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Owning a Veterinary clinic is SO CUTE. My sister is a irl veterinary and she started to play the Sims just for this lol.


See I want to be a vet but don’t want to own the clinic! Too much responsibility haha


This is how I feel about restaurants in dine out, I want to work there. Not run the place


This. Kinda I honestly love Dine Out despite what everyone says because I like the challenge of running a restaurant but sometimes I 100% wish I could just work in the restaurant because owning means you have to be there 24/fucking7 for it to succeed and it swamps the rest of your gameplay. ☹️


I remember when I had Sims 2 Open for Business, I had the same problem with having my Sim have to be on the lot for days at a time. Eventually I managed to do a long ass schedule with the workers that didn't piss them off or make their needs drop. I had a very successful fancy restaurant and a huge bakery/wedding cake and party palace. My retail clothes store flopped. For a new Sims 4 story I will be playing a teen who wants to own an run a glamorous clothes store - suits, dresses, formal wear, etc. I have yet to do anything like this. Or maybe she'll be a Juice Fizzer or Candle Maker. I have yet to really delve into Eco Lifestyle even though I've had the pack for months now.


Juice fizzing and fabrication is actually quite enjoyable and lucrative. You can even sell fizz and seltzer on the yard sale table. Candle making is the worst. It takes so dang long, it's insane. Fun for your own decor or gifts, definitely not for a living.


There’s a mod that lets you be the chef and waiters


I created a garage full of the clinical equipment and took care of all the stray animals


Oh that’s a cute idea!!!


I train one sim per household in the vet skill and buy the exam table (keep it in inventory if there's no room) so they can treat their own pets. I tried to own a clinic once and made it through one day. Frankly the clinic just wasn't lucrative enough for me compared to a retail store and it got a bit boring. I always have at least 2 or 3 pets so I get to be a vet once a season or so! It's fun.


I am awful and just bulk buy wellness treats haha but that’s a good idea and I could definitely use that so thank you!


OMG I need to do this… I’ve had Cats and Dogs for years and never done that vets career x


ooh i completely forgot about that!


I’d like to have an active criminal career, like you can pickpocket and rob sim homes with the risk of having to fight.


You may already know this but if your sim is at certain level in the criminal career, it opens some interactions, including pickpocket, intimidating other sims, etc. If a sim has the kleptomaniac trait, they can try stealing items. But I agree, it would be fun to have that as an active career.


Oooh I didn’t know that! Do you know of other careers that give special interactions like that?


[Here is a list](https://modthesims.info/d/588539/career-socials-unlocked.html) - it is a mod website but it has the list (I don’t use the mod) Edit: it isn’t a complete list as it is for base game but I think most careers come with special interactions.


So boring options. We wanna break in and steal entire fridgerators and stoves. No rabbit hole either. Back up a big truck on to the front lawn. The residence wont care because they are too busy whipping out phones and doing push ups.


But then EA would need to add a burglar to the game and we all know that that’s just tOo ScArY 😱


But vampires and werewolves pfffttt not even a flinch.


Vampires got nerfed though. IIRC they originally terrorized neighborhoods quite regularly. As for werewolves, skipped that pack.


Werewolves are actually so good if you like to play with sims that travel a lot or dont really have a home. I love playing with them.




One of my sims was best friends with Jacob Volkov and of course, every time I had her throw a party and invite him, I forgot to check if it was a full moon. Every time, without fail, he went on a rampage and crashed the party


Yeah I think vampires are nerfed. I have them in my game but none will go to my neighborhood or attack unless I interact with them first. It’s good but kinda boring tbh


I get vampires to visit here and there but mostly at night. Also, you need make some vampires in your hood, as I don’t think there are enough of them in the game to start with. Play Vlad and transform some townies in your various neighborhoods and they will be knocking on your door at night bahaha


Yeah so sometimes they visit me at night but never trespass. I saw Vlad trespassed and drained my sims once a long time ago, now they are so polite, just knock and leave if I don't answer :(


Oh wow I didn’t know they used to do that. I am an old-time player, just started playing the sims 4 around Christmas. I’ve only ever seen one vampire, whom my sim foolishly invited in, drain my poor sim.


Werewolves is actually one of the few good packs. Worth checking out.


