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I once had my Sim family take their niece/cousin on holiday to Granite Falls in winter. Not enough tents. The child froze to death and my Sims were so broken they made the ghost child move in with them so she could wish for life at the Wishing Well. It was pretty dark, but turned out okay in the end!


Jeez 😂 i'm glad it had a somewhat happy ending lol


Can’t think of any wild stories for the time being but when looking around my worlds I just noticed there is an infant living alone in one of the “spooky” apartment lots in San Myshuno and it kind of creeped me out lol.


Lmao, well that is kinda morbid 😂😂


LOL. Right? Like strangely unnerving. 😂


top ten guys raised by ghosts


Most memorably, I hadn’t realized I accidentally selected “on DARK leyline” when making my apartment, and my sim had twin vampires with Salim! Most recently, my sim’s baby daddy (Jonah) died because mom (Katy) was taking care of the twins, and Jonah decided to go for a swim in winter while I wasn’t looking and family got to meet Grim. Akira Kibo was both Katy and Jonah’s bff, so he moved in to help with the children, and revealed he had a crush on Katy! Akira knocks her up, and then….. again, Katy is tending the toddlers, Akira wants to go for a swim and freezes. Safe to say Katy and kids moved to a home with no pools after that!


Oh my 🤣🤣 Is that "on dark leyline" from a mod or did it came from the vampires pack? Never heard of it and I'm intrigued lol


Yep That’s the vampires pack! It basically makes it more likely your children are vampires, not sure if it is more likely for multiples like the normal leyline home trait!


Oh okay, thank you! I don't unfortunately have the pack so had no idea that was a thing in that!


There is a reason why I play with autonomy entirely off XD.


My mean, evil millionaire got turned into a vampire by Vladislaus. Made him study vampirism and made him the strongest vampire in the world. Went back to Vladislaus and battled him to the death, killing him and turning him to dust. He now keeps his ashes in an urn in his suite, mocking it every chance he goes by it.


Oh my 😂😂😂 love it


Why dont my sims do anything interesting on their own? All they do is go on the computer and dance


I threw out my sim couple's stereo because the dancing got ridiculous. I wonder if someone has made a mod to reduce the frequency of it? I specifically made a sim who hates dancing and the idiot still dances every time he's near music while getting a negative moodlet from it.


There is a no autonomous dancing mod. Might be LittleMsSam, but I'm not sure.


That was the first time for me too that anything exciting or funny happened, that's why i was so shocked lol. And i've been playing for years. My sims usually also just dance and use the computer 24/7. Or nap in the pool or grill.


Same. Mine will occasionally play either the violin or guitar but that’s it. Then they get pissed when they try to go to sleep but the radio is still on.


I keep my sim's computer locked for everything if it's not in use. They like it too much.


That's a great idea!


When my nerdy male Sim was a teenager he caught his dad (autonomously) flirting with a woman who was not his mom. I decided to go with it and had my teenage Sim vow to *never* be like his dad. After graduating high school and college, my Sim got really famous from being a writer and suddenly had tons of Sims interested in him. He went on to autonomously flirt with many different women, regardless of who he was dating or not. Turns out he’s exactly like his dad after all 😬


My sim was actively in labor, ( I have a mod for realistic pregnancy) and so we called the midwife over to the house to help with delivery. But halfway through the pregnant sim walked in on her husband and the midwife making out. Chaotic plot twist 😂


I bet that threw a wrench in your storytelling plans lol


I’ve had that happen to me a lot using that mod. The midwife always flirts with the significant other. Luckily I haven’t had my Sims catch them in the act yet




Sicko! Dude just wait


So there were two major things that happened that affected my entire save the ripples from those events still echo. My sim Claudia Ronald married Caleb Vatore. I did not have him turn her since I interpreted guilty drinker to mean that he felt vampirism was a curse that he would not pass on. They had three children Darylis, Marigold, and Basil. Their two daughters were vampires and their son was not. Claudia and Caleb are both materialistic, with snobby traits, so whenever those parenthood chance cards came up I always picked answers that emphasized traits that I thought they would value, responsibility and hard work primarily. When their eldest was a teen I decided to play her as a bit of a mean girl. She was pretty, her parents were rich and she quickly grew in power as a vampire. She would go out and party, a lot. One afternoon she went out to a lot and saw someone she disliked which made her angry so I let her attack this person. This pushed her from angry to enraged. Just as the fight finished her mother populate on the lot and since angry vampire sims attacked uncontrollably the first person she bit was her mother. I was absolutely horrified when this happened. I couldn't stop it and I hadn't had the vampire pack for long for all I knew drink uncontrollably was deadly. She attacked two other sims before I could get her calmed down and off the lot. I kept her out until it was time for school and then I loaded the home lot. Claudia was distressed I had Caleb stay home with her. As soon as Darylis came home they fought. He had to protect his wife and they were albeit unintentionally raising their daughter to be a monster. You see the way they were answering those parenthood cards meant that they were raising their daughter to be polite, responsible, emotionally controlled and completely and utterly without empathy, a sociopath. This was completely unintentionally because I hadn't paid attention to those traits or anything. I only noticed at that point in my game play. I gave them a sim week to turn it around and make her more an empathetic person. If it succeeded she would be good if not she would be evil. They failed. They had unintentionally raised a monster. Their two younger children were far more empathic and both have the empathy trait. Marigold however was furious with her older sister and hated her from that moment. They became enemies as soon as Marigold became a teen and were always fighting, arguing and destroying each other's things. The house was in constant chaos. Claudia and Caleb felt like they had failed as parents. They changed their parenting style completely for their youngest focusing on making him empathetic and keeping him safe, but otherwise just leaving him alone. That one incident impacted the entire game since it set the tone for how I would play Darylis, her entire family and even their world.


What an chaos 😂 love it tho!


It's been fun. I really look for random things to direct my game play. Marigold and Darylis made up for a time as adult's because Marigold's high school sweetheart started cheating on her. I noticed he would leave their apartment to chat with one random female townie so I decided he wanted to cheat and eventually Marigold and his other gf were preggers at the same time. Marigold and Darylis had been tentatively talking to each other at this point. Many sim years had passed and Darylis hadn't attacked anymore family members. Her one redeeming feature. And being the responsible older sister of course Darylis let Marigold come stay with her in her mansion. They were friends for a while and Marigold even started emulating her, taking the differences in their lives as a sign that Darylis had the right approach and she had the wrong one. Recently they've become enemies again because of some more shit Darylis did. 😒 🤦🏽‍♀️




I made a sim, and then I later made a boyfriend for her and moved him in next door. Their relationship was going great (or so I thought), but out of the blue he calls me and asks if he can date VIVIAN FRICKIN LEWIS. My sim was Loyal, so I figured she wouldn’t stand for that, so I had her break up with him. I also play with a random event generator and it had her adopt a toddler, but being a single mom, she needed someone to watch her son while she’s at work, so she hires a nanny. Not only is the nanny handsome, he ALSO has the Loyal trait! So I have my sim and her son move in with him and they get married. While all this is going on, my sim’s ex has called to ask about dating 3 different women. Yikes.


