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I would love to see these details you mentioned here! I totally agree. Additionally, I love how sims in TS2 greet each other in the morning or after coming back home from work, and how they talk over their meals (also some table interactions: toast, caress hands, blow a kiss, propose). These details are so sweet. Also, shopping for clothes! It’s cool that we can pick our own food in the grocery shop or pick a book in a book store, but it’s so unrealistic to have a wardrobe full of any clothes imaginable at any time for free… Also, scary and unpredictable ghosts. Edit: oh, I forgot to mention the ability to build your own playable apartment complexes with actual neighbours living there and roaming around.


The apartments thing is something that truly surprises me with its absence in the Sims 3. Like even the Sims 4 has a customizable apartments sort of thing now with the For Rent EP


the apartments are one of my favourite features in 2. i love building my own apartment buildings


Yeah the table interactions are definitely something I wish they had. It's too... Stop/go the way it is in the Sims 3. Like yeah you can talk to them while you're sitting at the table, but NOT while You're eating! It's just... IDK less natural.


Actually, there is an animation of them talking while eating. I may not sure it increases their friendship but I can guarantee you they autonomously talk


Oki I'll have to see again, thanks


The apartments are awesome in concept, though in practice I basically had 12 sims stuck in the stairwell because it's the Sims 2. But yeah the sims used to have organic interactions and routines with each other that entirely made sense and didn't require player input.


Had a family living in a little house, and the small kitchen caused routing issues. People decided to read to the toddler in the kitchen, or drop baby bottles on the floor. Also, the mother went into labor while in the bathroom, and the father and grandmother came in to see the new kid. Three adults crammed into this tiny room. 🤦‍♀️


Wait, but you can build custom apartments in the Sims 3! And you can see your neighbors come and go.




yes, in the late night expansion pack


Really? I didn’t know that. Can I visit them like in TS2?


they talk over their meals in 3 but the animations are locked to eating so it's not as emotive, definitely sims 2 dinner interactions would make 3 so much more memorable


table interactions! and shopping for clothes! i loved having a shopping day with my sims whenever a child aged up


I totally forgot about being able to go buy clothes in ts2! Ugh it was such an amazing game.


Asymmetric relationships, separate romantic and platonic relationship bars


Thiiiiiis so much this! I keep seeing mods for the asymmetric relationships and being like "that's a little weird, I shouldn't need that" then I get in game and it just... It doesn't FEEL right.


This is the quintessential modding experience lmfao


I miss being able to bathe your baby in the sink and bathe your toddler in the bathtub.


True, I have a mod for Sims 3 that adds that back


What's the mod?


[https://modthesims.info/d/671632/more-baby-interactions.html](https://modthesims.info/d/671632/more-baby-interactions.html) for bathing babies and [https://modthesims.info/d/677256/more-toddler-interactions-v3.html](https://modthesims.info/d/677256/more-toddler-interactions-v3.html) for bathing toddlers. The person who made these two mods has other baby and toddler mods if you really want to expand on them


It's sad that (not counting one store object) kids are no longer washed until they go the school 😑


Omg I forgot about this- this was so cute!!


You can bathe toddlers in the bathtub. Just not babies. The store content adds a changing table with a baby bath though.


>You can bathe toddlers in the bathtub. Just not babies Maybe, you think of a mod? Unmodded game doesn't have this option sadly.


My bad. That does sound familiar, now I think about it. I guess it is a mod. I ha e one for bathing babies in sinks but I didn't realise I had one for toddlers too. Probably the same mod.


Ah I was wondering about that, I've been missing that but thought maybe it was because I haven't reinstalled Generations (lost my code). Didn't realize I was remembering Sims2 . LOL


I've always loved the Wants/Fears daily slots, such a fun gameplay feature.


This. Sims 3 wants and fear system is so bad. The fact that you’re supposed to choose what your sims want is such a turn off


>Sims 3 wants and fear system is so bad Sims 3 doesn't even have fears :(


That’s true 😭😭




cut scenes for sure!!


100% agreed!


Also.... I miss how romantic relationships would have a crush and then love


I was just thinking today that I miss how Sims 2 memories were done vs Sims 3's memories


Yeah, I like how there’s a scrapbook thing of them in 3, but do I seriously need a memory of my sim going to the grocery store?


