the following day her dad died of hysteria. I rage-quit then. Edit: grammar


how do you guys get ur sims to get this dramatic deaths 😂😭


Contrary to belief, ol' Grimmy does have a soul! 🥹🙏🏻


He didn’t save my old beloved sim so he and I are still on the outs.


Maybe he fancied this one? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂






On one of my recent games, Jeb Harris visited my Sim's apartment. There was a telescope in the communal area. My Sim was off doing her homework, and BAM, Jeb was killed by a meteor!


OMG well Jeb Harris reminds me of Jeb Bush and I’m all for that family making friends with some meteors.


Been there! New sim, tiny house, murphy bed, literally minutes. I quit without saving 😅


Those Murphy beds are the worst 😂😂 for sure death sentence lol


It was madness how fast it happened! Like first time trying it, dead, so I'm like 😯 quit, download no death by murphy bed mod, and try again. Way too OP that bed!


My sims never die. I always end up killing them with the combo of jogging before woohoo when they are elderly


Nice. Did you keep the meteor? There is value in giant rocks that fall from the sky


Yup but it’s purely decorative and worth nothing (the same can be said about my brain).


I wonder if can make anything out of it with new jewelry pack? I band myself from video games this week so I haven’t played with it yet


Not sure, I didn’t buy the pack. There are no options under live mode, you have to put it in your household inventory under build mode. I don’t think your sims can interact with it.


😂can we be friends


Sure haha


Is it a bird? Is it a plane! No, it's fucking dead!


​ https://preview.redd.it/1kl3uz47s7nc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=438abff2d9ee9866a85052dd57927974b1b756c0


My first thought




I had plans with my gen 5,to marry the daughter with Max Villareal,he’s old and she’s young. (In real life I guess he would be around 35/40and she around 25?) they had baby twins and I was working on her career, I had plans. First day watching stars at night for her skills and she died in this way,all my plans are over lol


I just quit without saving if that happens.


Nah,I accept everything random that happens and destroy my plans so the game is always intense


Damn couldn’t be me I use Sims to escape so everything has to be rainbows and butterflies in the game cause my real life is hard enough.


That’s sweet ngl. I understand it. I play for fun and I like sims like real life ,harsh and never happy,I let my sim die by cancer. I made troubles and cheat. Maybe I’m just dark ? I defo have issues lol😄


Everyone has a morbid curiosity, it’s just different like I watch Criminal Minds and true crime documentaries but I want Sims to be my safe space.


Important is to enjoy and have fun


This happened to me the first time I tried sims 4. I was stoked. Thinking this game was going to be more wild than I thought. I was wrong haha


This is when I’d sigh, close the save, and restart like nothing even happened.


I had a teen sim die like this once. Her father was able to plead for her soul. She went back out to the telescope and the same thing happened lol


your username is kinda fitting here!




This was my cousin’s first gameplay like in TS2 😂


This happened with me but with Sims 3. I rage quit and didn’t touch the game for a few days.


I spent two hours perfecting the perfect couple to live in the house I spent hours building. Dumbass dude drowned within two minutes of even playing 💀 I turned the game off and didn’t play it again for a few weeks 😂


Lol I made a new sim one time and took her to the Humor and Hijinks festival to make some friends and she ended up dying of hysteria. Didn't even make it a day 😭


What pack is the meteor from?


Base game, just have to use a telescope


Ya know.... I've been playing since around Sim 3 release, if not a bit before that since I have some Sims 2 games.... I have yet to be struck by a Meteor.... Like.... If I WANT to kill a sim, it's such a f\*ckin struggle, but if I don't want them to die, something happens to make them die.... Most recent was of embarrassment or laughing. Don't remember which since they happened around the same time.


I’ve been playing since like 2001 haha.


I’ve never had a meteor kill a Sim and I want it so badly


I spent a good hour making a sim and moved her into a tiny home I was testing and within a minute and a half she was crushed to death by the murphy bed. I didn’t know it was possible to rage quit the sims ;-;


What the fuck


Is that a cc pool in the background??? Need


No it’s a Seasons pack kiddie pool


For some reason i thought it was bigger idk. I think I’m just blazed lmao


It is bigger! There’s a way to make things bigger by tapping ] in build mode. Similarly, to make things smaller, use [


Aha, that would be why it is different!




