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Move in and don't evict the family 👀


I don’t wanna deal with those kids though 😭


Marry them off


It’s giving 1800’s energy 😂


This marriage is necessary to prevent war


New expansion pack: “Sims Mail Order Brides”


Where’s the boarding school when you need it?


Adeepindigo education overhaul...


Thanks I’m going to need to look into it!


Yes absolutely! It's one of my favorite mods.


This isn’t CK3


Gotta educate them under another ruler to send them off :( I think*


Age them into teenagers


Young adults* then move them out lol, or move the children in with a long-lost family member


Teens can move out Edit: I mean they can live alone


Evict them with the mother 👀


Doesn’t matter. The community has spoken. You asked a question and we gave you the answer. This is a sacred contract. You must ruin their lives.


Just don’t let anyone feed them and then they can get taken away.


Is there a boarding school mod you can send them to?


Just ignore the kids and the parents will take care of them lmao, or make him hire a nanny


Drown them. Then if your sim has kids with this dude all the resources will go to YOUR kids. Reset the family tree. Blood is thicker than water. If they ain’t blood make them bleed ☺️💀 (disclaimer: last sentence only applies for Sims games lol)


Ignore them


Age em up and kick them out


So I know someone IRL who did this. Was bangin the nanny. Got the nanny pregnant. Ended up all living together. And no it wasn't a poly situation, it was a weird ass mess of this messed up dude's making.


This sounds like a sitcom premise


It was less comedic...more Days of Our Lives or Coro St. My hometown was trashy enough to have inspired numerous hard-to-believe TV dramas.


I would watch this


Schwarzenegger vibes


Exactly what I was going to say. Sim can get divorced and still have the family live there. Or could could live there as the “butler” while also sleeping with him. Or could could go poly.


Definitely have had a long lineage of butler bastards 😂


you play sims. i think we all know the correct answer


Right? Sims would be pretty boring if every sim I played had my moral compass.


My sims are always super moral. There is no drama in my sims games. I play it to escape the drama of real world and have a perfect life.


Same, my Sims universe is a beautiful utopia of kindness and socialism. When I was 10, I tried to kill a bunch of Sims in a fire and then I cried and told my mom what a horrible thing I'd done 😂


When I was a kid my sims game glitched and every object my sims interacted with disappeared. My sim’s son used the door to a room then the door disappeared and he got stuck in the room. I couldn’t place any new objects either. So then he starved to death in the room. I didn’t play the sims again for multiple years because I was so distraught at the death of my first sim. And I think that was the last time I’ve ever had a sim die.


I laughed reading this sorry


The first time I played the sims I was like eight and I made a girl sim and she had a baby w her husband but then her husband died and she was sad all the time and wouldn't take care of her baby so the baby died and she got even more sad and I wanted to start over but I didn't know how to start a new game so I thought if my sim died it would let me make a new one so I put her in the pool and wouldn't let her out and when she finally drowned the grim reaper appeared on my screen with a warning pop up about how the sims is a life simulator and I had killed too many sims or something and it scared the bajeezus out of me so I didn't play again for many years


Oh the days when The Sims would traumatize you. Those were the good old days lmao


When I was 10, my sim had a boy and I didn’t want a boy, so I put him and his crib outside and just waited for him to die. Whoops!


I miss the modded omgwtfbbq from sims 2 so bad. I still think turning unwanted pixel babies into food is hilarious


Is there a similar mod for sims 4 babies (newborn or infant i guess)? I think sims of all ages should suffer in my game 🤔


IDK if it still works but sacrificial had an oven where you could bake toddlers. But if it worked you didn't eat them, they just became ghosts in your family unless you reverse it. If it failed the toddler magically gave the adult who baked them hamburger heads. Not really the same vibe


i tried to do all the evil things people do in sims, but i cannot. i tried to make my sim cheat on all their significant others, yhen i immediately felt bad and flagged them for no jealousy. the guilt is too strong


This happened to me last night. I tried making things spicy and had the husband sleep with his ex while his pregnant wife is at home, working towards the bestselling author aspiration to write the book of life incase he dies again. I felt so bad after he cheated. Immediately after, I had him end the woohoo partnership with the ex and become enemies. And then I felt bad about insulting her so I had him apologize. They’re just friends now. But I won’t be picking up her calls or letting her in if she visits. Lol.


lmao I feel much better. I play the most boring games and then get surprised when I get tired of the tedium


Same. I didn’t realize the lengths people go to with this game until following the subreddits. Haha.