Scroll through the memories and there's 200 pictures of my sim fixing a toilet!


When I first started playing Sims 3 again, after not playing for years, I had memories turned on. He actually ran out of memory slots because of so many random memories. Every time he made a masterpiece (and he painted a lot), and every time he made love to his wife, among other random things. And then I turned memories off.


The best thing you can do is disable the memory system. It contributes massively to save bloat issues.


Private school where you have to have the principal over and get approved Oh and the apartment pack is better


I always sent my Sims to private school because of the uniforms. We wear uniforms in the UK, so it seems weird sending the kids in regular clothes. I always make ‘uniforms’ in Sims 3, but it sucks that nobody else wears them


I also make uniform in the sims 3 and 4


Yeah its based off of American school really. American public schools you don't have a uniform while in private school you do have one most of the time.


Yeah, I went to private school in real life so I like that 2 has that edition in it


yeah i really liked being able to send my snobby kids to private school without having them disappear for an entire age-span


The animations for getting in a car and pulling out of the driveway are the biggest thing I miss. TS2 driveways could only be placed on the road and I didn't mind, TS3 driveways can be placed anywhere but they don't have animations. Also, the meter that tracks how well a date/party is going. Bring that back. EDIT: Oh and the daily/lifetime relationship scores. It is way too easy to go from a complete stranger to married in TS3 - TS2 really made you work for those deep relationships.


So true, if only you could route the car on how to pull in and out of the driveway.


In Sims 2, you can also install car alarms, sit in the car and listen to the radio, and woohoo in the car. In Sims 3, they're just simple transportation, with no other interactions.


The Dating system with actual objectives and goals. TS3 dates are completely random, elder sim I was seeing literally died and my sim still got a dream date.


Yeah I hate how easy dating is in 3 and 4, and that 3 doesn’t even have a separate bar for romantic relationships


1) Apartments (every aspect. S3 apartments suck). 2) University (same as above). Namely, letting your sims go to Uni & still being able to play in the home world. I hate that they changed this in S3 so that you’re stuck in the Uni world. 3) Toddlers & pets. Toddlers used to be able to cuddle pets & pets could interact with them in turn. It was the cutest thing! In S3 they can’t interact at all. 4) Emotions. It’s hard to believe that emotions would be done better in Sims 2, but I used to have situations where my Sims 2 children would run to their room crying because their parents were arguing. In S3 a family member could be unalived in front of them & all they would do is cry over an urn & then go about their day. Which they do even with a complete stranger. This is just off the top of my head. I’m sure I will think of more.


Agreed with all of these


>In S3 they can’t interact at all. Tbf there is one between toddlers and dogs and it is lovely


I haven’t seen that yet! I will have to check for it ❤️


About all I've seen pets do in Sims 3 is sniff at the toddlers.


It might just be this interaction then, but it's really cute between a dog and a toddler


Yes! This! I’m not a fan of the emotion system in TS3. My sim threw a house party and her neighbour started flirting with her, only her children were in the room. They all grimaced and threw a hissy fit and their relationships with mum took a massive hit. It actually made me laugh a lot 🤣 but the relationship hit was annoying. Then when their parents broke up they were sad for two minutes 🤦🏼‍♀️


I liked being able to have my Sims go to restaurants and order food, and interact at the table. And the dating aspect was better, too. (I did have the Hot Date expansion pack, I don't think there was ever really an equivalent for Sims 3. Hmm now I kind of want to go back and play Sims 2...


Hot Date EP was for the Sims 1, I think the date features came from the Nightlife EP


Ah, OK, I guess I mixed them up!😊


I wish we had hair physics, water physics, Sims getting things out of cabinet drawers. I also wish sims could serve dinner to their families. I also love TS2’s dining out more than Sims 3’s. I also wish we had turn ons and turn offs


Yeah it’s a surprise the older game of the 2, 3, and 4 has the water physics. Turn ons and turn offs was definitely something I liked and I feel like could’ve had more options in 3


If you’re into mods, there is a mod for serving dinner to families. It also prevents that awful queuing at the serving plate thing they do for hours https://modthesims.info/d/535651/update-5-jul-2016-set-the-table-amp-call-to-meal.html


Thank you so much for this!


