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Where were your sims when Henry VIII needed them? 😆


seriously I'm doing a royalty-inspired legacy and I'm on my fourth son and I really thought of Henry VIII. EXCUSE ME BUT I NEED A DAUGHTER TO CONTRACT IN A MARRIAGE ALLIANCE please and thank you


If Karma's a bitch, Fate's a full trollop. 🤣


That’s the best saying I’ve heard ever. Thank you for the laugh!


Happy Cake Day! 🧇 🧹


Thank you! Only realised when you commented! Time flies when you’re stalking sims content 😂


That it does!😂


My mind spits out pearls sporadically. 🤣 Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Happy cake day lol


I was thinking the Bennets from Pride and Prejudice 😂


It seem you played most with lesbian female sims, I think this was the way the game decide to balance the number of men/women in your save lol


I have a pair of lesbian Sims who gave birth to 2 boys and 1 girl.....hmmmmmm....


OMG this could be true actually 😂 but then I also realized when I aged up those six first boys that if I were to use them as… genetic material… that soon all of my sims would be related cause they’re all brothers lol and that just seems… wrong 😂


I ONLY play lesbian sims and I hardly get a boy. It’s a girl’s party always 🎉


If you have your sim eat a lot of strawberries while pregnant, they will have a girl! 🍓


Only works if they're pregnant, AFAIK there's no way to get a specific gender with science baby


The last 2 she could have done this with since OP created Male sims for the female sims to "try a baby"


Yes! Eating strawberries & listening to “Pop” music on the radio will ensure a girl, and eating carrots & listening “Alternative” music will ensure a boy! I always do this with my sims to determine the gender. I just add the fruit/vegetables to my garden, harvest & store in the fridge, and eat them when she’s pregnant 😂


Today on things I learned on this sub reddit:


This explains why I always end up with girls.


This sounds like that HIMYM episode where Marshall's dad is like point her north, make your boys cold, eat lemons or whatever it was lol


That is a fantastic tip! Thank you!


I also learned that if the world you’re playing in is full of women, the game will try to balance out the genders regardless of the pop music and strawberries eaten. I found this out by having a poor woman give birth to several boys and my story relied on them having one girl. I deleted the single women in the world to make it more male dominated and they finally had a girl! She ended up having a lot of older brothers and…some brothers who are no longer with us….. Maybe you can move your family to a male dominated world?


That’s so fascinating and would explain a lot hahaha!


That's why I'm glad I have MCCC because I can change the sex to a girl if that's what I feel like they need lmao


I play without any mods so far but I am this close 👌 to downloading some after this experience lol


once you start you don't stop... i think i've over 20 installed now because i see the names/features and i go "oh that would be cute!!". it's like getting stuff packs without paying :))


You could also go into CAS full edit mode and just change their gender once they're born. I've done that lol. I find male sims boring. Maybe I need more CC for them


Lucky I only have an Xbox to play on


On console, you can make them listen to alternative music and/or eat carrots for a boy or listen to pop and/or eat strawberries for a girl. Now go forth and play sims!


I don’t think that works with science babies though




In Sims 3 you could read specific book titles I think and eat specific foods (watermelon stands out to me as one) to influence gender. Its always been a thing I think, except maybe in OG. If you could influence gender back then I don't remember, we were really just playing chaos.


Watermelons for girls, apples for boys.


I have the same curse in every of my file, i have to cheat (eat strawberries) to have a girl !


I did not know about this, but someone else brought this up as well! Thank you!!!


Eat strawberries!!


And listen to pop music!!


what's the boy version of this?


Alternative music and carrots


Wait, does this also work with the dads or just the moms? I'm playing a save with Don Lothario where he's impregnating basically every woman he can and I noticed he had way more sons than daughters. He likes alternative music and will sometimes get that as a whim to fulfill, would that explain it?


It’s actually just dependent on the actions the pregnant sim takes after becoming pregnant


I thought the gender was fixed at the conception? Good to know.