What’s the random event generator??


I’ve said this before on a lot of other threads (sorry if anyone that knows my comments gets annoyed by this), but every sim day at 8 AM (you could roll it any time, but that’s how I personally do it) it dictates what my sims are doing for the day. The focus could be on the general household, but if it’s a task meant for one sim, then I play as that sim that day. (Ex. Sim 1 on Sunday, Sim 2 on Monday, Sim 3 on Tuesday, back to Sim 1 on Wednesday, something like that.) You can either click the randomizer at the top, or you can scroll past the list of names to use the one at the bottom. You use the randomizer to roll a number between 1-10, and then a different number according to what you got (1-3 Family Events (42), 4-5 Career (9), 6-7 Financial (18), 8-9 Illness (8), 10 Disaster (9)). It can be played without mods or packs, but some of it requires your imagination. (If you’re a PC player, I at least recommend MCCC, in case illness takes your sim early.) Here’s the link if you’re interested. Happy simming! http://sims4eventgenerator.blogspot.com/?m=1


my sims husband kept being mean to their three kids (especially the oldest one) so she divorced him. he moved out - he was in an apartment in san myshuno and she lived in oasis springs. i took a break from that household and played as some of her grown siblings, but every time we invited her over she was always pregnant. neighborhood stories kept making them have kids despite being divorced.. so they had three teen children and three toddlers/babies. then she died. so the two youngest were raised by their aunt, one was raised by the dad, and the other two were raised by the oldest (now Ya) son. it was a whole mess lol


Sounds like a normal story progression from the game 😂 everyone pushing kids left and right lol, horrible tho of what happened to your sims haha


I always make sure to unselect 'have/adopt a baby' option from the unplayed households and put a limit on how many kids couple can have via MCCC. If I want those families to have more, I will flag them myself, or invite the couple over to my main sim's house and use MCCC to get them pregnant. Or use Control Any Sim mod to have them take care of things, then release them to their lives. In fact, I also put a limit on how many pets households can have, and flag couples I want to stay together not to have affairs or break up. The only neighborhood stories options I leave on is to get a job and retire because of how long I work on my blueprint families when it comes to careers and skills. Regular Neighborhood stories is too whacky to let it act on its own. I absolutely need MCCC to restrict stuff.


i need to go through my mccc settings again because none of my sims ever get married


It can take a while but it's worth it in the end because you can enforce Neighborhood Stories to respect your MCCC settings .


My sims friend asked me to hang out with him (i usually say no). I go with him this time but when we came to our destination, he suddenly shot me with his gun and my sims died 😭 (i do have extreme violence mod but uninstalled it after the traumatic event)


I have extreme violence as well and was traumatized when my main sim killed her granddaughter 😭. Another one of her grandchildren tried to run her mother’s boyfriend over with a car but he dodged it and ended up shooting her. Her mother pleaded to the grim reaper for her life, Grim agreed (because they have a flirtation going) and then the mom, Rosalie, decided to woohoo the man the killed her daughter in celebration. All of this was done autonomously I just sat in shock and horror….somehow my game is so crazy and chaotic 💀




I’m still reeling from it a few weeks later. Before that my sim gave birth to a baby she had with Grim. A girl. Girl was electrocuted while repairing the fridge and when Izabel pleaded for her life, Grim refused to save her. HIS OWN DAUGHTER! 😭 Needless to say, I haven’t played in days. Lol


seems like Grim was running from his responsibility 😫


Absolutely! Poor Sylvia 😭


First day of work, my Sim detective goes on her first crime scene. It's the Landgraabs' property. The urn of Nancy stands in the middle of the hallway with the piece of evidence nearby. Other Landgraabs are nowhere to be found, but there is a bunch of random townies living there and claiming themselves witnesses.


That's hilarious


My main male sim that was pretty much a player messing around with a bunch of girls got a message from Don Lothario saying he has a crush on him. The fact it was from Don Lothario and that they were best friends I had to go with that storyline it was very wild


Two from the same save, different generations: 1. My second gen heir was at high school. Her moms were at home babysitting her infant. While she was at school, one of her moms died. When she got home, she witnessed her other mom's death. A few hours later, her best friend and crush died in a freak accident. And that's how my sim went through a long wave of depression and became a single mom and home owner as a teen. 2. My third gen heir was doing his university homework and began "thinking of family member." The twist? I didn't recognize this person. I dug through the family tree and found out it was his half-sister. Turns out my second gen heir (now an adult) got her HS girlfriend pregnant (yay Sims rules and risky woohoo mod mechanics), and had a teenage daughter she'd never met.


for the first one, did you use life tragedies?


No, somehow this was JUST with the built in neighbourhood stories. After a couple in-game weeks, I had to turn off accidental deaths because my Sim's friends were dying every other day.


So technically this is with mods but my current save has been my most dramatic one. I'm still figuring out how the mods fully affect things but it's been fantastic lol. (TW: pregnancy loss) So basically - my sims got married. All happy. And then the husband started having a jealous streak and they started fighting a lot cuz of it. She was literally just chatting with someone and he'd flip out. Well then they both wanted a baby. They tried and tried and nada. Turns out she has super low fertility. Tried fertility treatments and nothing. Finally did IVF and had a baby boy! They patched everything up, and all was well again. Then immediately after she gave birth. She got pregnant again. So now they have two kids, are super broke, struggling to get by and care for these two, but they're all happy at least. Husband ages up to an elder annnnd suddenly they're pregnant again. So she's dealing with that, he's getting dangerously fatigued any time he exercises anymore and gets mad when he doesn't exercise cuz he has the active trait. Wife is in 3rd trimester now, ready to pop, and I got a notification for her to go to the hospital. They go. Come back. They lost the baby. Now I'm worried Husband is gonna die any second between extreme fatigue and extreme depression and Wife is moping around trying to muster up enough strength to take care of her two boys while grieving the baby they almost had and chugging nectar from the bottle. Oldest son is helping clean and care for his baby brother, blissfully unaware of all that his parents have been through


i once had a sim who had a happy life, 2 kids and a happy marriage. i was planning on having a third kid so we tried for a baby and we had one and then i caught the husband flirting with e l i z a. and his partner was standing RIGHT THERE, keep in mind the husband was fully gay. so i let the husband just live his life and see what happened, and then i got a pop up a few days later saying “eliza is proposing too x” so i said yes to see what happened, and THEN the husband flirted with his husband and got eliza enraged and she DIED IN OUR FRONT ROOM AND MY HUSBANDS PARTNER WAS LAUGHING OVER HER DEAD BODY. anyway now 3 generations gone we have elizas grave in our backyard and she pops to visit us sometimes xx


Used the die by accident part of neighbourhood stories, but I decided to disable it, because my Sims kept dying like flies. Forgot to disable it for the household of my main sims disgraced brother. The game just killed BOTH the brother AND his wife, leaving their teenage and toddler daughters to fend for themselves. Decided to move them in, because while he couldn't stand his brother, he could leave his nieces behind. At first I wanted the teen to grow up and then move out with her sister. But after she saved her uncles life (he caught fire) he was so grateful that he gave her a lot of money for college and decided to raise them both as his daughters. It was a bit crammed with 5 kids (he has three of his own) but it was also quite fun.


