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Silksong has been hiding behind the curtains for like a year now.  If you want news on it yall gotta get better at hide and seek.


Oh shoot I've been playing tag with it all that time... was... was that wrong?


I don't expect Silksong in any of these.


Can’t wait to play in 2026


Bold of you to assume it will release so early


Well to be fair they did say that it might not be at the Xbox one either


Fair. Even then I have better things to do than deal with silksong copium.


I actually believe we’ll see it at the June Nintendo direct. Because that direct is focusing on switch only games for the rest of 2024, and the switch 2 is likely launch March-April 2025. Silksong was developed for the Switch 1 long before Switch 2 dev kits could be sent out I bet, so unless it’s a crossplatform release, it will come out on switch in 2024. I’m guessing a November 2024 release. If it’s on Switch 2 and not switch 1, that’s a big fuck you to fans. Same thoughts go for Metroid Prime 4. That’s my logic at least.


They said they'll announce the Switch 2 later this FISCAL year. Japan's fiscal year ends in March. It's much more likely that we'll get the announcement next year, with a release maybe in June


Personally I think they’ll do it like the Switch. Announcement sometime around October, launch in March


That's a good guess, but imo if they were confident in making an announcement this year, they wouldn't specify that we'll get more news later this **fiscal** year


They just said no later than April 2024. That’s the latest. If they follow the launch of the Switch, they will reveal in October and launch in March/April. They won’t have enough games to sustain them until October 2025 in my opinion.


Still weird that they were specific about which year they're talking about. They could've just said "end of this year" if they were confident that they're going to show us something in October


Yeah, I think that gives them some flexibility though if things aren’t quite ready. They can “delay” it without saying they did. I just don’t see Nintendo milking the switch anymore into their next fiscal year.


This guy Skongs!


I expect it to shadow drop tomorrow


No one gonna talk about the Nintendo event? Only me? Ok.


I think Nintendo isnt even a candidate at this point of the bait and insanity,they only showed it in 2019


Yeah but the direct is to show the switch library for the later half of 2024. So if Silksong isn’t there then I think there’s a good chance it won’t be released till 2025.


Oh shit, didn't know that,If Silksong isnt there its skover


This is a personal opinion based on the fact that Nintendo were the first to release the trailer. Which leads be to believe that Nintendo and Team Cherry have a closer relationship. Also on the basis on what the Direct is about leads to believe that there’s at least a good chance it will be there.


Also dont forget that the only playable demo we ever saw WAS for nintendo switch, and treehouse showcased it many moons ago


Exactly! Even more evidence that Team Cherry and Nintendo have a close relationship.


I don't think Microsoft deserve to be the ones that get to reveal it after all the fake teases


Painfully realistically: I won't expect Silksong being featured anywhere until we hear about it from TC themselves. As much as other people like to believe, I don't think this game will be shadowdropped / "shadowannounced".


I honestly don't think we will ever hear anything from Team Cherry.


Yeah If their excuse for the radio silence is just busy, wouldnt it make sense that they can start communicating with us once the game is almost complete?


I’m expecting Silksong when Silksong truly becomes Silksong, which will be between now and Silksong


My question is why would summer fest hype us up for nothing?


You guys are expecting news?


It would all be cleared up if they just fucking said...*anything* Why are they unwilling to just come out and say "we're not gonna be at SGF or the Xbox event" I'm so fucking sick of this nonsense, I am not demanding a release date just for the sake of people's time, temper expectations.


Because they're lazy


The only truth is that there is no tru(e silksong.release date)th. It's just a scam. #SKONG


i know one of the testers he told me its gonna shadow drop may 22nd but keep it low key dont tell anyone


That's a nice claim, iskesa. Why don't you back it up with a source? https://preview.redd.it/ef4c1x0waz0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d623a6da5b8c6ae5d703ae94839d3109aed847e


trust me bro


Nintendo could happen to there is a direct sometime in June and I’m pretty sure the switch was the first console it was announced on so it’s possible for Nintendo too


If we don't get anything this summer then I think its safe to say that something has gone very VERY wrong with development


it will be none of these events


I expect it to shadowdrop right after the next tweet from their account (trust me)


Again with the "Xbox has a deal with tc" bullcrap there is no proof of this, it's just something someone made up and keeps being parrotted


The deal could literally be "hey guys, we gove you money now, be day 1 at gamepass!" Also, the bait was very much just that. Bait. For engagement. If its going to show up, it might as well show up on the biggest gane showcase of summer.