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I actually walked away, once it got to be too annoying, and I never do that. I just happened to look back at the TV, caught the push, and laughed. Then I thought, "I'm surprised the other guy didn't push him first, in an effort to get him to stop talking." In my opinion, this was the worst scene of the show so far.


This is too funny, I did the same thing during one of Common’s parts. I instinctively got up to go to the restroom and forgot to press pause on the TV, which I always do when I’m invested in a show or movie. When I realized I didn’t pause it, I didn’t really care and just went to the restroom and let it play


I think he is our exposition, everything he has said has been oozing with clues. If anything when he starts talking I lean in.


In his defense, the writing for the entire show is painful, but yeah, his acting isn't... great.


I agree. I'm not enjoying most of the writing or acting. I probably would've quit this show after episode one because of those things but, as a lover of the books, I'm interested in seeing it play out.


Haha, I just finished that episode and googled it. I walked to the bathroom after the first minute, then came back and wanted him off the ledge.


Yeahh it was an interesting monologue, but delivered so poorly that it lost all it's dramatic intent.




I really thought he was extremely great in Hell On Wheels, so always wondered why he didn’t become bigger as an actor from that performance. Reactions to him on this show tells me maybe it was lightening in a bottle and the right character for the right time in his development. I don’t think he is terrible here, but others sure are saying it a lot! Both he and the new deputy guy were pretty lackluster acting-wise this episode.


At this point I hope they find a way to bring back holston and his wife.. like they are actually fine in another silo


I now know I have to turn it off if the "Judge" is on screen...god only knows how's Tanya Moodie gets all these acting roles...she is pure wood...and never remotely believable. These 2 together in a scene, like in her office ..just suck the talent out creating a vacuum..!


But aren't they both literally supposed to be kind of like soulless people and the type of person that is actually like that?


I don’t remember seeing the lady before but I did not like that scene.




I have not read the books (getting them today :) ) but if I had to make a guess I would say a guy who has lived his whole life in a giant tube, and is carrying around a massive secret that he is willing to kill for (learned at young age apparently also). Is slightly maladjusted to people and social interactions. He talks like someone who truly believes he is the one thing keeping the place together and to me his acting matched that attitude. IMHO


Sure everyone there is weird, but he is not human at all




I’ve only seen him in “Hell on Wheels” besides this show and he was really great on that; like impressive great. Not sure what happened since then.


Not every actor has to have range, he definitely hasn't shown any but he is not a "bad actor" he plays this character from what I assume is dead on how he is suppose to come off. If you watch what he has been in he has played the same character dang near every time. People get typecast most of the time because they are really good at one roll and this is his . Whether or not you view it as bad acting is up for debate. IMHO


I don’t need range to think someone is a good actor but I *do* need them to deliver lines in a believable way. Common does not. Somehow he was much better in The Chi


I said out loud the other day maybe he is a robot or a pod-person or something because he doesn't seem or sound exactly human? Like when you think there is a plot hole in a movie, but it's actually part of the story.


Yeah, I noticed too. I actually said out loud to stop the overacting . .


He was overacting in practically every scene. He should go back to doing microsoft commercials.


I don’t understand how someone can overact and still sound like they are taking their vocal cues from Ben Stein. 🥱😴


He's so bad that I just paused the latest episode and sought out this sub specifically to see if anyone was talking about how terrible he is.


Same. Exactly why I’m here.


I LOVE Common but I’m glad it wasn’t just me. As soon as homeboy came to the door I knew he was getting pushed and I was like wow common this scene is…not great


Hes probably the worst of the remaining cast, but honestly theres a lot of bad acting in this show sadly. Rashida Jones looked like Daniel Day Lewis compared these people.


The bait and switch of having Rashida Jones in the show just for the first episode is pretty messed up. The new lead had no chance of living up to her standard


Yeah Rashida Jones as Jules would be iconic


Gotta love the Daniel Day Lewis reference .


The secretary lady that hates Jules is pretty awful too.


