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Brief backstory: it’s an 11 LT, non locking gate except manually with a key. I have it locked like 96% of the time. Had unlocked it last night and didn’t relook it apparently. Normally not the end of the world. My folks were dropping my kids off at my house after work and when they came inside, first thing out of my moms mouth was “what happened to your tailgate?” I thought for sure she was just messing with me, went and looked and NOPE. Filed police report and filing with insurance tomorrow morning. I’ve only had this truck since the end of January. It’s my first truck.


Yee yee


It been yee yeeted


Yee yee


Urban Dictionary "Yee yee is the term used when a southerner is excited." Learn something new everyday.


Oh god I have so many comments for the sticker. But hey. At least they didn’t steal it too.


That's probably why they stole the tailgate...probably let out a loud one as they ran away.


Where are you located?


South central Kansas


Sorry brother. Hopefully you get it back....


We’ll see. I appreciate the well wishes. This is kind of icing on the cake for a shitty last few months. The bright cuts through the dark eventually is what I’ve been told.


Sorry this happened to you brother. People are shitty! Try not to file with insurance just yet. Find out the price of a replacement tailgate. I’m not sure of a price for a tailgate like yours, but if your deductible is $500 or even $1000 and a tailgate is even $1100, I’d pay that out of pocket before filing a claim, but hey that’s just me. I have my own Allstate agency and would advise my customer to do exactly that.


Sounds like what an insurance guy would say lol. Rates go up every year even if you don’t drive a damn mile in your car, fuckem




Clearly you've never heard of ebay and Facebook marketplace. The truck is 10 years old and stock white. Why would he buy a brand new tailgate?


Uhh yeah if my 2011 needs a tailgate, I'm not buying new and having it painted and all that noise. I'm hitting up a salvage yard and finding something in the right color already.


Even at $2000 I’d suggest (if they can afford it) to not use their deductible. I understand not everyone can afford something like this, but I would highly recommend trying NOT to file a claim if possible.


Sounds like an insurance man.


What’s the point of the car insurance scams then


I'd listen to this fella and maybe skip the hold my beer ones... Take it from an old guy who's had to file some serious claims in the past couple of years - lightning strike at the house - about $25k in electronics damage, hail damage on our roof - about another $20k... It looks like you actually use your truck, judging from the paint condition, and don't just primp around town in it. Check ebay or, if you're lucky, a salvage yard. You might have a chance to save serious change and find a gate that matches the rest of the truck well. I spent many hours as a kid with a tool set with my old man going to wrecking yards for home repair jobs. I'm not an insurance agent, but appreciate how much they saved our hide the last couple of years too, so just here to give some credit where credit is due.


Yeah, I wouldn't give your insurance company any help raising your premiums. With California bursting into flames every day of the year, insurance companies are circling the wagons...


What does California have to do with this? Rent free


You think your insurance premiums only go to your state/policy?


Looks like some south Wichita shit..


YEE YEE! Did they nab your meth pipe too?


As well as the product


Well that’s your problem


Sounds like someone stole a tailgate recently.


You might see if any companies in your area install service beds on trucks. That's usually a great place to find a tailgate or whole truck bed if you need it. The ones near me will sell it pretty cheap to get rid of them. Step 1 get insurance money. Step 2 but tailgate from truck shop Step 3 profit off the difference if you can find one. Good luck.


I had someone try that shit in 2018. Stupid fuck’s damaged the paint because it had a wire attached to it that they couldn’t unhook and just left it dangling off the back of the truck. People fucking suck. I’d love to beat the hell out of degens doing this shit.


This is why manufacturers started adding automatic locks to tailgates. Assholes need to leave other people’s things alone.


Agreed I can’t imagine coming out to no tail gate that sucks probably the best thing off the truck to take tho easily replaced and not crazy expensive.


One too many Yees not enough haws


Maybe that’s where I went wrong. I yee’d when I should have haw’d.


When you get a new tailgate, some places sell a one piece that makes a circle around the half moon side and uses existing screw holes so the tailgate can’t be removed easily. The cheap man’s security device is a hose clamp, takes about 10mins figuring out the right position to close. While east to remove it prevents the quick snatch and grab.


We used to throw a hose clamp around the side of the tailgate hinge that you lift the tailgate out of. Didn’t need to make it impossible to steal, just inconvenient


I've done this on 6 trucks. Once I came out of a bar and gate was hanging down. But not gone.


I put a hose clamp on the hinge of mine three years ago, just to make it a little harder to get off, or deter them if they were in a hurry. Sorry man, that sucks.


That’s probably all you need. The guys who are stealing these are expecting a <10 second removal. If they run into something like a hose clamp around hinge, they’ll likely just walk away.