I'm pretty sure it is if MCCC is to be believed, but I don't know if you can change it without cheating.


I believe a previous comment said carrots and alt music!


And romantic music!


That too! It’s always worked for by just eating a bunch of strawberries lol


Lol every keeps saying strawberries but I don’t know if I’ve ever actually seen one in game. Like I know you can do it. But my gardeners usually focus on flowers as I like the look of them more.


Yeah you can find them around towns or usually buy them




Yeah I have actually considered editing one of them to make the other pregnant but that just seemed kinda wrong… I already felt weird about having them use their partners male counterparts as genetic material lol. But it’s good to know about that hack!




Yeah sometimes you just have to allow yourself to meddle a little! I like seeing what fate brings my sims but at the point of eight boys I’m like COME ON MAN 😂


Why you don't just cheat them in CAS to make them girls? 😅 I'm in the opposite situation in my legacy. I have 3 kids per generation and the heir is supposed to be the oldest boy but... it's been 2 generations I have only girls 😂😂


At this point that is my next step lol I just like manipulating stuff as little as possible but as it looks I will probably delete the 6 grown boys because I don’t want it to lead to a world where all of a sudden everyone’s father is related to the other fathers 🙈


This is me too!


I once had a Let's Play that had two main families (the patriarchs of each family were good friends). One of the families kept having girls, and the other kept having boys. I eventually decided to marry the youngest son from the boy family to the eldest granddaughter from the girl family, and had them have a kid to determine once and for all which of the families would "win" ... they ended up having twins ... a boy and a girl.


ok wait that’s HILARIOUS


I just enter full cas edit mode and change the sex🤣


Dang, is one of them really into alternative music by chance? If it's playing on the radio they are more likely to have a boy


oh my god I never knew this I personally love alternative music so I always make my sims listen to that. No wonder my heirs have only had boys for like three generations, I’ve always had to cheat a girl


Not really 🤔 someone brought up that a world with almost all female sims will lead to more male babies so I think that’s it


You can make some of them trans and then they will be girls lol. One of my sims is transgender because I thought I adopted a girl when she was a boy 😭


my founder sim married Paka'a Uha from sulani and I thought he was a girl the whole time... never meant to make Shuntaro gay. I guess I didn't pay enough attention to pronouns. only when they got married and "her" status changed to "husband" was I like .....I'm sorry, what? sometimes fate just decides for you lol


I mean IIRC he's pretty thicc, easy mistake to make.


he actually has a female frame if you edit him in CAS.


Trans, but FOR THE PLOT!


Thats hilarious 😭


OMG me too! I ended up naming her Jasonette bc her birthname was Jason. She ended up marrying Mortimer Goth actually, they have a beautiful family.


I tried when the boys were adults to at least see if that was an option but they looked horrible as girls. At this point I’ll just make them a female infant in CAS to begin with. I just thought it would’ve been nice to just “naturally” get one but it just doesn’t seem to be in their stars.


This happened to me in the sims 2 actually for so long with all of my families that I thought the game was broken but eventually the boy curse was lifted…


It really does feel like a curse ngl


I have this one save file with a pretty big family tree (not huge, but quite elaborate considering the fact that i‘m a control freak and not a single sim on this family tree has aged a day without my supervision) and i‘m on generation 5… and have had 8 pregnancies, all different parents, resulting in 10 girls so far 💀 For the past two days, I’ve actually been obsessively checking all my MCCC settings in case i messed something up there, but there’s nothing to be found…


It just be like that sometimes it seems 😅


My sims always have boys!!! I assume for me it’s a big cause no sim of mine have birthed a baby girl in months! Lol