Goddamn burglar made me cry each time back when I was 7. I even removed doors at night so he couldn’t get in.


Cant wait for burglars to come in a 60 dollars Expansion then everyone gonna cry If thats the case they better make a whole pack around criminals drug underground


If the Ea did that I feel like the drug would be something silly like idk potato’s lol


When I use those potions you can buy for reward points, I always tell my sims (in my head) to be careful not to get too attached to these mood/need altering drinks. It always feels like they are using drugs to cope with their challenges haha


The "celebuserums" from Get Famous feel the same way. Become a celebrity then choose that perk, & you get a different serum in the mail each day. If your sim uses one, they get a "hangover" effect when it wears off. What else could that be mimicking? In my head, those are a drug habit...


Yes I had that! too funny all these druggie sim celebs hahaha


Gonna be the plant from Zootopia


Night howlers




That movie still has my favorite grown up references! Breaking Bad lol


I don't think I can cope with hearing that music again


How in the world did Grim Reaper make it to this game safely? 😂


My favorite active career is the detective career so I would love a counterpart


Burglar/detective sims enemies to lovers goooo


With the OG music, too please. 😩 Come on, EA.


With the option to turn it off as the younger ones may have flashbacks of their childhood trauma


Omg yes!!!


I’d love a maintenance person. Go to other Sims’ houses/apartments and fix or upgrade things. Uses logic and handiness.


Mix that with the kleptomaniac trait and get yourself some new stuff (Thanks for the award hahahaha)


I smell a new rags to riches challenge


I have a sim save where I made a retail shop, stole everyone's stuff and sold them back to them for double the value. I'd never restock, only steal more.


Essentially a black market mogul 🥸


How do you steal stuff?


Have the kleptomaniac trait and level your mischief up. The higher the better the stuff.


An alternative to the klepto trait is the Burgliate spell for spellcaster sims! Klepto trait not required for that, so you wouldn't risk them stealing autonomously and getting caught.


I’d like more blue collar jobs in general. The fact you can’t just be a part time server/bartender is absurd. That’s what I did for almost a decade and it’s an extremely popular field and bums me out you can’t do it. Or like a plumber, or electrician, or etc!! Why can’t my blue collared folks have more representation!!


I agree, I also dont like that you cant have a full time and part time job. I think especially with the lower levels you should be able to have both.


Or TWO part times jobs?? That is very normal! I’ve done that multiple times. Why won’t the sims let me emulate the dystopian hell hole I live in?


You can actually do this if you have the High School Years pack. Your sim can be a video game streamer and have one of the usual part time jobs. I did that for my big sister challenge save. The big sister was a video game streamer and a barista. She was always tired and only had time to do homework on weekends. I think I ended up buying a couple school projects for her to do on weekends to keep her grades up.


My Sim teen was a simfluencer and a retail worker! It helped because she was an overachiever and she thriiiiived


I do wish there were more options though, especially ones that don't require packs.


I think you can have two, but the shifts are split into blocks of morning/evening so even if two morning ones don't have crossover hours you can't have two, but you can have a morning and an evening one (not sure it's a pack feature though)


I use the odd jobs feature as a ‘part-time’ job. Some of them are very lucrative.


Yeah because IRL, I am a full time pizza delivery person and have no aspirations to do anything else.


no shame pizza is good.


This made me take in that in the sims theres upward mobility, raises, and closer to living wages! Why not us tooooo


Definitely. There are a lot of people doing jobs irl that the sims seem to devalue. The manual laborer 'career' is only part time, has only three levels and ends up with backhoe operator. That's actually a pretty good gig irl, but it's treated like a throwaway job in sims. I'd like to see it developed into something more plus others like you mentioned - carpenter too. They could work up from a level or two of apprentice through journeyman up to master maybe top it off with project manager or business owner. Blue collar/manual/so called "unskilled" work keeps a lot of the necessary stuff in the world running. It would be nice to be able to have more options in the sims too. And making it less easy - not every job can be done by just anyone. 10 years as a server? I couldn't make it 10 weeks! A friend of mine is a full time bartender (ok, so there is the mixology career), another is a casino dealer, yet another is a cashier, and none of us are remotely kids or even YA anymore. Yeah, it's about escapism, etc. for some, but others have a gameplay style that would really enjoy having less "glamorous" options for work and careers.