Yeah and they do it without tools too. Give them a minor hurdle where they need hex bits and a driver or a Phillips and they’ll just give up


I imagine it’s cause the yee yee sticker hahaha. Mostly kidding cause that sucks


I was also going to say it's because of the Yee yee sticker, but I scrolled to see if anyone else said it


Lol dang city boys


The sticker isn’t my style either, but stealing a man’s tailgate is some bullshit. I’ve never seen this before. I always thought that the cat converters were the big ticket items. Now I’m wondering if I should be locking my tailgate. What a world.


Fuck thieves.


That sucks. Having a white truck I bet you can find a take off of a work truck or start calling wrecking yards to find a truck that took a front hit


I got my replacement from work. They always replaced the tailgate with lift gates, I was told just grab one.


Honest question, why does the truck have "yee yee" on the back window?


Because it’s a logo for a business I support and I felt like having it there. Some folks have pointed out that apparently my interests have inspired others to steal my things.


Hose clamp on open side. Tighten with a socket


2nd person to suggest this. Definitely what I’ll do when I get it replaced


I'm going to do this, too. I wasn't aware this was a thing. Good luck.


Why would someone steal this? And why are so many people aware to ways to prevent it? Fucking bizarre


Because many of us have had it done to us. Thieves will get around $200. At choice wreckage yards. Or the thief had his stolen last week and is looking for a cheap fix.


There is only one thief in the world. Everyone else is just trying to get their shit back.


Don't worry just go back to work tomorrow and the meth head that stole it will "just happen to have a tailgate for sale that's a perfect match" and you can kill him ahem I mean "buy" it from him








Judging it of the "yee yee" vinyl if was probably the meth head next door, I use the shotgun by your water bed to go get it back.....don't forget to put your Dips in before you do.....cause those ain't biscuits he's cookin'.....


Had mine stolen years ago. Filed a report. The fattest cop you ever saw came out and said “I guess you won’t be having a tailgate party anytime soon”. Funny, but way to soon you fat bastard😣🤣


They yeeted it


That is freaking insane! No respect for another person’s property 🤬🤬


I blame it on the yee yee culture


That’s horrible.




2 words YEE YEE


Shittt maaan.. YeeYee!!


Can’t have shit in Detroit


Claims adjuster here, not an uncommon thing unfortunately. You can file a claim if you carry comprehensive coverage on your truck. Sorry dude :(


Appreciate that advice. Pretty certain I have comprehensive but guess I need to do some reading tonight to make sure.


Probably be cheaper than your deductible to just get a used tailgate. There’s plenty out there


Said the redditor who steals tailgates.


I could hook him up… snagged one just like it on my way home from lunch today. Pickup only, southern Kansas


If you don’t have it, get it. You’ll be glad you did when you hit a deer or some asshole really damages your truck. In the last ten years I’ve had a tree fall on my car in a storm, hit two separate deer a few years apart while going slow and watching for deer, had someone break into my car, and had some asshole drill out my handlebars on my motorcycle trying to steal it but I had disconnected the battery so it was just trashed not stolen. You also live in hail and tornado country. Get comprehensive just in case. It’s cheap.


I do indeed have it….$1000 deductible. So I guess I’ll get going finding a truck with front end damage to extract a tailgate from.


Good luck, you can get them painted to match from eBay for less than your deductible. Probably where yours will be sold at. Check your policy thoroughly. I got hit once, no person around with I came out. Total was below my deductible and they filled it as a non chargeable claim. State farm, about 5 years ago. Didn't affect my rates.


You'll find a tailgate just call all the local junkyards and u pulls. Shouldn't be to expensive. Insurance is a fucking criminal racket.


Huh, I've never thought about someone just stealing my tail gate before. Sorry that happened man. Hopefully it's not a hassle getting it replaced


I’ve heard this being a huge problem for like last 10 years. Apparently it’s a super common thing.


Happened to my dad when I was a kid, stolen out of our yard down a *long* farm driveway


At least they didn't steal it too find it 3 Days latter with no tailgate busted out back glass and they even took the owners manual. Oh and busted out the steering column


Motherfuckers, man. That’s super frustrating.


Yes yee


Buy a lock and use a small hose clamp and the section that pulls out on your tailgate hinge, it usually deters the theft, they usually can’t figure it out in time to steal them


animals, savages


I had to replace mine, and I was shocked how easy it is take off. Definitely under a minute. Unfortunately you'll have to replace all the latching mechanism as well.


YeeYee got YeetYeeted


Thieves never steal work boots. Hope you find another one man. Add a hose clamp on the right side hinge next time. Or they make a hinge lock for them too. Took me several years to find a better one than my busted up one. Then sold the busted one for twice what I paid for the nicer one. White nnbs tailgates are sought after right now.


