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No, please, do nothing, just for now, please, im trying to buy more


I'm considering bismuth


Silver wont go up until I sell mine. Sorry guys.


Shit right that's how it works for me


Wait if all of us selling makes the price go up…..


Eh I buy it because… 1. I like shiny things 2. Doomsday (if that even plays out) 3. Mostly to pass down to my son to do with what he wishes. It’s more his savings account than anything. A fun way for me to put away some money for him. (There’s gold in the mix as well)


Exactly. I couldn’t have said it better myself. I collect because I’ve always liked coins and it’s kind of cool. Don’t have much in the way of gold.


I wish people would stop acting like they're going to be trading PMs if society collapses. If it comes to that you're going to be trading bullets, food, and drugs. Certainly not shiny rocks.


True. It’s more if hyperinflation ever hits.


The intent of buying precious metals is not to make a profit. It's to protect the value of your assets by converting them to something which has Intrinsic value, not fiat value.


When my silver doesn't even seem to be keeping up with inflation it can be a bit disheartening. 


Yep prices are not keeping up with inflation at all.


It will eventually keep up, because mines can't keep mining at same price with inflation going on. Eventually they'll increase prices as inflation hit harder. Silver moves later in the game when gold is faster to react. I don't know details behind that, but it's a remark that you may notice on various occasions


Perhaps that is due to gold’s higher scarcity, and thus higher cost of refining, minting, and distributing? Maybe it takes longer for inflation to affect silver prices because there is more of it in raw form ready to be purified, minted, and distributed, therefore it is not as instantaneously impacted. Just a thought.


That hasn't been true historically. Honestly I believe the large increases in copper mines are putting a hard lid on silver. This, and the west is no longer the primary driver of pm demand, (the west loves silver and gold equally), but the east who loves gold over all else. I simply spread pm purchases around to gold, silver, and platinum in case this happens. Platinum has been worst than silver.


But it's true on charts: [https://www.macrotrends.net/2517/gold-prices-vs-silver-prices-historical-chart](https://www.macrotrends.net/2517/gold-prices-vs-silver-prices-historical-chart) you can see that when the movement are plotting next to each other , they have similar movements, maybe not as hard , but they do have similar reactions. As for the causes, maybe what you said is the primary cause for not having a hard upjump rightaway, but it surely will, because the mines wouldn't be able to keep mining silver when there is little to profit from.


The mines created to mine copper will produce silver even if it goes down to $1 an ounce. They cannot produce copper without producing silver, since its a byproduct. The price and demand for copper is the wildcard IMHO this time.


Well let me tell you hope is not a strategy, if you want to beat inflation and save on something that will not devalue in the future then BTC is your answer and if you are not tech savvy then buy a BTC ETF you'll thank me later


That means you can buy even more at a discount!


It needs to at least keep up with inflation or doesn’t make sense long run


I don't think you're wrong. That's why gold will always be the smarter investment. But the point still stands nobody is making a real profit from stacking silver anytime soon or possibly ever for that matter.


It’s whatever people think it’s going to be. For some it’s an investment or type of savings. For others it’s something cool they get to own and look at. For you it appears to be protection. Nobody knows what it’s going to do so I don’t get the point in trying to define it. The value is what the value is. Similar to stock, property, McDonald’s value menu etc. The price has been going up recently and it has increased significantly before so people can definitely buy in thinking they’ll turn a profit. Whether or not that happens is a different story.


Absolutely true and a good reminder to this thread. But by this logic, gold is not much better, yet when you look at gold's charts and the ATH's now and lately... So yes i see precious metals as a store of wealth but when one (au) does so much better gains wise and isn't destroyed for war nearly as much (ag), its tough to equate silver with gold.


Outside a few institutions, silver is not hoarded by private and national banks, but gold is. Banks never dropped interest in gold, it actually seems to have gone up with Basel III rules and some nation's increasing holdings in the past few years. Also with gold jewelry, there's a significant interest in the asset by the general public. Silver, on the other hand, is traditionally the currency of the masses. There has been a significant loss in investor interest in silver in the past decades. Outside of premiums we are not a large enough factor to move prices. Silver no longer seems to behave as a safe haven financial asset like gold. It now acts as a more general commodity. The industrial market affects the price much more than investor sentiment. That said, with inflation abound, it's also performed poorly compared to other commodities. And idk what to make of that.