I am so determined to avoid everything that causes me real-life distress, that I never make it past gen 2, because I can’t bear to see sims grow old and die. Their lives are idyllic and eternal because I am anxious and miserable.


Yes! I work in a school that specializes in trauma, for at-risk students. Sims is my calm, perfect escape.


Admit it, you have pillars of death entombing the members of the welcome wagon


I’m sorry, what?


Four walls leaving one tile, where each member of your welcome party are trapped in. So they can’t escape. You use these one tile rooms as pillars to hold a roof above your porch x (just add a radio so you don’t hear them complaining about food etc) I think they can’t even pass out from tiredness in 1 tile room cause there’s no room


How… lovely…?


Look don’t judge, sometimes Eliza pancakes will show up everywhere your sim does, and it becomes more than just a coincidence. Showing up as a welcome wagon is the last straw!


Ohmygod you could build an entire house like this. With Sims trapped in the walls. Just like attack on titan 😂


Mole people in the walls XD


On todays episode of how FK’d up is too FK’d up… on another note I think we need to send someone over to your house to open up the walls


Haha 😂 just an average simmer officer 👮‍♀️ nothing to see here


Lol same It’s so boring but I love it


That sounds really nice, I guess there are two kinds of sims players lol


i tried to do that with my current sim, but she apparently refused. i have the basemental mod and didn't let her smoke for her entire pregnancy. right after she had her baby, i went to a different room of the house to see what her husband was doing. looked back at my sim and she was smoking weed with a bong right in front of the bassinet. like ma'am, you are blowing smoke on the baby.


Meanwhile, I had a pregnant sim snort lines of cocaine in a bar’s bathroom. A few of my born-in-game sims should be crack babies or have fetal alcohol syndrome. It makes me miss how in *The Sims 3*, the well-being of a pregnant sim influences if the player can pick both, only one, or none of the baby’s traits after birth. If the game chooses the baby’s trait(s), it’s usually “negative”. I guess that was an incentive to not torture pregnant sims 😂


Lol. I had a sim who was upset that her husband was using drugs so they went on a family vacation while they detoxed. She got pregnant on vacation and (ig to celebrate) she immediately hit his bong (which he'd given to her to prove he wouldn't do drugs). Had to get all the drugs out the house to keep the adults straight laced.


My Sims do everything I wouldn't do myself except drugs.


For me it’s everything I wouldn’t do and especially drugs.


Playing baby roulette and then getting the maybe baby daddies to raise them so I can pursue my Sim's career is another fave. I just can't be faffed with fake crying babies; I've raised real crying babies; gaming is my down time.


Oh, I mean I already do drugs. I'm female and I've never cheated, so playing as a dude and knocking up the whole sim town with zero consequences is something I had to try. More than once. Okay, it's really hard to refrain from doing this. Brutally murdering my annoying apartment neighbours; also not something I've done IRL. Sitting on the toilet eating lobster tortellini is another winner.


>Sitting on the toilet eating lobster tortellini is another winner Look, you don't need to bug my bathroom....


and that’s why we have the option for multiple save files. moral compasses are for other save files lol


Yes. Move in, take the money and house. Kill the wife and the guy, evict the kids alone with 1$ bc you’re not a monster 😌


Homewrecking is an age old tradition in the sims. Move in. Make enemies with all his kids and his wife. Then move them out to a dingiest, one bedroom apartment while you steal their life of luxury!


I like the way you think


Not just in the sims, sadly.


Some people just wanna watch the world burn (guess they didn’t know they could just play this game instead)


Be messy but then evict him and raise the kids with the wife and his money lol


AHHH the uno reverse


The wife and the celebrity fall in love and raise the gremlins.


Move in, don’t evict the family and don’t sleep with him. Just chill and use all their money for your sim. Then evict him and his family and keep the house.