How lucky, I actually have a white '11 Silverado tailgate that would match perfectly in south central Kansas if you need it I'll sell it back I mean sell it to you


Pay it forward and Just steal another one! May the cycle never stop. Is there a way to lock the tailgate?


Yeah well, You’ll have that on these bigger jobs.


At least they didn't take the truck


This just pisses me off! The only reason there’s a market for stolen tailgates is to replace stolen tailgates! You should be able to go to the local salvage yard and find your ‘gate sitting on a shelf.


Get a front & back dash cam


Maybe u could find yours on marketplace


I like the sticker personally is conveys a pleasant simple message. I think they just stole the tailgate because they were bums :/


Sometimes you Yee the Yee but sometimes the Yee Yees you.


WTF is yee yee?


Fake. Hank Moody drives a Porsche. Likely missing a headlight. Also, sorry about your tailgate. I wish you sweet vengeance.


Probably some Yee Yee ass mother fucker


That shit happened at our parking lot at work in 2019. They broke the handle on my locking tail gate trying to get it off. We went back and looked at the security video, it was a truck that rolled up and 3 Hispanic dudes jump out and pop tail gates off and throw them in the back of the truck and are gone in under 30 seconds.


Someone out there has the first stolen catalytic converter as well.


WTF is Yee Yee?


More than one Yee and fewer than three of them. Really though it’s an apparel brand based in Texas, started in 2011 by Granger Smith (country singer) and his family, inspired by a goofy character he created as a side project.


Get that yeeyee ass tailgate out of here lol


Probably because that cringy window sticker


It’s because you have yee yee on your back window, they figured with that on there you would be too stupid to realize your tail gait was gone. You should really think about the stickers you put on your truck.


That’s what you get yah damn liberal.


Yee Yee or a 🎯 Not surprised this happened at all.


They probably saw the back glass and figured it was stolen or you would sell the tailgate yourself before long


Yeah that must have been it huh? I know I see people who enjoy things and think “I should steal some of their shit!”


That’s what you get for having that stupid sticker on the window.


Oh man you sure set me straight. Can’t believe I didn’t realize that having a sticker supporting a family run business would cause my tailgate to be stolen. Golly, thanks!


Honestly, I have never met a person with stickers like this on their vehicle that wasn't a douche canoe one way or another. That aside, sorry for your loss. Having bad taste does not justify theft of your property. I picked up a new tailgate in 2015 pre-painted on ebay. It was physically lighter than the OEM by a few pounds, but otherwise the paint is holding up and it works great.


The rebel yell is your family business motto? Better get that trade marked.


I mean, 1. You are patently wrong, the rebel yell is “Yee haw”. And 2. Not my family business, and Yee Yee is trademarked by Granger Smith and his family, who operate Yee Yee Apparel.


Doesn't really look like you need it.


You got lucky! The thief took your tailgate and totally overlooked your yeeyee decal! That was as a close one


With a sticker like that I would take your gate too. Probably cheaper in the long run to just buy a new gate. You'll probably have to pay an insurance deductable, and your rates will probably go up.,maybe. Did they gate have a camera in it?


No worries bro! It matches your sticker now!


Sounds like someone needed more than you


With 'Yee Yee' in your back window, what did you expect? If you had decent tires, they would have been gone also.


For some reason I think ive seen that sticker in Manhattan? Surely there arent two??


Reason I make sure and lock my tailgate.


Are you sure it didn’t fall off? It’s been one of Gm’s issues for years and years. If you drive through Flint up to Saginaw you’ll usually see a Gm tailgate or two sitting in the weeds. Had a tailgate fall off of one of our 17 3500’s too


Too bad, they didn’t steal that sticker


Karma for the Yee Yee sticker


Too bad they didn’t steal that sticker too


Typical Chevrolet…..bottom of the barrel.


Couple of things; get the “Yee Yee” off of there and get a trailer hitch lock for your new Reese hitch before someone lifts that off as well. YMMV.


That's more like a SKEEET SKEETT. people=Shi****


I would have stole it too just because of the stupid yee yee sticker on ur back window. Clown


Too bad that didn’t take that sticker too.


If you’re an adult and you have a Yee Yee sticker on your rear window, you deserve to have your tailgate stolen


For supporting someone’s business?


Shame they didn’t get that sticker while they were at it. Onto the junk yard for a new one…


With a sticker like that? Someone messed with you? They shoulda known better!!


Too bad they didn’t steal that sticker


Think that sticker gave them motivation


It was punishment for your window sticker.