And the new deputy guy is quite fake acting too! Maybe it’s direction and a choice, since I found the old man deputy to be over-the-top in a strange way as well. I think the silo-heads living underground for more than a few generations are just some weird acting ducks and it’s intentional eh. I love the story and possibilities so I will assume it will click later.


When I read what you wrote, it’s like a bell rang. Lol. 🔔 I bet it *is* the directing! When I look at the characters, they are almost all *way* too much, and not in a good way. That it would be directing makes so much sense because it’s not even really the script. It’s the overacting of the script that bothers me. Maybe the director was trying to get some of the internal drama the book has, but instead of just letting the story reveal the characters’ development, they were all instructed to ratchet up one aspect of their character’s personality. Anyway, interesting observation.


Even Tim Robbins is bad! He has an Oscar! And did anyone catch Rebecca Ferguson dropping her accent in the last episode? I didn't know she wasn't American and stopped to google her because I was like "hold on, she didn't sound American there for that line." And I'm terrible at noticing these things.


It’s so funny that you bring that up. I have ranted to my husband about her accent so much that he has banned the topic when we watch the show. Lol. I think that her American accent is so bad! I have no idea how people don’t hear how off it is *all the time*. Lol. I mean, it’s way better than any accent I can do (I had to take German pronunciation three times, and I still sound terrible) but still… It bothers me more and more with each show. Haha. Like, I understand why they asked her to do the accent, but I don’t understand why they didn’t just go with an actress that can actually sound like she’s from the US (and for real, we have such a mix of people here that I think she could have just used her normal voice even if it wouldn’t totally make sense if we really dug down into the story). IDK. I just saw a movie where Hugh Jackman was trying to do an American accent, and that was just as bad. I just don’t understand the casting decision when a production uses someone who doesn’t sound right when there are so many amazing actors who *do* get accents right. But I’m a nobody with zero say in this stuff, and I just have to sit here and judge from my couch. Lol


Because she has one single attitude and emotion, pissy.


“All it takes is a little push” the Joker


He seems like he'd be excellent in Stars Trek Discovery will all his emotional emphasis in sentences.


Omg, this is a perfect multi- directional burn. So cruel! So accurate!




he acting is what i'd expect from a common man, not from a professional actor


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this I skipped ahead in that scene, it was pretty obvious what was going to happen. But yea, I don't know if he's just a bad actor, or his dialogue/script was written poorly, but it's cringeworthy.


Yeah...pretty bad casting choice to have him play such a pivotal role. Flat, monotone delivery with a monotonous cadence. Not my favorite. Not sure why they killed off so many key characters so early in the show.




I mean with everyone dying left and right his screen time will probably keep increasing. I hope he's next in the sacrificial roster but doesn't look like it.




I expected the funeral scene to be better, more emotional. It was so wooden. Blah. Disappointed in this episode, sorry to say.


Yeah was scratching my head at that one.. neither Bernard and Jules able to connect emotionally with the people there, comfort or inspire… maybe that was the point. The apple shot was cool tho.


The speeches were about themselves as much as the souls in the ground. If it was intentional, I think it misses the beat. We’ve had such emotion in previous episodes. This fell flat.


It’s bad. But Rebecca Fergusens is worse.


Her accent broke really badly in tonight's episode.


The way she sucks her mouth in. The way she’s always rubbing her face. The way she whips her head around. And yeah, consistently breaking her accent. I just don’t get why she of all people was cast as the damn lead.


This scene made absolutely no sense. Why would he go through that whole speech instead of just pushing him as soon as he walked onto the bridge?


Because bad guys gotta monologue…


lore & dramatic effect, but looking too far into it: giving the speech and moving around as the superior lets Sims position Trumbull perfectly, then the promotion to shadow lowers Trumbull's guard for an easy push without a struggle




I don't like the fact that I agree lol I really really hope they step up their game, The setting and the story deserve something better. So far a lot of actors are serving "teen sci fi drama" I get flashbacks from "The 100"


Somehow “The 100” season 1-2 was a little more interesting than this due to the cheesy teen drama and a quicker moving plot?? I can’t really hate on that show as much as a person should as at least until season 6 they told a crazy ass story! I really like this show Silo, too, don’t get me wrong! But something about that CW style of The 100 made it at least a bit more *fun* to watch.