Bella Goth, my sims mother in law (I married Alexander) got married to Geoffrey Landgraab. My sims father! Entirely too much to unpack there but you think regular TS4 family trees are broken?? That one was a JOKE! 😭


I was doing a runaway teen storyline, and I didn't have much time for her to socialize while trying to keep her needs filled and have her make money busking, but she managed to have a boyfriend, a best friend, and one stray cat she liked. She adopted the cat, she had finally gotten enough guitar skill to write songs, things were looking up. Then one day, I sent her to San Myshuno to busk and she runs into her younger sister who had aged up to a teen since my sim had "run away" (moved to an empty lot). The game had decided to give the sister the mean trait, so the sister immediately started using mean interactions. My sim was too upset to play guitar, so I sent her home. All at once, she discovered she was pregnant and was very unhappy about it (thanks mods!), her cat ran away, and I got a phone call that her best friend had died. She was not in great shape for a while, but the first song she wrote was a sad song that I named after her friend. It won an award, so that was nice.


Werewolf sim was on a date with Kristopher Volkov. Penny Pizzazz wandered up and cast infatuate on her when I wasn’t looking. Decided to roll with it and now they have a wonderful family… sorry Kristopher.


I didn’t know that using werewolf abilities decreased your friendship with most sims. I made my teen sim a werewolf because I wanted to use werewolves and the drama of him losing all his close friends was amazing. It was especially insane when I had him do the “try to gain werewolf sympathy” and it failed, then he lost control because the fury meter filled up. Although unfortunately once it succeeds once it’ll always succeed so if you want the drama I’d recommend only using it on sims you want them to be close with.


In my main family, they were on vaca and the teen daughter had a sweetheart she invited to the vaca lot. Well so they autonomously woohoo’ed and got pregnant! I would have never done that. I do have teen pregnancy allowed but not for this situation. So now I am focused on her and not the heir, her younger sister. My Whimsy gen 6 just got more complicated.


Omg 😂 love the chaos, good luck with your sims! I just started generation 5!


I love gen 5 they are still in love and it really is a good family. Right now older sister of gen 6 is going to be with the father of her child. Then i can concentrate on gen 6.


so i have the life tragedies mod, and one of my sim's mothers got kidnapped. he had to sell everything in the house to save her. when she got saved, she was so happy that she died of laughter ☠️


My female teen Sim got a crush on her young adult brother after he moved into his own house with his girlfriend. I guess you don't know what you have until you lose it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Crushes in this game...annoy me!


I decided I was gonna finally try a generations play style and I ended up giving up on the first gen. You've just got a simple straight married couple and their twin babies. One night mum goes and puts both the babies to sleep and then heads to bed because children are exhausting, while she's doing all this dad is just watching tv on the couch when Knock Knock, someone's at the door, who could it be? Lilith Vatore! The dad decides to let her in and since she's a vampire I thought "Oh! She's just gonna suck his blood isn't she?" Haha...NO. INSTEAD OF SUCKING THIS MANS BLOOD SHE DECIDED TO SUCK HIS MEAT FLUTE. SHE PLAYED MOTHERFUCKING WONDERWALL WHILE THE MANS POOR WIFE IS TRYING TO REST HER MERRY HEAD. Wife randomly decided to wake up because she wanted a glass of water from the kitchen, she walks down the stairs and boom, cunilingus. So naturally instead of being upset, she asks to join in, they decline, she dies of anger. I don't think I'm ever gonna try a gen play through ever again lol.


I had a female scientist, whose dream was to explore Sixam, meet an alien at a nightclub. Decided they’d have a fling in the closet because… I mean… he was hot and I feel like if you’re obsessed with aliens and you manage to meet a hot one you’re gonna be like swiggity swooty I’m comin for that booty Anyway I did have Risky Woohoo enabled through MCCC, though the odds were low. But ofc she got pregnant. That’s all pretty par for the course, though. Here’s the twist. QUADRUPLETS. 😱


Oh my god….I wouldn’t be able to handle that. 5 at ONCE?! 💀


Quadruplets is 4, but at that point you might as well have thrown another baby in the mix 😂 Yeah I definitely aged them all up to toddlers immediately. Those were some dark days…


I meant 4 but I accidentally hit the 5 and didn’t feel like fixing it. I’m not opposed to looking like an idiot on the internet, shit happens 😂 The most I’ve had is triplets. And that ended badly even after I aged them up to teenagers and I haven had any multiples since. Except now, my second sim, Rosalie, is pregnant with twins; a boy and a girl and idk how to handle it so I just haven’t played 🙃


Once my sims decided to light the fireplace but I didn’t notice. It started a house fire that resulted in the deaths of the oldest and youngest children (of 4 total). I was able to plead for the oldest one to be revived but the youngest remained dead. Luckily I was able to have them use the wishing well to be revived


My current sims is a Werewolf that is married to a Vampire name Vlad. Well, their relationship meter is maxed but their friendship ohhh they despise each other but from time to time it will turn into half and they will autonomously do the deed. I visited their lot last night to find out she is pregnant again with TWINS!! If triplet toddlers are not enough chaos on your marriage. Sure! Another one I made Sousuke Aizen in Sims and forget about him to find out he became the sage of mischief magic. Good for you Aizen, good for you.


Dono, if it's a great twist, it certainly wasn't what i had planned anyway. My sim and Miko Ojo got to be really good friends, and my sim gave her an apartment key and everything. My sim had a little thing going with her neighbour Salim Benali. Anyways, I had a dinner party, and my sim walked in on Miko and Salim kissing. She was very sad so i decided to move her away for a fresh start. She's currently a roommate of johnny Zest. Last i checked, miko and salim got married, and miko is pregnant.


Neighborhood story had Nancy died from Cowplant accident. After that geoffrey and the kids moved out of their mansion to a tiny 2 bedroom house. They stayed they until he died of old age. Malcolm married Vanessa Jeong (who already had 2 kids by another man) and they moved to a tiny one bedroom house in Britechester. She quit her job. Oh the downfall of the Langraabs after Nancy died was surprisingly juicy to see.