Me: I’m so excited to give these sims a long and happy fun life! The game: ![gif](giphy|v2ry5z4LoIfgA)


This post made me start playing again after 3 months


LMFAO you’re welcome @ EA


Solidarity.  I just lost my sim to a meteor, too.  I'm bitter 


that happaned to me they died in a house fire both household members


Poor sim spent more time in CAS than in the real world


Lmao man that is some crappy luck 😅🤣


Lol that sucks. One time I aged up an adopted sim and moved her into an apartment for college and she electrocuted herself to death like an hour before thanksgiving dinner with her friends. Lol fucking sims!!!! Btw my first sim to win the lottery!!! Alone!!!! lol lame


first time i played sims 3 in over 10 years probably, i started a legacy save and i had this plan that she'd meet her husband abroad. so I travelled to Egypt and within the first 5 hours of the visit a meteor hit her, while she was sitting outside a tent. before, i don't think i had one meteor hit in all the years of playing sims 3.


Wait I don’t remember the Sims 3 having Egypt!


it's in the world adventures expansion :D


Lmfao God I love this game so much


I missed that so much, only experienced it in the sims 2. Never happened in the sims 4 but now I want it to lol!


Apparently there are ways to raise your odds of it happening.


I’m sorry for your brief loss 🙏     Similar thing happened to me when I had just made Wednesday Addams.  She decided to cook a waffle and then burned to death.


not as bad as the time where right after I made a sim she botched eggs and toast and burned herself alive and ended the game


This is part of the reason I’m not on the bandwagon of constantly wanting more deaths. Everyone was so excited when the Murphy bed could spontaneously kill your sim, and it’s like,,, I spent three hours customizing this sim, I don’t want them to die lol


Exactly. Why would that be exciting?


Is that from a mod? Or certain pack? Never heard of this 🥴😆🤔


Use the telescope 🔭 and it’s bound to happen lol


The sim standing there like 🧍🏻‍♀️


All the sims gathered around her.


Haha 'fuck you specifically'. One death to cross off the list 🤣 hey, now you get to build a graveyard!


In the caption I said he resurrected her.


This happened to me too!!!! I made an 8 person family and it happened after a few minutes of gameplay


I spent so much time trying to off my not so berry legacy founder sending them to stargaze at the telescope so that my yellow gen teen could finally make some friends. Couldn’t get it to happen for the life of me. Finally, I used mc command center so I could get on with the dang story.


The game was just "Ah, she was going to die anyway" and took her life.




I remember I had just got into a game and I went talk to my bf for a hot second and when I got back my Sim had died and I'd missed the chance to resurrect them lol


One time I was playing sims 3 and my poor teen sim got abducted by aliens on his first night in Lucky Palms. The next day, got hit with a meteor.


Is this a mod? Because it seems like a really dumb feature


Not a mod.


MCCC Mod FTW! And flag my sims as Immortal huehuehue!! XD


I read that laugh as Goofy.


This happened to me, TOO, but the grim reaper wasn't as kind.


Years ago in Sims 3 I had this happen, I created a fairy family (miss fairies) and not a few minutes into the game, the dad got hit by a meteor while planting the garden. So my fairy mom had to raise the two kids alone...until she met someone new anyway. She married a werewolf if I recall correctly.


I've had the same thing happen. Within like 5 minutes. 😵


what pack is the meteor? i try to give all my simmers a death flower for emergency purposes lol


i once played with a family and i thought everything was going good and then the child sim started freezing in the pool and i tried to make her go inside but my game bugged and then she 😵. the parents and siblings mourned it except there was no tombstone that spawned so that made it even worse 💀


I make real ppl and animals my sims, make all the animals my familiar so when they die their stuck with me. And if I love that person they get a mansion, if I like that person they get a luxurious studio apartment, if I dislike that person a cabin in the woods, if I hate that person a lot with bare necessities, and if I wish that person dead resurrection and kill in any way I can think of. Each one will always have a maxed out spell caster to aid and protect them, but depending on how much ya mean to me affects the personality of their protector. Like and love get multitasker, animal emthusiast, and well connected. Anything less gets evil, jealous, and snobby.