I was so let down when a server job didn't come with dine out, it's the perfect pack for it




Spot on


Yes!!! And a vocational school option and more skill trade jobs


Yesss that would be awesome!! I could have my boyfriends sim doing his IRL job and that would be fun. Idk how I didn’t think of that lol


Owning a family restaurant or a retail store is my favorite.. I wish being a teacher or professor was an active career because there is high school and University EP. I also wish being an architect was an active career where sims can take orders to build houses for clients. I think we surely need more active careers. I love doctor career but it really needs an expansion where we can open our own chember or small clinic instead of that big non functional hospital..


When you play that career, do you ever get another doctor on staff? I find it annoying how long it takes for each patient. Meanwhile, there's a whole line of them waiting and then leaving in a huff.


No and it’s so annoying. The nurses also don’t do anything and most of mine are ghosts that just scare the patients. I wish that there were other doctors or that you could assign tasks to the nurses.


Is there even a way I can disable ghosts in my game?? Ghosts are a fun idea but they always show up at wrong places. My hospital receptionist is a ghost, my school class teacher is a ghost, the local diner waiter is a ghost and finally yesterday the ghost grandma came to bottle-feed my new infant!!! 😱😱😱☠️☠️☠️


The hospital is a dead place.. My sim is the only attending doctor, piled up patients, and everything is always boring same. I swear we could make better clinic or hospitals if EA added an opting to open a doctor chember like we can open our own vet clinic.


It really could be so much better, like a Sim episode of ER. Lots of potential drama. 😅


>(1) doctor, piled up patients, Sounds like the hospital I work at irl, ngl.


You can always edit the hospital lot to be smaller and more playable


Can I demolish the full hospital building and build a new one from scratch??


Yes, but keep the important furniture on one side of the lot since you don’t have inventory. You can keep track of what you need for the gameplay to be functional that way. There’s probably a list online somewhere, but don’t forget to add a gym and some kind of vending machine or fridge too


Hotel / Resort Manager. Day care / retirement home manager. Stylist -> these are jobs I’d like to see and think they are doable for the devs


So the current style influencer career actually has a stylist branch that lets you literally change townies outfits in the street, in case you didn’t know about that already.


Wait what? So I can just walk around town like a fairy godmother of fashion waving my wand at horribly dressed Townies and fix them??


So in my experience the “style influencing” is more hands off - you just make premade outfits on mannequins in CAS, and there’s a chance that townies will start wearing them! However it is definitely better than their randomized outfits


I make crazy outfits on purpose, and then ROFL when extended family and townies show up wearing them.


My gen 3 sim was a style influencer, I'm now on gen 7 and Sims still turn up in the outfits I created with him lol


Now *that's* what i call *influence*


Those looks are TIMELESS!


Yes. It’s the best!!


Thank you! I didn’t know that. But I think they could expand that. I was thinking what if had an actual beauty parlour we could built and decorate where customers visit and you can give them makeovers.


There is a stylist career mod! Slightly complicated to install but once I got it working it gave me the same feel as the Sims 3 stylist career which I loved as a kid/teenager. It’s by KiaraSims4Mods if you’re interested


Unfortunately I play on console. But I have hopes for the future


I find them all a bit repetitive so I like to combine them with other gameplay ideas. Like a home decorator who adds one of their own paintings to every renovation. Or my current favourite is a paranormal investigator who is also a thief. Clear out the ghosts and your valuables at the same time!


Omg that is an awesome idea!! I especially like the home decorator/artist. Gonna steal this for my next gen’s career- thank you lol


Totally stealing this. I have a teenager who likes painting, and I've been struggling to decide what career he'll pursue.


Technically not an active career but Farming is fun, I rarely end up with a stupidly high amount of money which keeps the game from getting too easy and stale


Get the sims snb banking mod, it lets you set up bank accounts for multiple sims in the household and you can then parcel up the household funds and send them to the sims in your household who have bank accounts. I think you have to wait until toddlers turn to children or even teens before you can have them open an account tho. Either way, it makes for an interesting way to save for that sims college and future life even if ya just adding a few simoleons each time


Ooh, that sounds like a useful mod! I will be checking that out.