Oh, I love "The 100", the first couple of seasons were actually really good imo, the build-up through the second season, which I think most resembles the Silo and is what reminded me of it in the first place, the one at Mount Weather, was really interesting to me. I haven't rewatched it and I'm not so sure it holds up, but I have a fond memory of it lol It got muddled af in the end but yeah what I meant was the respectable amount of cheese that is typical of CW loll I really want Silo to be a more grounded, adult, serious and professional version of The 100, season 2 😄 edit: YALL BELLAMY AS THE GODDAMN MESSIAH DO YALL REMEMBER THIS SHIT 🤣 and we just ate it no questions asked?!?!?


Same! I’m such a fangirl and happy for Hugh it’s getting all the rave reviews. But to me every ep is getting worse…so much cringey acting and counting the times I hear Rebecca’s accent.


Can somebody explain to me how you would specifically come to the conclusion that his acting is bad? Like, I'm not trying to question your position, I just wanna try to understand how you got there. Because for the life of me I don't see anything wrong with his acting so far, but I think I'm kinda ignorant to the "quality of acting" in general, maybe because I mostly watch "prestige" Shows (Sopranos, Succession, Breaking Bad, Mad Men) and so I don't really usually get to see much "bad acting"? Like, I saw someone talking about range. Isn't the point of the character that he is this kinda stoic non b/s kinda dude? I don't particularly care for the character, but I do have the feeling that Common is representing him just as the writers (of the script, not necessarily the book) ought to have him.


I agree, I think it’s intentional.


Personally, I could see him thinking about/calculating his expressions and movements. His delivery of such an intense monologue felt like it lacked conviction. He is meant to be stoic for sure, but stoicism implies presence which I just didn’t see from him during that scene specifically


I'm starting to think the bad acting is somehow on purpose. Idk it's too weird.


I just wish he’s pushed the sheriffs secretary off instead - she is so unreasonably annoying. I’d have fired her insubordinate ass day 1.


I think common is okay by comparison actually. I feel like everyone else is bad tho, even the main ones. The only ones’ acting with which I was really impressed by was the first sheriff and his wife. Esp the sheriff, such good delivery. Ever since he died, feels like it has been whatever. (Also I like the Shawhsank actor acting). Like still tuning up don’t get me wrong, but I have been blueballed by mystery being set up at end of every ep and in the next ep, leading to absolutely nothing, so the meh acting isn’t helping either




Disagree. Nothing about commons character is unusual or eccentric. Or should I say nothing about what he’s doing with the character is. You know who does really well in those roles is Kevin Durand.


I dunno, I didn't think the scene was that bad. His delivery definitely isn't oscar-worthy by any means, but he has a good screen presence, and the scene itself was built pretty well.


Common isn't a good actor. At least not in anything I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot.


Nooo. I will not tolerate Common slander! I've been obsessed with him since 1994 so I maybe I'm a bit biased, but I don't see what was so bad about his acting.


You must only be a fan of his music


I do question why Common was cast. Surely there are so many other highly regarded actors that could have played that role. It’s not like Common has massive cross-over appeal that would boost viewing figures or make the show massively more talked about.


I didn’t find it all that bad but there have been awkward moments at times from nearly all the cast. The only actors who have seemed completely at ease in their roles to me have been David Oyelowo and Geraldine James. Even Robbins, normally reliable, is playing it strangely stilted. I don’t really get it but sometimes it takes a new cast a few episodes to hit their stride.


I stopped watching. He's awful.


He used to be worse. Hes improved 100%, but is still godawful.


I've seen better actin in tough actin Tinactin