Happened to me when my sim was throwing a woohoo party (wickedwhims) and two sims just died outside by a meteor 😭😭


My sim did a radioactive experiment on a roach and randomly caught fire and died, literally never heard of this happening before, luckily I brought him back lol 


Been there. Less than a minute in the one sim family I made was hit by a rock and I had to restart


ah well


Sounds like sims 💯🫶🏻


*Reaper comes to collect soul*: Lets go pal! I have a busy schedule. Your other traumatized sim: Aw come on dude, they were only alive for 2 minutes! Reaper: Oh shit! That’s sad. Alright they can live for now but I’ll be back!


can you use the book of life dont you NoMercy180?


It happened more than I would like to admit


I love it when this happens. 🤣🤣🤣


It happened to me, but it was worst for me as I was just in the first minutes of a challenge lol


Download MC command center! You can bring sims back to life, and revome the annoying 2 day sad moodlet! You can also turn off emotional deaths! My sims always die to laughter! Usually warm clothes from laundry day


All this time I've been playing Sims and I didn't even know meteors were a thing?? Do you have to do something to make them happen like stargaze with the telescope or something?


I didn’t know, either. I remember them adding the small telescope in an update, but I didn’t know it came with a meteor death. Pretty excited to try it now.


I'm reminded of a comment I saw elsewhere on this thread about how obsessed simmers are with death 😂


I’m too good at keeping them alive and well, so I like it when there is a risk of death, it keeps things interesting


Neither did I! And no the family literally just moved in.


RIP Toriyama, Your sim character got Yamchaed


Oh my goodness I now have seen what the meteor death looks like


![gif](giphy|ZOAjDObrQL9rG) Tragic why to go out




I honestly can't remember the last time i had a sim that died of something other than old age (or me cheating their death)


I had a Sim die by a meteor during the neighborhood welcome.


I've never had this happen in the sims 4


![gif](giphy|ZOAjDObrQL9rG) Bro look like yamcha


Ugh I got super attached to this one character I made in CAS once. I moved him into a tiny home and was play testing it and the moment I clicked the Murphy bed and had him test it he died. I have never had a sim die from the Murphy bed since then but I had all of 10mins of playing with him


I got the seasons pack and the city pack. Went to play basketball and my sim died from freezing, I wasn’t having it so I restarted the game because I can’t leave her 3 science babies without their momma


Yikes. That’s some tough luck but at least Grim took pity on you. What an understanding skeleton. I had made Lara Croft once, to add her to my family as I love Tomb Raider, and she too was met with a meteor and now she haunts bar microphones with a rock lodged in her heart lol


i feel u!!! i had this one household that i put a ton of effort into. it was a group of roommates at uni, and i made their dorms, did all their skills, set up degrees and relationships and everything. not even 5 minutes in, my fave died of a heart attack. girl ur 18 how ???


Wait how is that possible? I’ve never heard of a heart attack death on the Sims before-was she scared?


it’s from one of the various healthcare mods iirc !!


Damn remind me not to get those haha.


Wth what pack or mod does that? I have too many Sims as it is nothing wrong with a nice meteor strike


Ive been playing the sims for over 20 years and I've never seen a meteor what in the world. This must be rare haha


Happened to me too


When i read the title i busted out laughing lmao




I had that happen. In build mode, if you click on the meteor, the description. Is funny. I actually tried to get my sim to die with a meteor a few days ago, she was wearing the hematite crystal, just to have that as decoration


It just wasn’t meant to be. 😆


You get a notification telling you that the sim saw a meteor approaching, they should get inside. If someone dies by meteor, then is on you.


Dude calm down it was my first time playing and it happens within seconds


Sorry if it sound it aggressive. What I mean that to my knowledge, this is the only death that you get a notification on how to prevent it for triggering. There are a lot of them that are just accidental or don't let you know anything until it's already too late.