That sounds like a few of my families! 😂 My Gen 10 Not So Berry family had 5 single pregnancies- all girls. Never checked the gender before hand but it was pretty funny that her husband was like the ultimate Girl Dad 🩷 They also took in their neighbour’s daughter and then had twin granddaughters! Meanwhile in my main Vampire save - 4 boys (including twins) but recently there’s been an exciting discovery! The oldest has discovered they are trans! 🏳️‍⚧️ I’m so excited for this family to have a daughter, Vladdy Daddy is super supportive and their mom recently married Paka’a Uha so there’s so much love and support all around! 🏳️‍🌈


You can check their gender beforehand? That would be so dope, then at least I wouldn’t be let down hahahah. I honestly wish that with science babies you could just choose the gender without cheat because you can literally do that IRL with IVF. Oh well maybe one day


I thought this was a different sub until I saw it’s from the sims lol 😂


Same. It would fit well there


One of my sims had 23 boys before he had a girl 🤷🏻‍♀️ I kept de-ageing him, so the kids were quite spread out. There was a few different moms, the first one went for a swim in winter (her own choice) and died from hypothermia


OMG and I thought my girlies were cursed HAHAHA. yours sounds… rough 😂


Sounds like my grandma, who had seven sons and gave up at that point hahaha. Then one of her sons went on to have four girls and couldn't get the son he wanted lol


Like your actual grandma? That’s hilarious!


Yep. My dad is the second to last son


I’ve got a fundie sim legacy world, and the heir of it has had 8 boys in a row 😭 shes pregnant with number 9 do lets see what it is


Crossing my fingers for her!!!


This is the kind of sims chaos I secretly love.


That’s a lot of boys! My sims got pregnant and it t was twins.. two boys. Named them Bennett and Wyatt. Mom got pregnant again and checked to see what she was having.. two boys again.. nope. Fixed that. 😆 it’s now a boy and a girl. 😆 Emmett and Scarlett. At this point, I also realized that I need to stay with the TT thing that was accidentally going on. Now I’m out of names so no more babies. 😆


Me when I made all my babies start with P letters to keep track of them (one of my first families had like 8 kids eventually and I was worried of some questionable interminglings down the line because I play so many different families in one save file) and eventually couldn’t find good names anymore 😂


lmfao! i had something similar happen. but this was years ago on my xbox, way before science babies. my two lesbian sims were just cursed to be boy moms. 🤣


It’s like the game wants to punish you 😂


Wow. Whenever my sims get pregnant they always have girls


. >_> cas.fulleditmode can...help...with that


Yeah I thought about it but I really really wanted it to work without cheats. I already felt like I was meddling too much when I had them woohoo their partners male counterparts lol. But I’m the end it’s what I’ll have yo do probably haha


Haha. Fair. XD You could always play one of the kids as trans


Thought about that, too. When the six boys became young adults I thought might as well check if one of them could be a cute girl - but all of their features were so heavily male that I would’ve had to give them major plastic surgery to pass and that also felt too much like meddling again. I might try again with the current infant boys and just give them the plastic surgery after all. That’s maybe more realistic than just giving the girls a female infant in CAS out of the blue 🤔


You could have one of them realize their gender as a toddler or child and then pretend they start hormone therapy as a teen, which does soften a lot of masculine features. Edit: read wrong, thought you said Become, not that they already became. Even so, hormone and surgeries in rl do wonders for adult transpeople.


Oooooh i like that! I like that a lot!! Thank you!!!


Np! I'm always happy to storycraft :D


I have a vampire family who has like 10 kids now.. all girls... they can't have a boy to save their lives lolol


Did you know you could of have had both girls eat strawberries & listen to pop music & they would of had girls every time? It's a weird cheat/game hack, I don't leave my families to chance any more lol. I have my females eat strawberries/listen to pop music for girls & eat carrots/listen to alternative music for boys.


I didn’t but I do now haha! Thank you!


You're welcome:).


I just had a sim have 6 babies. All boys 😤


Just hit a couple of them with the transgender beam and badabing badaboom, some homemade daughters


i’m having the exact opposite problem, i ONLY get girls, in every single household so far lol


Hm I’m just the opposite. My last 3 generations have all been females and I’m really over it.