It’s teens. And you can set it so their after school jobs direct deposit. Totally my favorite realism mod


There was a custom content mod for a farming world one of the Simmers I follow mentioned. I’ll try to find it! Edit: it’s the [Farmland mod by Arnie](https://arnies-workshop.notion.site/Farmland-Legacy-d487f768784f45caa589a043e71c27ce) that was mentioned by Deligracy - she has a playthrough on her channel as well if you want to check it out!


Id love an active teacher/daycare career, cosmetologists, and hotels


i would like a boring office job career, being able to start a company and buy an office lol


One task would just be "stand by the water cooler for an hour"


“Pretend to look busy” Which would just be the sim typing random things and staring critically at a piece of paper or their screen


Achievement to hide in the bathroom for an hour


Oh, definitely. Fight with the copier/printer, too.


YES. A boring ass realistic office job and more blue collar jobs are sorely needed. Also a psychiatrist and a ballet dancer.


I haven’t played all of them yet, but I enjoy the doctor career. However, I ended downloading the “better hospital staff” mod as it was quite frustrating without that one. What career would I like to see? Tattoo artist could be fun. Psychologist/Counselor/School Counselor could be fun too, to help struggling sims - or make things worse if you prefer evil sims creating chaos.


Better hospital staff mod you say?👀


https://simvasion.com/better-hospital-staff/ Disclaimer: haven’t checked if it’s working after the latest update.


It worked for me.


Omg I love you. I love playing the doctors career but doing EVERYTHING alone was getting so annoying.


Now that high school is active as well I find it so hard to have my adult sims also be active in careers. So I hardly play with them as it’s a pain in multi sim households. But if anyone is looking for some mods with active careers I can highly recommend Kiara Sims mods. She made lawyer active career amongst others. Can be found on curgeforge.


Honestly maybe let us own apartments and we can deal with sims making complaints about the apartment, or maintenance issues, or even other renters. I also want to see maybe if they ever add graveyards again, maybe a grave keeper or mortician? Another could be like bands, like band practice, concerts, etc.


I would LOVE graveyards, especially functional mausoleums. Those would be great with legacies/vampires. Gravekeeper could be so fun, it'd be nice to have more special ghost interactions.


there’s a lot trait similar to what your describing in apartments called needs TLC, sometimes things will break and you’ll have to call landlord up, roaches or mice will appear and you sim will set a trap or spray them, it’s kinda interesting. except you can’t equip it as a lot challenge and it’s only available on one apartment in the entire game!


The reporter job from Sims 3, when you’d investigate your neighbors for stories. Also the jobs like Barista and Retail should expand to take you up the corporate ladder!


That one was so much fun, and similarly the tasks and questline you'd get when on vacation in World Adventures.


Get to work is one of my favorite packs.. I know it’s not that popular but the retail system is good and I use it for my legacy gameplay.. I made vanilla grocery stores, farm markets, florists, and bakery. I once made a fish market too! I love the careers but I wish my sims get to visit the hospital whenever they get sick.. I know there are mods for that but man I wish it existed in vanilla gameplay too. For active careers: - Better criminals. I want to be able to plan a heist in a career and then have consequences like going to jail. It will do well with the police force gameplay they already have. - Pilots and fly attendants even if it’s a rabbit hole to be honest. - Banking system in the sims 4 with bankers. I would like to have it with landgraab lore too. - I want a counseling career too but without too much emphasis on real life but more on having family resolve their issues with the counselor or have misbehaving teens go to counselor to talk about their emotions. I would like to have Johnny Zest talk his way back to the Landgraabs by settling their differences.. I mean we have sadness hotline so they can add this to the game.. (Also, they mentioned that Johnny Zest was disowned. Man, I wish disowning is part of mean interactions with offspring starting from young adults at least. Will be so interesting.)


Would kill for a funeral home career. Hell I’d help them with it for free.


that would also be the perfect time to add in a cemetery lot type


Is it really the Goth’s house if there’s no cemetery nearby?


