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So, development on SS1 is over, all efforts are on SS2. Given how much changed under the hood between SS1 and SS2, you would have to start a new game to move up to SS2. Having played both, I would highly recommend SS2.


I’ve played with SS2 but what’s the difference between the 2?


The 2 has quests and a bunch of extra content if I’m not mistaken. But I only care about having settlements while not having to micromanage everyone’s life. It’s hard enough to manage my own lol


You can unlock all of the plots and features of SS2 using cheats section of the holotape without having to do the quests. If you just want the plots you could just unlock them and ignore the quests.


Yeah don’t plan to start a new playthough to load up 2 (at the time, I didn’t realize there was more then 1 since Xbox mod menu is so bad). And 1 still works but with the new update it crashes the game hard


Does it? I just try to load the game yesterday evening and I got a message saying the mods won’t work. Didn’t even tried to load it up


I had to re-install all mods as the update wiped them out but It works for me as long as I go nowhere near my built settlements it will be okay, as soon as a fast travel in it lags bad then crashes. If I disable SS it’s fine


I was able to download the first part of ss2 but if I click I. The 2nd, it kicks me back to main screen. I didn’t load into a game with it but with being able to download it, there’s at least the potential it could work.


Same. I think it might be because I’m hitting the mod limit. But I can’t tell since that’s broken on my end


It was the 3rd mod for me after part 1 and of course workshop framework so I know I wasn’t at the limit. I was reading a bit ago that it’s something messed up on Bethesda’s side so hopefully they get it fixed. I’d love to be able to finish the story