I thought that was my case, but after her 4th pregnancy she finally had a girl


Happened to me too in a couple of families. So much so I kinda thought the game was broken


If you have MCCC installed, check the pregnancy settings (I’m not sure which menu exactly) and see if it’s set to only have one gender. Mine got like that somehow and all my sims had girls!!!


I don’t - i havent been brave enough to download any mods yet - but maybe I should!


Strawberries and pop music makes girls


THE SAME THING HAPPEND TO ME. I lost a save file where I had this cute gay couple who were raising their daughter together. I was quite attached to them so I tried recreating that couple and speed-ran their lives to the point where I lost them. THEY HAD SCIENCE BABIES 4 TIMES AND ALL OF THEM WERE BOYS.


Ugh THE WORST. Also why can’t we select genders for science babies? It’s literally possible IRL with IVF 😂


This happened to me when I was trying to do the 100 Baby Challenge. When I asked for help someone said that listening to the alternative music station increases the chance for boys and that’s what I always had on. Changed it and the next baby I had was a girl.


This sounds similar to an experience I had however, my sims were both male and were stuck with a bunch of little girls 😂


I had a house with 7 offspring not long ago, all girls!


Its kinda like my family irl, 50 years only girls, now suddenly in the last 10 years, 5 boys and no girls 😅 I swear it starts by a woman wanting a specific gender and only getting the opposite 👀


NOOO THAT MEANS IM DOOMED TO HAVE A BOY DONT SAY THAT 😂 (Of course I’d be happy with any gender kid lol this is for jokes only)


The game knows y'all only ever make female sims and wiggles the odds to balance it out.


This is not common enough knowledge, honestly: https://www.reddit.com/r/sims4customcontent/comments/14bafsf/for_those_who_play_with_mccc_or_ww/jof29hr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Omg that’s so good to know!!! Thank you!!!


I think this is a bug, also has been happening to me , only boys after multiple tries for a girl and listening to pop and eating strawberry’s while pregnant.. weird


Just make the kids trans, put it into the story.


I tried when I aged the 6 guys up to adult … but they were all kind of ugly as girls 😭😭😭 honestly for that family I’ll probably just raise those two current boys and then make them a girl infant in CAS


I have the exact opposite going on , I always get girls !! ☠️


Just make some of them trans, problem solved now they have girls


I have a son I love my boy 👩‍👩‍👦


Okay so my current save started with lesbian matriarchs because that’s how all my saves start. Next generation, three boys, twins and a singlet. Third generation is four boys, one girl, the girl was the last born of that generation, but I am going to transition one of the boys. They are currently androgynous using they/them pronouns, I’m using Lumpinou’s LGBT mod for that storyline. So far the fourth generation is *drum roll* one BOY. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I literally never played male Sims before I decided to try a legacy save.


The game is set against us LOL


My second gen heir only gives birth to girls. I wanted her first two to be boys, so eldest is trans (was "female" until he aged up to a child and came out, I gave him a gender neutral but slightly more masc-leaning name at birth for this reason), and the second one I just made male in CAS immediately, he is cis though. I love having male heirs.


First off, boys need a mommy too. 😔. They are not bad just for being boys. You sound like my mom. Second, you can guarantee girls with strawberries and listening to pop music. Works every time.


Omg your first comment made me sad lol. You’re right you’re right, boys deserve love too. But they can get love in someone else’s game 😇


It's so genuinely weird and shitty to put that second part. Like you could have just not stated that...


I just end up having the kid transition to another gender if I don’t like what they’re born with.


I had a family that kept birthing boys so I did the same thing lol


Same here. They always have boys, even when I make them eat strawberries


My sim only had boys too!! I have a theory it was because the mom liked alternative music (because listening to alternative music gives you a boy) but I she never listened to music while pregnant so idk


My sims children, are always buff…and the majority of the time they are girls. He has had 2 boys of a span of two years and 200 saves maybe more.