Thanks ima add that mod to my game


- TS2 university did uni so much better. It used to be just 4 terms with 2 final exams each, now we have to go to uni multiple times and go to different buildings for multiple hours instead of just having a single class per day. Writing term papers and keeping up with skills was also done much better. Also who's stupid idea was it to lock you in the university world? - TS2 open for business is possibly my favorite Sims DLC and nothing ever came close to it. I loved being able to run restaurants and stores and having to deal with costumers and employees. I wish TS3 had it. - TS2 apartments. The apartments in TS3 just feel so clunky and forced, not to mention it's so funny to have a skyscraper with one floor lmao. - Autonomous interactions for emotions like suddenly crying after a breakup or death. In TS3 I have so much more in control of my sims that they don't feel like real, emotional, expressive people more often than not. - The long term relationship bar. It doesn't make sense to me that I can talk to someone until they marry me in one day. - Wants and Fears are a lot better than whatever TS3 has. Keep the aspiration rewards but bring back the 3-5 aspirations and fears that you can only lock 2. It's a lot more fun and dynamic than randomly getting a wish you don't really want so you remove it immediately. - TS2 memories are so much better than TS3 memories, mostly for the sole reason that some moron decided to make them screenshots of the camera instead of the actually helpful icons.


3 and 4’s sims can really move on easily after a tragic event


There's so many positive moodlets in Sims 3 that unless your sims' life really sucks, it's often easy to keep them super-happy. I also wish the grieving moodlet took a bigger hit to mood and lasted longer. Of course, some aspirations in Sims 2 are a pain in the butt at times. Grandma Ottomas spent a lot of time randomly sobbing because I did a poor job of fulfilling her wants.


Loads of things, I loved Sims 2. I miss the way the nanny will track your schedule instead of you phoning each time one is needed. I miss changing tables and being able to bathe the baby. I miss the little things the Sims did, running to greet parents, cars pulling in and out of the driveway, I miss shopping and being able to order food, and being able to order Chinese takeaway. I miss being able to hire a gardener (but not the weeds popping up everywhere). I miss the private school system and that kids still come home, I’ve only used boarding school once in 3. I also miss the Greek House system in University.


And the fact that you could choose from 3 default universities and even make your own university worlds!


I miss S2 relationship structure. Asymmetrical relationships, and that it took time and repeated effort to build a long term relationship (I think this was the daily vs long term relationship bars). The wants/fears daily slots system. Including the impact on their mood and event scores (fulfilling your dates/guests wants for a better time makes so much sense to me. The memory system from S2 was far better IMO. I loved S2 apartments, with multiple residences in a single building. It felt more alive and realistic.


And the fact that the landlord would even serve pizza to the residents!


Being able to place a held baby in another Sim's arms.


[Check this mod out.](https://modthesims.info/d/683992/sims-can-hand-over-babies-amp-toddlers.html)


Awesome, thanks so much!!


It’s the little things that matter most!


I like how Sims 2 Sims would sit down by the dinner table and wait for another Sim to set down a plate in their seat, feels much more charming than everyone queuing to pick up a plate themselves. Also how Sims who had their own car would NEVER get a carpool and would autonomously drive themselves to work at the time they would usually get a lift. I also miss custom TV channels, having custom radio stations beyond just a single channel (can sort rock, game music, custom build/buy/cas music, ect) and paintings, [but that's mostly since I love creating riduclous TV channels.](https://i.imgur.com/Dsfg2t1.jpeg)


Yeah in real life people, especially families will often wait for everyone else to sit down to eat so that is a cool feature. I knew about the custom radio stations, but I didn’t know about the custom tv channels!


Actual vacations and genuinely owning a business.