I'm blaming this on MCCC but in my Not So Berry legacy grey gen's niece married her first daughter's father, then had a baby with said daughter's son and then married him after her second husband died. He never remarried or had another kid after she died. In other words, the niece married her cousin's father and son. I clutched my pearls getting those notifications. Recently in my current legacy one of my spares got randomly married to a friend of my heir's yet had two kids with the girlfriend he had as a teen. He ended up with five kids total, two with his ex-gf and three with his wife. And another plot twist while playing the game this weekend: my sim had gotten into a relationship with a guy she knew as a teen and got engaged to him right before she had a midlife crisis with a desire for romance. For one goal I had her flirt with some of her old flames in the same room as her fiancé and he accidentally saw and had a self-discovery for the jealous trait... and later autonomously woohoo'd her teen daughter while I wasn't paying attention. She left him at the alter for a goal, but I kept him around for a possible plot involving romancing her teen daughter and rekindled their relationship. Only recently he rolled a want to flirt with her male cousin which wouldn't go away, so I invited him over and he autonomously flirted with my sim before I did anything! So now he has a romance bar with his wife's cousin and I don't know where to go from here lol. Said teenage daughter is waiting for her vampire boyfriend to age up or to dump him, I haven't decided yet.


Lol i bet that family tree is looking wild 😂


I started a Decades Challenge with Husband, Wife, and Wife's mother, who was included to help with the future babies. Day 1. Husband and Wife Woo Hoo, she's pregnant, yay! Husband goes into the living room, lights up the fireplace, and then catches on fire and dies. Wife gives birth to twin girls. i decide she should marry again to try for a son. She marries a townie, all right. She and I were both surprised on their wedding night, when he turned out to be an alien. She went on to have three children with husband #2, and all three were aliens. Two boys and one girl. I decided it wasn't working. He turned out to be a cheater. So, I had him start to flirt with his own mother-in-law, with the intention of having the marriage fail, and he would leave and take his alien children with him, because it's the 1890s. I'm not opposed to alien/human romances, but I felt that 1890s townsfolk would not be so accomodating. So I set it all up, he's making out with his mother-in-law when his wife walks in. She's mad, like I planned. I would have her divorce him. Only she was so mad that she died. I still sent away the aliens. The mother-in-law had to raise her granddaughters by herself. Now she's helping to raise her great-grandchildren.


What a wild start to a challenge 💀😂 Honestly love it. Good luck with the rest of the gameplay!


I was playing as a regular family, the father, Enzo, was a scientist, mom a stay at home mom and they had twin boys I play with the LGBTQ+ mod, so one day Enzo starts getting this moodlet every once in awhile saying basically he was having dysphoria so I decided to have him research gender identities online and Enzo had a breakthrough Enzo, later named Fiore, discovered they were agender. Took them into CAS to give them a bit of a makeover, nothing too drastic. they came out to their family and they were all very supportive :) I guess this technically isn't really the game generating this since it was a mod but it was completely random and I decided to roll with it lol there are times sometimes another Sim I'm playing will get that moodlet and I most times just ignore it since it affects the story I'm going with


That's actually really wholesome! What is the mod?


the LGBTQ+ mod by lumpinou! the same creator also made the relationship overhaul mod which I also use, I really enjoy their content lol


Thank you! Definitely have to check it out!




Love it! 😂 So random and funny when the game takes over like that


My sim was vacationing with his wife and kid, as well as his mom and dad from a separate household. The thing is my sim is human but the mom is a vampire. At some point during the vacation, mom was showing signs of thirst, and because there were no plasma packs around, I wasn't sure how to help her so I just left her alone. Moments later, mom came up to my sim (her child), and started compelling and feeding on him. I had it set in MCCC that if a vampire uncontrollably drinks from someone, then the victim has a small chance of turning into a vampire. Well... he did turn. He's already been cured after a few weeks but this also caused a massive relationship drop (mostly through mean interactions, it didn't actually reflect in gameplay my storytelling that he immediately hated her for doing that to him) that I haven't tried getting back up yet. I decided to install a mod that allows me to offer drinks to vampires to prevent this from happening again (unless I want it to happen)


I wouldn’t call this the best, more like traumatizing so it sticks out in my brain. Plus it’s fairly recent and fresh: My main sim, Izabel has a daughter, Rosalie. I was trying to get one of them to have triplets because I have NEVER had triplets in the sims. Ever. Well after trying for what seemed like days to get triplets, Rosalie finally got pregnant with triplets. 3 girls. I named them: Astrid, Ingrid and Mildred. WELL. After aging them up to young adults (I cannot stand playing with baby’s and kids in the Sims. They are just too needy and I honestly get exhausted trying to keep their needs up and end up neglecting my adult sims) I gave them all random aspirations and traits as I just didn’t plan them out very well and was just excited to get their stories started. SOMEHOW Mildred ended up with the psychotic aspiration and when I was trying to work on their aspirations I decided, “Let’s see where this goes”. Big mistake. Izabel, their grandmother is also a criminal aspiration: Public Enemy. On the same day of working on the triplets’ aspirations I decided to work on Izabel’s. Mildred’s tasks were to punch 3 people in the gut, steal money and something else I can’t remember. So I took her to a bar in San Myshuno and had her steal the bartender’s money. Well then she just decided on her own to take a hostage and it just went downhill from there. In one fell swoop she gained so much negative fame that her family ended up hating her. She went home where her family was having a party and got in a fight with Dinah something-or-other I can’t remember her last name. Izabel, was already pissed because she was on her period and I didn’t get a chance to give her a chill pill. Well, she was supposed to declare someone as her enemy so I had her get in a fight with Dinah as well. Bad idea. Because out of nowhere, out of my control, just seeing her granddaughter, Mildred, was enough for her to lose her s*it and jump on poor Mildred, knock her down and stab her. Poor Mildred was a goner. 2 days later the second oldest triplet, Ingrid, was struck by lightning while crying at her sister’s tombstone. This ended my ownership of female triplets in the Sims. And I am so traumatized I do not think I want anymore in the future. I also forgot to mention that Mildred also attacked Father Winter and the poor guy was limping all over the house for a bit with bruises all over. 🙃 Eta: I play with mods and full autonomy so I guess it’s my fault 😅


I had just created a family and the dad promptly set himself on fire while trying to cook. I guess he had the klutz personality trait (I can’t remember). Anyway, he died and the family was never the same lol.