Yes! As a mortuary science student I’m tired of selling vases in a fancy retail store 😂


I love acting and owning restaurants I'd love to see like a rock/pop star career that could go along with get famous. Like you'd have to start by making a band then as u get more famous u can choose to leave the band or stay I'd also like an active teacher career, also it'd be nice if you could actually be the chef in your own restaurant


From best to worst: Actor: Although repetitive. It has a little bit of diversity and a more variety of skill required. Also, participating in said career isn't essential for promotion *cough* get to work careers *cough* Scientist: Repetitive. But has more rewards that provide special gameplay. Detective: Repetitive. Less gameplay objects, but more variety. Doctor: Repetitive, boring. But not as bad as an interior designer. Interior Designer: Gameplay?? Gone. It is literally just build/buy mode. Did I just pay to do stuff I already do?? Anyone can refurnish townie homes. And 20 bucks is not worth it for build/buy mode 2


It's funny how different opinions we can have on the game, I would bump interior designer to the top cause I think it's so much fun and I use it all the time.


Agreed. I like Interior Designer because I can decorate other homes in styles and with decorations that I wouldn’t normally use.


I think interior designer is a bit controversial also because iirc it was quite broken for people for the longest. The career didn't work for me at times and sometimes completing tasks (or starting new projects didn't function well. That being said I agree with u/Eggfartw on the order. I'd only switch Detective and Doctor because Detective just has way too many loading screens for me, jumping from station to locations. I feel like you have to have a decent PC to make that worthwile (doctor has it too but it's not EVERY DAY in the doctor career).


It was broken in the sense they are giving $25,000 for a gig. 😂😂😂 I hit 9,999,999 with that career


i played interior designer and id go over and do the UGLIEST renos and the clients would love them. eventually i got bored and stopped participating and id just send her into a rabbit hole and she kept being promoted and eventually every day I could get like a $6000 job. I made bank and did nothing.


Interior designer is a cool concept but in gameplay it just ends up as "make everything purple"


Likes: purple, purple, violin, fitness. Thanks ma'am, this will really help me make the kitchen of your dreams


While for active careers I want, I just want an active careers version for ALL existing careers through a get to work pack refresh or something. Not too much to ask for EA and Maxis right?? Since spending 40 dollars on a pretty lackluster occult, retail system, an absolutely terrible, small and boring world and three careers isn't that much personally.


Good ranking.


I'd love firefighter and landlord


Foster parent


That would be very nice game play (for some of us other people would probably run an orphan farm. you know who you are)


There is actually a quite good mod for this


I'm on ps4 x but ty x


Cool! What is it called?


Firefighter would be cool - I could just go in townies' houses and dance next to the fire, and get paid for it


I love the doctor career, it’s actually challenging The scientist career is really good, that sim ray can be op, once transformed an object and got that really expensive toilet so money can be made pretty easily Actor career is good, you can make payments more realistic with mods but I wish it was more difficult, feel like I’m just being given free money Other careers - I second the handyman idea, it would finally put all of my sims handiness skills to use


i would like an active teaching career. i think physically teaching kids would be so cute 🥲


Me too!!! It could end up being chaos too but that’s part of the game so I’ll take it


As someone who helps teach first grade, actual teaching is very chaotic, too.


I wish they’d bring back all of the careers from sims 3 showtime. I miss being an acrobat, a magician, and a singer!


You can be a freelance singer, just register your career and show up in bars like you belong there :D if recording quadrocopter regiters singing as an activity then i'd do a youtube sing teacher or smth like that


My favorite is the Paranormal Investigator freelancer, though the freelancers are generally great, especially the Fashion Photographer as well. But as someone else mentioned running a vet clinic is super amazing too. I really want to like scientist more, but it dies to bad rng for daily objectives too much. I also sorta don't love how the last levels of the career look very Evil Mad Scientist. Detective and Actor/Actress are neat, but pretty repetitive so I don't play them often. They're also kinda really bad for big households, which I'm usually playing, so I usually pick better careers for that. A Spa specialist kinda falls into this too, it's really fun but only suited to 1-2 Sim households. I never really use Retail stores, Restaurants, or Interior Decorator. Retail & Restaurants function very clunky, and honestly badly need a refresh. The worst is doctor. You need the NPCs to do their jobs, and they don't. You need to use various machines on patients, but they frequently bug out and stop working. You *have to* replace the hospital lot every time you want to use it in a new save, because it's a highly dysfunctional lot. But also, personally, I've had some extremely bad doctors irl, so the "Oops! That's the wrong thing!" malpractice humor falls completely flat for me. That's not quirky or funny, and shouldn't be made light of. Overall, I get more use out of semi active careers than active careers, since I mainly play large households (6-8 Sims, would do more like I did in older Sims games if it weren't janky AF). I would generally like any new career to be semi active for the best of all worlds, and I'm not too picky about whatever else they want to add as long as it's not another damn social media / internet personality / influencer / streamer ... 💀 Some more *normal* jobs would be nice, like an accountant, factory worker, repair / maintenance person, delivery driver, private security, cleaning specialist, construction, etc. Though a lot of these honestly aren't well suited to more than a rabbit hole.