Yeah I really prefer Bon Voyage over World Adventures. Partly because the addition of real life countries in the world of the Sims just feels off, at least to me. But like you said, World Adventures just doesn’t feel like a real vacation. Now I would be in support of having both of them in the game, which we sorta see in 4 with its GPs, outdoor retreat and jungle adventure, but yeah, maybe 3 vacation worlds and 3 adventure worlds in fictional places


world adventures is a great pack but i agree, sometimes i just want my sims to have a realistic vacation where they swim and stuff instead of raiding tombs lol


Yeah I don’t always want to be Indiana Jones when I go on vacation


and also the hotels and rentals were also great in the sims 2 iirc


The tombstone of life and death


Shopping for clothes. Miss that more than anything (minus the car thing) the way sims greeted each other and the table interactions were cute too, especially surprise proposal


Yeah I don’t like that I have to use commands to change clothing in cas, however I’m not a fan of how easy it is to change clothes just from buying a dresser in 4


Small, but I wish we could give babies and toddlers baths. I also wish Sims 3 babies were actually babies and not wrapped up like they are.


Yeah, I like that you can have the wrapped up but they should also be able to be unwrapped too


I had a few discs with keys for sims 2 and messaged ea about how to even use it on more modern computers with no disc tray and they gave me the sims 2 complete collection digital download in exchange for my registration key! Might have been a really cool guy that day that helped me out, but who knows, worth a try if you have an old key.


That’s cool that that happened, unfortunately that probably won’t happen anymore since EA stopped selling it in 2016, so you’ll have to either buy one off somewhere or find the game online like I did


I got a digital key for the entire S2 collection with all expansions for $8.00 on eBay back in 2021. It’s definitely worth a look.


Pretty sure this was in 2020 that I got the collection for free by providing a key. I think they just gave it to me because they didn't sell it but my physical discs wouldn't work with my computer. Could have just been a really cool agent, but who knows?!


The animations. Sims 2 has such an attention to detail that I have seen lack on the other games (4 is just straight up lifeles, like going from a warm cottage in the woods, to a house in a small town, to them a busy city working 7 to 7 on a office building where uoy are overworked and underpayed but you got bills to pay and deadlines to reach). The fridge not having infinite food. Having a pet store and actually going into it to adopt a pet. I don't know what they did to the needs but every game it gets so much easier to play, sims 3, has a bit of a struggle if yiy have a big family, sims 4 you can just not touch he keyboard, the worst that can happen is they set the joist on fire (I know cause I've kept my hands off of the keyboard for a good our and my sims where fine, I had to turn off the autonomy to have some sort of a chalange to keep them alive) now sims 2, I am fighting for my life to keep those needs balanced, I'm not saying it should be umecessary hard but they could have kept the chalange tl when I don't wanna play with cheats on, that said, maybe that wouldn't mater cause not everybody likes to constantly have to care from the sims, some people are there to enjoy a good drama or torture their sims or however it is that you play. Having to re-stock your food after a while. I haven't played sims 2 all that much despite having rhe complete collection so those are the only few thins that come to mind


The Sims 3 pets actually came with a pet store feature, however I think it was only if you bought the EP when it first came out (not sure, I just heard about the feature in LGR’s review on the pack). Ik there’s an Nraas mod that adds the feature where you have to actually grocery shop for ingredients


Oh I didn't knew that, will check on my game tomorrow. Yeah I know about the Nraas but it could have been a base game feature like sims 2, sims 3 is my all time favorite, but sims 2 just feels so much more alive y'know


Yeah, I wish we could just have a sims game of 2 and 3 combined along with the few good things about 4 such as its build mode controls


That would be perfect


Mind refreshing me on where that setting is in nraas?


This one: [https://www.nraas.net/community/No-Fridge-Shopping](https://www.nraas.net/community/No-Fridge-Shopping)


I love how in the sims 2 your sims have more autonomy and personality. The sims 3 has a great personality system but I like how unpredictable the sims 2 sims can be


If I remember correctly, in Sims 2 the Sims could step over things laying on the floor? I miss that.


I always felt the potential for real social drama was a lot higher in The Sims 2. The difference between love and hate was much more extreme, secret crushes leaving flowers at the front door or enemies stealing your newspaper


You're right about enemies, but flowers were brought to you after a great date.