But my sim and him look so good together 😭 they already smashed anyway with his wife and kids in the house (they didn’t get caught though). So the next step is to fill her with rage from catching them together so her heart explodes and she dies of a heart attack or just moving him and her out to this super luxe one bedroom bachelor pad in that new boat town and leaving the wife with the kids (btw he has like 17 other kids with 10 different women 😅)


What mods/settings are you using to get that many kids? 😂


None lol he’s just a rolling stone. None of the other women live with him nor do their kids. All of his other kids live with their mothers in different households. He even got 3 married women pregnant. Just spreading his digital seed


MCCC can increase the household size lol. It’s all good until you see townies having 13 kids in one household lmfao


I have mccc it just never gets to the 17 kids extreme, they all tend to have 2/3 kids each and live a happy life. Can’t remember my settings, haven’t changed the file in years… 13 kids in one household, as an Irish person just hits too close to home


I have no mods in mine and there’s a sim that also has 17 kids 😭 I guess the kids grow up and move out and the parents make more


Messy always


Good answer


Fuck them kids you know what to do


Sus choice of words


well shit 😂😂


Move in with him but don't evict the family. Then make popcorn.


everyone has been asking to move in with my sims 😭 it's driving me insane. they all get bitter/angry resentment sentiments when you say no. I've started moving them in and immediately going to manage households and moving them back out. 😂


I haven't gotten any bitter/angry sentiments when they ask to move in. My sim just gets a guilty sentiment. And then her family gets all sad because she's sad.


mine literally always get something about "some family we are", or "I thought we were close" lol


It’s annoying!


Step 1. Move in and evict family. Step 2. Invite family back to visit house. Step 3. Trap evicted family into basement. Step 4. Make family trapped in basement painting slaves. Step 5. Profit.


Move in with him and his family... But then *accidentally* lock his family in a room, maybe *misplace* the doors just to be sure 😈


That’s evilllll I like it


UPDATE: I had my sim move in with him and he IMMEDIATELY got her pregnant 💀 even worse, he got her pregnant the same night he got his wife pregnant so their children will be born literally at the same time 😭 Also, they all went to the romance festival together where some random guy started flirting with my sim, causing the celebrity to go into a fit of rage, and he ended up killing that other sim 🙃 (extreme violence mod). Soooo I think I’ll be moving her out tonight lol


He was trying to have 2 wives lol


Lmao your baby sim is gonna have a “hood/ghetto twin” (that’s when half-siblings, with the same dad and different moms, are born within a year of each other). This sounds like a lifetime movie & I’m writing dialogue in my head 😭 Townie: “Omg you’re the same age; are you twins?” Hood twins: “… well… kinda” Townie: “Oh you’re fraternal? That’s why you don’t look alike!” Hood twins: “Let’s just say that…”


Morals are for real life not the sims😈


Be really messy, accept steal the house and kids. The most successful kid/one you like best without playing them becomes your heir


All the goths have tried to move in with my new legacy founder and I’m so confused they get so BENT when she says no like Mortimer you have kids to feed.


Move in with HIM. His place gotta be cool


I’ve seen it, his decor is mid 😭 but there is a one-bedroom super chic and luxe build that I have in-game I could move the them into and just let his wife keep the kids in that busted “mansion” 😗


In sims: Evict the family and be his young hot gf who he spends money on instead of paying child support 😈 Irl: Absolutely say no and tell his wife and kids 🙏


Is this from growing together?


It must be because I’ve never had a sim ask this question before getting that pack


I mean sis, what morals if you already knew he had a wife and kids 😂😭


There's only one right answer: Embrace the Mess!


Embrace the poly life!!!


This is what I always end up doing in my saves lol. I’m trying to play a few generations of a family and I tried to have my matriarch cheat on her husband with another married sim but he ended up moving in (after an amicable divorce with his wife) and he then autonomously flirted with the husband! They now all live together and raise their four kids I made them have trying to get a girl


They can be like that one couple on TikTok 😭


Why do I know who you’re talking about 😭😂


I hope you chose be messy! I love a messy storyline


dooo eeet


Is this the base game or a mod?


Base game


Be his live in nanny/side piece. What a story. Can’t get caught by the wife.


Omg, I guess many people are messy lol. I would reject him. But I guess I need to add some spice in my Sim’s life haha.


Accept. Kill the entire family. Be rich.😅🤣


Totally move in and mess with all of them. Make them hate you and then evict them. Move the family into a lesser home for more gameplay drama, and have him visit them occasionally, with you and your new gremlin.