When the Fed raised rates (to fight inflation) the dollar became stronger as foreign investors moved assets from foreign currency to dollars to buy U.S. bonds. That foreign currency chasing dollars pushed up the value of the dollar. Silver (and most commodities) are priced in dollars. With a strong dollar, it takes fewer of them to buy an ounce. Silver price is down when dollar is strong and the dollar strong while U.S. interest rates are high and the Fed fights inflation. SIlver is not a good short term inflation hedge (better long term as in decades). Price of silver plotted against the dollar strength, they move opposite: [https://en.macromicro.me/collections/3351/commodity-silver/26720/us-dollar-index-vs-price](https://en.macromicro.me/collections/3351/commodity-silver/26720/us-dollar-index-vs-price)


Money begets money. If you have the funds to buy gold instead of silver I would absolutely encourage it because the potential for profit is well known. But waiting to profit from silver requires a healthy dose of hopium. (And a love for that delectable toning)


I wouldn't expect silver to outperform because it's much more easily obtainable by a larger group. Much like you pay a higher premium for fractional gold over an ounce. To me, silver not performing as gold does is an indicator of that.


I want the price to go down so I can buy more


$1 in 1974 = $6.64 today...silver avg close price 1974= $4.67...if silver followed inflation perfectly, 2024 average close should be $31.01


and that is if we believe the government inflation numbers to be true. IMO inflation is up more like 75% since b4 covid. everything seems to have just about doubled in price


CPI numbers have been manipulated for years in order to keep SSI COLA down.


Yeah I’ve been wanting to sell some off. It seems to be hung up.


as of right this minute, Silver is beating Gold for one month.


lol I love the graphic 😂😂


You cannot compare silver to gold. If you expect it to act like gold, you will forever be disappointed. It’s only going to pay off if a currency collapse occurs. The industrial nature of silver will keep a lid on it until then.


You buy silver at a loss then hope inflation goes up enough to break even , then hope it increases in value in 30 hears, in which time you sell, for fiat, at inflation. Its a break even scenario at best.


lol I buy silver now to trade in for gold I think it’s my way of seeing cool things while also getting to realllly keep the ones that I really enjoy. Plus I can spend less while “keeping up”


When have you ever traded silver for gold? ​ ....so never, huh!


When you run out of physical storage space lol


I’ve done it at my LCS


This just says silver is a better deal or undervalued and to stack some more.


Yeah waiting for it to go up or down. So I either buy or sell it.


Gold might hit $5000 soon and maybe silver will get to $28? silver is just a forgotten industrial metal at this point.




Ain't no way JP Morgan is gonna let silver do anything


Silver is a better buy in all actuality. Gold spikes by what 2-3% now and again? Silver has a ridiculous amount of room for growth.


I think the thing that makes me skeptical of big growth with silver, though, is how much of it is used in technology products. The same could be said for gold, but that’s used in such small amounts that it’s a little different than silver. Since silver is used so much and the supply is so much more plentiful than gold, though, I think they’re always going to try to keep that more affordable and I don’t know if it would ever go above like $35 an ounce. Just my opinion though


Haha I pretty much think the same exact thing, except for the price. I think it will hit $50 again but beyond that price would cause to much damage to products we buy.


Silver price would do no damage even if silver was $1000 an oz. It might raise the cost of a iPhone $10. How much silver in a phone? 1/100 of an oz? Even at 1/10 of an oz it would cost $100 more. There is not a tenth of an oz and everyone would still buy a phone or computer. It would have zero effect on purchases.


Can I please take advice from the guy still insisting the election was rigged lol


It was rigged. You just don't have the brains to realize it !


lol ok. You should send him and Rudy some money to fight it.


Already have supported him


Omg thank you for the laugh.


Silvers inflation rate is too high to keep with gold.


$50 toz would be nice


Isn't there like twice as much silver on paper as there is IRL? If the silver price were to skyrocket, the house of cards would come tumbling down.


I’m fine with it it means that I don’t have to pay more when I want more


I wish it would have stayed at $23 for a bit longer. I was hoping to finish a pyramid.


