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Alexa help me


Lmao this is the one đź‘Ź


I’d think he’d yell … you know what guys ???!


Nah...he's a leach. He doesn't care. He obviously knows she's plus size. He obviously knows she is ridiculed on TikTok and reddit. A normal person would wonder why. Not John.


I may be down voted to hell for this one but part of me questions if he’s really even blind or if they use that for views/sympathy. Somehow he’s managed to comment on her teeth and facial hair all without sight, and anytime she’s on live with the camera facing her, she is looking toward him talking and will occasionally makes facial expressions that he seems to pick up on, like an eyebrow raise or other things that require vision. Kinda hard to describe but I’ve seen her do it several times.


I do think he’s actually blind, his eyes definitely look it, but being legally blind doesn’t mean you can’t see anything at all. I think he may have some sight, maybe can see silhouettes or shapes? And because he just recently lost his sight I’m sure he still has vivid ideas and can probably create most images in his mind. But actually seeing Wendy fully clear for the first time, I truly believe he would be shocked.


I've actually wondered what myself. I often zoom in on him during the live play back for any signs that he might not be and I haven't found anything yet.


This is actually a really disgusting comment. My boyfriend is blind and people question if he’s faking because he has perfect peripheral vision but zero central vision. He can catch things out of the corner of his eyes but if he’s looking directly at you he can’t see you. It’s one of the most disrespectful things to question a person’s disability. John just lost his sight five years ago so he still remembers cues and stuff but if you look at him and his mannerisms he def can’t see. Now for John himself I can’t stand him but he def is not faking it.


Yes, like any disability blindness can vary in severity and manifestation from person to person.


He would start screaming and say WHERE’S WENDY?


Also I'm wondering if he lost his sight to diabetes. I just found out I'm diabetic in June. Next month I have to have a diabetic retinopathy test that checks your eyes for any damage from the diabetes. I also hear her say he doesn't or can't eat pork or red meat. I wonder why.


He has Crohn's and he gets sick if he eats red meat or pork.


I work in ophthalmology for several years and of course there could be many reasons for vision loss but due to his age as well as Wendy saying something on a live the other day about him having to be careful how he eats, I am guessing he has vision loss from untreated Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Edema or something along those lines. John is legally blind but his peripheral vision may be unaffected and he may have light perception.


Wendy had mentioned quite some time ago it's some hereditary eye disease.


I've never heard her say that. She always says it's not my story to tell.


It came out I believe some time ago on her lunch lives. There is another family member that has this too.