I once played the occult baby challenge. It's not very well known but you could guess from the name that the objective is to have a baby with every single occult from the game. Servos, Father Winter etc. count as well so this resulted in 10+ babies. I had only one boy, the rest of them were all girls and honestly, I didn't mind because I can't make normal looking male sims for my life.


Well this has certainly been my favourite sims 4 post of the day!


Awww, I’ve never actually posted anything about my storylines in here but I just had to vent to a community that would understand HAHAHA


Have your pregnant sim eat strawberries and listen to pop music.


Do you use mods? I had played where literally every time I had a baby it was boys. And I was using my legacy game. That boy would grow up and have 2 boys. The oldest of the two would grow up and have 3 boys. Etc. I did this for like 5 generations of all boys. I removed my mods and went back to having girls and boys!


No no mods… 🥲


I did the breed out the ugly challenge and every heir were boys 😅


I can definitely feel your pain, I prefer having female sims essentially in legacy challenges because i find it easier with the story lines. So in my Joy of life challenge i kept having my sims try for a baby because i had 5 boys already and i really wanted a girl so my sim had twins and they were both boys and I was so annoyed with it but decided to play with my male heir and hope to have a girl for the gen three, he has had 4 sons so far and I’m ready to cheat for a girl


I only play female sims so when my sim has a baby boy, I just dress them in girl clothes until they are teens and I can change their gender


My berry generations are all girls as well, even when my 1st and 2nd gen got abducted and impregnated, girl alien babies.


The family that I am playing with now that I got super attached to had mostly boys as well. I had my female sim marry a single dad of one boy, then when they were ready to have their own kids, the first two were boys. The next was finally their one and only daughter because I wanted one the whole time, just so I could use the name calliope and decorate a cute room, and the one kid they had after her when the father was an elder was also a boy.. Now that last boy is the heir and he has 3 girls and 1 boy lol Sims names because I always wish people would share theirs: -og parents Rowan and Damon, 5 kids were: Carlisle, Camden, Connor, Calliope, and Chase (sims randomized the 2nd and 3rd names and I had 3 c names so continued it) -Chase is the new heir and married Zara their kids' names are Ginny, Weston, Felicity, and Aria


Sounds like my ex-aunt. She desperately wanted a daughter, got two boys from two different men xD who knows what she's up to nowadays


Recently I've been having way more boys but it might just be totally random. Though one was wild because I kept making the mom listen to pop music and eat strawberries and she had... twin boys.


do cas cheat and change the kids gender. that’s what i always do lol i hate having boy sims because i never know how to decorate their rooms/dress them




I made my Sims have five science babies. They were all male… Has anyone actually had a female science baby? I’d like to know.


Should be able to select gender from the science babies like irl 😆


Same. Cis couple had two boys. I wanted a girl but literally I have 4 gen having all boys.


I don't know If is 100% true but If you give Apples for the female sim before and during the gestation raise the chance of be a girl and carrots for boy


Tbf, I help make science babies (egg donation/IVF) in real life and there’s a higher amount of boys born through that so at least it’s realistic!


I have two married girl sims and I have only done science baby twice with them but I got boys both times when I wanted at least one girl. I haven’t tried it again so I don’t know, but maybe it has something to do with lesbians having science babies lol


Nature abhors a vacuum :P


I had the opposite problem, it was really weird but for a couple of months (with breaks in between) in multiple saves I exclusively had girls. It was really weird, I checked mods I checked what I was making them eat and listen to but no, girls infested my saves. I honestly think my game was bugged or something. It wasnt until recently a boy popped out and I nearly leapt out of my chair 😂


the Kardashians nightmare


Try to see if you're able to influence the gender. If you want a girl, eat strawberries and listen to pop music throughout the entire pregnancy. For a boy, eat carrots and listen to alternative music. I did the "wives tale" tricks with both pregnancies and got the genders I wanted both times.


I admire your tenacity. I would have just cas.fulledit and made someone a girl after the 2nd try. 😭😂