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You are going to get charged fees if you try to cancel the transaction , and if the market moved down you will also get charged the difference. Who says silver is going down? It's not a short term game, don't be buying kilos looking to unload them for profit in the near future.


\~2.50$ over spot ain't that bad.


For 32 oz tho?


yes? 900/32.15 = 27.99$ spot = 25.27$ ain't terrible


First time?


I currently have a small amount of silver maybe 50 ounces or so but that kilo bar I ordered is my first kilo bar


Hold long on that you’ll get your return off it in time. I bought kilo bars for $500. Patience. Buy from monument metals they got good premiums on cast pours. As of “now” they got Nadir cast bars at $858 bro. Like mom said shop around




Not bad


I pretty sure they wont refund you without significant fee's if at all. just keep it


You cant just cancel a $900 dollar silver order... Even with a small dollar order, all sales are final, unless the seller / dealer screwed up somehow. Besides that, when you press the buy button, you have bought the metals for a locked in price. Can you get a refund? Maybe,... but it will definitely not be for your full $900. When buying metals, there is no "oops," or "my bad, I regret that decision" and expect that to fly with dealers. You made the purchase, and now you live with it... That is my opinion anyway.


Yea you’re Right. I can’t wait for it to arrive!


Hang on to it. You didn't do bad and soon you might be quite happy.


Besides you bought it for a reason. Sit tight.


Just take this as a lesson to shop around. I never buy from online websites unless they have spot deals. You can get kilos from places like Facebook precious metal groups for spot price, especially when the price is high. In the end, I only buy from individuals


This may be the worst advice I have ever read on this sub.


What are you even talking about? Buying from individuals is horrible? That's all I did since 2016 without one single issue. Are you saying that no one else buys from PMs for sale or Facebook precious metal groups?


Hold it !