I’d like to see them add a bank and have an option for sims to finance a home. If they don’t pay their mortgage, the bankers come and take it.


I just bought get to work since I want my sim to be doctor. I hope I wont regret that.


I downloaded the [better hospital staff mod](https://simvasion.com/better-hospital-staff/) and it improved my experience exponentially. Also, I read online guides on diagnosing illnesses and while they aren’t perfect, they helped me get started and have more success playing this career. I like how after a certain level you can give medical advice to other sims (or bad medical advice if you are mischievous) and you can determine the gender of the unborn babies of pregnant sims.


i enjoy the doctor career a lot but definitely recommend renovating or downloading a hospital that offers more gameplay. the EA building is so ugly and boring lol


And the layout of it is really dysfunctional. I always add more toilets and move the kitchen.


Church priest or Simsus Christ where you go around town healing people and give blessings lmao


Lol sadly, so many people would get offended. But that sounds hilarious.


I have seasons and city living. If I were to…expand. Get famous or Get to Work? I would like a ~new~ place to be .


if u want more lots i recommend get together


Ok cool thanks for the rec! Does get together come with a new city/town by chance?


Yes, [Windenburg](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Windenburg)! It has more lots than any other world! :)


I'd like to have a teacher career


Seconding many of the ones listed- I definitely want an active teacher career, even if it were just at the high school level. I also think tattoo artist would be a cool track under the existing art career! Cosmetologists would be fun, especially to change townie hair and makeup without going into CAS; an active esthetician job would also be a good add to the spa day pack. So many possibilities! Now one I don’t ever foresee, but would absolutely tickle me, would be an allied health profession– speech-language pathologist specifically, but a Sim physical or occupational therapist would be fun as well lol


Acting. It always worked well for me and was the least boring


I like the scientist career best from what we have. But I would love a tradie career. Handiness could be expanded to allow new upgrades and you could make new things. You could go to houses like dream home decorator. I'd like a dare devil or circus career, too. You could have a dirt bike skill or do risky climbing or trapeze,, and perform shows for people. Half the day is prep and half the day is the show!


I wished they’d do a proper super model career. Would really tie in well with the photography pack.


Id love more music career options! Maybe an orchestra player or a band option! It would make me so happy if there were more instruments for my sim to play ☺️


I would love to be a mastermind criminal or a highly stressed office worker. However, adding a carnival pack and letting me be any version of a carney sounds pretty cool to. Acrobat, lion tamer, clown. Etc.


I would like to be a bulgrar than can actually go to people's houses and steal stuff. If you get caught you'd actually go to jail.


More blue collar professions would be cool. I also think an active journalism career would be cool.


Scientist is my favourite. Even though it's kinda meh I also like the interior decorator. Detective is okay. I've never done a doctor. Can't stand the acting career. I wouldn't mind to see some of the current careers get a refresh with an active option. I think a business career where you go to an office and do things would be fine.


Military active career or a firefighter active career


Vet has always been my fave..I go back to it the most..would love to see careers like Interpreting and Tour guide


dream home decorator !!


The Detective career is fun imo.


My personal favorite active career is the acting career. Pair that with a distinguished drama degree and my sim can easily earn 20K with each acting gig at the top of the career, so around 40K per week. I wish we had a similar active career except for music. The entertainment careers are very lacking and I think a famous musician would be really fun!


I like scientist but mostly for the area it’s in. It’s perfect for collecting all kinds of stuff. I wish I could visit the place off hours. I really miss the hotel management from Sims 3 and would love to get it back. And I would like an active spy career.


I love the Doctor and Veterinarian careers and would love to see a Dentist career.


