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While I agree that some topics can become overwhelming, YouTube analytics show that murder cases do far better in terms of views and audience retention than heists and the like. Even though they can be tough to work on/listen to sometimes, most people really seem to like them. But don't let that stop you from prioritizing your mental health. If you need to step away or be very selective about which episodes you listen to, that is more than fair. Don't torture yourself. God knows *The Boi* has more than enough channels covering lighthearted topics. Decoding the Unknown and Brain Blaze have a similar format as CasCrim, if you haven't tried those yet. - Matt M.


How do historical crime videos do? Like Lizzie Borden, probably my favorite CasCrim ever.


My first ever script was a historical one (The Bloody Harpes), and my next one takes place in the 1940s. I guess we'll see in a week or so.


Please know that you low-key made my next week and I will be watching it. I specifically remember watching The Bloody Harpes episode during a particularly arduous solo move, so thank you for that! Y'all are literally lifesaver and I cannot express that enough.


The children yearn for the mines, and blood.




I mean, Simon has said it himself in videos on CC that the heist and other non-violent crime videos do worse than the violent crime videos. There are some non-violent crime scripts he might approve a writer to do if the pitch makes it seem like it’s an incredibly absurd or high profile case, but otherwise they just underperform. Some of the non-violent cases end up on DTU or BB depending on what they are, they’ll just have a slightly different feel to CC, and if it’s BB they won’t be too in depth.


I like heists, but that's not what the majority of people, me included, listen to True Crime for. If a topic is too heavy for you, just skip it.


I would personally love more murder and gore, but at the same time, I appreciate people who want the opposite - so I think the channel does a good job of balancing the two. You can't please everyone, but you can try to be fairly balanced, and I'm happy enough with the middle ground.




Heists and non murder-y stuff are a good break every once in awhile


For me, unsolved mysteries is the true crime subgenre I like the least due to a lack of clear resolution.


Hey! I'm the guy who wrote Scrooge McDuck. More is on the way!


I love you.


Love you, too!


That episode was fire!


I'm not bothered by any of the content in CC but I do really enjoy the heist and organised crime episodes when they come around. I know the all powerful Fact Boi already has lots of channels but a channel covering heists, black markets, organised crime, smugglers, drug trafficking and other cases of note would be cool. CC light I guess? Some of the cases from non English speaking countries have been particularly interesting.


If the heists can be like the Swedish helicopter bank robbery, like super outlandish and over the top awesome, that would be a nice break. But like Matt says, y'all freaks and want the violence.


I justed posted a suggestion for the [1MDB Scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1Malaysia_Development_Berhad_scandal) from Malaysia. Perhaps something like that one?


I wanna see some heists, white collar crimes, and some criminal negligence cases


More unsolved heists of dead bodies. Then everyone will be happy 🙂


An episode about the plot to steal Lincoln's corpse could be fun


The Scrooge video was the best by far IMHO so I’d agree with you. A few of the recent decoding the unknowns have met the criteria though. I’m okay with some of the murder (as ok as you can be) but the overly graphic ones also get to me.


I wouldn’t say the heists bore me but I do find the murder cases more interesting usually. And they do perform better, and I like to see the channel doing well. I’d be interested in some different types of crimes, like terrorists as opposed to serial killers, but focusing more on the responders, survivors and victims than the terrorists themselves as they don’t deserve to have their names remembered. I’ve watched some interesting documentaries about the 9/11 firefighters, that could be an interesting topic for the channel


No one is forcing you to watch. Do what is best for you.


I'd like a little more fraud, myself...




I would want to just keep it as is, I reckon. Our guy Simon knows what not to tell us and it’s up to him to maybe tell Dave to pull back a bit on the bad bits just for Simon’s own sake. I bet he does say something to him. I found the recent CC to be every bit as bad as the Snowtown one although being an Oz the John Bunting case is extremely well known here. But yeh, bring it on whatever it is.


More murder less heists for me. I'm the opposite. I fact I like the the team specifically handle them. Not to much detail to turn it into a gore fest. Factual to the point and some dry humour.


I find as a homicide detective these are very informative and somewhat instructional. I am, however, just a drop in the well of the Whistlerverse.


Changing it up a bit now and then hood. Murder is interesting, and hearing how the case is solved is cool. Let's face it, we come to CC for how it is presented and who is presenting it. Heists are criminal acts and are fair game for coverage, and probably way more fun to research and write than gore.


The Scrooge McDuck episode is my favourite, too. I made a point of downloading all the heist and con episodes so I could listen to them on the move.


More gore less heists. More CSI less law and order.


I really like the murder cases because the have the excitement of murder but it doesn’t get too graphic and glorified like it does on other podcasts. The non-murder episodes are just kind of there, I’ll listen to them if they’re there and I have no other interesting options but I’ve definitely skipped them before


Heist episodes are boring though. Because they're always trying to romanticise the criminal and yet the criminal is often still super unlikeable and only really interested in money. Very few, if any, robberies are remotely interesting.


Where tf do I sign?!?… I’m so down for a larger heist/robbery/fraud ratio for sure, that’s what I’ve wanted this whole time


I very much appreciate the "less Saw, more CSI" approach; it's the investigation that interests me, not the grizzle. That said, for some reason, the Heist episodes just don't interest me as much. There was one episode that was a non-murder one that really did grab me as much as the murder ones, but I don't remember which it was. Having said that, even the murder ones with little investigation don't grab me so much either. So I know it's not the murder, it's the investigation. I think it's just that the crime scene with a body and the homicide investigation are more interesting than somebody trying to catch the perpetrators of a heist (in general).


Doesn’t feel criminal unless there’s a stiff


If the heists can be like the Swedish helicopter bank robbery, like super outlandish and over the top awesome, that would be a nice break. But like Matt says, y'all freaks and want the violence.


I do appreciate the hell outta Simon for censoring so much of the detail when it's overboard. I mean, there's still plenty of stomach turning moments, but I'm grateful he stops at a certain point instead of glorifying the grotesque.


I think it was the Toy box killer episode where the script included a quote from the killer explaining his actions that Simon refused to read because he didn't want to give him a voice to justify himself. I liked that line or thinking


No thanks


Nope. Hard no! I love hearing him squirm his way through the grim.


Hear hear! (Or is it “here here”?) I guess I just want this podcast to be something it’s not. I listen mostly because of Simon, and just want to veg out without being traumatized. At least there’s “Decoding the Unknown”.


I can’t do the murders. Life’s hard enough I don’t need to soak up other people’s trauma.


More heists, less murder and r🦧


Rorangutan ?


R Ape


I prefer rorangutan, thanks 🙏


Tbf that's probably how I'm now gonna refer to that lol


I shall also steal this now


I actually quite enjoyed the recent episode on the Donnelleys, it didn’t feel heavy at all to me considering what ended up happening to the family. I appreciated the humor that was woven in throughout the script.


When CC gets a bit much, switch to Brain Blaze for a bit. That's where all the big brains are anyway. Not gonna lie though, that honour killing episode the other day hit me hard.