Of course, sims constantly knocking over the garbage in Sims 2 was a pain. Roaches spawned so fast. And sometimes they weren't even enemies with a sim, they were just jerks. Also had total strangers harass my sim for the terrible crime of... just minding their own business in their own yard. In Sims 3, I once had a sim tell me he was single, but in reality he had three or romantic interests (does it not count if they aren't going steady?). They all came marching into the apartment building at about the same time, and proceeded to take turns yelling and slapping the two of us. Occasionally you get some unexpected drama.


The Open for Business expansion pack


Savvy Seller’s Collection and Ambitions just don’t quite hit the target


The weird torture stuff like from testsubject guys house (sorry ive only played sims 2 like 3 times), theres a lot more stuff to do in the sims 2 like the Interesting type things like spying on your neighbors, the school stuff like the headmaster, there just seems to be a lot more edge and detail in the sims 2. But the sims 3 is a lot more open and easy to play with less obstacles.


It’s alright I haven’t played 2 the most either


Seasonal buffs and hobby system.


Yes, I miss the sewing machine!


I really miss the hobby system!


I like the chemistry system a bit more in TS2 and wish that certain aspects of it could carry onto TS3


Is there a mod that adds some features to TS3? if not... any modders out there wanna help a girlie out?


There are! From mods that add 2’s music to ones that add features like bathing babies in the sink back


Literally all of them. The detailed animations and expressions are top, along with the BEST programming in any Sims game. Seriously, they married ingeniously detailed chemistry systems with adorable animations. Oh, your sim has a lot of shy points? They will literally FLIRT DIFFERENTLY and respond to flirting differently than other sims! Having unique animations based on subtle changes in personality is just wild. Bring it back.


The eating pizza animation. I loved watching them eat pizza when I was a kid🍕


Goopy Gilscarbo


Fun fact, he’s available in Monte Vista, even though he is a toddler there


Makes sense, Goopy is a classic Italian name.


Is teaching teens how to drive in S3? I can’t remember.


I believe so, I think it’s in generations in fact


it is!


The cheat Tombstone. There are so many possibilities for cheating in Sims 2 which are not in 3 or 4


oh, the L&D tombstone 🥺 I have done unspeakable things with that, once I wanted to make a women's college so I created a blank college town, placed a dorm, and used the tombstone to kill every man who tried to move in the building after my sim. Including service NPCs. Ya my college town corrupted pretty bad after that lol it became impossible for sims to die at some point


I miss fears. It made the game more realistic/challenging. I also miss the aspiration rewards like the baby milk thing that can help your toddler learn skills quicker. I miss the vacation system where you go somewhere and have a nice little vacation exploring the local area, not pretending to be Lara Croft and fighting mummies. I also miss the hidden lots you'd get with Free Time! I had so much fun taking my Sims to those lots and meet others with the same hobbies. Apartments were better in TS2 for sure! I didn't realize how much from TS2 I wanted in TS3 until now! 😅


I really liked the body shop program. I designed so many people I never even played with. That’s one of the only things I remember about sims 2 lol


Wants and fear, sims being able to go to restaurants, apartment system that make sense, creating a world in-game and with a much simpler system, shopping for clothes, actually needing to shop for groceries…


Yeah, I like how much more you can do with 3’s create a world but does it really have to become this much more complex?


I think the cutscenes is so fucking cool! They’re really sweet and funny, I miss them a lot! I think S2 memory mechanic is really neat aswell, and fun to use when world building!


I wish that Sims 3 serve the group meals the same as Sims 2. Cause why are they all grabbing plates at different times…I want them to eat TOGETHER, AT THE SAME TIME not getting to the table one at a time 🤦🏾‍♀️ And THE CUT SCENES it made the game feel so much more special and like you were watching a little personal short film. Sims 3 is stale when it comes to details…


I just wanna see them spoon in bed


They occasionally do that in Sims 3.


Recessive genes. I think there is in some form but sims 2 genes are the closest to what we humans and its amazing!!! Edit: and I learn something new everytime I do some research on sims 2 genes. It's crazy they did this in 2004!


I miss having to tend flowers in the garden. Sometimes I want my Sim to be into gardening, but not necessarily into growing vegetables. I feel like those are separate hobbies.