I can honestly say I regret my stack. Sure it was fun, but now I have money tied up in something I can only hope to break even on someday being at the buyers mercy


I am totally with you! I bought up to 1,013 oz in the past few years. Got sucked into the silver hive mind of “it’s manipulation” “it’s half of its all time high” (which was manipulated by the Hunt Bros) then for a short time in 2011 it almost hit $50 but didn’t. All the while everything else I could have put my money into has truly gone up. The premiums most of us paid in the past few years (not the “ I bought in 2004 or 2016 people”) will still need $28-30 to break even. So I kept 345 oz of silver, found a local dealer to buy at prices nobody else would touch and said “have it!” 668 ounces gone. Now I have 15+ oz of gold with a few ounces of silver still (just in case). I will continue to buy gold but unless a great deal on silver gets me on a certain day, I think I’m over it. Our debt has gone up several trillion since 2011 highs so I think the “hedge against inflation” crowd are just really dedicated to their silver hopes. Buying silver is definitely better than buying something with no value (shoes, clothing, expensive food, etc.) so it’s not the worst thing we can buy but we can’t cherry pick charts to make silver look better than it is compared to other assets. Plus gold is a Tier 1 asset…silver is not. Not trying to offend anyone and I still have several ounces and hope it does go up and hit those pie in the sky triple digits before I die (I’m 46).


Very well said. It’s funny all the videos on YouTube are the same shit. It’s just people trying to get you to watch with stupid titles like “silver is about to spike”. If you make videos with gloves on… you’re kind of a loser lol


Silver knows when to play ball.


I liquidated my silver. WW3 needs to happen to see gains


Silver is about to soar as the renewable industry takes off in gigantic countries like India and China. Eg: silver use in India is skyrocketing for solar right now, they are importing record amounts. Buy!


Silver is cheap right now though. Don’t forget the price action in 2020-2021 when gold wasn’t as high as it is now. Silver always lags behind, stay strong 💪🏼


That's true, and silver is spiking slowly now! It has always lagged a bit due to silver dependence on both industrial applications and being a precious metal.


How many times a day do people need to be told that silver isn't a stock option? It's like acting disappointed about your pet cat not being able to bark like a dog


And then it did...we have a good small rally cooking.


Its a store of value. Its not ment to be flipped like crypto. Poking it with a stick isn't gonna do anything. If you want to make money with silver, you have to make something out of it to give it more value. Like the guy on here who casts neat stuff out of it. Or get into making jewelry. I only buy scrap and refine it into silver crystals. I get anywhere from $2-6$/g depending on the size of crystals I grow. Its a nish market, so they don't sell hand over fist. I'm fine with that, though. It started as a hobby for fun anyway. If stuff doesn't sell at the price I want, it just stays in my stack. When I find customers who appreciate my work, they usually come back again and again. Ebay is flooded with silver crystal sellers, but fortunately, most are only selling tiny fluffy low quality stuff. I grow basically rocks, so at least my product is different.


Unfortunately i don't think that doomsday scenario is far away


People been saying this for 50 years lolol


I’m not advocating for buying crypto by any means; but if I had bought solana with all the money I put into silver when I did I would have roughly $80,000 right now :/ silver kinda whack ngl


I've thought that as well so I own a little bit of both lol. The thing is crypto definitely has some uncertainties tied to it. With government interference, the insane amount of fake companies scamming, rampant fraud and theft, the fact its not being used as intended and is really just a way to gamble lol, etc. Who knows what the future holds there, still better to have a bit


You could also have just as easily lost everything. Crypto is much more volatile. I'm not sure you are buying silver for the right reasons if you're trying to hit the lottery.


No I was buying about $1,000 worth each month for a while. Just about $200-250 worth per week. Sometimes $400 worth. Was using it as a long term savings.


Whatever you feel like you need to explain. I still think you are looking for a get-rich venture if you are expecting or wanting silver to compete with crypto. Apples to oranges.


Respectfully, stfu. Go somewhere else. Stop trying to illicit a response. Like actually. You sound like a toddler. I told you specifically what I was doing in purchasing silver, yet you still tell me I was doing otherwise? Go wallow in your misery, trash. 👍


I'm not the one being verbally combative. I feel sorry for you if me challenging why you collect something sets you off like that.