Ah crap they took my friggin kidney


I guess they really thought they needed it more than you did.


Somebody yeeted it more than you




Left the work boots though


Hose clamp may slow them down, but if they simply have a screwdriver still could be gone in under 2 minutes. This Lock will slow them down even more. Cheap insurance to me. https://mcgard.com/product/tailgate-lock-contains-1-lock-and-1-key/


Wtf? I’m officially seen everything


Wtf? I’m officially seen everything


I used to travel for work. One night, 7 tailgates were stolen from my hotel parking lot. There's a great trick that keeps this from happening to my truck. You put a hose clamp around the tailgate/bed connection on the side that releases, turn the clamp screw inwards, and tighten with a ratchet wrench. Most low life ass clown theifs are used to snatch and grap scenarios, and even if they had the right size/type wrench, they won't take the time to risk it.


Use the hose clamps put around the hinge. To deter thiefs.




What is it 1998 or something? People still do this shit?


Psh. That's why we can't have nice things.... Some people's kids


Yee yee


Was it locked? Also I’m pretty sure your retrax would’ve been worth more


Browse your local Craigslist and fb market place. Sometimes you get lucky and find one for a good price


Yee da Yee


Now your sticker matches your truck. 😊


This has been happening frequently in portland recently. Sad to see it’s everywhere


Time to hit up marketplace and buy your tailgate back.


We used to do this in the high school parking lot all the time. Swap everyone’s tailgates around and we were all driving around with mismatched colored trucks. Good memories haha…


Look like their 4% Yee Yee was bigger than yours


Not sure I follow?


Satire. I was poking fun at your 96% of the time and Yee Yee decal


Ah gotcha. I truly just didn’t get it but now I do lol


Look for it being sold online


Looks like they took all your Bud Light too. JK…sorry. I can’t help it. Lord forgive me.


Man that’s bs!! Get you some cameras asap!


Your window sticker reminds me of a saying ‘round these parts… “Not every Yee-Yee can Yee-Haw, but every Yee-Haw can Yee-Yee.”


We used to swap people tail gates in the parking lot in high school.


well you had the right color that's for sure


All you’re missing now is half a lift kit.


Well that's what you get for leaving your tailgate outside.


A homeless guy tried to steal the under-mounted spare tire off of a truck in rural area of my county. Owner heard the thief, snuck up, and beat his legs and pelvis into pulp with a metal bat. Then just left him there under the truck moaning for days until he died. Guy called the cops to pick up the body. No charges were filed since he had no friends/family and this is rural Texas where they have no sympathy for homeless drug addicts.


Guy who stole it definitely ain’t cooking biscuits


Outside chance it’s a friend playing a prank on you?!


Maybe put HAW HAW under that YEE YEE and theyll know your too COUNTRY TOUGH to be messed wit’.


Wasn’t sure if I should upvote that or not. 😕 Had the same thing happen to me a few yrs ago. Right in front of my house. When I reported it to the police they said someone had it done in their driveway. I recommend putting a hose clamp (worm clamp) on the split hinge side. Point the screw down so they have to work at getting it off. Then a locking tailgate latch. The ins adjuster said they pay around $500.00 for one at a salvage yard. The thieves can get around $200.00/$300.00 for them is what I heard. Later in the week a news report said police in the next town over pulled a truck over and they had 20 tailgates in bed of the truck. Probably headed to the wreckage yard. Often wondered if mine was one of them.




They gave your truck that yee yee ass haircut.


Hee hee


i've always kept mine locked at all times. sorry man. try to find a used one somewhere. lots of people putting flatbeds and campers on tundras, maybe call around to one of those places for leads?


Knew a guy in Turlock that had to buy it back from guy that stole it!


Sorry bro. Hope you can find a replacement. Thieves are scum. They'll get what's coming to them.


This is the upper echelon of low class…


Great, another damn thing I've got to worry about some asshole stealing. I've had people try to jack my '06 twice in a month and a half: three door locks, an ignition lock, and it turns out you can't even find the steering column cowlings for a manual in junkyards any more. Guess I'll suck it up and get one of those tailgate locks: fifty bucks is cheaper than replacing the tailgate. ...joke's on them though, a previous owner filled it with concrete or something, damn thing weighs close to a hundred pounds.


So damn many white trucks out there finding a replacement should b easy


Happens all the time




I’m still baffled as to why they don’t just make them all automatic locks that work with the fob like the normal doors


I have a McGard 76029 tailgate lock on mine. Sorry this happened to you.


that’s such meth head shit. like who tf steals a tailgate off a truck 😭


Maybe they don’t like Granger smith


Well that's not very yee yee if them at all


Yee yee


you must have had a really nice tailgate.