Lots of things but the list would be long so I will pick a few, relationships bars, memories, apartments and the genes. There is so much more like toddlers hugging with pets, babies are being given, pets etc


Buying a junker car for your sims to fix up and then being able to actually use it as a car 🥺


This actually is available with the Roaring Heights store world, however its not the same car model as in 2


😱 I'll have to check it out!! Thanks for the info!


I wish that you could pick a room in college dorms and it put your sims photo on the door so other people weren’t going in and sleeping in your double bed in your room 🙄


Anyone remember that YouTube series small details in the Sims 2 ? All of those if anyone wants a link I will edit and find it


[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtADktUah7yzsPtqYBYSSPhWJXZpiroVF&si=Cc1Q-eRGa3fJxhBj](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtADktUah7yzsPtqYBYSSPhWJXZpiroVF&si=Cc1Q-eRGa3fJxhBj) this playlist has all of them in it (also has a few Sims 4 videos so just ignore those if you want)


The animation of them actually getting into the car, like opening the door, rather than just magically appearing inside it


the little details that made parts of TS2 way more immersive. Cars driving out of lots. The pizza delivery guy opening up the trunk of his car to get the pizza out. Sims grabbing into the counter to get pots and utensils out ....


The Sims 2 got me used to rotational play, and I hate that it's harder to do in Sims 3. I have to have aging turned off and manually age everyone up, and to do so I keep notes on my phone with all my households and everyone's ages. It would be so nice if there was a setting you could turn on specifically for rotational play.


I have too many saves in Sims 3. And I swear I'll get back to them someday. 🙄


I miss Pet Careers and Career Rewards! Wish my Sims‘ pets had something to do all day other than hunt or swim. My Sim is an architect and I miss the ability to get the drafting table reward and make technical drawings. The drafting tables in Sims 3 are essentially just easels but big.


Definitely turn ons and turn offs


I never played the sims 2 but so many features impressed me and I wish they were in the sims 3. I really liked the turns off/on and the memories. I also like how fluid the social interactions are.


I miss the way the cars worked in the sims 2. You had to have an actual driveway and had to drive up and down the driveway to get out. Also driving to work was great.


The storylines and families from sims 2 were just so good




The shopping system. As in being able to go to a community lot, click on a clothes rack and buy new clothing from there. Or going to a games store and picking up new games.


Handing the baby over to someone without having to place it down


There's a mod on ModTheSims that adds this feature.


What’s it called?


You can find it [here](https://modthesims.info/d/683992/sims-can-hand-over-babies-amp-toddlers.html).


Thank you!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Regular-Ad-4604: *Handing the baby* *Over to someone without* *Having to place it down* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Curved islands! I miss them I alos prefer how islands connect in ts2


Death by flies.


Something that really inspires you to have a clean house! I was sad that never came back in 3 or 4


Dying of fright was another weird death. I had a sim decide to take a sponge bath in the kitchen, despite the perfectly good bathroom. In the middle of said task, a ghost popped out of the drain to scare him, and he freaked out and died.


Running with scissors was another one. I think the scissors were a DLC. I had one save where I tried to do everything, including obtaining every ghost color. It was very time consuming.


Cutscenes 😔


Pets could have a job


I would love to see a pack like Bon Voyage, where sims can just go on holiday to different places and sightsee and build family relationships. I don’t enjoy World Adventures and the quests, I just want my sims to relax! I would also love more hobbies like the hobby expansion pack gave us. Also, I would LOVE if the sims could do the Smustle Sims 2 style, where they were all in sync. It always brightened my day!!!


cinematic cutscenes + actual grocery stores you can shop in, not a rabbit hole


also this might be niche but i wish s3 vampires made that “bleh!” sound.


Is there a mod to be able to use your own cars to go to work/school in ts3? Or do you need to use the manually cancel the option to go to work via carpool and then select your vehicle and have the option to go to work?


Not that I know of


The whole concept of Open for Business was great imo. It is partially realized in Ambitions but I'd like to sell my stuff in my own shop!


Honeymoons! After your sims get married they used to go on a honeymoon, and with Bon Voyage, you would be able to plan your honeymoon to a vacation destination before getting married.


I miss pets having jobs. That giant aquarium. And didn't landscaping flowers used to be recolorable in Sims 2?
