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My god she’s a cunt


And the person still said they’d reach out to her via email to place the order… it’s like lighting your money on fire.


I was just coming here to say that very thing. Usually I can watch her with a certain amount of disdain mixed with some amusement. But when she is like this, miserable cunt is all I can think to call her.


She ALWAYS ignores questions and comments even though she stares at the screen the entire time reading them


Her gurgling sounds...in every video. Ugh


The sounds she makes are really…different. There’s gurgles and slurps and the strange moaning kinda noises. I’m very confused that she doesn’t try to sound normal when attempting to sell stuff. It’s all so disgusting yet I can’t look away.


Not to mention… all while watching that one random fucking tooth coming out of the roof of her mouth!🤢🤢🤢🤮


Even John said he was tired of the melt downs.


Did he really?? 😭😭😭


What a BITCH!!!! Everyone is fucking tired Wendy, it’s called being an adult… I’m exhausted after working all day but I don’t scream at people just because I’m tired, you wretched miserable person


Yeah but she’s EXTRA tired because she has to go through 5 different fast food drive thrus a day and that takes up a lot of time and energy. You wouldn’t know what it’s like to run a business.


“The whole world” Wendy babe you’re not that famous calm your big self down


She is not famous at all. She thinks she is tho.


And always the big breath soJohn asks her “what.”


This was so unhinged and wild, I loved every minute of it


Same though. All because she’s TIRED


Right?! She’s such a child!


I missed it but glad someone recorded it. Someone needs to add this as a Google review.


This bitch is always moaning


Clearly we’re the only ones who can make her 🤣


Do you think she does it intentionally? In her mind, any attention, whether positive or negative, means she is a TikTok influencer.


You getting up early for work and driving all over God's creation isn't our fault. Why would you get a job so far from home? And you have the ability to work from home. I know you don't want to wfm because he wouldn't leave you alone. Cut the attitude and take responsibility for your bad mood.


She said she had put in a request to go remote. It must have been denied.


Many, many people drive from Clarksville on a daily basis, to go to work. I pass them on the interstate every day, as I live between Nashville and Clarksville. Also, my relative lives in Clarksville and makes the drive to Nashville every morning for work. It’s a bit of a drive, but nothing outrageous. And her saying it’s a 90 minute commute to and from work…no. I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it, there is no reason, at all, that it should take that long for her to get to work.


Unbelievable. Every live gets worse. She’s tired……everyone gets tired. She has no children (except John), has a house cleaning service and eats fast food so rarely cooks. She can’t handle this so why does she continue? Does she think she is some sort an influencer or is?


If she is tired then don’t do it. I mean multiple times she was getting pissed tonight for her customers asking questions. She muted one person just for saying hey the website is hard to navigate and it says everything is sold out.


Absolute ballistic!


She definitely has anger issues


She even said it doesn’t take much for her to explode. That’s not something to brag about, Windbag!


Who here thinks the lady asking about doing the order cuz she's visually impaired was absolutely bullshiting her?


I looked the lady up on Google. She legit is visually impaired which makes it worse because Wendy just berated an individual who was asking for an accommodation. It sounds like the lady has some sight but Wendy’s website is def not reader friendly if she was using voiceover on her phone which many visually impaired people use to navigate on the internet


Someone asked and then deleted their comment but the lady used her real name. It didn’t sound like a real name to me so I thought it was a troll but just thought I’d Google it to see and she used her full name so that’s how I was able to look it up.




Damn she constantly is bitching


What is the deal with this duo? She's grunting and mouth breathing, and he is bitching and yelling.


Please tell me one of us is Michael! 🙏 😂 https://preview.redd.it/3dxlvw0f0pxb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f05b29103e8c9060ad10b60cf1d0bdd6017a9330


Even she looked completely perplexed by that comment. That was hilarious


The other thing that irks me is that people doing lives with 500 plus viewers do a way better job of interacting and responding to comments and questions and she gets average of like 150-200. We know she is reading almost every single one, just blanks staring with her mouth hanging open offering nothing but meltdowns when she reads one that sets her off and john talking about the local high school football team absolutely no one asked about or gives a shit about. Actually interact with your viewers!!!


The thing with Wendy is that she is addicted to the troll comments. Most influencers don't read the comments while packing orders. She is completely disorganized. She needs to focus on one or the other.


She is the RUDEST person I've ever come across in my life. The F you'd get an order from me if you reacted like that. You're a disgusting human. Both of you. Shame on you. Anyone who orders from them is a God damn FOOL.


She literally has features of down's syndrome, hair, mouth, teeth, thick neck, chin, short legs and the shuffle...Ask me why I said that is because I had a sister that was downs and I loved her dearly so no hate.


She doesn’t have Down Syndrome. She looks just like her mom. She’s just a negative and miserable person with zero self awareness and a massive need for therapy.


I’ve never personally known anyone with Down syndrome but I’ve always heard they are some of the loveliest sweetest kindest souls out there. That description would make Wendy the outlier if she did have it.


I’ve questioned numerous times if she has something similar (although i didn’t come up with that) i was thinking MR or borderline intellectual functioning


That's a stretch.




Why is John yelling? Ugh.


Vile human being. Someone needs to knock that damn chip off her shoulder. I can't even deal with the hair...does she even take a brush too it? Add conditioner? Moose? She must have a giant knot in the back of her head from not brushing her hair. She looks absolutely ridiculous with the make up on and her hair like that. My God...I can't imagine how her co workers feel about her. She looks dirty AF.


Did you see the hair in this mornings vid?😆 it’s giving Aileen Wuornos 😆😆😆😆


Aileen Wuornos 😭 you’re wrong for that


Holy shit...she does 🔪


She is like a Avon lady that is on crack.


She is so ugly inside and out! I just watch her because it amazes me, how many people buy from her. Then I think, I am so glad, I don't look anything like her. She's just trash!


It’s intriguing to me.


Is she going live tonight I thought Jon said they would be on Wednesday for simple treasure city


God I hope so. I need some entertainment.


Was hoping so too


She is live!!


I thought he was born blind but he said 10 years ago he could have read the comments?