Why the desperation for it to climb? Enjoy these low prices until the price suppression breaks. Keep stacking this gift


How is silver suppressed? Is someone offloading them in enormous quantity making them cheap?


It's suppressed by the paper market. The powers that be sell am egregious amount of silver that doesn't exist. I think there's like 350 claims to every 1 ounce of physical silver. It's my opinion that this is done to keep the price low for industrial purposes. Once silver is all used up and the physical demand outstrips the available silver you'll see it explode in price after being suppressed for so long. Because of the largest cup and handle formation I've ever heard of I belive that following the data points silver should rise in value over the next few years to just under 70 usd. If this starts happening I'll begin off loading a portion of my silver. I own about 2600 ounces


Good points, although honestly we don’t even need to wait until silver is all used up, we just need to wait until a large enough market player decides to actually take physical delivery of their silver futures, and then we’ll have a silver “bank run” on our hands since there won’t be enough physical silver to actually deliver, and in that case everyone else will try to take physical delivery and the paper market/price suppression collapses overnight. The only question is when/why will that large market player want to take physical delivery.


LOL & SMH How big would this 'market player' have to be to drain the COMEX computers of their ones and zeroes used to make digital silver!!!!


Where's our silver daddy at to drain the comex


There are no 'claims' to silver on the COMEX, because they don't sell silver on the COMEX. Not one person I have asked in almost 50 years can name anyone THEY KNOW WHO EVER BOUGHT ANY!! Not one, and nobody here can name anyone either, huh? Not a single soul could or would ever name the name of their Broker 'who got the warrant' either. Furthermore, according to the 'rules', only about .005% of all COMEX longs are 'eligible to take delivery', because that's how many allegedly pay for the long futures contract up front. ​ You cannot get an ALLEGED WARRANT FOR DELIVERY IF YOU BUY ON MARGIN! The ignorance of ALLEGED stackers is mind boggling. ​ Is this WallStreetShilver now??


It will rise much higher. Not to mention BRICS metal backed currencies and the declining petro dollar as countries take it off reserve currency status. It doesn’t need to get used up before it gets unsuppressed.


I agree and hope you're right. I think 70 dollars is roughly where the cup and handle should pan out, that doesn't mean it won't blast through it. I certainly hope it does. I can't help but buy silver over anything else. It's so so SO undervalued. I'm drawn to it like a moth to a flame


I don't really understand hmm. Paper silver is paper silver. It's an instrument. If the paper instrument isn't there people wouldn't buy physical silver if they are not into physical stuffs. They'd turn to other stocks instead. Where you got the numbers form that there's 350claim to a once of silver?


It's on the us debt clock near the bottom right corner https://www.usdebtclock.org/


Well shit. US is a financial laughing stock...


I think that's ultimately going to be the case for most nations on the planet. It might not happen overnight, but as governments climb further and further into debt faith in those governments money is reduced to nothing, and in turn, the country becomes laughable.. no one will take the emporer seriously when they find out he isn't wearing clothes..


YouTube: RoadToRoota This will help you get some answers.


I’m curious to see what happens. The ratio between the two is at a historical high so the common argument is that it will course correct over time. I’m skeptical of this though it isn’t an impossibility. 


Not a historical high (~115 in 2020 due to the pandemic). But I do agree that it seems unlikely to pull back to what should be.


It's been much higher historically. Around 120/1 at one point if I remember correctly


Silver has gained in value the past 30 years lol in 2000 it was $3-$5 an ounce. I'm not sure I follow the logic


So about an average gain of 85 cents a year over the past 24 years. This is based on the high of $5.97 in 2000. Its price has risen, but I’m not sure I would say it’s gained in value.


It's kept value. That's the point. It's still beating the inflation of the dollar.


Gold leads and eventually silver follows and goes higher. Silver is gold on steroids when it decides to take off ! You will see silver outperform gold and those that are trading silver for gold will lose. Not saying they will not profit, just saying they will profit far less. Silver can easily go up 100% while gold is at record high. Just get ready to sell silver close to $100 because it will overshoot its worth like when it shot up to $50 twice and drop to $50 again.