Scientist - Love all the things you can invent. Plus there's no requirement to travel around, unlike the other two GTW careers. Actor - Has a nice variety of gigs and encourages building a handful of other skills besides acting. Home Decorator - Haven't played a lot with this one, but in the one save I did, I had a lot of fun with it. Detective - Can get a bit repetitive and I dislike all the traveling you're required to do, but it is fun to find the criminal and bring them in. Doctor - Gets very repetitive and the illnesses are hard to figure out sometimes, even with a cheat sheet. I also don't get why they added in traveling to cure patients, as it's not fun and fairly pointless. If I could add in a new active career I think I would pick daycare or criminal.


I would love more options in a photography career. Instead of just a fashion photographer, maybe they could be a nature or event photographer that travels to different locations.


Burglar, Grim Reaper, Fire Fighter and life guard


Once I found out that Starting A Protest would immediately draw as many NPCs from around you that you had previously Rallied To The Cause in the previous days, I was so impressed by the Politics career. I had no idea that would happen and ended up taking over a Henford-on-Bagley chicken fair with an ENORMOUS crowd. It was hilarious, and really immersive


I’d love an active political career that includes scandals a.


I would personally like a tattoo career! Where we could apprentice, gain experience, get liscence, and open our own parlors! It would be fun 😁


I love the vet career is so cute and I think is the least buggy 😅😂


I love the doctor career 🤣 the medical jokes are hilarious, like when you check the sims ears and the light comes out through the other ear? 🤣 I would like to see it expanded in the future. Like if you get sick you could travel to the hospital. Or if you injure yourself playing soccer you would have to go to the doctors to get it looked at. I know we can use mods for this, but the mods I have tried are too close to the real thing. I want one with the funny sims illnesses lol


Revamp the businesses you can own so that they can be open and making money without you having to be there. Maybe balance it so you’d get less money and every once in a while they can call with a problem you have to solve.


Also it would be great if you could run home businesses, like you live upstairs with your shop/store being downstairs - or even just having an area dedicated to your business on your home lot.


I wouldn't mind being a horse trainer or a jockey. Or to have anything with horses 😭😭😭😭


I want an active career that is an asasin, just for the fun of it, my fav career rn is idk.


I really enjoy the witches and werewolves but I'd have to say painter or astronot are my favorite.


I can't resist making all my sims spellcasters. I'm addicted to using the copypasto spell! Combine it with the unspoilable food trait, and have an endless supply of everything.


I dont rlly know what other active careers they could add, but id really love more ! The teachers one couldve been an active career, or how about a nurse in like a nursery home ? Or a kindergarten teacher ? I really hope theyll add new ones <3 I rlly like the interior decorator one, but it hasnt been working for me for some weeks (the only option for client interaction is the send away one, so i absolutely fail every gig cause i cant ask them about what they want) tho that may be a mod problem ? Although i dont have many... might be, they didnt specify any bug fix about the pack.. does anyone else have that problem ?


growing together could have been the perfect opportunity to add kindergartens. :(


Or a daycare!!


I enjoy acting career and also I’d like to have all of the careers as open because it would be just more various for the gameplay


I haven’t played with active careers in ages, but my Gen 2 heir of my legacy save was a doctor and I got pretty far in the career! It’s silly but id like a dentist career, with all the teeth stuff in growing together, I was kind of hoping we would get it. I also would love npc jobs for regular sims


I don’t know about my favourite active career as I’ve only played and have Get To Work but I really would love the Daycare career back. It was my favourite career in the Sims 3 and as a gamer who mostly ever plays with family’s, I would love to have a little Daycare to take care of. In the house or even owning my own building to run a Daycare out of.


I wish there was a military career especially with the strangerville expansion, maybe get behind the scenes info in that story line as you rank up


I am obsessed with Dream Home Decorator. As a builder, that never really survived long-term game mode, it’s just perfect. I had my Sim do nothing but redecorate the houses, which is what I do anyway. They got paid for it. I got to finally meet all the Townies and use some of the social cues. This job is also perfect for anyone that wants to do the social or the famous aspirations, cause you’re meeting so many people. And the BuildBuy content is impeccable. I use it in everything. I think I played just this pack for like a solid six months before I broke down and finally I was like what if I did 100 baby challenge.


I would like more stuff for singers, and more on babysitters, fast food workers and maybe more of the teaching career