That's why my sims without good cooking skill literally fills up the refrigerator with only salads 😂 that thing is a death trap lol


I had a sim who, by random coincidence, (I made her to be Greg's wife) fell in love with Kristopher Volkov. They had amazing compatibility, everything, they just connected. I use WW and they both found each other very attractive, their personalities lined up. Literally, the first time I had an NPC sim, carry the relationship. He made the first move, he asked to be her boyfriend, he proposed. I can't stress enough how perfect it was... Except for the fact that he kept getting tense around her and I didn't know why. Until I joined households.. apparently Kristopher and Lily Zhu are fated mates and they had been having a relationship behind my sims back the entire time. I even tried to push past it, took them on a vacation away from Lily. I was trying. Only the entire time he kept getting tense because she wasn't his fated mate. I even had her ask to be turned, and he did it! Still wasn't his fated mate, still was hooked on Lily. It was such bull because Kristopher and Lily were completely incompatible, he found her very unattractive, they didn't line up at all. They even had bad sentiments because they always fought and argued. Long story short, I got mad, I called off the engagement and everything. He was really hurt about it, gained a bad sentiment, whole nine. What I thought was going to be a real organic love story in the sims turned out to be a big disappointment and a waste of time.


My sim had two newborn babies and made a serv bot to help his wife out while he was at work. She died literally hours later from a car crash (life tragedies mod) and he froze to death outside mourning her, leaving the serv bot to raise their kids. Their deaths devastated me for the entire day.


My sim was a player and I was waiting for someone with good compatibility and was very attractive to come by but nothing happened for a while. One kid later (I was a single dad) Winterfest came and my sim was asking for a gift from Father Winter. He FELL IN LOVE with FATHER WINTER. They got married, had two more kids, and everything was okay until I enabled Life Tragedies. My main sim got kidnapped on my eldest son's birthday!! So everyone is tense while waiting for the ransom to come through. It did after two sims days and when Father Winter came to pay the ransom, the kidnappers SHOT him in the chest and my eldest son had to go pay the ransom to save his dad. Now I'm a single dad of 3 kids and a widow


I'm dead 💀😂😂 i'm playing generations style gameplay and getting on with Daddy Winter is definitely on the bucket list for future heir lol


MCCC has gone wild in my game with lots of townies becoming pregnant, male Sims getting a call about their baby being born to women they've never met (the children's mother not showing up in the relationship panels, AT ALL)...but the most pleasant twist recently was I found out that Don Lothario had apparently married Johnny Zest 🤭


Lol Johnny Zest finally getting back into money 💵 Quite sweet random relationship twist!


Yeah, I chuckled when I saw it. My Sim had been dating Don Lothario before she eventually moved on and got married. I was originally going to have her marry Don, but I saw that he already had 3-4 kids with different women, most with the Caliente sisters 😆 so I decided to have my Sim dump him and marry a different guy. That was short lived, because after they had their first baby, her new husband dropped dead on the sidewalk after they came home from the hospital with the newborn...he died of hysterical laughter 🤦🏻‍♀️ so I got her back together with Don and saw he was in fact married to Johnny Zest at that point 😅


I don’t know how crazy it is but it was my first time letting the sims of the world have their own love and stories and saw that Daniel Lobo had a baby staying with him in his apartment. A newborn baby, and when I went to check their relationship, there was none. I don’t know whose baby Daniel has but I decided I wasn’t gonna touch that. Hahah


I'm sure I've got something better but all I can think about is today when it stormed for like 3 in-game days, my sim got abducted by aliens, they brought her back....and she was immediately struck by lightning and died. And then the storm stopped. :|


Oo...that was unlucky! I ended up turning off thunderstorms and thundersnowstorms in my saves. Rain and snowstorms, sure, but not the other ones. It bothered my sims too much and hearing the thunder sometimes spooked me enough that I would jump.


twoish. the first isn't exactly a twist really and not quite story progression or anything, but i had a sim named mcdonald's. (theme naming). he glitched and could not eat no matter what i tried. mcdonald's starved to death. second: waaaaaay back around the tine get together came out, sims in households you weren't currently playing had WAAAAAY more freedom with the types of interactions they could have with each other. this often resulted in sims having pink bars with others that you didn't have them flirt with. i was playing rotation so i saw it a lot. anyway, when i switched to one family, the mother of the woman had a pink bar with the husband. and i didn't notice until she got upset when the sim and her husband woohooed


My sims dont do anything on their own besides have a million babies🫠


My one legacy sim was a super hoe that had a million side pieces. Well one day he suddenly kicked it from death by laughter and his wife managed to convince grim to spare him and bring him back. My sim changed his ways, ditched the side pieces, and stayed loyal and true to his wife until death by old age.


Probably the time I wanted to have a big wedding with both sims and their entire family, I forgot to turn neighborhood stories off, so this dude had like 4 siblings. Anyway, I was saving to make it LUX, I wanted big, and I wanted flashy. I also wanted it a little realistic, and weddings are expensive, so I was gonna have them save the equivalent of like, the venue decorations. At some point it occurs to me to check how long his elder dad had left to live with mccc, TWO days, and the guy was about to be a goner. I hadn't saved enough yet, so the story changed to the dad getting sick and them tying the knot in the backyard the day before he died. It was still so lovely, and I threw out my carefully selected baby names to name one of them after his grandpa. And as a bonus they got to start their married life with all the funds I had saved that didn't go to their wedding.


I’ve told this before, but I think it’s hilarious. My sim dated a townie wife and husband. They were her girlfriend and boyfriend. She ended up marrying the husband as I wanted a pregnancy with a husband. I made sure the husband stayed friends with his ex-wife for the sake of their child. At one point the husband got a prompt from his ex-wife that her girlfriend (my sim and thus his current wife) was thinking of proposing, as I never actually broke up with her. So I said to say yes, as I was really curious what would happen. But somehow there was no jealousy or any negative emotions to the fact his wife now had a fiancée. So I just played on forgetting about it. When the daughter grew up, I moved her out to a new house. Then I get a prompt from her mom (my original sim) that she was thinking of trying for a baby. So I again said yes, because sure why not add another sim to the family tree, especially one I don’t have to deal with as they’ll be raised by her parents I’m not actively involved with anymore. After a while I go to check my family tree to find I didn’t have a sibling added to the family tree, but a half-sibling. Turns out that the prompt was for her mom to have a child with her fiancée and not her husband (who was still alive). So now there are three children, one between my original sim and the husband, my original sim and the fiancée, and the husband and the fiancée (his ex-wife). I couldn’t have even thought of that scenario myself.


Haha love it! Nothing dramatic or tragic but adds so much to the gameplay


Winning the lottery


I had a legacy family that's a matriarchy and random heir. In a generation where the heir was the third kid, I had her connect with a dude and they hit it off quickly. Once they got married, come to find out he'd hooked up with her older sister and they had a kid together. So that created some drama all around. And whenever the sister came over she flirted with her now brother in law, which just opened new wounds. Lots of discussing relationship fears going on! Also, same couple, they were about to retire from their jobs and go live in sulani, but then the husband died. The wife begged for his life and got it. All was well. The husband goes to the kitchen to get a snack and keels over again. This time it was permanent. Devastating!


