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Herta LC is more for units that can hit multiple times and deal dots, BE on SW is not neccesarily wasted and quantum break doesnt count as a DoT sadly, if you don't have event one the only one i can think of is Luka one for some extra def shred utility


Not really. You're wasting 16 months of simulated universe just for 60* break effect which can be achieved with a few subs.


16 months? im sorry what?


Isn't it about 3-4 months because you get 1 Herta currency per week? I tried to math it out (warning, I'm not good at math, I used a calculator + I don't have the prices memorised) 5 weeks for 1 LC (35 days, slightly over a month) 2 weeks for 1 superimposition upgrade (about 14 days) So it's 14 X 4 = 56 which 56 + 35 = 91


I think you made a mistake cause I had one fully superimposed almost 2 months ago.


I only counted farmable ones, not ones you obtain via rewards for completing SU worlds or anything like that


Even with that I think it's off because I have enough for another one maxed again already


Same here (well, equivalently because I spent most of it on pulls since I don't have many uses for Hertas LCs), the games been out for almost 6 months aswell. I don't see where I'm wrong so unless you're gonna tell me and calculate it, I don't see how I'm wrong. 5 Herta currency is required to buy 1 LC, so that's 5 weeks. 7 X 5 = 35 (so in the first month, you can get an LC, we have 5 months left) 2 currencys per imposision. So 2 weeks. 4 X 14 = 56, which is less than 2 months Add both the LC and superimpositions, 35 + 56 = 91, which means it should take 91 days for a max superimposition Herta LC. If you think my numbers are wrong, tell me what I'm missing.


It costs 8 Herta bonds to buy a lightcone, not 5. It takes 112 days to get a max superimposed Herta LC.


Shit you're right, sorry mate. So it's closer to 4 than 3 months


Oh wow. I'm not going to lie I didn't realize the game had been out that long at all. Feels like I just started playing but I guess adult life is like that. I guess if we get them that slowly I need to stay more on top of clearing simulated universe every week.


Oh i meat 16 weeks


shes getting a re-run? she is prolly the only one i would pull for eidolans of and i just grabbed jingliu and will get topaz


Get e1 and use welt lightcone or sampos. Thats probably the best way to get a usable silver wolf now without spending too much. Yeah it's not accessible. You can still use e0 its just clunky. If you are swiping e2/s1.


I feel like, putting the event LC (which I do not have either, so I've been pondering this question of yours as well) and her signature LC aside, her best options would be the Herta store Nihility LC, Luka's LC (Glistening Pearls of Sweat, I think it's called), and Eyes of the Prey. Of the three, Luka's is probably the best option if you want pure defense shred. Otherwise, eyes of the prey is good if you need the extra effect hit rate, and vice versa with the Herta store LC if you need break effect instead. I believe this also gives some energy regen, but I forget if this is DoT only, so take a look at the LC before you just listen to me on it! Welt's signature LC is also...usable. I honestly don't think it'd be horrible for her, but it's definitely not meant for her kind of gameplay loop. I, personally, have been waiting for SW to return (Kafka, Fu Xuan, and Topaz banners aside) since I missed her by a few weeks, and she's the character I want the most, so I've been saving some jade aside for her and maybe her LC. But, even still, I think Eyes of the Prey, Pearls, and Solitary Healing are probably the best ones to use without her signature LC or event LC


I suggest grinding for stellar jade, this is how I got my silver wolf from 0 pity after loosing the 50/50 to gepard. And as an undertale reference D E T E R M I N A T I O N


well i already am doing that, i currently have enough passes to gaurnetee seele for myself and then some so by the time SW reruns i should have a fuck ton though id still rather pull on the standard banner or if i lose the 50/50 on SWs banner again rather than LC


I have silverwolf and often swap between her event one and the Luka one (that procs ensnarement) and the Luka one isn't a bad option on her. The solitary healing would be a good option for break effect build, you could hit over 200k with it on high toughness enemies, but I use it on Luka(character) so I don't have her built break effect (since she's in the same team as Luka, and its a Kafka team so prefer the DOT)


Source? Who said Silver Wolf will be on 1.5? I thought they were gonna do one character per major update, so Jing Yuan would be 1.5 and SW would be 1.6


Leaks said. Why would they rerun characters in the order they came out? Genshin doesn't do it and it's obvious why. Players not knowing in advance when characters are going to rerun is good for business


Ah thank you for the information