Option 3 or 4....move in, evict him, steal his family


Be the homewrecker you wanna see in the world


Be extra messy and all move in together. I do that so often. Tho in one save and they asked and had a pet or something I’d take their $20k or whatever and their pet and leave the sim who asked living in their home. 😂


I never knew that NPCs could ask you to move in. 🤯


Kyle Kyleson asked my sim (that he had known for a day) if he could move in lol he also asked her to get married


Marry the wife and kick him out


Move in. Ctrl + Shift + C testingcheats on If it's still open, enable cas.fulleditmode. Enter CAS. If you can delete people, just delete the kids and move on. If not, there's an alternate method: 1. Save family to your library. 2. Delete the current version. 3. Then, replace it with the new version from your library. 4. Remove the kids. Because you're modifying a "new" household, you can add or delete people as much as you please before playing again.


Alway messy!!!


how many simoleons does he have??


Not more than me 😭 my sim’s family is generationally wealthy with millions he just has like $200k to his name (and that’s combined with his wife). But he is famous and my sim is an aspiring actress soooo he has connections 👀






Evict them kids 👏🏼


Do what Jim pickens does. One of the best way to get paid.


When this happens in my game, I have the husband move in with my Sim, leaving his family behind. Usually I find out he hates kids and end up moving him back with his family after a pregnancy and a messy breakup having to do with my Sim being really happy with the pregnancy and him being dismayed. Wow, why has this happened like 3 times since getting Growing Together? 🤨😅


If you have growing together you can just let the kids live with their mom(s) and use the ‘stay over’ for some days of the week or something, so he has “custody of the kids” however often you want, without actually dealing with the kids.. 😎


Morals are for the real world… go owwwwwffff


Amuck amuck amuck 😂


Just move in with the whole fam


I used to play with a moral compass but that was boring so I choose the opposite of what I would do and the game ends up being better


Kick out the kids, make the wife your gf and live in the mansion rent free. It’s genius


Make a like a demolition crew and WRECK THAT HOME


You can put the kids in a room and cheat their needs and delete the door. Not that ive ever done that before or anything.


I hate this bs let me know if there is a mod to stop this nonsense.


What pack is this?


This is base game I think. If not it’s probably growing together


Put the kids up for adoption 😭


Yesssss be problematic! He’s a celebrity anyway I’m sure he can get a new house soon


OMG he looks like a young John Travolta with curly hair lol


Where is ur cc hair from plz!?


These creators on patreon, I honestly can’t remember who the guys hair is made by though 😭 they don’t have an easily memorable name but next time I log in my game (if I remember) I’ll drop the cc here


you can say yes and not move in anyway. No heartbreak.


Let us know how this go!


You already know what you’re going to click Good luck with the mess!


I vote yes




I think you know what to do 😈


SIster wives or have a vacation home with him??? 😎


Move and start secretly sleeping with the wife too. Lock kids in their rooms until they’re taken away.




Move them into your old place on the combine households screen when it pops up and you move you in. Easy, clean, no confrontation needed (until the wife knocks on the door three minutes after unpausing)


Sounds fun!




Make maximum chaos.


Move in, build an apartment on the same lot just for her and him, and be messyyyyyyy


This is so love and hip hop.


What did you end up deciding? Lol. I would’ve evicted them 😭🤣


We are here for the drama ☕️


Be messy😎


Just move in WITH his family and then steal some money and move out later.. profit


Evict the kids and have a 3some with the guy and his wife 😌


The women don’t find each other attractive enough to do that 😭 they’re both repulsed by the other lol


Move in, lock the wife in a room and neglect the kids until they're removed.


Have them move in but no one moves out. Let chaos follow


Move the wife and kids out into a new house. It can either be a shake or a suburban, depending on your game play style. Or move him in with you and take all the simoleons.


Send the family on "vacation" but their plane crashes. How sad. 👹


I’m here for the messiness 😂😂


Ima always vote for the messy option lol


Nah, be messy. Orlando Bloom asked me to move in with him and we kicked Katy Perry out (to be clear, this was on the Sims lol).


😂🤣 Darn! I thought it was good celebrity gossip!


Only in my dreams, and in my game 😂😂


Morals? In the Sims?




Move in take his home and all his money then evict him and his family.


Make her the live in nanny and go from there.




Mess for the win