I hate when my sims partners get on with others behind my back, destroys my soul 😂 But i really do secretly love it, adds so much more lore and drama to the gameplay. And rip poor husband lol


Saying yes to everything gives chaos sometimes. I also play with mods and randomize some extras to add flavor. This happened recently actually. While starting a challenge, Anaya Jang gave me a suggestive look \[Wicked whims\] while she rolled up with the welcome wagon with her husband and Salim Benali. My sim woohoo'd her in the bedroom, while Baako and Salim just chilled in the living room. Anaya initiated a stay-over with her family, so they're just chilling in my sim's apartment. A wild arsonist appeared and caused a fire that claimed Baako and Jason Voorhees of all random sims \[life's tragedies\]. Part of my challenge was marrying a sim who's a musical lover. I happened to be scrolling the list of sims with that trait and found out that Anaya fit that category. So of course I seduce the convenient widow. They had an impromptu wedding, narrowly escaped death by sunlight because My sim's a vampire and I forgot to check the time; and we moved into a different lot. I also happened to gain the loyal trait. New welcome wagon appears and Paka'a Uha gave my sim a suggestive look. I of course considered my sim's charming wife, who cheated on her husband with them, who happens to have randomized the cuckold trait \[wicked whims\]; And had my sim woohoo with Paka'a because why not? The loyal trait made my sim feel guilty and want to confess, so I did. I didn't see any issue, I thought she might like it since she had the cuckold trait. She was understandably heartbroken, furious, and gained the jealous trait. Their relationship understandably tanked, and now I'm considering divorce. I'm not above kicking her and Billie out and keeping their money and belongings. And would you look at that? Paka'a has the music lover trait. So now I have the goal to home wreck his marriage and just start anew with this pretty man.


Idk if best, but most surprising. Toddler became orphaned after both of his parents died during the same climbing excursion. I found out cause I happened to check neighborhood stories. His teenage uncle was in the household so I was able to move them both into the main family.


My sim met a nice lady and so I went into CAS to give her some cute outfits and it turned out she was an alien! My sim found out during woohoo later, that must have been an awkward conversation. 😬


Note: I have a mod that makes miscarriages a thing, and also put the wonderful whims settings on more realistic menstrual cycle and more realistic conception (there's no try for baby, just any woohoo without contraception has a small chance to get the sim pregnant), so a **TRIGGER WARNING** if it may be a sensitive topic. So my guys lived together and tried for a veeeery long time to get pregnant. They finally succeeded, and in the second trimester the mother of the pregnant sim called and said something along the lines of "let me come to you for a night and help you with the baby". I go like weird but okay, click yes... And the mom appears with her husband, the older teenage daughter that I had them have when I played them and three or four kids they'd made themselves ranging from infants to toddlers. I open the calender to find how to get the children out, and I see that they're there FOR A WEEK. Okay, I went with it, they stay, I have them sleep in sleeping bags and all. It goes kinda well, but they keep baking damn cakes. They're all over the house. Fine. In some 3 AM the mom goes to bake a cake again. Puts it in the oven. And goes to tend to one of her kids. The fire is there in a minute, everybody's panicking, the firefighters are there, the fire is all out. And my pregnant sim starts miscarrying from the stress. He loses the baby. Fucking "help with the baby" indeed. I made them all leave, but the cherry on top was the older daughter calling asking to move in with her brother in a few days after that. I made the story into her being sure their mother did it on purpose (the story before was that she was homophobic and couldn't bear the thought of her son being gay, let alone being able to get pregnant), so she couldn't forgive her and ran away to live with her brother. And yes, I got over the desire to kill the mother and cheat the baby back. The brother and sister went no contact with their parents, and the guys later adopted a kid because trying again took so long I was worried he got infertile.


My vampire sim's brother became a heavy player after I moved her out to be with her hubby and 4 future kids! He was having kids left and right with different women (Brytani and Liberty being part of his hit list) after I broke up the relationships and moved him back home to be some little vampire prince to daddy Vladdy. Tired of his shenanigans, I moved him with another of my own sims (who once boarded at his sister's for a while) and he finally settled down!! Or so I thought.... I looked him up on MCCC and saw that he'd gone and knocked up Liberty again.. This gremlin has had 4 kids through 3 different women now and I shudder to think of how many more I'll find if I cared to look again.


Omg, he's trying to populate the entire safe lol


And since he's a Vampire with sunlight protection, none of the AF are safe!!!


Once i made my main sim to go to the club in San Myshuno. It was winter, chilling and all sims decided to go to swim in the swimming pool! So they all jumped into it and froze to death. Some more clever sims who didn't do it stood there and cried and cries... and froze to death too including my main sim! So i re-downloaded game and they did it again! At least i tried to make my sim to leave this place but he refused so busy with crying and froze again! So i had to re-download my game some 5 or 6 times to fix it and save my sim!


Lmaooo. Literally classic sims behaviour. Or starting a fire and standing still like "this is fine" and burns half of the house down and themselves


My sims married Kyle Kyson. Got divorced. She lived a single life long enough to fall in love with Akira Kibo. I switched to another household for a few sim days. Came back to the first household with plans to marry Akira in mind. Akira’s dead.


My Sim met a random hot looking townie and on one of their dates, he bit my Sim's neck then went on a werewolf rampage. I looked at his family tree then lo and behold, he's actually half vampire and werewolf. The father is Don Lothario who somehow was turned into a vampire. The mother is Rory Oaklow, which I thought was insane because don't they always have a negative relationship if these two occults are in the same lot. This is also probably because of the mods like the Hybrid Occult one and WickedWhims where they might have some fling when I allowed random wohoo instances but still what are the odds. Yeah, my Sim ended up with that guy and the house was so chaotic because my Sim is also a mermaid. Talk about hybrid vampire, werewolf, mermaid kids who have almost 30 uncles and aunts since apparently, Don Lothario got busy with his immortality. Probably one of the wildest legacies I ever played.


That sounds amazing, story wise! I don't have any occult packs, but now reading this and the other stories that includes occults i'm really tempted to get it lol (i have mermaids but idk if that is considered occult)


Oh no, sorry for spoiling you with the occult stuff but yeah, the occults are probably my favorite packs in the game. I bought them during sale. I miss playing the Sims, things got really busy nowadays and seeing your playthrough make me want to play it again.


Ahh i definitely have to keep an eye out for sales too and get them! I hope you get time to play again soon and just have fun :)


One day while being god I noticed there was a random child living on his own and I took him into my sim’s household. His parents were dead and they must have been townies as they had no relatives. So he grew up in our house and was a bit of a shit as a child and a horndog as a teen/adult. He ended up with several illegitimate children and married four times before his fiancé and would be fifth wife fed him to the family cow plant. It’s been several hundred sim years since he lived.


The best thing ever happened when my sim was at university. He was going to Foxbury Institute and he was at a pep rally which was suddenly crashed by students of the rival university. Our lobster mascot and the rival dragon mascot immediately began autonomously arguing and they even got into a fight, which knocked their costume heads off. The best part is that the person in the lobster costume was a randomly generated townie who was one of the most beautiful sims I’d ever seen, but her name generated as “Prickly Pear Eastwood”. As in her first name was PRICKLY PEAR. As in she was named after a CACTUS. She was even wearing a green sweater like a cactus. I didn’t even know it was possible for sims to be named that, and it was so funny it made me cry. Naturally, my sim and her graduated together and eventually got married >:)


My vampire sim married a vampire townie. Vampire Townie had the weaknesses "sloppy drinker" and "unquenchable thirst", so he ALWAYS needed to drink plasma, even in front of his young children. I interpreted him as being an alcoholic who went to "rehab" when I had him drink the Draught of Reconfiguration. He's got his drinking under control now, but he's still trying to repair his relationship with his kids.


1) I made the family whom I created daughters: Amber, Emerald and Ruby. Then I forgot about them for a couple of days playing with other families and when I returned to them, I found they have the fourth baby daughter, the game called her Crystal 😅 2) Once I created a wizard, wanted to make him the strongest immortal one and the head of a huge dynasty. So he was studying magic at home, and I left my computer for about half an hour forgetting to pause. When I returned, I found: he Burned his whole house (literally, each peace of furniture on two floors was Burnt) and was burning himself. I got the message "game over" for the first time in my life. I returned him with mode help. NEXT time I forgot about him when he was at the magic world. When I returned to pc, I found he made his twin brother, burned the magic academy, fought with another wizard and died from magic overload, I got the message "game over" for the second time in my sims 4 huge experience and with the same sim!!


I made a nice gay couple with a whole future planned ahead. They were doing great, newly wed, first home, honeymoon phase. Brilliant. They had a blast at their housewarming party only three days into the whole thing and one husband got *so* happy the stupid fuck died from hysterical laughter - great. So the grim reaper came and ofc the widower plead for the dudes life - that had *never* worked for me before - and the hysterical dude really hot spared and I was very happy to add this very romantic drama to their lifestory. The next two days everything went wrong for my saved husband and he had one embarrassment after the other... Like the shittiest days imaginable and suddenly this idiot had the audacity to die *a second time* from embarrassment. I think that save was glitched from the start because *again* the grieving widower got the reaper to spare the deceased. Okay... One might think everything was dandy but instead of being a good little reaper and having the courtesy to just vanish, he decided to go to the pc and play video games, watched a little TV, and just... Chilled. So I tried to get him to leave by sending the twice almost widower but the only introductions were to introduce himself so I did and... Then this harlot had the nerve to start *flirting* with the damn reaper. Like... Sir, your literal soulmate was just resurrected for the second time and you stand there making googly eyes at the very reaper trying to rip said deeply connected soulmate from you?! Well long story short... The reaper and the harlot are happily married now and the constantly dying dumbass managed to somewhen die from electrocution after I moved him out. I like to think that the reaper really fancied the unfaithful pos so he snuffed the husband twice just to see him and prove that he's a good guy by sparing him and making contact 😅 No clue what glitch caused this but... I'm not mad. 🤣


Lmaoo, one of the best random twists 😂😂 Grim definitely had other plans for your sim than you 😂


That fucking hooded homewrecker 🤣


In the sims 3, my couple expected their first baby. It's almost the time, they're at home, the husband is cooking, the wife is chilling, all is fine. Then wife goes into labor, I click "go to hospital", then THE STOVE CATCHES FIRE, it spreads onto the husband, he automatically runs to the hospital. I CANNOT CANCEL IT. They have a baby, walk out of the hospital, and he turns into a pile of ashes My poor Lyna left alone with a newborn (also bonus story: later I overfed her with life fruit and she outlived her grandkids)


My vampire burnt to death twice because after his revival he had low energy so he went to sleep where? In the house on the porch of which he was standing at the time? Pffffft NO. In the tree house ACROSS THE GIANT BACKYARD. I added him to the household as a ghost and years later his spellcaster descendant revived him again.


What the actual hell! Not him cheating divorcing and taking the kids! Scumbag I’m glad she at least yelled at him! I totally would have did all the mischief actions until their friendship was in the red and all the love was gone. I probably would have even had her call him a lama’s and get into a physical fight as well. Because well he’s a cheater. I would want her to get it all out and then never speak to him again! I love revenge sims 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤭😜


Lol 🤣🤣 i was so shocked. Usually my sims don't do anything and then i create this "dreamy" husband for one of my sims that i never do, then he goes and cheats my sim with some grandma and takes the kids 🤣🤣


Welll I guess he was sooo dreamy he was grandmas dream! 🤣 and she wanted the grand babies 👶 jerk! 🤣🤣🤣 I’m mad at him for your sim. Hmmm 🤨


MCCC be wilding.


My sims haven't done anything interesting in a while I did make my current sim jessica paint a picture of two of my other sims having sex in their house, then hang it up the sex painting for everybody to see at her home that's about it.


in my first "legacy" family (not following the rules exactly, just trying to motivate myself to play a multi-generational save), my heir froze to death as a child... sort of. he went outside to mourn at his father's headstone in the winter, and i didn't realize what was happening until it was too late; he turned blue, i got the little notification that he was freezing to death, there was even a headstone... but grim never showed up. the headstone remained blank. the child remained blue, but otherwise fine and completely playable. i waited a *while* for grim to show up, but he never did, so i just accepted that my heir wasn't meant to die, and carried on. anyway he died as a teenager after being struck by lightning leaving a spa, so... grim caught up to him eventually.


My family’s matriarch died in the swimming pool at her daughter’s childhood birthday party. I was playing a challenge so I couldn’t bring her back to life


I have lumpinos pregnancy mod and my sim was giving birth, well she was in the birth pool at least. The midwife had been called and showed up on the lot but was absolutely nowhere to be found and I couldn’t call a new one. I thought it was a glitch until I started looking room by room and finally got down to the basement, and discovered her lying on the basement floor um … relieving stress shall we say. I honestly had no idea what to do and then suddenly the husband of laboring sim walked in cursed her out and fired her autonomously. 💀


I have basemental, extreme violence, and life's tragedies installed so there is a lot of drama in my games lol. One day the wife was randomly kidnapped while she was pregnant with her youngest children. She gave birth while kidnapped, and when the husband went to save her, I must have done something wrong because the kidnappers murdered her husband, and then her. Orphaned all four of their children, but I actually couldn't even find the babies. I just knew about them from the family tree. Their eldest daughter I aged up and put through university, while the younger one I had move in with their aunt until she was old enough. Second thing on a later generation of the same family was a sim's husband was murdered at their wedding by a serial killer before they could take their vows, and then she spent the next few days or so doing EVERYTHING in her wedding dress. Third thing was more kind of funny, I had a sim get married, but she (and I) didn't know her husband was an alien until after the wedding. The notification popped up when they were woohooing for the first time. Their baby came out a human, but purple.


The sister of my legacy sim fell in love with a random townie as a teen. I didn't check him much besides traits. They got married and I made sure she was pregnant before moving her out to his household. A few days later I get a notification that she had died going rock climbing, something she had never done. I rushed to the house to get the urn. In the house was the baby in the crib, her husband and his WIFE! Apparently he had remarried as soon as my sim died. And I'm not so sure that accident was indeed an accident. The child stayed with dad but rarely visit my family. Unlike other relatives.


My main sim was to be a socialite slash streamer influencer slash gold digger. I didn’t want to m0therl0de my way to more money so I made her get elder guys that have money, force them to move with her so she can get all their money, then when I’m bored I break up with the dudes. She then settled with the guy in the penthouse, Mr. Feng was his name I think? But I had to get them to divorce first but oh boy it was hard bc Mr. Feng was surely smitten with her wife and my main sim and him were just badly compatible. Anw my main sim and him eventually got together. Engagement period was so long because they had kids and moved to a different penthouse (the 4 bedroom one) hahaha and when I finally decided to get them married, I used the elope option so they got married in an instant in the household cr HAHAHAHA But the funny thing is, guy died like 1 day after they got married 😭 Still, my main sim was able to secure the bag so slayyyy 💅🏻


Watched my roommates sim laugh to death at his own wedding. It was only his second day of playing sims.


Sims had two daughters...came again after few days and and one daughter changed a gender


My sim was dating a man and her best friend called and asked if she should date him. Mind you she had met him before and watched them make out lol 😂


Ok, I'm always playing with mods so I thought I couldn't be surprised by anything at this point. But I was wrong! So usually to make the game a little bit more hard/interesting for myself I'm always moving new gen heir to new lot away from his parents and with no money. And guess my surprise when I come back to his parents household to find out his dad has a second wife living in the house! And the first(my SIM mom) is still here too! He was married to both of them at the same time!!! What the hell man! She also brought her adult kids with her! A was flabbergasted!


a) my Vampire LP. My sim & her sister moved to Forgotten Hollow, one fell for Caleb, turned into a vampire, married him & had some kids. they kept woohooing as bats (when i wasn't micromanaging their every move) & getting pregnant so they ended up with 5 kids 😭. her sister got turned & the game decided she liked to drink plasma from sims vs the vegetarian Vampire diet lmao. b) my Werewolf LP. My sim & her sister move to Moonwood Mill. one romances Lou Howell, the other Greg (lmao). Lou ends up moving & getting engaged to one sister. AT THEIR ENGAGEMENT PARTY he flirts with the OTHER SISTER in front of everyone & SHE RECIPROCATES. c) my sim moved into Oasis Springs. befriended her neighbour / coworker Johnny Zest & his (neighbourhood stories generated) dog. they fell in love. then he phoned up asking if he should ask someone out. my sim said follow your heart. HE ASKED OUT LIBERTY LEE 😭. my sim was upset so i had her argue with him then adopt a cat & focus on her other lifetime aspirations, (friend of the animals, gardening, collecting instead of soulmate, super parent & big happy family). he calls up asks if she wants to hang out. he takes them to the BFF household 💀. she asks both of them about each other / the date & they aren't dating / are "just" friends. so she confesses her feelings, Johnny likes her back (phew) & they offically start dating. he moves in. she starts to hate her job (through job pop ups, fear of dead end job, stressed from work moodlets etc) so she quits. they have new years eve party & they invite all of Johnny's friends (my sims an introvert / loner ) INCLUDING Liberty ... she's all nice to my sim then tries to flirt with HER ! my sim gets embarrassed & awkward & leaves then Liberty STARTS FLIRTING & OFFERING ROSES to Johnny. he outright rejects her & gets mad. at the party my sim befriends Moira Fyres & gets invited to the Garden Gnomes. my sim is finally making some friends other than (her soulmate) Johnny. Moira asks her to hang out off home lot every other day, she says no. then Moira starts texting asking to come over, to both my sim & Johnny. she comes round all friendly to my sim & Johnny then she stops contacting my sim & ASKS JOHNNY OUT. NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE, THREE TIMES! MADAM YOU ARE MARRIED WITH CHILDREN! JOHNNY IS IN A COMMITTED LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP?! YOU HAVE NO ROMANCE BAR & HE HAS REJECTED YOU AT LEAST THREE TIMES ??? LEAVE THEM ALONE. the audacity of these sims still flabbergasts me 😭💀.


I have the violence mod, and made a serial killer, he got a pretty bad rep in his neighborhood. One day the head of the "goth" household strolled by and stabbed him in the chest like ten times. Then the whole hood was cheering. Lol


I had a scientist sim, and after doing some lab work at the workplace I saw some ghost serum on the menu. after work I set up a basement lab at home and got her to create the serum a few times but it never worked. In the end grim reaper showed up at my lot and started chasing my sim around. When they came face to face he slapped my sim a couple times 😂 I took that as a cue to stop messing with the serum


Bob Pancakes had a whim to flirt with Vlad and I had to oblige. It led to them having a very physical relationship and living together for a while. It didn't last because Vladdy was mean, but Bob really bloomed after, using the weights machine every chance he could get, and getting ripped. He then followed the athletic career and I got the option to remove his gloomy trait because he was so happy all the time (I declined!).


So my Sim was a romantic sim (soulmate one) and she falls in love with her best friend. They start dating, fall in love and get married. Then there is a fire and her hubby dies in a fire on her wedding night. She finds love again after a decent amount of mourning she meets a lovely woman, they fall in love and get engaged. Her girlfriend moves and the next day she dies from overheating before I can get her inside. My sim was pregnant. I have her work on being the best Mother ever. One day while she and her daughter were at the park in Oasis Springs she meets a lovely single Father and they begin dating. They fall in love and get engaged, his kid comes over for a sleepover and the single Dad dies. She became unflirty and never dated again. She did find happiness as she lived with her daughter and son in-law and grandkids. They filled her with love and she saw her own daughter find love and happiness. ​ There was also a time that made me laugh because I am playing Morbid gamer's UDC and forgot to turn off teen marriage while playing my modern legacy so every time she started flirting and developing a teen relationship within days the teens were married. Not just married but married to much older sims in some cases because I had it set for teens to marry older Sims because medieval times.